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The Earl's Wallflower Bride

Page 12

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  “I know what you mean. My father and those he associates with want to benefit financially from all discussions.”

  A silence fell between them for a few moments before he asked, “Is there anything you’d like to do?”

  She glanced around the room, not sure what he was getting at. She didn’t think they would consummate the marriage until that evening, but maybe sometimes couple did it well before sunset.

  “We could go for a walk,” he said. “Also, I have horses if you prefer going for a ride at Hyde Park. Or, if you don’t feel like going out, we could go to the drawing room or den.”

  Oh, so that was what he was getting at. She should have known he hadn’t meant they consummate the marriage. He had no interest in her that way. Yes, he was making an effort to get to know her, but that didn’t mean he desired her as she’d longed to be.

  Warren cleared his throat. “Since you have an interest in investments and business, I thought you might like to see some of the books in my den. Your father has a couple of the same ones, but I don’t think he has a few of the ones I do.”

  Despite her disappointment, her interest piqued at the thought he owned some books her father didn’t have. “Do you have the one by William McGregor on investment strategies?”

  “That’s his latest book, and yes, I do have it. Have you read it?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  “You can read it now if you want. I finished it last week. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.”

  “You would?”

  He smiled. “Of course. Now that I know how well you manage with investments, I’m intrigued to learn what your thoughts are on McGregor’s principles.”

  She had enjoyed such discussions with her father. Up to now, he’d been the only gentleman who would have such conversations with her. As much as she still wasn’t sure about Warren, it would be nice to be able to talk about her favorite topic.

  “I would like to see the book,” she admitted.

  His smile widened. “I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. Someone who can make a handsome profit off a jeweler’s work is bound to have some good insights.”

  “Let’s see if you think I have anything worthwhile to say before you pay me such compliments.”

  “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but you are the Duke of Hartwell’s daughter. I’d be surprised if I didn’t find what you have to say interesting.”

  “All right, but only on one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You continue being honest with me. I don’t want you to tell me you like my ideas if you don’t. I want a real conversation, one in which we can argue about a particular point. I want the kind of discussion I can have with my father. We treat each other fairly, but we don’t always agree.”

  “I think we’ve been doing a good job of being honest ever since we learned we were to be married. I see no reason things should change now.”

  “Good. If there’s one thing I don’t like, it’s being made to feel like a fool.”

  “I don’t think anyone likes feeling that way.”

  Then, before she could blink, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. The action was so sudden that she barely had time to register that it was happening.

  “While we’re telling the truth,” he began, “I wanted you to know you’re nice to look at.”

  She couldn’t be sure, but she thought a slight blush graced his cheeks.

  “Anyway,” he cleared his throat, “we should probably get out of our wedding attire so we can be more comfortable. I’ll meet you in the entryway and show you the den.”

  She wanted to reply, but her voice wouldn’t cooperate. All she could do was watch as he left the room. He’d said she was nice to look at. More than that, he’d kissed her. Her skin still tingled from where his lips had brushed her cheek. She wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  Her gaze went to the mirror above the vanity, and she studied her reflection. Her mother had been so insistent that she be as beautiful as possible for her wedding day. Was it possible the ploy worked? Did decorating one’s hair and putting on accessories like necklaces make so much of a difference? She couldn’t think of anything else that had changed.

  “You should put forth more effort into how you look,” her mother had often told her. “You could be a pretty lady if you’d only take the time to care about your looks.”

  “But that’s all superficial,” Iris had replied each time.

  “It might be superficial, but it’s what gentlemen will appreciate.”

  “The right gentleman will be interested in my mind.”

  “Yes, but he won’t get a chance to know your mind if he’s not lured in by your good looks first.”

  At the time, Iris had thought her mother was ridiculous. But maybe there was something to it. Maybe her mother had been right. If she had taken the time to pretty herself up sooner, would Warren have ignored her?

  That question was speculation, of course. It would never be answered. Perhaps it was better that way. She didn’t need to dwell on the past. Nothing could be done about it. However, it might not be a bad idea to make an effort in the future.

  Pondering how she might follow her mother’s suggestion in the future, she pulled the cord to summon her lady’s maid.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After dinner, Warren was reclining in his chair while Iris sat on the Grecian Couch, reading through the book aloud. They had started this before dinner but had both agreed they were enjoying the book enough to continue after they ate. And so, they went to his den to pick up where they had left off.

  He couldn’t recall a time when he’d ever had so much pleasure in a lady’s company. She’d stop reading from time to time to tell him what she thought of what McGregor had written, and he found her insights especially appealing. Had he any idea a lady was capable of such a deep and meaningful discussion on money and business, he would have looked for a wife sooner.

  At the moment, Iris happened to be reading a chapter on the benefits and downfalls of being conservative with investments. She stopped in mid-sentence to glance up at him.

  “Which approach do you take?” she asked. “Are you willing to risk more for the chance of a higher profit, or do you prefer to play it safe?”

  “I like it as safe as possible,” he replied. “Money is too easy to lose to take any chances.”

  Her eyes widened. “I’m surprised. I thought you were the type who liked to see if he could get as much of a return on his investments as possible.”

  Picking up his glass, he noted it was empty and rose to his feet. “I do like to receive as much back on my investment as I can.” He went to the decanter and poured the brandy into his glass until it was almost half full. “I just like to make sure I don’t lose any money.”

  “But how can you be sure you won’t lose anything? There are no guarantees.”

  “You’re right. There aren’t. But I like to hedge my bets into the safest position possible. That’s why I seek advice from gentlemen who know what they’re doing. Rushing into anything is a bad idea.”

  His half-brother rushed into things all the time. He’d even gotten himself into debt twice. Debt he’d expected Warren to pay off for him. Too late did Warren learn that doing so had only made Byron that much more dependent on him.

  But it was best if he didn’t think about his half-brother. No. Today, he wanted to spend his time learning more about this lady he’d just married. A lady, as it so happened, who was turning out to be so very different than he’d thought she was when he first met her. What a refreshing change it was to speak to a lady who had such intelligence.

  “Would you like more tea?” he offered, ready to summon the butler.

  “No, thank you. I still have some in my cup,” she replied, her gaze going back to the book in her lap.

  Warren put the cap back on the decanter. Instead of returning to his chair, he decided to sit next to her. He put the glass on the table beside him and t
urned toward her. “Tell me, do you take risks?” he asked before she could start reading again.

  “I do,” she replied, looking back at him.

  He could tell by her expression that he’d taken her off guard by choosing to sit next to her. But he was tired of sitting in the chair. He didn’t know if it was the brandy that had relaxed him, the fact that they were having a fun discussion, or if he couldn’t stop thinking she was lovely to look at. All he knew was that he had a strange compulsion to get closer to her.

  She cleared her throat. “While I take risks, I don’t risk anything I’m not willing to lose.”

  “How do you decide how much is enough to risk?”

  He was interested in hearing her answer. Really, he was. But as she answered his question, his mind started to wander. And it wandered in ways it never had before. He didn’t recall a time when he focused in so much on a lady’s physical appearance. Oh, he knew they were attractive. A gentleman would have to be blind not to appreciate their curves.

  But at this particular moment, he found himself especially intrigued with Iris’ subtle beauty. Her blonde tresses fell in gentle waves over her shoulder. Her brown eyes twinkled as she talked. Her lips curled up ever so slightly as she discussed what was probably one of her favorite topics.

  Despite his attempt to keep his gaze on her face, he found it going down to her breasts. They were covered. Well, for the most part. The design of the neckline did allow for a glimpse at her cleavage when she made a gesture with her hand or shifted in his direction. He was sure she wasn’t aware that her excitement for the topic made her do these actions even more.

  As silly as it seemed, the thought was now just occurring to him that they were married. He didn’t have to restrain himself around her. Funny how he’d never been tempted in this area before. Up to now, his biggest temptation was not taking on a high-risk venture even when Robert, Malcolm, and Anthony prompted him to.

  When he’d decided to get married, he hadn’t once given thought to how sexual desire would play into it. He just assumed it’d be like any other venture he went into. A simple transaction. Something to be done out of necessity. Sure, he knew it’d be pleasurable. He wasn’t so daft to believe it wouldn’t be.

  But it was just starting to occur to him that the process of having an heir didn’t have to be such a casual affair. It didn’t have to be something he did out of duty. Maybe, just maybe, it could be something he could do for enjoyment. Maybe it might also be something he could look forward to.

  He was already enjoying his time with Iris immensely. Far more than he ever thought he would, in fact. He wasn’t sure if she felt the same way. At one time, he suspected she had enjoyed his company. He just hoped he hadn’t ruined his chances with her. He hoped it wasn’t too late to change things for the better.

  “Warren?” Iris asked, drawing his attention back to her face.

  His face warmed. Did she realize he’d been staring at her breasts? Deciding it best if he not allow her to even mention the fact that he hadn’t been paying attention to what she’d been saying, he offered a smile and took the book from her. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m actually tired of talking about money.”

  “You are?” She looked disappointed. “Did I bore you?”

  “No, you didn’t bore me in the slightest,” he assured her. Noting the skeptical frown on her face, he added, “I’m telling you the truth. I’ve enjoyed your insights. I just thought it might be time to do something else.” He put the book on the table. “I would like to discuss more of it with you later. Right now, I’d rather focus on you.”

  He brought his hand up to the side of her face and brought her lips to his. She was soft and warm, and, more importantly, she responded to him. She didn’t push him away. That was a good sign. He wouldn’t have blamed her if she did.

  He’d given her plenty of reasons to refuse his advances. In fact, he hadn’t expected them to even do this much on their wedding night. But there was something about her that pulled him to her, and he found himself acting more boldly than he otherwise would have.

  His heartbeat picked up as he deepened the kiss. He didn’t dare confess he’d never kissed a lady before. Surely, all ladies expected their husbands to be experienced in this area. Iris probably assumed he knew what he was doing.

  Thankfully, she was a virgin, so she wouldn’t know any better. Now that he thought about it, he was greatly relieved the Duchess of Ashbourne had matched him with an untried lady. Maybe the duchess realized he wouldn’t be able to satisfy a lady in bed because of his formal and stuffy nature.

  In the back of his mind, he thought it’d be best to take this upstairs. The den, after all, was hardly a place where they should be doing this sort of thing. But an insistent part of him, the one fully erect and pressing against the constraints of his trousers, demanded he keep going.

  This part of him had never been so persistent before. Oh, he knew what it meant and where things were going. It was just that he’d never been so aroused in a lady’s presence. And if he was honest with himself, he would have to admit, while it definitely excited him, it also scared him. He was beginning to wish he’d done more research in this area. Perhaps he should have paid more attention when Lord Roderick had said Lord Edon’s book was worth reading, despite its graphic content.

  But it was too late to run out and grab a copy. He was here with Iris now, and there was no way his body was going to let him out of this room without consummating the marriage. Unless Iris didn’t want to do it.

  To make sure he had her permission, he ended the kiss and looked down at her. She opened her eyes, and he detected a question in the way her eyebrows furrowed. He struggled for a way to ask if he could continue, but words failed him. He was no good at this. He was sure a gentleman who was used to sleeping with ladies would know exactly what to say. But he didn’t. And because of that, he decided to gauge her willingness by lowering his head and giving her another kiss.

  She leaned into him and returned his kiss. Assured he had her permission, he proceeded forward with what he had started. He wrapped her in his arms and deepened the kiss. She, in turn, wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Good. That was very good. Now there was no question as to whether or not she was willing. She was. And that being the case, he became more assertive.

  He lowered one of his hands and traced her breast. He hesitated for a moment, just to make sure she wouldn’t push him away. Did ladies even like being touched this way? He liked touching her like this, but how could he be sure if she liked it?

  Again, there was no way he would ask. Gentlemen weren’t supposed to ask ladies these kinds of things. They were supposed to just know how to do them. These things were guided by instinct. Except, he had the same feeling he experienced whenever he embarked in an unfamiliar business venture. And that didn’t exactly give him a high boost of confidence.

  Even if he was a novice, he owed it to her to act as if he knew what he was doing. Keeping this in mind, he cupped her breast in his hand, gently squeezing it, noting how soft it was. The contact only served to arouse him more, and thankfully, this helped him overcome the bulk of his apprehension.

  His lips left hers, and he left a trail of kisses down her neck. From her neck, he descended further, glad her dress had a deep enough neckline so he could kiss the top of her breasts. She let out a soft moan, but, truth be told, he was too enraptured by kissing the space between her breasts to appreciate the fact that his efforts to please her were paying off.

  He lifted her breast and was happy to note he was able to see more of it. He gently lowered her neckline so he could see all of it and sharply inhaled. Not only did it feel wonderful in his palm, but it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  “You’re exquisite,” he whispered before he lowered his head and brushed her nipple with his tongue.

  The pink bud hardened in response, and she ran her fingers through his hair, effectively pulling him closer to her. He continued explori
ng her breast until the male part of him ached to the point where his trousers were much too restrictive.

  But before removing them, he brought his mouth back to hers, and this time he traced her lower lip with his tongue. She parted her lips for him, so he deepened the kiss, this time allowing his tongue to brush hers.

  He’d heard brief talk about this type of kissing at White’s, though he had quickly walked to another room, figuring he had no business knowing the details in other people’s love lives. But, he had to admit this type of kissing was far more intimate—and stimulating—than the other kind was. Oh, he had enjoyed that kind of kissing, too. There was no doubt about it. It just seemed this kind made him ache all the more to be inside her.

  Unable to take it anymore, he brought one of his hands to his trousers and unbuttoned them, relieved when the pressure holding his erection in place was finally gone. That was better. Now he could concentrate more on what was happening between them. More specifically, he could concentrate more on learning her body.

  He lifted the bottom of her dress then slid his hand under it, noting the flesh on flesh contact with her legs. She shifted and spread her legs, and he took the opportunity to bring his hand up higher. The soft fabric of her drawers hindered him from being able to feel more of her until he realized there was a slit in the fabric between her legs.

  Intrigued, his fingers slipped through the cut in the fabric. Warm, damp flesh greeted him, and upon further exploration, he noted the opening between her legs. Heart racing, he dipped a finger into her silken flesh and groaned. Oh, but she was heavenly. She leaned back on the couch, encouraging him to recline with her. She parted her legs further and lifted her hips, an action which drew him deeper into her.

  He brought in another finger. She was wet. He hadn’t expected it, but he surmised that if he was going to enter her, this made it easier. Still kissing him, she urged him on top of her. The last of his patience departed. He wanted nothing more than to be inside her. And he wanted it right now.


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