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The Hustler's Daughter {DC Bookdiva Publications}

Page 7

by Pinky Dior

  “Whenever you want Chino.” Mercedes stated as if she had it like that.

  “How about I take you out Saturday, if you don’t mind?


  “I’ll pick you up around 7:30?” He asked, but it was more like a demand.

  “That sounds good,” Mercedes smiled.

  “What’s your number Ma? So I can lock it in my jack.” Chino reached into his Pepe jeans and pulled out his Blackberry. Mercedes grabbed her Sidekick out of her purse and they exchanged numbers. She could feel piercing eyes on the back of her neck, but she didn’t care. She always got what she wanted; Chino was next on the to-do list.

  “Alright Ma, I’m ‘bout to meet back up with my boys. We gon’ head to the gym, they having some career shit in there.” Chino told her. “So check you later, aight.” Chino kissed her on the cheek.

  “Alright, see ya.” Mercedes replied shyly as she watched Chino walk away. She looked around the cafeteria and found her girls walking toward her. She was beaming inside and couldn’t wait until her party. Before she could even get her mouth open, her friends began grilling her.

  “Yo Cedes, please tell me you got Papi’s phone number?” Hazel questioned. Mercedes couldn’t even respond, her smile answered her question.

  “So did you?” Chamari added in.

  “You can tell she did, look at her cheesing from ear to ear.” Candy added.

  “Yeah, I did. Guess what? He’s coming to pick me up around 7:30 on Saturday.” Mercedes smiled.

  “Look at this bitch! He got her panties all wet.” Shateeya laughed. Mercedes snickered along with her.

  “Anyway let’s head to the gym, I heard they are having a career fair in there.” Mercedes informed the crew, and they headed to the gym. The girls walked around collecting information for different types of job openings and colleges. Mercedes told them she was going to the bathroom. When she emerged from the bathroom, India purposely gave her a hard bump to her shoulder.

  “What the fuck?” India yelled out. “You need to watch yourself.”

  “No bitch, you need to watch yourself. You bumped into me.” Mercedes responded.

  “I know you not talking to me.” India turned around and was now an inch away from Mercedes’ face.

  “I guess I am; you the only stupid bitch in here bumping into people.”

  “You know what, if you don’t get this girl outta my face.” India started yelling trying to get attention. She knew the look on Mercedes’ face meant that she was ready for whatever.

  “Bitch please! You just fucking hatin.” Mercedes smirked.

  “Hatin on what?” India laughed hysterically. “Chino don’t want you.”

  “Well he damn sure don’t want you.” Mercedes blurted out, but she wasn’t finished.

  “Oh yeah, we exchanged numbers earlier. Don’t you get it, he doesn’t want your silly ass? Come on, you playing yourself.”

  That comment pissed India off even more, and she moved in closer. Within a few seconds, her girls were standing behind her like they were about to jump Mercedes.

  “What the fuck, ya’ll bitches gon’ jump me?” Mercedes asked. “Come on, I’ll take you bitches one by one. Square the fuck up.” Mercedes may have looked like a pretty girl who only cared about how to dress, but her father taught her well. She feared no one. She pushed up her sleeves and was ready for anything India had planned.

  Candy and the other girls heard all of the commotion. They made their way over to the bathroom, where the arguing was coming from. They stood behind their girl wondering what the hell was going on. They knew India was the cause; she was always starting shit, but could never finish it.

  “What’s the problem?” Candy questioned. She could feel the high level of tension.

  “This stupid bitch just bumped into me on purpose. She don’t know me, I’ll fuck her up.” Mercedes yelled as her nose flared in anger.

  “Fuck that hoe!” Shateeya spat. “Don’t make me get my razor.” She carefully removed the razor from under her tongue and tried to pass it to Mercedes. India tried to jump at Mercedes as she turned towards Shateeya. Candy stood in between them trying to prevent them from fighting.

  At this point everyone had run over to see what was going on. Chino’s boy grabbed his shoulder and pointed out the situation to him. Chino couldn’t believe it; he immediately ran over and jumped in between them. He pushed India away.

  “Yo, what the fuck is your problem?” Chino yelled at India.

  “This stupid bitch right here.” India rolled her eyes at Mercedes with her arms folded across her breast.

  “You always starting shit, one day you gon’ get your ass whooped. Don’t come fucking crying to me when you do.” Chino spat as he turned around and looked at Mercedes. He apologized for India’s actions.

  “Nah it’s all good, it’s not your fault.” Mercedes breathed heavily. “We still on for Saturday?” Mercedes smirked. She looked over Chino’s shoulders making sure she was loud enough for India to hear.

  India wanted to push Chino out the way and strangle Mercedes, but she knew that Chino would never fuck with her again if she did. She managed to keep her cool for the moment.

  “Yeah, we still on.” Chino smiled as Mercedes looked at him and said,

  “Alright, call me.” She reached over and kissed him on the cheek.

  India was sweating bullets and her blood was boiling. Mercedes and her crew calmly walked out. They left the crowd speechless. India was already plotting revenge.


  Mercedes was telling her mother about this boy she met at school for the entire week. Maria wasn’t so sure if she wanted her daughter going out on a date with a boy; she wasn’t even sixteen yet. Her mother couldn’t say no to her. However, she told Mercedes that she would only be able to go if Don and Maria met him first. Mercedes reluctantly agreed. She secretly hoped that her father wouldn’t be home; he probably wouldn’t allow her to go.

  Mercedes went upstairs and took a long shower. When she got out, she wrapped up in a pink beach towel. As she dried herself off, her phone started ringing. The ring tone was “Smile” by Lloyd Banks; she knew instantly that it was her boo Chino. She emerged from her private bathroom and skipped across the floor. She grabbed her phone from her dresser and quickly answered.

  “Hello,” she answered the phone while trying to sound sexy.

  “Who you trying to sound all sexy for Ma?” Chino grinned. Mercedes covered her mouth, wondering how he knew. “Nah, I’m just fucking with you.” Chino chuckled. Mercedes was a tad bit embarrassed.

  “What you doing?” Chino questioned.

  “Nada, just got out the shower.”

  “Oh, word up.” Chino smirked with visions of a naked Mercedes running through his mind. “Well I was just calling to hear your sexy voice, but I’m gon’ let you go do your thing. See you in a bit Ma.”

  “Alright see ya.” Mercedes hung up the phone and pressed it against her chest. He gave her stomach butterflies. It was 5:30 PM; she had two hours to get ready. She rummaged around her closet looking for the perfect outfit. She eventually decided on an Apple Bottom pair of black skinny jeans, a black off the shoulder shirt with chain links hanging, and some black flats to match.

  Mercedes brushed her hair up into a high pony tail and curled the bottom of her ends. She combed down her baby hair to give her an exotic look. She put on her bamboo earrings, which spelled out her name.

  It was already 7:00 and Mercedes grew impatient as she waited downstairs for Chino to arrive. She decided to pour herself a glass of water. When she returned back to the living room, she noticed a car at the gate. The attendant called the house and Mercedes picked up the phone. “Yes…who? Chino…yes let him in.” Mercedes informed the attendant as she gulped down her water. She ran into the bathroom to take one last look in the mirror. She checked her hair and made sure it was intact. She applied her lip gloss and smacked her lips together as she disappeared into the foyer.

  “Mom, h
e’s here.” Mercedes yelled out to her mom from the foyer. Mercedes opened up the front door and noticed the blue L.E.D. lights from the gate. Chino was pulling up in a 2004 black Honda Accord coupe. It was dropped low, had no tint, and sitting on black and chrome 19” Racing Hart wheels. Chino got out of the car and clicked the car doors locked with his remote. He began walking up the stairs. He held two bouquets of red roses in his hand.

  “Hey, you look beautiful.” Chino greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, come in.” Mercedes closed the door behind him as he walked in. Chino looked at Mercedes in awe of how casual she looked, but still fly as ever.

  “These are for you Ma.” Chino said as he handed her the roses. “And the other ones are for your mother.” Chino added.

  “Aww, thank you.” Mercedes smiled. “You’re so sweet.”

  “No doubt Ma.” Chino winked. Mercedes blushed and eyed him up and down. He was looking really sexy tonight. His hair was neatly slicked back looking smooth and wavy. He had the whole Sean John attire going. He wore a brown SJ premier vest with a fresh white t-shirt under it. He rocked some dark grey jeans with seamed back pockets. To top it off he rocked some all brown and white Dunks.

  “Well you can sit down till my mom comes. I don’t know what she’s doing.” Mercedes sat down on the sofa and admired her roses.

  Maria came walking down the stairs with a big smile on her face. Her daughter looked extremely happy while talking to her male friend on the couch. Chino stood up and greeted Maria with a kiss on the cheek.

  “How are you doing?” Chino asked.

  “I’m fine and you, what’s your name?” Maria asked.

  “My name is Chanito.” He introduced himself. Chino extended his arm out and handed Maria the roses, “And these are for you.” Chino knew he had captured her heart.

  “Aww, that’s nice of you. Thanks,” Maria smiled as she held them in her hand. “So what time are you guys going to be back?”

  “Well the movie starts at 8:00, I will have her in here no later than eleven thirty.” Maria swallowed hard and thought 11:30 seemed to be pushing it. She liked Chino already and thought he was a sweet and respectful guy, so she let it slide.

  “Alright, you guys have fun and be safe.” Maria smiled.

  “Alright Ma, love you.” Mercedes kissed her mom on the cheek and headed for the front door.

  “It was nice meeting you Mrs. Carter.”

  “Please, call me Maria.” She told him as she waved from the door. As Mercedes stepped outside, she felt relieved that her mother didn’t talk too much. Chino respectfully opened the door and she slid into the leather seats. The car smelled like it was fresh off the showroom floor. Mercedes looked out the window and noticed Maria looking through the big windows in the living room. She shook her head at her mother. Chino started the car and pulled off; he circled around the path and zoomed down the smooth driveway. He put some music on as he drove, and Mercedes loved watching him shift gears.

  Mercedes and Chino arrived at the drive-in movie theater. She always wanted to come to one of these and was thrilled with his selection. The parking lot was packed; everyone was running around and having fun. Of course some people were making out in their cars, while others were actually fucking.

  He searched around for a parking spot. Finally they found one in the middle which gave them a perfect view of the huge screen. It was 7:45 and the previews were still on, so they decided to get something to drink. As Mercedes stepped out the car, the frigid air swiftly hit her face. She was freezing and folded her arms around her breasts. Chino walked around to her side.

  “What’s up Ma, you cold?” he asked.

  “Yes I am.” Mercedes chuckled. “I didn’t know if I would need a jacket, so I left it.” Mercedes explained. They stopped in their tracks as Chino went back to his car. He grabbed a Sean John jacket from the back seat and placed it over her shoulder.

  “Thank you.” Mercedes said as she removed a piece of hair that was flying in her face. He wrapped his arm around her neck as they walked to the food stand. Chino was happy that the line was short; he didn’t feel like waiting in a long line and the movie was about to start.

  He ordered a big bag of popcorn, two large Sprites and a box of chocolate covered peanuts. They headed back to the car and as Mercedes slipped into her seat, Chino passed her the popcorn and sodas to hold until he got settled.

  It was perfect timing, the movie was just starting. They were about to see Denzel Washington’s newest movie, Déjà Vu. Mercedes thought Chino must’ve read her mind; she really wanted to see this movie. She felt honored that he brought her with him and not India. Chino was gonna be her man, whether he knew it or not.

  “You like Denzel Washington?” Mercedes inquired as she began eating her popcorn.

  “Yeah he’s one of my favorite actors, that’s my nigga.” Chino smiled.

  “Yeah, he is a pretty good actor. I love Johnny Depp too.”

  “Let me guess because you think he look good.” Chino looked at Mercedes with the ‘don’t lie’ look. She couldn’t help herself, she erupted into laughter.

  “Yeah he is really handsome.” Mercedes admitted. “But you look way better.” Chino tried to hide his face, she had him blushing.

  “Are you blushing?” Mercedes asked. She was trying to get a look at his face. Chino turned to face her and was smiling from ear to ear.

  “Yeah you got me Ma.” Chino smirked with his Colgate smile. “You’re beautiful too. Actually, you’re beyond it. I’ve never met a girl like you.” He made Mercedes feel like a million dollars as he told her how beautiful she was.

  “Thank you.” Chino wasn’t the only one who was blushing. Mercedes’ cheeks were redder than a bowl of cherries, and her two pretty dimples were now exposed.

  Chino loved everything about Mercedes from her head to her toes, she was the complete package. He watched as she silently ate her popcorn and enjoyed the movie. Her big bamboo earrings brought out her petite face. Her lips were glistening under the moonlight and he desperately wanted to kiss her.

  “So what is it about me that you like?” Mercedes was eager to know.

  “I like your beautiful eyes, I like your style, I like your body, I like the way you talk, I like your hair, and I could go on and on. I like everything about you.” Chino caressed her chin.

  “I like you too Chino. I’ve liked you from the first day that I saw you. I was like DAMMMMMNNNN.” They both burst into laughter.

  They had a full blown conversation about the first few days of school. They talked about their lives and really got to know one another. The movie was almost over, but neither of them was paying attention.

  Chino gazed into her eyes and moved in for a kiss. Initially Mercedes was reluctant, but she soon puckered up. As their lips begin to lock, Mercedes realized that this was the first time she’d ever French-kissed a boy.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as they passionately kissed. Mercedes could feel her silk panties getting wet. They were interrupted by a loud knocking on Chino’s window. India was outside banging; she was fuming.

  Mercedes reclined in her seat and shook her head from side to side. She couldn’t believe this bitch was trying to cock block.

  “Excuse me Ma.” Chino opened up the door and she heard them arguing back and forth. She walked over to Mercedes’ window and grilled her; if looks could kill Mercedes would have been buried six feet deep. Mercedes didn’t know how much more she could take from India. She promised herself that one day she would give her a serious beat down. Chino got back into the car and rubbed his hands against his face.

  “Yo Ma, I truly apologize.” Chino sighed. “I just don’t know what the fuck is her problem. I cut her off and she still thinks that she own me or some shit.”

  “It’s cool.” Mercedes lied, as she looked out the window.

  “You ready to go home Ma?” Chino inquired. “I don’t want your mom’s bugging out on me.”

  “Yeah, I
’m ready.” Mercedes yawned as her eyelids suddenly were heavy. As Chino exited the parking lot, he looked over and noticed Mercedes had already fallen asleep. He smiled to himself and thought she looked just as beautiful while sleeping. When he pulled up to her house, he gently shook her to wake her. Mercedes’ eyes fluttered up and down and she finally sat up in the seat.

  “You had a good nap?” Chino laughed.

  “Whatever.” Mercedes smiled as she looked around and noticed that she was in front of her house. “Thank you Chino, I had a really good time.” Mercedes said as she reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “No doubt Ma.” Chino smiled as he watched her exit the car.

  “Night, Chino.”

  “Goodnight Ma.”

  Mercedes smiled as she sashayed to her door and unlocked it. The home was quiet and she knew her mom was asleep. Her father wasn’t home; one of his cars was missing from the driveway. Mercedes dragged herself up the stairs.

  As she got ready for bed, she received a text from Candy. She was too tired to get into all the details of her date. She told Candy she would call her and tell her everything in the morning. Mercedes didn’t even manage to take off her clothes; she fell face first onto her bed and quickly dozed off to sleep.

  October Breeze

  October had finally arrived. Besides being Mercedes birth month, it was also her favorite month of the year. It wasn’t too hot or cold, it was just right. The beautiful trees were a nice bright orange color and blew with the wind. The leaves fell freely from the trees and descended to the ground. She loved the beginning of autumn.

  There was one week left until Mercedes big birthday party. Everyone at school was amped and couldn’t wait. Mercedes became the most popular girl in school in a relatively short period of time. It was in part due to her style, her new boyfriend and her crew. Everyone clamored to be affiliated with her and her new crew. They called themselves “MOBB”, which stood for Most Official Bad Bitches. Mercedes, Candy, Hazel, Chamari and Shateeya were of course all bad in their own ways.


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