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Trondelaine Castle

Page 15

by April Lynn Kihlstrom

  “I know,” Wendy replied gently.

  Encouraged, he went on, “About Sylvia, of course, and Richard. But even more, in the last week or so, about you.” Wendy felt herself stiffening as he continued, hesitantly, “I gather you’ve abandoned your scheme, whatever it was, and I’m glad.” Wendy felt herself go pale, then flush as he said, “You wouldn’t have been happy with Richard, you know. You aren’t the sort to be content with a title and money, if there’s no love.”

  “How perceptive of you!” Wendy said sarcastically. “Are you sure you’re not just flattering me?”

  Obviously distressed, Tony answered, “Wendy, I know you’re upset. And you don’t like what I’m saying. But it’s true, you know. You may not realize it now, but you will eventually. Maybe in a year; maybe in ten years. And I don’t want you to be unhappy. I want you to think about what I have to say.”

  “Why?” Wendy broke in. “Why should you care? According to you I’m mercenary and hardhearted and even a thief.”

  For several moments, Tony was silent. Then he said quietly, “Yes, I do think you’re all of those things-now. But I don’t think that’s what you want to be. I think, that for whatever reason, you believe you haven’t a choice. But you do. Wendy, you could be such a lovely person if you only gave yourself a chance. You don’t need to be wealthy or have a title to be happy. Sometimes they even make it more difficult.”

  Goaded too far, Wendy shook her head. “Nope. It’s too late. I don’t think I want to change my personality. It’s fine the way it is.”

  Tony clenched the steering wheel. Flushing, he said, “Oh? They why did you leave Trondelaine?”

  Wendy sobered quickly. Somehow there no longer seemed to be any point in baiting Tony. “Because,” she said quietly, “Lord Richard asked me to marry him.”


  “He asked me to marry him,” Wendy repeated, evenly, “and I can’t. I don’t love him.”

  More gently now, Tony replied, “Wendy, I might believe Richard proposed something or other to you, and you turned him down for one reason or another. Maybe even because you didn’t love him. But I can’t imagine him proposing marriage to you.”

  “Why not? Because I’m American? Because of my `evil’ character? I’m sorry, Tony, but he did propose marriage. He seems to believe he loves me. Silly, isn’t it?” she finished sarcastically.

  Tony sighed. “No, he wouldn’t hold it against you that you were an American. It’s simply that Richard wouldn’t need to offer marriage. He would feel it wasn’t necessary in order to get what he wanted. And Richard never overpays.”

  “I see.”

  He glanced at her. “I say, I hope you’re not expecting him to come after you with an offer of marriage? He won’t, you know.” Wendy didn’t answer and, after a moment, Tony slapped the steering wheel. “Damn it, girl! I just don’t want to see you hurt. I don’t think you’re nearly as hard as you claim to be. You deserve a chance at happiness and you certainly shan’t find it with Richard.”

  Embarrassed, Wendy stared at Tony wordlessly. Finally, she said quietly, “I am trying to see things the way you do. And almost, almost I can. Thank you for caring, for wanting to help. And I’d hate to have you stop caring about other people. But you really ought to learn when it’s time to keep your nose out of other people’s affairs!” Her voice had risen as she spoke and Wendy was trembling slightly.

  Tony didn’t answer and the rest of the trip was made in silence. Even when he took her valises from the trunk of the car, Tony said nothing to Wendy. Mainly, he was asking himself why he cared so much what happened to her. Surely, he’d never see her again. Unless Richard… “Goodbye,” he finally managed to say. “Take care.”

  Wendy stared at him for a moment. “I shall. Goodbye, Tony.”

  She turned and quickly walked toward the door as Tony drove away.

  He circled for a while, aimlessly, before heading over to Sylvia’s townhouse. He had promised to visit her as soon as he returned to London. Better get it over with.

  “Tony, dear!” she exclaimed. “Come in! How are you? How is Richard? Is-is that woman still there?”

  He shook his head wearily. “No, I’ve just brought her back to London. Richard-I don’t know. All right, I guess. By the way, we found your bracelet, Syl.”

  She evaded his eyes. “You must be famished. Shall we have some tea and sandwiches?”

  “Yes, thank you, Syl. But aren’t you happy about the bracelet?”

  “Let’s talk about that after we’ve eaten,” she said. “I’ll be back in a moment, as soon as I’ve spoken with Pamela about the tea things.”

  Impatiently, Tony awaited her return. Sylvia was more than a moment, however, and she was accompa Hied by the maid carrying a tray. So he stayed quiet, waiting. Then Sylvia insisted on chattering about their mutual friends.

  Finally, when they were both leaning back, sipping tea, Sylvia said, “About the bracelet, Tony. I’m, well, very glad to have it back, of course. But it’s rather embarrassing being reminded of what a stupid thing I did. I gather Richard didn’t tell you his suspicions, so I’ll have to confess. Tony, the day we left, I was so angry I-I hid my bracelet in that young woman’s room. And left a note saying it was missing. You don’t have to say it, Tony! I know how bad it sounds. Worse, I’ve only now got round to confessing to Richard. But then, he was eager not to press charges against her anyway.”

  “I see.”

  “Truly? I think perhaps you do, Tony. Poor dear, I’ve been an endless amount of trouble to you. But at least you needn’t worry about Richard and me anymore. One thing this business has done is shocked me into realizing no man is worth such stupidity.”

  She paused, then added, “One of these days I shall have to apologize personally to Miss Pratt. In the meantime, I have been speaking with Margery. If she cares to, Miss Pratt will be quite welcome to visit the Hewitts. And anywhere else I have the entree.”

  “But-but you know nothing about her!” Tony protested. “I understand your desire to make amends, but you should know Richard considers her a gold digger.”

  She smiled wryly. “Richard has always been a bit of a fool about women, always either under - or overestimating them. But then, men usually do. Poor Tony, you’re half in love with her, I should say, and yet you are so suspicious. Why?”

  He looked away. “Because she as much as admitted everything.”


  “Most recently, on the ride back to London,” he replied unhappily.

  She laughed then, drawing an angry look from him. “No, Tony, I may have been jealous of Miss Pratt. I still am, a little. But, when I considered her realistically, I knew she was telling the truth when she said she had no designs on Richard. And women generally understand each other better than men. I know, I know. The confession. Hasn’t it occurred to you, my dear, that you can be remarkably exasperating at times? And that she may have been baiting you?”

  “Perhaps,” he said unwillingly.

  “Does it matter? No, you needn’t answer, Tony. You’re very much afraid of being hurt again, aren’t you? But I can reassure you about Miss-about Wendy. Richard called. Just a little while ago. He offered to marry her. This morning. And she refused him. Richard doesn’t want to accept that, but he’ll have to.,,

  Tony stared at her. “Syl, do you think-”

  She sighed. “That I don’t know.”

  He stood abruptly. “I’ll call you, Syl. I’ve got to go now. And thank you.”

  She smiled gently. “Good luck, Tony. Lord knows you deserve some!”

  He kissed her on the cheek and hurried out the door. An amazed butler caught it just in time to prevent the door from slamming.

  “Please, ma’am, I only want to speak to her for a few minutes.”

  “This is a respectable house, sir. I’ll not have men in the girls’ rooms. Besides, she particularly said she wanted no callers.”

  “But-oh, lord! All right. I shall simply have to camp on you
r doorstep until she comes in or out!”

  “Sir!” Scandalized, the woman slammed the door.

  In spite of himself, Tony grinned and sat down on the stoop to wait. A few minutes later, he saw her slowly walking toward the house, head bent. Before she could look up and perhaps turn away, he was standing in front of Wendy. As expected, she tried to escape, but he held her by the shoulders.

  “No, you’re going to listen. Then you can send me away if you want to. Wendy, I’ve been a jackass. There’s no avoiding that. But I love you. I don’t expect you to feel the same. Hell, I didn’t even mean to say that yet. I just meant to ask you to forgive me and let me see you. And I hoped that in time you might-you might begin to care about me.”

  He stopped, breathless, and Wendy protested, “But Tony! You think I’m a crook and a gold digger!”

  “Yes, you’re a very good actress,” he said sourly, “but I’ve spoken to Sylvia, who has, among other things, spoken with Richard. When I think of the way you’ve been baiting me these past few weeks-”

  There was a gleam in his eye and Wendy hastily stepped backward with a laugh. “Well, you were rather nasty, you know.”

  Poor Mrs. Aylses was shocked then, as she peered through the curtains at the brash young man who was kissing her tenant. Such a nice young lady, too. So why wasn’t she slapping his face?

  Tony looked down at Wendy suspiciously. “I have this odd notion my declaration of love was not so premature, after all.”

  Her head against his chest, Wendy smiled happily. “I’ve just been thinking the same thing myself.”




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