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The Dark Half of the Sun (The Young Ancients: Timon)

Page 27

by P. S. Power

  She also was wearing a nice dress of cream colored lace that he was nearly positive was real. Her breasts were bound in some way that pushed them almost out of the top of her outfit. The skin there was unwrinkled he noticed, but only in passing, not letting himself stare. That would be rude and other people were watching.

  "So, you have a discreet service?"

  "At times. Unless told otherwise."

  She squeezed his upper arm a little, after sliding her hand over his shoulder, nearly petting him.

  "I might have some use for that kind of thing myself. I hope we can do business soon?" She was clearly flirting with him, on the surface at least. Under that she was sending a message. To him, he was almost certain. She wanted his help on something. It was important to her.

  The surprising thing was that the whole room wasn't getting that from her body language.

  He stared at her for a bit, making eye contact and noticing that her eyes were a nice blue color, with just a hint of green. She wore a lot of make-up, trying to hide the wrinkles on her face and neck, but not so much she looked like a clown or other performer.

  "I'll be out of the city for at least a day, starting tomorrow. A trip to Austra, then Vagus. Are you planning to go to the wedding of Lyn Red and Dorgal Sorvee in a few weeks?" It was an offhand question and it was clear that no one around them knew who that was, or had gotten an invitation yet. He nodded, since that only made sense.

  "She's the Ancient of Vagus, Dorgal is of the Sorvee merchant house. Not too highly placed there, or at least he wasn't. Lyn is also a fantastic builder and has her own group of mages training. It's what they call builders over there. Wonderful woman. I'll try to get you an invitation. It's going to be a rather large event. People from all around the world are coming."

  That was the literal truth, since Lyn, was and a few others might just show up too. Brown should be asked for instance. Maybe Kincaid. It seemed to him like it would be good practice for her role as Karina at least. Mentioning all that started a bit of a storm, as people started to come over and suggest that they might need his services soon as well. Most didn't have access to instant communications magics, but they did, he pointed out, have the Two Bends Fast Delivery Service in most places now. That could get him messages almost anywhere.

  "Or if it's a real emergency if you contact the closest Count or Countess they can be in touch with me instantly." It made sense to him, but not everyone was on good terms with their local leadership it seemed. That wasn't really his problem and it wasn't like only he could get a person around or anything, even going overseas was possible, on ships or even the slower air transports.

  The meal was good, and complicated, a lot of people around him trying to speak between the courses, most either trying to get him to help them go someplace that night or get a price break on an extended vacation. That part he was actually willing to do and let them know that if they'd put word in he'd set up some tours.

  "I'd talk to Prince Alphonse about that, or Princess Karina. I think that we're doing a tour of all the lands in a few months. There's also a trip to Soam in a few weeks, for anyone not busy with work here. For that one I believe a person would want to see Countess Ward." Because he wasn't going to be around to write anything down. Not for a few days.

  After the meal was done people lingered for a while, sipping at amber wine and chatting about several things, including the new war in the north. No one had anything new to go over, and he didn't add to it. They didn't know anything and weren't clients yet, so they didn't need his heads up about what they might be flying into.

  There was a rustle at a door that led into a back room, the one that most of the Royal family had escaped into, except Karina. Varley was nowhere to be seen, nor was her Count Peterson, which meant that the Princess was trying to hold the conversation together alone, at least until a loud voiced man summoned her. Him too.

  No one stopped talking as they left, the redhead looking over her shoulder and waving to him, taking his hand as they walked through the artfully carved door frame. It was the same color as the wall, a cherry wood polished to gleaming.

  She smiled slightly at him and winked, "so, ready for an instant engagement?"

  At least it was a kind of playing he could do something about, already holding her hand. He squeezed it gently, but meaningfully. Letting it linger a little as her eyes opened a bit wider.

  "Oh, sure. But are you? Beside this isn't about that, I'm willing to bet."

  She smiled, but didn't let go of his hand, meaning they walked into the space that way, the door being closed by a purple and black liveried guard behind them. Then walking as if they'd planned it, they went to stand before the King and Queen, who were on a dark leather sofa, Alphonse, Hardgrove and Count Lairdgren in different soft chairs. Two were brought out for them, both hard wood, which was glaring in its meaning. They were there to work and not be comfortable. Raising his eyebrows he glanced at his grandfather and slowly let go of the Princess's hand, waiting for her to sit first. That was the polite way to do it after all. Then, without the King having a chance to order him to sit, or allowing it in a way that would mean about the same thing, he sank into the one meant for him. It was a little high, but not so much he had to jump up or anything awkward like that.

  The King spoke first, which only made sense. It was his palace and kingdom after all. His meeting too.

  "Thank you for attending us. Karina, you remember what I told you about Kyle Hardgrove?" There was a look, directed at the bearded man that seemed a lot younger now.

  Karina nodded, but didn't say anything about it at all. That was probably smart, since Timon wasn't supposed to know that yet. Probably not ever. The Queen spoke next her voice a little cool and dry for some reason.

  "It seems that young Timon here caught him out and not only proclaimed him a spy, but our kingdom's spy master. Count Lairdgren has sworn that he didn't use field reading, as a builder might, and you were seen to have sent a letter with him the other day. Surely you can see how this might look suspicious." Her eyes rested on the Princess, and she didn't seem calm or serene about it at all. The girl made a face and shook her head.

  "It wasn't that." Maddeningly she didn't go on. That could mean a lot of things. The most likely was that she'd been gently mocking him with her offer and didn't want everyone else to know about it. Or she might be serious, and embarrassed. He really was a bit too young to be courting after all. It was one thing for him to be going after her or Sara, something that adults would find kind of cute even. It might well be more difficult for her to justify trying to set something up that couldn't happen for years. Or she might just be a little shy. Tim hadn't seen that yet, but people often acted differently around their parents. Siblings too.

  Timon glanced around the room and held out his right hand, which got everyone to stare for a few moments, until Prince Alphonse stood and walked over, the sigil on the Truth amulet glowing pink. He activated it and handed it over, looking slightly amused by the scene. Probably meaning he knew what the letter had actually said.

  "Dean Hardgrove supplied all the information to me himself, through a hundred tiny signs, a few of them very glaring. It had nothing to do with Princess Karina, and only a tiny bit with things I'd heard others say over the years. Most recently the King." Then with a sigh he recounted them all again. Lairdgren eventually starting to nod along.

  "That would be enough. It can be easy to forget that young people are often far more capable than the adults around them in some ways. He's a new type of person too. I doubt he can get past a Truth device yet however." There was a close look and a slight tickle all over his body that he nearly missed. That had to be that field reading the Queen had mentioned.

  Timon stared at him, his mind going suddenly clear then. It wasn't on purpose, but the man sat back, smiling a bit for some reason. His body language was strange. Like Tor's. Muted and confused compared to everyone else. The King was trying to hide what he felt, but it wasn't perfect at all. L
ittle muscles in his face twitched, leaving fleeting clues as to what he was thinking.

  The Count, his grandfather, didn't do that at all. Even when he smiled it seemed a controlled thing.

  "Very good then. Well, I guess that you're in on the secret. Please don't share this with everyone. It makes it much harder to keep that way. Really, I'm not overly fond of the information being in as many minds as it is right now." For some reason he stared at the Prince, who raised his eyebrows and then looked away, smiling.

  There was a sudden clapping from the King, just once, but a resonating thing that called them all to attention. It was a bit rude, but Tim decided not to call him on it. The whole King thing being a bit intimidating.

  "That's done then. Timon, you were in Breen today? What did you see there?"

  "There's only light combat, the forces seeming bored and tense. Count Breen had to move in place with too little food. It doesn't make sense from what information I have, for Holder to attack. That could mean a lot of things, but..." He stopped and looked around the room. "I don't know who knows what or what's allowed to be known."

  King Richard stood and walked to him, setting a giant hand on his shoulder, the fingers wrapping over onto his upper back. The man leaned in close as everyone else pretended not to be listening.

  "What topic?" The whisper was soft, but would still carry if they weren't careful.

  He hesitated, trying to think of a way to answer that wouldn't stir things up if anyone didn't know what might be happening.

  "The... One possibly related to the project I've been undertaking." The one with Petra, but he didn't say that our loud.

  Standing the Monarch smiled and returned to his seat, "the matter of treason and possible rebellion? Everyone here knows of it and the room is decently secured. Please speak freely."

  Looking around Tim let himself try to sound older and reasonably competent.

  "The most likely thing seems to be a distraction from whatever is really planned. Most events as large as an attack take time and have visible signs first. Long term disagreements flaming into something greater over the course of months or years, at least from what I learned in school. This just came in a few weeks' time. Now we suddenly are all focused in that direction, but nothing much is happening. Even as four counties' troops march into place, which is a force overwhelming to what Holder has there. If they want to fight and win, they need to try it now. I limited that ability a bit, by hiring the Morgan goods transport people to carry the supply wagons into place. The funds for this are coming out of my own pocket. We could use regular shipments and visits for information gathering, though that isn't my concern. I'm just in business with Dan Breen now, so it makes sense that I'd help him as I could."

  That got the others to all look slightly shocked, except Karina who took his hand again.

  "Brilliant. Good deniability for us, while setting up potential entry points into the area that won't raise too much suspicion. We can't move on the area with the King's Army, not being asked yet, and now we shouldn't have to. I agree, this has the feeling of a trap. The problem is that it could be sprung anywhere, and whoever is doing it would have to know where we're the most vulnerable or they wouldn't have picked now." She gave his hand a quick pulse and then let go.

  Timon kind of agreed.

  "Unless I'm just seeing things that aren't there. The information isn't solid at all. It's my best guess for right now, but it might change later, if I learn more."

  He yawned and covered his mouth a little late, "sorry, long day. Long tomorrow. Due in Austra and have to do some shopping first. Taking Mark Morgan with me as a slave. He took my Fast Craft without asking for a little trip. Then he crashed it when he was coming back and damaged my painting. Set off a combat rage then too. So, you know, not a perfect day."

  That got everyone in the room to sit up, except Lairdgren who just nodded and tilted his head, which he followed by a shrug.

  "You controlled it however? If not I take it you either wouldn't be mentioning it at all, or would have lead with the deaths of the Morgan family."

  "Yes. I figure he must be pretty bored, being locked up there. Should be safe enough to take to Austra. I might leave him there. Get him a job in a restaurant. They don't have the rage there, so it's a good place for him to have a job at least. Better for him than here." He left off the part where he might get rid of him and no one suggested it at all.

  The Queen looked concerned at least, "is that safe for you? If he becomes frightened or anxious, he might set off another attack."

  No one was denying that it was his ability that had caused it, Timon noticed. Smiling he spread his hands and looked the woman right in the eyes.

  "I'll drop us both in the ocean if it starts to happen, but it won't. He can't control his power, but his emotions are something he can master. I don't know why he hasn't had training for that. The King has, so I know that you know it can work." He changed his look to the ruler, who bowed a little, still sitting.

  "A good point. Perhaps you should suggest it to him? I learned at school, but a good tutor should do as well." Then without notice he paused and went silent for nearly a minute, no one speaking at all. His unfocused eyes spoke of some kind of introspection, the pupil dilation could mean a trance.

  What he was considering didn't get spoken out loud at all. Instead he waved to everyone with his fingers slightly spread a gesture that was contrived and yet totally clear, it was an invitation to leave.

  "I need Burks, Kyle and Timon please. If the rest of you would cover at table for us. I think that I'll be out in a moment."

  There were no funny looks at all, not even from the Queen. Karina touched his arm gently as she stood. It wasn't so much flirting as being companionable. Alphonse smirked anyway.

  "Hey, remember that you can't go around seducing anyone for at least two years." No threats came with it, and he seemed to be making a joke, except that his look was a little concerned too for some reason. From the body language that was for his sister, not Timon. It was the appropriate thing for him to do, as her brother, so there was that. Then by Two Bends rules it would have been alright for the Prince to suggest he not even look at her, if he thought the contact was too much.

  "Oh, hey! I told everyone that you two are the ones to go to in order to book their world tours. I'm thinking two or three months from now. Before Noram day. Just warning you in case you get asked. You can work out where we're going first. I'll take you to visit soon, so you can set that up first hand." He was mainly teasing, but the King smiled.

  "Taking them to Austra? That's a bit daring. Do you think it's safe yet?"

  He let his head bob a bit, but after a second turned it into a nod, "yes. It won't be perfect for a long time, but if we can show that we're serious when we say that we're friends it can't hurt."

  He intended to leave it at that. If they were allowed to go in a year or two that would be good enough, most likely. They left, their mother looking worried for them, putting a hand on each of their backs protectively, ushering them away from the threat of Timon's bad ideas. It got him to smile as he watched it. Being Queen didn't mean she wasn't a mother first, did it? For some reason that impressed him. Before he'd been left with a slightly cold feeling toward the woman. She hadn't been mean to him at all, there was just something going on there he didn't understand. It left him feeling uneasy.

  Once the door was just King Richard stood his voice going slightly firm, almost angry. He didn't look at anyone in particular at least.

  "We need to find out what's going on. Timon, do you think you could arrange with Brown to take in two more borders? I can only hope that Varley will be safe with her Count. At least they've been staying on at the Flyers base. Three thousand well armed military men adds to the deterrent slightly. I..." He glanced at Hardgrove, who looked bland, and then Lairdgren, who had raised a single eyebrow.

  "Is that the secret location you hid Miss Ward? In Austra with my brother? Brilliant. No one would think to
look there and if they did, I doubt they'd manage to get in. Not unless Timon took them." His eyes were hard then, as if that was a real possibility.

  Feeling a bit snippy he stared at the Count and didn't break eye contact for nearly half a minute.

  "Oh? Well, one member of the Assassins Guild already, but I have a line on them now. I made him promise to give me a chance to buy any of my friends out of a contract if they take one. I intend to use Tor's gold for it, if that's needed. What do you think grandfather. I mean, since obviously the Sorvees all work for you. I don't want to go behind your back or anything."

  That got everyone to freeze, even Lairdgren, if only for a few moments. Then he smiled.

  "Very good. I wondered if anyone would ever figure that one out. They're my special branch of operations. I've been running them for over a thousand years, in one form or another. I learned a long time ago that kingdoms can't always run on laws alone, so rather than have our Kings and Princesses doing it themselves, I created a force that would act with restraint and then worked to give them anonymity. The Guild is a myth to most people. It's a good part of what's kept this land together for the last thousand years." Then he shrugged, as if everyone else in the room already knew that. "How did you figure it out?"

  He considered telling him the truth... and then did anyway, not having a reason not to.

  "Honestly? I don't trust you, and you've been around for thousands of years. As far as I've heard, you always have the ear of the throne too. Acting behind the scenes. Of course they're yours. Just like the secret elite forces of the King belong to Tor, no matter who he claims is in charge of them. You're both the same person, or were, until a few months ago. The interesting thing here is that both of these men know that you're the true ruler of Noram and always have been. But you don't. You can't, not in more than an abstract way, can you?"


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