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Giving Chase

Page 17

by Dane, Lauren

  “Good lord, honey! You must have been baking all day yesterday!” Matt kissed her cheek as he took some of the goodies from her arms. She followed him into the dining room and put the food down.

  “No big deal, I had yesterday off.”

  He hugged her and grabbed her arm. “You ready? Come on through, the family’s in the living room and they’re all dying to meet you.”

  Taking a fortifying breath she nodded and let him lead her through the door. Immediately, she was greeted by the din of a family at holiday. There was a football game on and plenty of arguing about politics and sports. The noise stopped totally as they noticed she’d walked in.

  Kyle jumped up and came over and kissed her cheeks and put his arm around her and introduced her to his grandparents who took to her right away.

  “Is that Maggie?” Polly called from the kitchen.

  “Yeah, Momma!” Shane called back.

  Maggie stood up. “Oh for goodness sake, Shane, don’t bellow at your mother.” She looked down at their grandparents. “I’ll just go in and say hello to Polly. I’ll be back in a few minutes, I’m enjoying getting to know you.”

  Kyle walked with her down the hall to the kitchen. Polly was inside with her sister Georgette and lit up when she saw her. “Hi, honey! I’m glad you’re here. This is my sister, Georgette.”

  A tall woman in purple stretch pants and a gold metallic sweater stepped from around the refrigerator and enfolded her into a bear hug. Maggie tried not to panic as her face got trapped between two enormous breasts.

  “My goodness but you’re a bitty thing! Just adorable. I’m glad to meet a woman who can take another Chase man off the bachelor market. You should have seen Edward when he first met Polly. He was the stuff around these parts, he and his brother. All the women of Petal wanted Edward Chase and he had his share of most of them. Until Polly let her hair grow and she suddenly got breasts.”

  Kyle looked as if he wanted the earth to swallow him whole but his aunt kept on with the story and Maggie struggled not to laugh.

  “Oh my goodness, when we walked into the grange for a dance, lordy he fell apart. Tripped over his feet to get to her. From that night there was no other woman in Petal that could get his eye again.”

  Maggie smiled, thinking about what a looker Polly must have been at twenty years old. Polly smiled back at her. “Oh, honey, they may take forever to fall, but when they do, it’s hard and it’s forever.”

  Kyle rolled his eyes discreetly and Maggie pinched him. “Okay, Momma, I’m in the room.”

  Polly reached up and patted his cheek. “I know, darlin’. Honey, your uncle and your daddy are out back, chipping balls. Get them in here please. It’s time to eat.”

  Kyle nodded and went out the door looking relieved to escape.

  “He’s so cute when you’re around.” Polly’s smile was bright.

  “He’s always cute, Polly. You and Edward sure do make gorgeous boys.”

  “Yes, we did, didn’t we? Now, let’s get this food out there!”

  Maggie sat in between Marc and Kyle and the constant carping between the two of them made her laugh. Marc was a shameless, but totally harmless, flirt and he did it partly just to needle Kyle. Finally, Polly leaned over and rapped Marc across the knuckles with her fork and told him to stop harassing his brother and Maggie laughed even harder.

  The family was so wonderful and welcoming, she felt like she’d never truly even had a holiday dinner before. She helped clear up the dishes but then the men took over, sending the women out to sit and drink coffee and brandy.

  “Ah…this is the life,” Polly said, kicking off her spike heeled shoes and wriggling her toes. “Too bad they don’t do this more often. Maggie, darlin’, you must raise my grandsons to do the dishes. I came from a different generation, it wasn’t done very often. I admit I spoiled them a bit.”

  “Just a bit,” Maggie said dryly. “It is mighty difficult to not want to take care of Kyle. Luckily, he can cook and his condo is quite clean. As for grandchildren, well, let’s just take this one step at a time.”

  Georgette laughed. “You’re the sacrificial lamb, sugar. The first real woman who’s caught a Chase boy this generation. Just think about how much easier it will be for the next three after she’s broken you in.”

  Polly threw her sister a dirty look. “Don’t you go scaring this little peach away! She’s the best thing that ever happened to Kyle. Have you ever seen him so, I don’t know, happy? Calm, satisfied looking? No, this little girl, she’s so wonderful that Kyle’s brothers can now see just how worthwhile love truly is. Not a sacrificial anything, an angel.”

  Maggie snorted. She wouldn’t think Maggie was so angelic if she knew why her son looked so satisfied lately.

  The doorbell rang and Polly started to put her shoes back on and groaned. Maggie put a staying hand on her knee and stood up. “I’ll get it, just put those feet up.”

  She walked into the foyer and opened the door, only to come face to face with none other than Lyndsay Cole and her bimbo partner in crime, Stefanie Peterson. Maggie stared at them. “Yes?”

  “We brought some pie by.”

  “That so?”

  “We did it to be neighborly of course. We’re very close to the Chase family, you know,” Stefanie snapped.

  “Oh really? Funny, no one’s ever mentioned you.”

  “Lyndsay is close to the Chase family, or at least one of them in particular.”

  Maggie snorted and nearly jumped out of her skin when Polly came into the hallway, in her bare stocking feet. She turned and gestured to Lyndsay and Stefanie. “Apparently, they wanted to be neighborly and bring over a pie.”

  “Why would we want their pie when yours were so good?” Polly said with a smile that slid into a glare when she turned her gaze at Stefanie and Lyndsay. “Cut the crap, girls. What are you really doing here?”

  “Hello, Mrs. Chase. How are you today? Momma just had an extra pie and wanted me to bring it over,” Lyndsay cooed. Maggie had to admire the girl’s steel for not quailing in the face of Polly’s scorn.

  Polly took the pie, looked at it and handed it back. She just stared at Lyndsay for some moments before speaking. “You say your momma made that pie?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “She working over at Kroger’s bakery these days?” Polly jerked her head, indicating the Kroger’s stamp on the bottom of the pie tin.

  Lyndsay’s face colored and then she brightened. Kyle walked into the hall and approached, putting an arm around his mother and Maggie. “What’s going on here?”

  “Apparently, Kyle, Lyndsay’s momma is working at Kroger’s bakery now and wanted her to bring over a pie. Also, Stefanie thought she’d come by as well, to be neighborly and all,” Maggie said sounding quite dangerous.

  Polly, hearing a tone similar to her own in Maggie smiled in her own dangerous way. “Apparently, honey, she forgot to wear a bra, too.”

  Maggie burst out laughing and Kyle smiled down at his mother and then looked at Lyndsay—from the neck up, he wasn’t a fool. “You two need to go on home. My family is having a nice day and I don’t want you to ruin it.”

  “She’s not your family,” Lyndsay said.

  “Of course she is. You see, family is about more than genetics. It’s about love,” Polly said, taking Maggie’s hand.

  “And I love Maggie very much, as does the rest of my family,” Kyle added.

  “Yeah, well she’s a home wrecker! You’ll see! She doesn’t deserve you!” Lyndsay spat out venomously.

  “Go home, Lyndsay. You’re embarrassing yourself. Kyle. Isn’t. Interested.” Maggie sounded bored but still looked dangerous.

  “How do you know that? If he’s not interested, where was he last night?” Lyndsay tossed that out with a smirk.

  Maggie met that with a smug smirk of her own and leaned in close to the other woman. “With me. All night. Where he is every night. Believe me when I tell you he’d have been too tired to go anywhere else.�

  Kyle chuckled. “Very true, sugar.”

  “You broke up your own parents’ marriage!” She looked around Maggie to Polly, who’d moved back a bit to lean against the doorjamb. “On top of that, do you know, Mrs. Chase, that she went out with Shane and dumped him to go out with Kyle? Kyle and I were in a relationship before she came along and wrecked it.”

  Kyle burst out laughing. “A what? I shared an ice cream cone with you. I kissed you a few times. That’s not a relationship. As for the Wrights’ marriage, the blame for that mess of a family lies at the feet of Cecelia and Tom. Lastly, I’d be pretty flattered if Maggie here dumped Shane for me but that’s not what happened, not that it’s any of your business. Now, Maggie is right, you’re embarrassing yourself, go home and leave us alone.”

  Maggie waggled her fingers at them and Kyle slammed the door in their faces.

  “You’re perfect for this family, Maggie.” Polly chuckled and walked into the living room.

  “I’m really sorry about Lyndsay, sugar. Honestly, I never even took the girl out. I don’t know what her deal is.”

  Maggie pulled him to her by the waist of his chinos. “Her deal is that you’re the sexiest, most handsome man around and she lost her chance and can’t deal. Too bad, ‘cause I’m not letting you get away.”

  “Good.” He kissed her quickly before anyone could come out.

  ™ ™ ™

  By the time Christmas approached, Maggie had pretty much moved into Kyle’s condo. Her house meant a lot to her but also held a lot of ugly childhood memories. The less time there, the easier it was to deal with the fact that her mother had pretty much never wanted her. She’d bought the place, thinking if she’d made it hers, she could finally put the memories in perspective. But she realized now she had to jettison that house and move forward, making new memories and accepting her childhood for what it was.

  Thankfully, she slowly built a relationship with her father. They had dinner every once in a while and spoke on the phone often.

  She’d become a regular in the Chase household. They treated her like one of their own and she truly felt like it. Winter had brought a bit of a lull in Kyle’s business and Maggie was off school for winter break so they had a lot time to spend together.

  Kyle woke up one morning about two weeks before Christmas in a hyper mood. “Let’s go and get a tree today,” he begged. Maggie had decorated the condo but they’d held back on a tree until they both had the time off.

  She stretched and pulled him back down to her. “Convince me.”

  “Gladly,” he murmured and with a grin, disappeared beneath the covers.

  “Oh, yes, that’s the way to convince a girl of just about anything.”

  He chuckled as his mouth descended and sent shivers over her flesh.

  ™ ™ ™

  They went to the Christmas tree farm and chose a nice noble fir for the living room. She made mulled cider while he put the tree up and got it watered. Afterward, they decorated it with ornaments of their own and a few they’d bought together.

  When they finished, they sat on the couch together and watched the lights on the tree, drinking the cider. “This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” Maggie said with a satisfied sigh.

  “Me too, Red.” He loved the way they were building a life together. Loved to watch her in his kitchen—their kitchen. Loved to see her shampoo in the bathroom. Loved the way that her side of the bed smelled of oranges. He’d always thought having a relationship would be another person taking up his life, taking away space from him. Instead she added to his life, made it bigger, brighter.

  “I need to finish my shopping. I’m not quite done. I’m going to meet Dee at three and we’re actually going to brave the mall in Crawford. I’ll meet you at your parents’ for dinner tonight.”

  He nodded and kissed her as she got up to leave. “I told Daddy that I’d help with the tree in the side yard. Not that he’s old or anything but I don’t want him up in a ladder with a saw. Shall I take the presents in the hall closet over with me?”

  They were going to have Christmas at the Chase household. They’d spend Christmas Eve there with the rest of the family and then open presents the next day. Her father was even going to come over for the gift exchange. He and Edward had become fast friends since Tom was using Edward’s firm to represent him in the divorce with Cecelia.

  She hugged him and bit his ear gently. “Thanks, hon, I’d appreciate that.”

  ™ ™ ™

  Kyle and Matt worked in the yard, dealing with the tree together and laughing. Kyle felt so relaxed. More than he’d ever felt. He’d always had a good relationship with his family but having Maggie in his life made him feel settled in a way he’d never imagined.

  “You pick up the ring yet?” Matt asked as they put away the tools in the shed out back.

  Kyle had decided to ask Maggie to marry him on Christmas Day. He’d have the ring wrapped up and waiting for her under the tree. “Yep. It’s in Mom’s jewelry box. She’s going to wrap it and put it in a larger box. I wrote out the card for the inside already.”

  “I can’t believe you’re going to ask someone to marry you. Not that Maggie isn’t great—she really is and the two of you give me hope that someday I’ll meet someone who I fall that hard for. But still, this is big, Kyle. Forever and ever big.”

  “She’s my whole life, Matt,” Kyle answered simply.

  From his spot across the road and behind a hedge, Alex ground his teeth. Of course the bastard was laughing, he’d stolen Maggie right from under Alex’s nose. This should have been his Christmas with Maggie. It was their tree that should have been decorated and presents piled beneath.

  Instead, all he had was an empty house and his memories of their time together. But that was about to change.

  ™ ™ ™

  Dee and Maggie had a great time shopping despite the horrible crowds at the mall just two weeks before Christmas. Maggie bought a beautiful watch for Kyle and the engraving was finished so she picked that up first. Dee bought some sexy silk boxers for Arthur and Maggie got the last item on her list for Kyle, the new golf club he’d been drooling over. She had everything wrapped and drove over to the Chase’s for dinner.

  “Hello all!” she called out as she let herself in with the packages she’d purchased that day. She put them under the gigantic tree in the formal living room and saw that the mound of presents had mutated and wondered what it would look like by Christmas day when everyone in the family had added theirs. She smiled when she saw that Polly had knitted her a stocking and it was hanging next to Kyle’s over the fireplace. A rush of warmth stole over her, she felt like she truly belonged. She had a place for the first time in her life.

  “Hi, baby,” Kyle said as he came into the room.

  “Mmmm. What did I do to deserve that?” she asked dreamily after he’d kissed her thoroughly.

  “You simply exist, Red. There’s plenty more where that came from after we get home.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Did you buy me lots and lots of presents?” He grinned, looking around her at the boxes she’d just put under the tree.

  “You’re bad, Kyle Chase. Spoiled rotten bad.” She laughed. “By the way, speaking of always getting what you want—I must have bumped into a dozen women who all pretended to care about me in order to ask about you. Checking on your availability.” She snorted.

  “I’m taken. Too bad for them. They’ll have to deal with it.”

  She sure did. Kyle knew it’d been a hard thing to deal with how women looked at him every time they were out but she’d done it. He showed her every day how much he loved her and wanted her and her only. She was finally in a place where she felt secure. That made him proud. And glad she knew she could always trust his commitment to her.

  “Maggie, honey? Did I hear you come in?” Polly called out as she came around the corner.

  “Hey, Mom, what’s happening?” Maggie asked, getting up to hug her.

  Polly shot her son a huge
grin. Kyle knew it tickled her to no end that Maggie had started calling her mom. She was also over the moon about Kyle’s plans to ask Maggie to marry him. Edward had asked Polly to marry him on Christmas Day. In fact, several Chase and Landry marriages started with a Christmas Day proposal.

  Polly told them of the complicated chess game of organization of who slept where on Christmas Eve and Maggie volunteered her air mattress and trundle bed to help. She also offered to sleep in separate rooms from Kyle but he vetoed it and Polly refused, saying she was just fine with them in together. Polly wanted them both there together to celebrate her first Christmas with them.

  It would be a stretch, but everyone would fit somehow and it would be lovely to share the morning together.

  ™ ™ ™

  On Christmas Eve morning, Maggie woke up and stretched. Taking her time, she looked at the long naked lines of Kyle’s body with a lazy smile. He was all hers. She got up quietly to run down and turn on the coffee maker before coming back up to shower.

  “Hey, I think you missed a spot,” Kyle said, stepping into the shower stall behind her. He took the sponge from her and soaped her back and down over the curves of her ass. He licked the cinnamon freckles of her shoulders and up her neck to her ear. He brought the sponge around and abraded her nipples with it, while tonguing her ear. Her eyes closed and she leaned back into him.

  In her life she’d never felt so cherished and loved. His hands on her, his words in her ear wrapped around her heart. To belong to someone like Kyle had just never entered her imagination. Being loved like that was the finest gift life had ever granted her.

  Rinsing herself off, she moved him around into the spray so she could do a bit of pampering herself. Stepping on the edge of the tub so she could reach him well, she washed his hair, gently massaging his scalp as she did. He held an arm wrapped around her waist to keep her steady. Afterwards she scrubbed his back and legs and everything in between. And the in between seemed quite pleased with the attention.


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