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Dalton: Contemporary Western Romance (New Horizon Ranch: Mule Hollow Book 5)

Page 3

by Debra Clopton

  Turning away, he headed toward the exit.

  Rae Anne was just finishing feeding Grace when the nurse poked her head in the door.

  “You have visitors if you’re up to it.”

  Visitors. Who? Rae Anne didn’t know anyone from around here other than Dalton and Norma Sue and Roy Don. That was it. Maybe they’d come to check on her.

  “Sure,” she said, sitting up a little more.

  “I’ll let them know.”

  Rae Anne had just enough time to wonder again who they were when the door opened and four women about her age walked in. One was dark headed and dressed in jeans, boots and a bright blue cotton shirt that brought out the color of her eyes. She strode, rather than walked and there was a confidence about her…like she could take on anything. It was obvious she was a cowgirl. The other one, tall and willowy, had long cinnamon colored hair and wore a soft mint green dress with sparkly sandals. And the third woman was small with hair that was a deep auburn with golden highlights sparkling in the morning sunlight from the hospital window. She wore white jeans with a gauzy top. The last woman into the room also wore blue jeans tucked into fancy boots with red tops.

  “Hey there,” the dark headed cowgirl said. “I’m Maddie Rose Masterson. I’m one of Dalton’s partners and he told us about what you went through last night. We wanted to come by and introduce ourselves and see if there was anything we could do for you and your little family.”

  “I’m Sadie Masterson,” the willowy one offered. “I’m married to Rafe, one of the partners who just happens to be Maddie’s husband's twin. We’ll give you a test later to see if you can remember all of our names.” She smiled and tucked a strand of her long cinnamon colored hair behind her ear.

  Rae Anne chuckled. “Okay,” she said.

  The short one with the beautiful deep auburn hair smiled. “And I’m Amber, also married to a partner.”

  “And I’m Mia. Soon to be married to a partner. “We’re so thankful Dalton showed up when he did. That area is dangerous, they’ve warned me about it and now I know it’s true.”

  Rae Anne’s heart was about to pound out of her ribcage as everyone introduced themselves. Dalton had sent them. That was about the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her–other than save her from a raging flood. That would never be topped. How could she ever repay him for that? A lump formed in her throat and she looked down at her sleeping baby girl.

  Oh dear God…she was almost overwhelmed every time she thought about what could have happened. Between overactive hormones of a new mother and the traumatic events leading up to the birth she was a mess.

  She blinked hard and focused on the women Dalton had sent. “It’s so nice of all of you to come. I don’t know what to say. But, please excuse me if I tear up. I’m a little emotional.”

  Maddie grinned. “We are a bit overwhelmin’. And don’t you worry if you feel the need to bawl you go on and do it. We understand.”

  “True,” Amber said. “We do understand. We were wondering if you were just passing through or were you coming here to live?”

  “Or to visit someone?” Maddie interjected.

  “We, a…” Sadie broke in, “…want to make sure you have a place to go when you and the baby leave the hospital.”

  “That’s right.” Mia smiled at her. “We want to offer you a place at the ranch if you don’t have a place to stay.”

  “But…” Rae Anne was shocked speechless as she stared at the four smiling women. “No, I mean, I couldn’t–but thank you. How awfully nice. Really.” Truly. “I have a place rented. The address is in my purse. I was on the road where the house is when I ran into the water.”

  “You were?” Maddie asked. “Where would that be? I’m trying to think of any vacant properties…”

  Rae Anne’s stomach twisted as she reminded herself that she had nothing to fear from these four women. “I don’t remember the address, I’ll have to try and get it out of my car if it’s not sunk downriver somewhere. But, they call it the old Overton place I think.”

  Everyone looked back at her with blank looks on their faces and then Maddie’s eyes sparked. “Wait, I think that’s what I remember someone calling that deserted place across the road from the ranch.”

  Sadie cocked her head slightly as her expression turned to puzzlement. “But, Maddie, there’s nothing on that place but a—”

  “Who rented this place to you?” Maddie said cutting off Sadie.

  “I…er, knew the owner. Mr. Overton. He rented it to me.” He hadn’t exactly rented the house to her but rather told her to use it for as long as she needed to because he would never need it again. She wasn’t one who normally took handouts from people but she was desperate and old Mr. Overton knew this. She’d not told the sweet old man anything about her personal nightmare but he’d known something wasn’t right in her life. He’d picked up on a lot of stuff without her having to tell him. People in the nursing home weren’t always the sharpest of minds but Mr. Overton had his moments of pure, sharp clarity. She’d refused at first to admit anything or to accept his offer.

  But she’d finally been desperate enough to accept it. She even had a note he’d given her to use as an agreement if anyone should ask.

  Now, seeing the expression on Maddie and Sadie’s faces, unease filled her. “Is something wrong?” She rocked Grace gently–as much to soothe her own nerves as to comfort the sweet angel in her arms.

  “It’s a little rough.” Maddie looked as if she hated to tell her this news.

  “Oh, I’m sure I can clean it up in no time.”

  Maddie and Sadie glanced at each other. And then Maddie smiled sweetly. “I hate to break it to you but, Rae Anne, the house across the street from the ranch might not be livable. Our ranch has been leasing the land for a while and we run cattle over there. It’s a long term lease made by CC, our former boss, and the owner of that property. But, the house hasn’t been lived in for years.”

  Rae Anne’s heart sank looking at her visitors. Had she come all this way for nothing? She fought for positive. “I’m sure it will be fine. Nothing a little soap and water can’t clean up. Mr. Overton assured me the last time he checked it that it was in great shape.”

  Mia stepped up. “I haven’t seen the place, but what if we go over there after we leave here and we check it out for you?”

  “Check what out?” Dalton asked coming into the room.

  Rae Anne’s stomach clenched at the site of the rugged cowboy standing in the doorway. He was as good looking as she’d remembered from the day before. She hadn’t imagined it and it was something she was determined to ignore.

  “My rental,” she said, not liking the way her gaze was drawn to his. Yes she owed him for saving her and her babies but that did not in any way, shape or form mean she owed him anything other than gratitude. She was not interested in a man. Not a good, bad or amazing one.

  “She’s renting the Overton place.”

  “The Overton place?” Dalton looked momentarily confused as he looked at Maddie.

  Rae Anne didn’t miss that something passed between the two and that look caused a new unease inside of her. Something was wrong.

  Dalton gave her a somewhat reassuring look. “We’ll be neighbors. The nurse says you’re about to be released. I was able to get your car towed to the ranch this morning. And I stopped by the store on the way in and a clerk helped me buy a car seat for a baby, since I noticed you didn’t have one inside your car.”

  “You bought me a car seat?” Shock at his thoughtfulness rocked through her. Who was this man?

  Maddie grinned. “Dalton that was quick thinking.” Maddie looked at her. “If you haven’t already figured it out, Dalton here thinks fast on his feet which comes in handy on a ranch.”

  “The nurse told me before I left last night that in order to get Grace home she’d have to have a seat. So I got you one. Now, if you want me to, I can give you a ride. Or if you’d rather ride with the ladies I’m sure they’d give you a
ride too.”

  Rae Anne felt more overwhelmed by the whole situation. She wanted to tell him no thanks that she’d get her own ride but he’d been so very helpful. And in truth she couldn’t allow herself to believe all men were jerks just because she seemed to have the worst luck where they were concerned.

  “Thank you. I’ll ride with you. You’ve gone to so much trouble that I hate to burden you more but I’m in no position to stand on my own at the moment.”

  The women started talking at once.

  “That will work out perfectly. We’ll go on now, ahead of y’all and gather up a few things and meet you at your place.”

  “Yes,” Sadie agreed. “Don’t worry about anything–we’ll have the house ready in no time for you and your babies.”

  “I’m excited,” Amber added. “I know you probably hoped to get settled in before Grace was born but sometimes life throws a curve and when it does it’s always good to have friends to count on.”

  Maddie touched her arm. “And that’s where we come in. You don’t need to worry about anything, we’ve got this. Oh, and I almost forgot,” she held out a duffel bag. “I packed a few loose fitting clothes in here. Dalton said your suitcase was in the car so I got to thinking you might need clothes.”

  “I do. That was so thoughtful.”

  Maddie winked. “Glad we could help.”

  That overwhelmed feeling crushed down on Rae Anne again. She had grown so used to fending for herself this last year that this was all nearly too much to take in. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Nothing. Now, take care of her, Dalton,” Maddie said, and winked at her then they all headed out of the room and left her and Dalton alone.

  But before either of them could say anything the doctor came into the room. He smiled at Dalton and held out his hand. “Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl.”

  Rae Anne bit back a gasp. Shock registered on Dalton's face and then he quickly masked that shock with smile.

  “I agree she’s beautiful. But I’m not the father. I’m…a friend. A neighbor. I’m here to give them a ride to their home.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Not missing a beat the doctor smiled at Rae Anne. “Looks like you have good neighbors.”

  “Yes, the best,” she said. And it was true.

  After the doctor left the nurse came in and helped her while Dalton went to get the truck. When she and Grace were ready the nurse rolled them downstairs in a wheelchair to the entrance where Dalton waited beside his truck. He had the back door opened and she could see the baby carrier. Her throat tightened and the scalding heat of tears burned the back of her eyes and throat.

  What would she have done without this man?

  Chapter Five

  Dalton had been shocked when Maddie had said Rae Anne was renting the Overton place. The house sat off the road surrounded by pastures that would have gone to ruin like the house if they weren't leasing it for their cattle to graze on. Part of the long term lease was that they also kept the fences up and the barns–but the house wasn’t included in the lease that CC and the owner had written up all those years ago. He’d often looked at that house and felt a shadow of sadness for the waste of it. He wondered if the owner was ever going to reclaim the land. The ranch had a long standing first option in place for if the owner ever wanted to sell. So far nothing had been accepted. And now, to learn that Rae Anne and her children were supposed to move into it really threw him a curve ball.

  It really wasn’t his place to just come out and tell her that there was no way in…the world that he could let them do it. It was what he wanted to say though and he kept reminding himself on the hour long drive from the hospital in Ranger back toward Mule Hollow that this wasn’t his responsibility. Rae Anne might not appreciate him butting into her business any more than he already had.

  They talked about the storm and about her car and he told her a little about the ranch as they drove through the country. He told her that her car was in pretty good shape, all things considered and that it shouldn’t take too much work to get it dried out.

  “That would be unbelievably wonderful,” she said. “I’m really going to need my car.”

  He liked her voice, the soft, huskiness of it. “I’ll start on it tomorrow.”

  “I honestly do not know what I would have done without you. And now you’re going to work on my car. I’ll have to repay you somehow.”

  He glanced from the road to her. “There’s no need for that.”

  Stubborn light came into her eyes, like he’d seen yesterday when she’d gotten out of that car while in labor and had started toward high land. “I will find some way to repay you. Even if it's dinner if nothing else.”

  Focusing back on the road he tried not to think about how she made him feel. Dinner with her sounded…perfect. But not gonna happen.

  Silence fell between them for the next several miles. “You’ll want to stop in and see the Overton place. You should see it first, before you show it to Joey. You know access the place up close.”

  “So, is it really that bad?”

  “Truth is I hadn’t been any closer than the fifty yards to the place in the time I’ve been at the ranch. I’ve tended to the cattle and the fences but haven’t ever driven across the cattle guard into the actual fenced off yard.”

  “Then I’ll take your suggestion. Joey’s been through enough without me adding any more stress to his little life. Not that at three he’ll even realize the situation isn’t perfect. Knowing him he’d think it was an adventure to move into a disaster.”

  Dalton grinned at that and shot her a glance. “I can see him doing that.”A few more miles down the road the entrance to the New Horizon Ranch came into view. He still had moments that he couldn’t believe CC had left part of ranch to him.

  “Wow, that’s a beautiful place.” She studied the impressive stone and steel entrance. “That says New Horizon Ranch. This is the ranch you’re part owner of?” Green pastures dotted with huge oak trees and dark cattle stretched out before them. The house could be seen just over the rise.

  “That’s it. CC Calvert didn’t believe in building anything that wasn’t a showplace. And this was his showplace.”

  “You can say that again. I’m speechless and I’m seeing it from a distance.”

  He hated to tell her, but speechless was coming in a few moments when she saw her house. He slowed and turned down the plain gravel road that signaled the entrance to the Overton place.

  “The Overton house is just over the hill. Rae Anne, I think you need to be prepared for disappointment. Like we said, it’s been vacant for years.”

  “It’ll work out,” she said and focused on the view in front of them. He drove over the hill and there it sat. A tan house with shutters that were falling off and knee deep grass. They did send their man over with the tractor every once in a while to keep the grass cut down since the cattle couldn’t get over the cattle guard to graze it.

  “Oh goodness,” she gasped. Her mouth fell open in shock.

  Despite reminding himself again that this was none of his business he couldn’t help himself. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. It does look bad. But, I’ve never been inside. Maybe it’s better than it looks.”

  She clamped her mouth shut then nodded like a jackhammer. “Right. Right,” she repeated and glanced at him with determination in her eyes. “As long as there are no holes in the roof or the floor then anything can be fixed. I mean, if you really look at, and think cut grass, fixed shutters it’s cute.”

  He wasn’t so sure he was seeing what she was seeing but he wasn’t about to disagree. Not when he had a feeling she was hanging on by her fingernails.

  What looked like uncertainty filled her eyes and Dalton got the feeling that she had no idea exactly how scared she looked in that moment. “We’ll get it figured out,” he offered.

  What was her story?

  The question went round in his thoughts like a revolving door.

  Why was she her
e thinking she could move into this dump? As if wondering the same thing her gaze shifted from him to the sleeping newborn in the backseat. She stared at her child for a long moment then her jaw set and she stared from him to the house.

  “You were right. I’m glad we came before we picked up Joey. I need to go inside and see what it looks like.” She took a deep breath…her shoulders slumped. And she dropped her forehead to her hand. “I may have really messed up.”

  He gripped the steering wheel hard to keep from reaching out and laying an encouraging hand on her shoulder.

  She looked at him before he could say anything. “You probably think I’m some kind of total mess up. And believe me I am beginning to think the same thing. But I have two little kids that are counting on me so I have to salvage this.”

  “And you will.” This time he did touch her. Gently squeezed her thin shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go look.”

  “I may have to go to a hotel for a few days–until, I’m able to get around a little better.”

  She’d just had a baby. There was no way she was going to get this house ready even if it was move in ready. She needed help.

  “Let’s go inside, do a quick assessment so we know what it looks like. Then we’ll go pick up Joey and I’m taking you to the ranch tonight. There is plenty of room so don’t even think about going to a hotel. No use even thinking about arguing because Mule Hollow doesn’t have a hotel.”


  “No buts- have pity on me. The gals would have my hide if I didn’t take care of you tonight.” It was all true.

  “You have already taken care of me far more than anyone should expect of you. But okay,” she said, with an I-give-up hint of a laugh. “I wouldn’t want you to lose your hide.”

  That urge to touch her hit him again like a sucker punch from a hard left hook.

  Rae Anne wasn’t in a position to say anything except thank you. She reached for the door handle, suddenly needing to get out of the confines of the truck. The way she was drawn to everything about Dalton Borne was getting out of hand.


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