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Dalton: Contemporary Western Romance (New Horizon Ranch: Mule Hollow Book 5)

Page 9

by Debra Clopton

  “Oh very lucky. I’m still not able to think about it and not get emotional.” She fought off the lump that suddenly clogged her throat. “Dalton was an answer to my prayers.”

  It was so very true. God had heard her pleas. She just hoped He was still listening and that she was worrying about Reese for nothing.

  “Well, I just wanted to welcome you and let you know if you ever need anything me and my deputies are at your service.”

  This was her opportunity to tell him.

  To do as she’d told Dalton she would do and let the sheriff know she was afraid trouble might follow her to this tiny town. “Thank you. I’ll remember that,” she said. She couldn’t tell him.

  Because she was hopping with all her heart that she never had to ask him for help.

  Chapter Twelve


  “What?” Dalton asked, glancing at Treb.

  Treb’s lip hitched into a half grin. “Don’t shoot the messenger. I’ve called your name three times. You were deep in thought. I recon she must have been real interesting to have caught your attention like that.”

  “And how do you know I was thinking about a woman?”

  Treb chuckled and hung a wrist over his saddle horn. “Believe me it was pretty obvious. I’ve seen many a Marine with that look on their face while reading a message from home.”

  Dalton frowned. He didn’t want to discuss Rae Anne with anyone. He had her on his mind though and there was no getting away from her. That kiss…man, that kiss had tore him up. It was all he could think about. Brief but powerful in a way that dug deeper than anything he’d ever felt.

  It had shaken him and startled him that she had two babies by different fathers and one of them was a convicted drug dealer. That was so off the mark from what he’d have ever thought she was going to tell him last night. How on earth had a woman like Rae Anne fallen for those guys? Especially a creep like her ex? It just didn’t make sense to him.

  No, there was no way he could tell Treb or even any of his partners about her problems, that was her business. It was her story to tell or not tell. But the fact that she’d chosen to tell him meant a lot.

  “Yeah, I can’t imagine how hard it must be for all the service men to be away from their loved ones.”

  Treb looked thoughtful for a moment. “It was hard, but you do what you have to do.”

  Dalton didn’t miss the shadow that crossed his expression and he wondered what Treb’s story was. He knew that before he’d joined the Marines that he’d been on the rodeo circuit and highly ranked in the standings. But that’s all Dalton knew. That and he liked and respected him. Treb had been a hard worker from the moment he’d shown up and signed on with them. New Horizon Ranch was benefiting from a cowboy of his caliber working on the ranch.

  As if on cue Treb pointed to a heifer. “I was just going to ask if you noticed that heifer has an ulcer on its leg?”

  Dalton glanced toward the small heifer Treb was pointing at. “No, I didn’t see that.” He hated to admit that he’d been that lost in thought. It was a bad sore.

  “Want me to pull it out of the group?”

  “Yeah, do that and we’ll take a closer look.”

  “Will do.” Treb eased his horse into the crowding herd so that he could cut the heifer from the rest.

  Dalton watched him work. He’d told them he’d been raised on a ranch and it was obvious. Yanking his thoughts back to his work Dalton urged his horse forward and drove the cattle toward the pens.

  He’d been a cowboy since the day he’d been born. His dad had him in the saddle riding with him before he was one. He’d been riding in the saddle alone by the time he was three and working cattle with the men by the age of five. For an active kid like him it had been a great thing. He loved this life, his passion and after the wreck it had saved his life.

  Now it was all he had.

  All he’d ever let himself have. And he’d made it. Until last night.

  Until he’d kissed Rae Anne. Until he’d realized that he could have strong feelings for her and her children.

  Dalton reigned up on his horse bringing it to a halt and stared at the cattle moving along in front of him. He’d never felt what he felt when he’d kissed her, when he held her. But if he was any kind of man he’d stop thinking about her, about the kiss. He’d stop thinking about a life and the possibility of a future with her. And her family.

  He didn’t deserve a family of his own.

  They didn’t need him for anything other than to make sure they were safe. And that was something he planned to make certain of.

  He’d do everything in his power to make certain that her ex wasn’t going to harm her.

  Tomorrow he’d talk to Brady and find out what kind of rights the drug dealer had. He was fairly certain he had none but if he was angry enough at Rae Anne for testifying against him then there was no telling what he might do.

  Suddenly Dalton couldn’t stop thinking about it. He turned his horse and urged him into to a lope. “Hey, Treb,” he called as he passed him. “I’ve got to get back. You alright here?”

  “I’m fine. I’ve got this,” Treb called, but Dalton was already urging his horse into a gallop.

  He needed to find out where the thug was. Hopefully she was right and no one knew where to find her. That would at least give them some time.

  By the time she got home from the morning outing to Mule Hollow it was lunch time. Rae Anne got the babies fed and then rocked Grace to sleep while Joey played cars on the floor. He was chattering up a storm about the two older men playing checkers at the diner. They had been fairly funny while they sat there at the front window playing. Joey had loved watching them and giggled several times when they teased him.

  After Grace fell asleep she lay her in the crib then read a story to Joey and put him down for a nap. Immediately she went to the phone and called the nursing home and asked her friend Desi to let her talk to Mr. Overton.

  “Rae Anne he’s not really feeling good today. He’s been laying down all day.”

  He was amazing for his age but he did have bad days where he just seemed to run out of steam and he didn’t seem to remember as well as other days.

  “Where did you disappear too anyway?” Desi asked.

  The question put Rae Anne in a hard spot. She didn’t want to lie to her friend but she also wasn’t willing to tell even a friend where she was. It was just too risky. “I just had to leave town. Listen could you tell Mr. O that I called to check on him. Tell him we’re doing good and I’ll call again soon.”

  “I don’t know why you’re so secretive but I’ll tell him.” There was no mistaking that Desi was aggravated.

  “Thanks, Desi. I owe you. That’s just all I can say right now. Okay?”

  “Fine. I know you have your reasons. If you need me I’m here. Have you had your baby yet?”

  Feeling so very torn, Rae Anne had to tell the truth. “I had her the day I left. She’s doing great though.”

  “Are you kidding me!” Desi exclaimed making Rae Anne feel all the more like she’d been careless. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m good. I really am. Look, Desi, I have to go but I’m telling the truth, everything is fine. I promise.”

  “Fine. But you running away like that wasn’t normal. I know something is going on.”

  “Desi, has anyone come by looking for me?” There she’d asked.

  “No, but I have a feeling you’re about to tell me there might be someone doing just that.”

  “Maybe. And the thing is, I really don’t need him to know where I’ve gone. It’s easier if you don’t know anything. Okay?”

  “Fine. But if you think for one minute that I’d tell someone something you don’t want them to know then you’re wrong.”

  “It’s not that, I don’t think that at all. This is just the way it needs to be.”

  “Alright then, but girl, you keep safe and call when you can.”

  “I will.” Rae Anne said goodby
e and set her phone down on the table. She walked over to the kitchen window and stared out at the pastures. Bending her head she prayed that God would make all her worries be for nothing. That Reese would have other things besides her to worry about and that they’d be safe here.

  A knock on the front door caused her to jump.

  She walked through the house and glanced out the window beside the front door. Dalton and Sheriff Brady stood on the porch.


  She fumbled to get the door opened, her fingers suddenly not working right. Her mouth went dry and the pit of her stomach felt hollowed out. “Hi,” she said, breathless as her nerves frazzled within her. “Is something wrong?”

  Dalton’s expression was tense. “I brought Brady out to talk to you.”

  Brady removed his hat. “Dalton explained what was going on with your ex-husband and I thought it would be a good idea to talk.” The sheriff looked about as strong and capable as any law enforcement officer she’d ever seen. But that was beside the point as she glared at Dalton.

  “You told him. Dalton, this is my business—” she started to say, trying to control her anger. He had no right to tell the sheriff about this. Even if he had rescued her and her family from those floodwaters he’d overstepped the boundaries.

  Unfazed by her anger he said, “You’re going to want to hear what he has to say. Can you come out here?”

  She crossed her arms and struggled to compose herself as she stepped out onto the porch, glancing back to make certain Joey wasn’t up. He hadn’t been napping long so they should be okay. The last thing she wanted was for him to find a sheriff on the porch or to overhear this conversation. The poor kid had been uprooted from his home and was adjusting well despite all the reasons why he should be traumatized. He didn’t need more added to that.

  “What can I do for you?” she asked the sheriff.

  He smiled kindly. He was a handsome man, a giant of a man. He had to be six foot five inches at least.

  “I realize you might not want to have this information public and you can rest assured that its safe with me. Only my deputy Zane Cantrell knows about this. He’s an ex Texas Ranger and was heavily involved in the WITSEC program.”

  “Excuse me, the what?”

  “The witness protection program. After hearing your story we did some checking and found out that your ex entered the program as we suspected he would. He ratted out some pretty big names. His life isn’t worth much on the street any longer.”

  Rae Anne felt faint.

  Dalton was at her side instantly. “Hold on there.” He held her up. “Are you okay?”

  She tried to speak but nothing came out. She took a deep breath then tried again, as turmoil rolled inside of her. She was disappointed in Reese and felt completely betrayed by him but she’d never wish harm to him. “This is terrible.”

  “Yes, he’s in a lot of trouble. And I suspect you made a wise decision leaving town. You might not have any contact with him but they don’t know that. They could suspect you know where he’s hiding and that makes it very dangerous for you.”

  “Great. Just great.” She dropped her forehead to her palm and rubbed her brow. How could she have done this to her children? She was the worst mother in the world. And now, she felt weak and helpless. And she despised feeling that way almost as much as she hated feeling like a fool.

  “You’ll be safe here,” Sheriff Brady offered. “If you’re sure you haven’t left a trail of any kind. I’d suggest not contacting anyone from back home. I suspect your ex is going to be too busy looking over his shoulder to worry about finding you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “And even if I’m wrong. You’re in a good place. We look out for each other here. If this guy decides to cut ties with the WITSEC program and come looking for you he’s signing his own death warrant and I doubt he’ll do that. But if he does, Zane’s people will let him know the instant he does it.”

  “So I’m hoping you can relax now,” Dalton said, his gaze locking with hers. “You deserve some time with your new baby that has no fear attached to it. Think you can do that?”

  He’d done this for her and she’d almost gotten angry at him. Not that she wanted him to keep stepping across boundaries but… “Thank you,” she said, her voice shaking as relief hit her. She could let her guard down. She could stop thinking about picking up and running again.

  At least for now anyway.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dalton didn’t think he would ever forget the look on Rae Anne’s face when she realized that she and her children were safe. At least for now. It was a mixture of joy and relief and he could tell by her voice that there was disbelief there too. And tears.

  Those tears had cut straight to his heart. The fact that she’d had so much fear weighing on her hurt him.

  He walked Brady out to his truck but his mind was on Rae Anne as he held his hand out and shook Brady’s hand. “Thanks for coming. If you hear anything to the contrary of what we just told her I’d appreciate you letting me know.”

  “I’ll do it. But like I said, he’d be a fool to come out of hiding to find her. Her instincts to come here served her well I think.”

  Dalton agreed but his instinct told him he needed to stay on his toes.

  She was still on the porch when he turned back. “Hopefully you can relax even a little bit now. I was wondering if you might want to bring Joey over and let him sit on a horse. I can work with him a bit and lead him around the arena. I think he’ll like it.”

  Her eyes lit up. “He’ll love it. I think that’s the perfect way to celebrate.” She looked as if she was lost for a moment and then she engulfed him in a hard hug. “I’m sorry. I was so angry with you for sharing my info with the sheriff. You’re a good man, Dalton. You’ve done so much for my family. If there is anything I can ever do for you please let me know.” She pulled back and looked up at him in earnest.

  His heart ached looking at her. Wanting her to throw herself back into his arms and to replay that kiss that had not diminished in his mind. “I’m glad. I just want you safe and happy.” He snagged his hat off his head and held it in between both of his hands. Better that than reach out and pull her back to him. “Rae Anne, I hope you know you deserve much more than you’ve had where men are concerned. And that includes me. I just want you to know that.”

  “Right now, I don’t want to think about my foolish mistakes. I want to think about the freedom to enjoy the next little while with my babies. Not having to look over my shoulder is such an amazing relief.” She laughed suddenly and a smile like none he’d seen before spread across her beautiful face. “It truly is a new beginning. I can’t wait to tell Joey we’re coming over to ride a horse. I hope you’re prepared for an excited little boy?”

  Dalton couldn’t speak… Dear Lord in heaven he was in trouble as he stared at her with that smile and those twinkling eyes.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said gruffly. “When you’re ready. Just come on over anytime.” And then he planted his hat on his head and barreled toward his truck. He didn’t even shoot her a glance as the engine roared to life. If he looked at her right now he’d be racing back over there and hauling her into his arms and planting his lips to hers.

  And that would not be good…oh it would be good. Great.


  But it wouldn’t be good for Rae Anne.

  She deserved better than she’d had and that meant he had to figure out a man for her and steer her toward him. An honorable man. A strong man to keep her safe.

  One who could protect her and give her everything she deserved.

  He didn’t know who that was yet–but he did know it wasn’t him.

  Treb came to mind…maybe Treb. He was a great guy, a military man, which was perfect. The problem was, Dalton immediately wanted to hit something just from thinking about a man other than himself being with Rae Anne.

  And that was another problem.

  An hour later Rae
Anne drove up to the huge stone house of the New Horizon Ranch. She saw several trucks parked at the house. The side of the house faced the parking area and there was a patio that wrapped around to the side and expanded into a large terrace at the back overlooking rolling pastures. There was a small crowd gathered on the terrace.

  The partners were all here.

  Maddie waved at her as she broke away from the group and came her way. Rae Anne didn’t see Dalton and though excited to see the group she was disappointed that he wasn’t among them.

  She had hugged him on impulse earlier and had wanted to hold onto him forever.

  The realization had startled her. And though she knew she’d had bad judgment before–she knew Dalton Borne was the kind of man to hold onto for life...if a woman were so lucky to get the opportunity.

  “Hey there,” Maddie greeted them and picked Joey up and held him on her hip.

  “Good to see you made it.” Maddie smiled at her then looked at Joey. “Little buddy, I hear you’re fixin’ to ride a horse.”

  “Dalt’s gonna ride me on it. I’m a big boy.”

  Maddie grinned. “Yes you are. And when you’re done you can ask your mom if y’all can eat dinner with all of us.”

  “Can we, Mama?”

  “We would love to.” Rae Anne felt excited once more about the friends they were making here. “Thanks for asking us. Is Dalton around?”

  “He’s in the barn getting the horse ready. What if I watch Grace while you take Joey to ride?”

  “That would be nice. If you’re sure.”

  “I’m more than sure. I’m so looking forward to having a baby of my own. I can’t wait.” She set Joey back on his feet. “Okay, buddy, it’s time for you to go meet Dalton. He’s waiting on you.” Joey got a darling, serious look on his tiny face. “I’m ready to ride.”

  Rae Anne handed Grace over to Maddie and the diaper bag. “Her bottle is in there if she gets fussy. But she just ate so she should be fine. Come get me if you need me. And thank you, again.”


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