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Deception by Design

Page 5

by Tara Wentz

  Kellen chewed her lower lip, trying desperately to find a way to divert the conversation. She was startled when Joshlyn spoke up and changed the subject.

  “So anyhow, is driving how you occupy most of your time?”

  Kellen gave a relieved chuckle. “Not really. I guess it’s pretty even between the racetrack and the business.”

  “Wow, I’m impressed. Your driving and the business are at two different ends of the spectrum. If I’m being honest, I would say that I never would have guessed you ran that type of business.”

  Kellen raised both eyebrows at Joshlyn, but said nothing.

  Joshlyn blushed, realizing what she had said and jumped in to do some fast backtracking. “What I meant is that just from what I know of you at the racetrack I wouldn’t have guessed you would be so detail oriented—” Joshlyn stopped abruptly. “I need to stop while I’m ahead, don’t I?”

  Kellen laughed aloud. “You’re fine. I understand what you’re trying to say. It does seem kind of odd doesn’t it? I guess sometimes I just need the adrenaline rush that driving gives me. There’s nothing that will get the blood pumping quicker than going that fast down a stretch of open road.” Kellen’s thoughts went into overdrive after that comment. There is one other thing that I know will get the blood pumping that fast, but there is no way I am going down that road right now!

  The ringing of the doorbell stopped them from pursuing the conversation further. Joshlyn got up before Kellen could and headed to the door.

  “I’ll get it. You just relax.” Joshlyn felt warm under the collar after Kellen’s last statement. She pulled her shirt slightly away from her body, trying to cool down before opening the door. Damn, injured or not, she is sexy as hell!


  After eating dinner and cleaning up, Joshlyn and Kellen sat on the couch making small talk. Kellen was having a hard time keeping up with the conversation due to the dull headache that now had morphed into a full-blown attack. Reaching up to rub her forehead lightly, Kellen fought the urge to bolt for the bathroom. Please don’t let me throw up in front of her! She closed her eyes and concentrated on taking small shallow breaths.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Joshlyn gently rubbed Kellen’s knee in concern. Kellen’s normally tan face was pasty white.

  As much as she hated to admit it, Kellen knew she couldn’t hide it any longer. “This headache is making me feel a little sick to my stomach.”

  Joshlyn thought for a moment before responding. “Why don’t I grab you some ibuprofen and then you can lie down for a little while and see if it goes away?”

  “I really don’t want to leave you out here all by yourself. How rude of me is that?”

  “Kellen, you’re hurt. I don’t think that’s being rude at all.” Joshlyn paused before continuing. “Tell you what. Why don’t you lay here on the couch and I’ll sit in the chair. We can watch some TV and if you happen to fall asleep then all the better.”

  Kellen wavered only momentarily before agreeing. “Okay.” Kellen glanced at the clock.

  “If you get bored please wake me up…if I fall asleep.”

  Joshlyn smiled. “All right, sounds good.” Joshlyn was not concerned about Kellen falling asleep since Emerson had checked her out and wasn’t too worried.

  Joshlyn stood up and asked, “Where do you keep the ibuprofen?”

  “It should be on the counter next to the bathroom sink.”

  Joshlyn retrieved the ibuprofen and waited while Kellen took them. She set Kellen’s glass back on the end table and moved to the side to help her swing her feet up and lay down.

  Joshlyn bent down to help Kellen shift the throw pillow a little further under her head. She watched as Kellen’s eyes closed before laying a hand on her upper arm and caressing gently. “Are you warm enough or would you like this throw blanket over you?” Joshlyn asked, gesturing towards the blanket on the back of the couch.

  “No, I’m okay, but thank you.”

  Joshlyn could tell by the vague response that Kellen was not feeling well. She barely raised her head and didn’t open her eyes when Joshlyn spoke to her. Joshlyn watched her for a moment longer before taking her seat and turning the TV on.


  Not even a half hour had gone by when Joshlyn heard Kellen moaning. There was no question in Joshlyn’s mind that Kellen would fall asleep, especially when she looked half-asleep before her head hit the pillow. Getting quietly to her feet, Joshlyn moved closer to the couch. She leaned down to see if she could hear what Kellen was moaning about, but the only word she was able to understand was ‘no.’

  “Kellen?” Joshlyn tried calling her name before touching her, but there was no response. “Kellen?”

  Again getting no reaction, Joshlyn reached lightly for Kellen’s shoulder. She immediately became alarmed at the dampness that permeated Kellen’s clothing and covered her face. Joshlyn gently brushed the hair away from Kellen’s face and cupped a palm against her cheek. She doesn’t feel like she’s running a fever. Must be one hell of a dream.

  “Kellen? C’mon, wake up for me.”

  Joshlyn watched as confused blue eyes opened briefly before closing again. Taking a deep breath, Joshlyn decided to throw caution to the wind. She kicked her shoes off and then lifted Kellen’s head enough to slip underneath her. Kellen instantly turned towards her and snuggled down. Joshlyn grabbed the throw blanket off the back of the couch and spread it over them the best she could.

  Joshlyn ran her fingers through Kellen’s hair, avoiding the lump she knew had to be very sensitive. She gazed down into Kellen’s face and saw the tense muscles begin to relax. She caressed Kellen’s head a couple more times before moving her hand down to run a finger gently across a dark eyebrow. Following the eyebrow, she traced a line down the side of her face and rested her fingertips against Kellen’s neck. She moved her fingers to the back of Kellen’s neck and started a gentle massage.

  Kellen moaned, mumbled a few incoherent words, and nuzzled closer to Joshlyn’s body.

  Joshlyn bent down and asked, “What did you say, Kellen?”

  Kellen kept her eyes closed, but rolled her head back a little and mumbled again. “I didn’t mean for you to die.”

  Chapter Five

  Kellen snuggled deeper into the softness her cheek was resting against. She sighed in contentment, keeping her eyes closed. The atmosphere around her was very quiet, except for the precise tick of the clock on the wall. She thought of the events that had taken place in the last twenty-four hours and smiled. Even though it took a knock in the head to get some alone time with Joshlyn, it was more than worth it. As she recalled their evening and how it ended, she opened her eyes and sighed in disappointment when she encountered the fabric on the back of the couch.

  “Son of a bitch,” she whispered, blinking her eyes into focus.

  Kellen rolled to her back and then slowly sat up. The headache and nausea seemed to be gone. She ran her fingers through her tousled hair, feeling gingerly for the lump. While doing so, she looked about the living room. There was no Joshlyn and no note.

  She got to her feet and trudged to the bathroom. Just as she reached for the handle, the door opened. Kellen jumped back, heart beating wildly, and found herself face to face with Joshlyn.

  Joshlyn gave a startled yelp and placed a hand on her chest. “God, Kellen, I am so sorry. I didn’t expect you to be awake yet.”

  “It’s okay,” Kellen said with a chuckle. “I thought you had already left.”

  “No, I was going to, but you were having kind of a rough night. I called Ami and told her I was going to stay.” Joshlyn hesitated before continuing. “Is that okay?”

  Kellen heard what Joshlyn said, but wasn’t actually listening. Joshlyn’s freshly scrubbed face and unruly hair looked adorable. Kellen smiled at her appearance.


  Kellen refocused and replied, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  Joshlyn gave Kellen a confused look. “I asked if it was okay that I sta

  “Oh, yes, that’s fine, no problem.”

  “Okay…Uh, are you feeling all right this morning?”

  Kellen could not remember a time when she stood in her hall, outside the bathroom no less, and made small talk with anyone, much less someone she really wanted to get to know better. It all seemed somewhat surreal.

  “Yeah, I’m feeling pretty good. The nausea is gone and the headache is hardly noticeable.”

  Joshlyn stepped forward. “How about that bump?”

  As Joshlyn moved closer, Kellen sucked in a breath. She stared at Joshlyn’s lips as she threaded her fingers through Kellen’s hair to locate the bump. She knew that if she kept focusing on Joshlyn’s mouth she’d find herself in trouble. Kellen closed her eyes and relaxed under Joshlyn’s touch.

  “You can barely feel it now.”

  “Hmm,” Kellen responded. Her scalp literally tingled where Joshlyn’s fingers roamed.

  Joshlyn slowly pulled her hand from Kellen’s hair and let her palm open against Kellen’s cheek. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” Kellen whispered, keeping her eyes closed.

  Joshlyn watched as Kellen’s lips parted and the tip of her tongue came out to moisten them. She was torn between stepping back or doing what she so badly wanted to do. And make no mistake, she wanted this, she wanted this more than anything. She leaned closer until she could feel Kellen’s warm breath against her face.

  “Kellen, look at me.”

  Kellen opened her eyes and met Joshlyn’s gaze. Oh my God! I am definitely in trouble.

  “Please,” Kellen said in a husky rasp.

  Joshlyn’s heart pounded inside her chest, her body strumming with anticipation. The war going on between her head and heart kept Joshlyn’s feet rooted.

  Kellen must have sensed her hesitation because she glanced away briefly, cleared her throat, and pinned her with pleading eyes. “Please kiss me, Joshlyn.”

  Joshlyn closed the distance and felt Kellen’s warm lips against hers. The torrent heat of the kiss built until it exploded in raw passion. Joshlyn let the kiss continue for a few more moments before pulling back and looking directly into Kellen’s face. She had never wanted someone as badly as she wanted Kellen right now. The heat in her belly spread throughout her body, her fingers begging to be all over Kellen. To touch and taste every inch of her, coaxing a response little by little until the fervor was too much and sent them both over the edge. This is insane…she is making me insane!

  Kellen tried desperately to control her breathing and rapid pulse, but was failing miserably. Fuck it!

  Kellen reached for her at the same time Joshlyn stepped forward. Kellen wrapped her arms around Joshlyn and pulled her flush against her chest. Breast to breast, Kellen lowered her lips to Joshlyn’s this time and let the fire consume them.

  Joshlyn’s lips parted at the first touch of Kellen’s tongue. She slid her hands into the back of Kellen’s hair and pulled her head impossibly closer.

  Kellen backed Joshlyn into the wall behind them and insinuated a thigh between her legs. Things were spiraling out of control fast and Kellen knew if they didn’t stop soon she’d probably do something that neither of them was ready for.

  Kellen slowly ended the kiss and pulled her head back. The desire-filled look in Joshlyn’s eyes just about ended her act of chivalry. She placed one last simple kiss on Joshlyn’s swollen lips and leaned back.

  Joshlyn remained against the wall, but grabbed one of Kellen’s hands so she couldn’t go too far.

  “Wow, that was…” Joshlyn couldn’t even begin to put words to what she was feeling. Well, aside from being extremely turned on.

  Kellen grinned. “Yeah, my thoughts exactly.”

  Joshlyn’s smile grew until they were both chuckling.

  Kellen tugged playfully at Joshlyn’s hand and said, “Let’s take our showers and then we can figure something out for breakfast.”

  At Joshlyn’s raised eyebrows and cocky grin, Kellen rolled her eyes. “Separate showers or else we’ll both be in trouble,” Kellen warned.


  “Absolutely!” Kellen laughed. “I’ve got some clothes you can wear. C’mon.”

  Kellen took two steps and stopped. “On the other hand, maybe you should wait here.”

  Joshlyn grinned and gave her a light push towards the bedroom. “Your virtue is safe with me.”


  Joshlyn sat with one leg tucked under her while she watched Kellen load their breakfast plates into the dishwasher. After arguing over who was going to do the dishes, Joshlyn finally relented. She took a sip of coffee and set it down. Propping her chin in her hand, she admired the grace with which Kellen moved about the kitchen. She made even the most mundane tasks look sexy. Joshlyn grinned at the view of Kellen’s backside as she bent over to put one last dish in before closing the dishwasher. A groan worked its way up Joshlyn’s throat only to be tampered down at the last minute. The ache that had been awakened in Joshlyn’s libido was making her squirm.

  Kellen dried her hands and dropped the towel on the counter. She turned towards Joshlyn and caught the smile that she was sure she wasn’t supposed to see, considering Joshlyn’s eyes were not on her face, but at waist level. Kellen cleared her throat and smirked as Joshlyn’s eyes flew to her own.

  “So,” Kellen said, walking over and taking a seat at the table. “You mentioned that I had a rough night last night. What exactly did you mean?”

  Joshlyn took a moment while her furious blush was fading to contemplate whether she should tell Kellen what was said or to let it go. Part of her was curious to know what the statement meant, but the other part was afraid to know the exact details. Curiosity won.

  “You were moaning and mumbling in your sleep. At first I was concerned because I thought maybe the head injury was causing it.” Joshlyn paused to take another sip of coffee. With her hands wrapped around the mug, she continued. “You didn’t seem to be running a fever so my next thought was that you were having a dream. I tried to wake you up, but was not successful. Finally, I slipped my shoes off and slid underneath you to try and comfort you in hopes that you would settle down.”

  Joshlyn set the cup down and looked directly into Kellen’s eyes. “You did calm down and sleep peacefully from then on. However, before you did there was something you said that has me a little curious.”

  Kellen tried to remember what she could have possibly said, but was drawing a complete blank. “What? What did I say?”

  “You said, ‘I didn’t mean for you to die.’”

  Kellen visibly blanched at the statement, but said nothing. She glanced away and then down into her own cup. Damn! I can’t believe how fast this is coming up.

  Joshlyn laid a hand over Kellen’s and spoke softly. “Kellen, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

  Kellen thought about avoiding the issue all together, but if there was to be anything between them, she wanted to start out with her cards on the table. She took a deep breath and glanced at Joshlyn. Her resolve broke at the understanding she could see in Joshlyn’s eyes.

  “No, I want you to know. There may be times when I have to stop, though.”

  “That’s up to you, Kellen, but just know that you can stop anytime you want, and I promise I won’t be upset.”

  Kellen nodded. “I’ve told you a little about my father, and I’m sure that by now you have a pretty good idea how angry the whole situation made me while growing up.”

  “I’d say you had just cause for being angry, though,” Joshlyn replied.

  “Yes, and that anger made me very unapproachable. I didn’t have many friends through high school. It wasn’t until I started college that I actually had people I considered to be true friends. There were four of us to a room and the other three decided they weren’t going to put up with my brooding and sour attitude all the time.” Kellen smiled, remembering some of the antics the girls got away with.

  “One of the girls ev
entually became my best friend. We did everything together. She’s the woman in that picture you saw last night.”

  “What is her name?” Joshlyn asked quietly.

  “Kerri,” Kellen said with a wistful smile. “Kerri, Molly, Erin, and I spent most of our weekends together, but Kerri and I spent almost all our free time together; weekdays, weekends, holidays, it just didn’t matter. They were determined that I was not going to ruin their free time and even more determined that I wasn’t going to spend it alone. Do you have any idea how hard it was to fight three of them?”

  Joshlyn laughed, but didn’t say anything. She waited patiently until Kellen was ready to continue.

  “The thing that bonded Kerri and I was that we were both into some of the more extreme or daring things. We bungee jumped several times, which was big for me because I’m somewhat afraid of heights. Whitewater rafting was always fun, but our biggest pleasure was rock climbing. I know you are wondering why rock climbing when I’m afraid of heights, but that was the beauty of it. Kerri always made me feel secure and for the most part, I am over that fear. We made this pact that every year we’d spend a week together and rock climb somewhere.”

  “Were you and Kerri ever intimately involved?”

  Kellen smiled at Joshlyn’s question. She had heard it more times than she could count. “No, she was as straight as they come, but I did love her very much. She and the other girls became my family.”

  Kellen got up to refill her coffee cup and sat back down. She stirred some sugar into her cup and reached for the creamer. Her thumb flicked at the label on the container briefly before she poured some in.

  “Four years ago, we went rock climbing in Oregon. Kerri didn’t really want to go because she had some things at work that she needed to get done. I pestered her until she finally agreed. On the drive there we did a lot of talking because I knew Kerri was upset that I had basically forced her into going.” Kellen stopped talking and turned in her chair so she was facing Joshlyn.


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