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Hard & Reckless (Club Reckless Book 1)

Page 3

by Victoria Ashley

  Walking fast, I reach into my purse and pull out my phone, scrolling through the missed calls and texts.

  I smile to myself when I read a text from Cole, asking me if his friend bought me anymore shots after he went downstairs.

  His text brings me back to thoughts of the club and it somehow has me smiling and almost forgetting just how pissed off I am right now.

  The last few hours have been so busy, that I’ve barely had time to think and now that I do . . . my mind is on two men.

  Two very hot and tempting men that I can’t help but want to touch.

  Without texting Cole back, I shove my phone back into my purse and begin walking the three blocks to my apartment.

  If I text him back, then I know he’ll somehow end up in my bed and with how exhausted as I am right now; there’s no way I’ll be able to keep up with him.

  He’ll see me tomorrow when I show up at the club, rejuvenated and ready to have a good time.

  But for now.

  I kick my shoes off and plop down on my bed, knowing exactly what will be keeping my mind busy tonight.

  I have a feeling it will be a long, hot night . . .


  SITTING UP OUT OF BED, I reach over for the bottle of whiskey on the bedside table and tilt it back, long and hard, not stopping until my throat burns.

  “Fuck,” I shake the burn off and set the bottle back down, before throwing the sheet off and getting out of bed.

  I have no idea what time it is, but I wish like hell I could sleep the rest of the day away so I wouldn’t have to feel shit.

  Feeling is all I’ve been doing lately and I’ve forgotten just how much it fucking sucks.

  Standing still for a minute, I close my eyes and run my hands through my sweaty hair, remembering what it was like to be with Katie.

  Yeah, we fought a lot, but it felt damn good to take her to my bed at night, knowing she’d be there when I woke up.

  She’s the first woman I’ve allowed myself to get so involved in. The part that gets me the most . . . is Cole knew that shit.

  And knowing that he still chose to fuck me over, hurts more than Katie cheating on me.

  Taking in a deep breath, I tilt my head up toward the ceiling and slowly release it, before running my hands down my face and walking to the closet.

  I pull out a random pair of old jeans and a black t-shirt, making my way down the hall to take a shower.

  As the hot water hits my body, I stand here with my eyes open, just staring at the shower wall in a daze.

  I feel so fucking out of it. I need something to pull me out of this shit before I lose my mind.

  That’s where Brooke comes into play.

  I remember Cole mentioning her name before in the past. It didn’t hit me until late last night, but she’s the one he’s liked for a while now.

  Last time he mentioned her, she was dating some asshole so he just left her alone since she was off limits.

  Big fucking surprise there. Katie being off limits didn’t seem to do shit to keep his dick in his pants.

  “Fuck!” I scream out, while punching the wall. “Fuck this pain.”

  This shit is killing me and as crappy as it sounds, making him feel just a small portion of what I feel from his betrayal is the only thing that might take the sting away long enough to forgive his ass.

  I’ve already made it my mission to make him work for what he wants. He’s going to have to work hard if he wants to keep Brooke to himself.

  Call me an asshole, but he knew what he was getting himself into when he decided to stab me in the back.

  Stepping out of the shower, I reach for the closest towel and wrap it around my waist, taking a whiff of the air.

  “Fucking Rowdy.”

  I walk down the hall and look over the balcony. As expected, Rowdy is chillin’ on my couch, smoking a blunt.

  “What the hell are you doing here so early?”

  He looks up at me and smiles, before taking a long hit off his blunt and holding it in while he talks. “It’s two. Bout time you got up.”

  I pull the towel off from around my waist and run it over my wet hair, before replacing it around my waist and making my way downstairs.

  Right when I get to the bottom, the doorbell rings. My instincts tell me to let Rowdy handle this.

  “I’ll be in the kitchen. Get rid of her.”

  “With pleasure.” Rowdy grins, before standing up and walking past me toward the door.

  “You just won’t give up . . .” I hear him say, on my way to the kitchen.

  “Where is he?” she screams. “Jameson—please come talk to me and tell your friend to fuck off.”

  Rowdy laughs. “He doesn’t want to see you. I’m a little surprised you didn’t get the hint the first hundred times you showed up at the fucking door.”

  “Shut up, stoner and move out of my way!” It sounds like Katie is grabbing and slapping at the wall to try to get past Rowdy. “Dammit! Move!”

  “Calm the fuck down, floozy.”

  “Fuck off, Rowdy!”

  Finally having enough of her shit, I storm my way into the living room and stop in front of her, punching the door to get the message across.

  Her eyes widen and she takes a few steps back, looking surprised. “I just want a chance to explain . . .”

  “No,” I bark out from the doorway. “I don’t want to hear shit coming from your mouth. Rowdy said leave, so bye.”

  I slam the door in her face and turn around to see Rowdy checking to see if his blunt is still lit.

  “Shit. That woman almost knocked the blunt out of my hand.”

  I’m too worked up to pay attention to what Rowdy says after that.

  I need something to calm my nerves and fast, so I snatch the blunt and take off with it up the stairs to get dressed.

  “Better not smoke the whole B up there,” he yells up at me. “That’s the last of my good shit.”

  I lean over the railing to look down at him, placing it between my lips, before taking a long hit and slowly releasing the smoke.

  “Dammit,” he complains. “I’ll order us some damn pizza then.”

  “Good idea,” I say stiffly.

  I sit around in my room for a good twenty minutes, taking swigs of whiskey, before grabbing the clothes I pulled out of the closest earlier.

  By the time I get dressed and make my way back downstairs, there’s not shit left of his precious B.

  I toss the roach at him and he catches it, before placing it in one of his baggies and looking me over as I take a seat next to him on the couch.

  “Katie is one crazy bitch, man. She about scratched my eye out, trying to get in. I’m not down with wearing a patch like One-Eyed Willy.”

  “Sorry about that shit.” I stand up, when the doorbell rings, and pull out my wallet for the pizza guy. “Pizza’s on me.”

  I toss a twenty to Rowdy and he rushes over to the door to pay, while I grab for a bottle of vodka and poor him a drink.

  I’ve had enough to drink already and it’s barely three in the afternoon so I settle on a water for myself.

  As soon as we start eating pizza, I feel Rowdy’s eyes on me, watching me as if he’s waiting for me to say something.

  “Spit it out, Row.”

  “Not sure I should. Can you handle talking about Cole without choking my ass?”

  My jaw clenches at the sound of Cole’s name. “I guess we’ll see.”

  Rowdy grabs for his second slice of pizza and sits back, getting comfortable. “Did he have a good reason for fucking you over with Katie? I’d love to hear that shit.”

  I toss my pizza down and reach for Rowdy’s glass. Guess I’ll be needing this shit after all.

  “Fuck if I know.” I down the rest of his vodka and slam the empty glass down on the table. “I haven’t given him a chance to explain. Nothing he fucking says can make what he did okay. He fucked everything up the second he stepped into that room upstairs with Katie and sank his dick into

  When I look back over at Rowdy, he’s lighting up a joint this time, lifting a brow as I watch him. “What? You need liquor for this conversation and I need my medicine.” He offers a crooked smile. “Continue, my friend.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “Is that right?” He laughs. “Is that why he was watching your ass so hard last night at the club?”

  I sit up and crack my neck, feeling adrenaline course through my veins when I remember the look on Cole’s face when I made it clear he’ll be sharing Brooke.

  “He had his fun,” I say tightly. “Now, it’s my turn. What’s fair is fair.”

  “Shit . . .” he takes a hit of his joint and shakes his head. “This should be entertaining to watch. I should probably start to worry.”

  “Never a dull moment between two best friends pleasuring the same woman. It won’t be the first time we’ve done it. Far from it.”

  I just hope Brooke can handle what we can bring her . . .


  I SPENT THE WHOLE DAY job searching and ignoring Hal’s calls and now I feel extremely tense and in need of some way to unwind and enjoy myself.

  The first thing that comes to mind is Club Reckless. Cole will be working tonight and so far, his touch has done wonders to help me come undone and unwind when needed.

  We may have only had sex twice, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t done other things to get my body heated and begging for more. The man can work wonders with his fingers.

  Now, just the sight of him somehow gets my body hot and that’s what I need before I go crazy from this stress.

  I’m just getting out of the shower and getting ready to call Karson, when a text comes through from Cole.

  My heart jumps round in my chest as I open his message and read it.

  Cole: I’m coming by after work tonight. I need to fucking taste you.

  “Holy hell,” I breathe out, while slipping into my new black dress. “This man and his dirty mouth.”

  Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I lay back on my bed and smile, trying to decide if I want to let him know I’m coming to see him at the club or just surprise him.

  Me: Is that right? Where do you want to taste me?

  Cole: Fuuck . . . my dick is so hard right now even thinking about where. I’m stroking myself.

  Me: Show me . . .

  My whole body heats up as a picture of him holding his dick for me comes through. It’s so damn big and hard.

  Knowing he’s thinking about me, while stroking himself, has me completely turned on and reaching down to get ready to touch myself.

  Right as I slip my hand under my panties, the front door opens, causing me to pull my dress back down and slam my face into my pillow.

  “Where you at?” Karson yells from the hallway. “You ready yet? The cars running.”

  I hear her laugh as she walks into my room and sees me grunting into my pillow, while wrapping it around my face.

  “Bad timing?” she questions. “You really need to work on that.”

  I nod my head and roll over, running my hands through my hair, sexually frustrated. “Very . . . and I think it’s you that needs to work on that. You’re the worst friend ever.”

  Walking over to my bed, Karson reaches for my phone and unlocks the screen. Her eyes widen when she takes in the picture I never closed.

  “No wonder you’ve had a crush on him for so long. Holy sex god . . . that is a nice penis.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sit up and snatch my phone out of her hand, before crawling out of bed and slipping into a pair of black heels.

  “Yeah, and you just ruined the fun I was about to have with it. So . . . thanks for showing up early.”

  “Oh, stop complaining. We’re heading out to see him now. Maybe you can pull him into the bathroom and have fun with the real thing. That sounds soooo much better than pleasuring yourself to a picture of it. We’re not in high school anymore.”

  Her words have me smiling as I picture just that. I’ve never had sex in a public place before and I can’t deny that I’ve dreamt of it many, many times before.

  “See?” She grins and watches me bite my lip in thought. “Sounds so much better, right?”

  Releasing a breath, I reach for my purse and grab my wallet out. “Let’s get out of here. It’s been a long, shitty day and I need to go have some fun.”

  She heads for the door, motioning for me to walk out first. “I hear ya, babe. I’ve been ready.”

  My thoughts take over on the drive there and before I know it, I’m wondering about Jameson and if he’ll notice us here tonight.

  As much as I’ve tried not to think about him, I can’t help but to be a bit curious.

  “Maybe his hot friend will be working tonight too,” Karson says as we pull into the parking lot, searching for an empty space. “I had naughty dreams about that man last night. Did you get a look at that firm ass?”

  Ohhh did I ever . . .

  “Maybe . . .” I grab her arm and smile at the cute security guard at the door as we approach him. He’s the same one that let us in last night.

  Except this time, he doesn’t even check the list to see if we’re on it, he just flashes us a sexy smile and checks off something on his list.

  Rowdy his black t-shirt reads. He’s tall and fit, his neck and arms covered with tattoos.

  He brings his hand up, running it through his wild, messy hair, before speaking. “Hope you ladies enjoy yourselves tonight. Find me if you don’t.” He winks at Karson and checks her out in her skinny jeans and heels as she reaches for money to pay the entrance fee. “Jameson has you both covered tonight. Go on in.”

  His blue eyes are bloodshot as he looks us over and waves his arm, allowing us to pass.

  “Thanks, gorgeous.” Karson bites her bottom lip, while looking him over and shoving her money back into her jeans. “Stop over and say hi if you get a break, yeah.”

  Rowdy crosses his toned arms and stands back, smiling at us as we pass him to enter the club.

  I shake my head and laugh as we head over to order drinks. “You really think he’ll be able to find you in this crowd?” I ask over the music. “I have a hard-enough time finding Cole and he has a shirt with the club logo on the back.”

  She shrugs and gets the bartender’s attention, ordering us both a mixed drink. “I guess we’ll see.”

  An hour into being here and I have yet to find Cole anywhere. So, I continue to dance, while occasionally looking around me, in hopes he’ll pop up.

  I’m half tempted to say screw surprising him and just text him to ask where he’s at in this crazy place, when I suddenly feel a firm body, slip in behind me and wrap an arm around my waist.

  The way Cole grinds his body against mine, while burying his face into my neck, has me leaning into his touch and moaning out.

  Everything in the way he moves and touches me is so damn sexual and erotic and I’m so close to the edge that all I want to do is reach behind me and grab him.

  After seeing it in a text, I need to feel him in my hands.

  Softly moaning, I slide my hand in between our bodies and run it over his hard dick. It feels so damn big in my small hand. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” I breathe out, as his lips gently caress my neck.

  “I don’t think I’m the man you’re looking for . . .” a deep voice that isn’t Cole’s says against my ear. “But I promise you I’m just as good. I can prove it,” he whispers the last part, sending chills over my body.

  Sucking in a surprised breath, I remove my hand from his dick and turn around. My heart about flies out of my chest, when my eyes land on Jameson.

  He doesn’t look the least bit upset that I was just groping his dick as if I own it, but me . . . I feel like an idiot right now. A huge one.

  How embarrassing.

  Smirking, Jameson looks down at me, while running one of his tattooed hands down my neck, before grabbing it and leaning in to speak. “Sorry for in
truding, but you looked so fucking sexy from across the room . . . I couldn’t resist touching you.”

  I swallow and lock eyes with him, feeling heat shoot throughout my whole body as his thumb runs down the front of my neck. “Uh . . .” I smile and release a small breath, feeling weak under his touch. “Shouldn’t I be the one apologizing?”

  His thumb moves up to brush over my bottom lip, as he steps in closer to me, until our bodies are molded together. “Never apologize for getting me hard, Brooke.”

  The sound of Karson’s voice has me breaking eye contact with Jameson. “Woah! I turn my back for a few seconds and turn back to find you getting it on with Cole’s friend.” She smiles. “Thanks for paying our way in, by the way.”

  Jameson smiles, but keeps his eyes on me. “Anytime.”

  I find myself swallowing again as I look up to make eye contact. “Yes . . . thank you.”

  He does this little half smirk that has my body aching to pull his bottom lip into my mouth and suck it.

  Having him so close, almost makes me forget I came here in search of Cole to begin with.

  He could be anywhere in this room, yet Jameson doesn’t seem to care that our bodies are practically on top of each other’s.

  Maybe they really are into sharing.

  The thought has me breaking a sweat and waving my hand in front of my face to cool off.

  “You okay?” Jameson questions, his face growing serious. “Need me to back up? I know my body can make it a little hot.”

  “You’re good,” I whisper. “Really good.”

  I didn’t think he’d be able hear that over the music, but from the cocky look on his face right now, I’d say he’s good at reading lips.

  “Where’s Cole?” Karson asks from beside us with a grin. “Shouldn’t he be the one over here dancing all over Brooke?”

  “He’s downstairs,” he answers. “That’s why I’m keeping her company. Being a good friend and all.”

  Karson shakes her head and laughs, before turning around and dancing with some random guy that shows up.

  This has Jameson leaning down to place his forehead to mine, while running his hands down the side of my face.


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