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Hard & Reckless (Club Reckless Book 1)

Page 6

by Victoria Ashley

  I can’t stand to even look at her.

  Turning away from her, I snatch her hands away from me and begin walking around to the front of the building, making it clear this conversation is over before she can get it started. “Stop being a fucking stalker and move on.”

  “No,” she yells out, grabbing my arm to try and force me to stop walking. “Fucking stop being this way. I want to be with you.”

  She slaps my arm when I continue to walk away from her, as if she’s just a bother.

  “You’re an asshole! Don’t walk away from me.”

  I laugh. “I’m the nicest asshole you could ever hope to meet. Trust me, babe. Now. Leave. Me. Alone.”

  Getting angry, she rushes around to slap my chest, before pushing me.

  I stand here, just taking it, letting her get it all out, in hopes she’ll fuck off after this.

  Her hits get harder with each swing, causing me to flex my chest and abs.

  “What the fuck is going on over here?” We both look over at the sound of Brooke’s voice. “Being a woman doesn’t give you the right to hit a man.”

  Seeing her sends my heart into overdrive, pounding with excitement as I look her over in her ripped up jeans and high heeled boots.

  I didn’t expect her to be here tonight since Cole took the night off. It’s a nice surprise.

  “This is a private conversation,” Katie chokes out, while stepping away from me. “It doesn’t concern you so leave us alone.”

  Brooke seems to be amused by Katie’s words, keeping her eyes on her as she walks over and wraps her arms around my waist as if to get me away from her.

  Her voice is tight as she speaks. “Are you fucking joking? You’re putting your hands all over Jameson after he clearly asked you to leave him alone. He may be man enough to stand there and take it, but I’m a woman and I won’t just stand back and watch.”

  Katie’s eyes widen as she steps back and looks Brooke over, most likely sizing her up to see if she can take her. She looks both jealous and scared by the time she’s done scanning her out.

  “You sure were quick to find someone to sink your dick into. Congratulations on pushing me away for good.” She yanks off the necklace I bought her for her birthday last year and tosses it at me. “You really are an asshole and I hate you. I tried. I fucking tried and this is what I get. After four years. Goodbye, Jameson. You better hope she can handle you sexually like I did. Not many women can, asshole. She’ll become boring after a week.”

  With that, she stomps off across the parking lot, pushing some innocent girl out of her way to get over to her car.

  Brooke releases my waist and takes a step away, putting space between us once we’re alone. “I hate women like that. Sorry to butt in, but I figured you could use my help to get rid of her.”

  I smile down at her, causing her to smile back. “What? Sometimes men need a little help too.”

  I shake my head and pull out a cigarette, getting comfortable against the building. “I’ve never met someone before that could shut Katie up. I’m just thankful and very impressed.”

  She laughs and leans against the building beside me. “I’ve dealt with a lot of intolerable people in the years I’ve been in the bar business. I guess you can say I don’t take bullshit very well.”

  “Good to hear.” I take a drag of my cigarette and close my eyes as I slowly exhale. “I’m the same way. That’s why my ex won’t leave me alone.”

  “I kind of gathered she was an ex,” Brooke says on a laugh. “They’re the hardest to get rid of and she didn’t seem to want to give you up.” Her eyes look me over, before she pulls them away and gently says, “I don’t blame her.”

  Taking one last drag, I toss my cigarette down and place my hands against the building, pinning her in with my arms.

  “Is that right?”

  She nods and meets my eyes.

  “Why is that?” I push.

  A small rush of air escapes her as I spread her thighs with my leg and press my body between them.

  “Because you’ve barely even touched me, yet my body craves more of you. I can’t imagine how she must feel after experiencing all you have to offer.”

  I feel my dick growing hard against her body as I listen to her words.

  “Like right now . . .” she breathes. “I’m going crazy inside having you this close to me.”

  “I’d be happy to give you everything I gave her, Brooke. I just need to know one thing . . .”

  She steps up on the tip of her toes to whisper in my ear, her breath sending chills down my body. I love her being bold with me. “What’s that?”

  “That you can handle having us both and only falling for Cole.”

  She doesn’t say anything for a few seconds as if she’s thinking it over in her head.

  “I figured that’s what you and Cole had in mind after that little show you gave me in my apartment. That is why Cole fucked me harder than he ever has before, right? It turns you both on to see who can work me up the most?” She wraps her arm around my neck and gently bites my ear. “For the record . . . I’ve never been more turned on in my life. Doesn’t mean I’m ready to fall for anyone and if I do, I’ll make sure it’s Cole. I’m tough. I can handle more than you think.”

  Just as I’m about to speak, we get interrupted by her friend, coming around the corner, calling out for her.

  “Brooke! You back there creeping in the dark like some psycho?”

  Brooke clears her throat and releases her hold on my neck, laughing into my chest, before speaking. “Yeah, back here.”

  “Oh good.” Karson smiles and looks us over once she reaches us. “Didn’t mean to interrupt any wild sex that might’ve been close to taking place, but we gotta get going.”

  The thought of Brooke leaving has me pushing away from the building and running my hand through my hair. I’m feeling extremely sexually frustrated and I’m not ready to let her out of my sight yet. “You’re not staying?”

  “Can’t,” she replies, looking just as sexually frustrated as I am. “Just stopped in to say hi. Karson wanted to get your friend’s number really quick and he told me where to find you.” She steps away from the building and joins her friend. “I have a job interview at some karaoke bar about five minutes from here. Real fun stuff.”

  Our eyes stay locked as she begins backing up. “Goodbye, Jameson.”

  I smile to myself as she turns the other way and continues walking. “Good luck, babe.”

  She smiles over her shoulder, but doesn’t say anything as her and Karson disappear back around the building.

  Not even two seconds later, Serge speaks into the earpiece calling me back inside.

  So much for hiding this massive fucking boner Brooke left me with.

  Looks like she has a feisty side, just waiting to come out and play with us . . .


  KARSON’S EYES MIGHT JUST POP out of the sockets if she doesn’t stop staring at me so damn hard right now.

  I mean . . . I suppose it is my fault. I guess I kind of forgot to mention the hot little fact that I watched Jameson pleasure himself in my apartment last night.

  Not that I haven’t been thinking about it, because trust me; I have. A lot. A whole lot.

  I was barely able to keep my cool when I saw him just a few minutes ago, outside of the club. My whole body ached, screaming out to touch him in the dirtiest way possible.

  Especially after seeing him standing there, all manly and sexy, while his ex was pushing and hitting at his firm chest.

  Not saying it didn’t piss me off she touched him, because trust me, I wanted to knock her out for laying her bitchy little hands on him like that.

  But something about the way he closed his eyes and took it, made me think he’s got a lot of respect for women. Most other guys would’ve knocked her on her ass by then.

  He was just going to stand there and accept the blows, until I came along.

  “Say what?” Karson throws her seatbelt of
f and laughs, unsure of what to think of my words. “Wait . . . you’re serious?”

  The heated look on my face must give away my answer, because she instantly stops laughing, straightening up in her seat. “Oh my God! I thought you were joking. He came to your apartment last night and what? Just whipped it out and stroked it for you?”

  I feel an ache between my legs, remembering in my head how it all went down. It was by far one of the sexiest things a man has ever done for me.

  “Well . . . not exactly.” I undo my seatbelt and reach up to fix my sloppy bun. “It was a whole lot sexier than just that. It’s hard to explain.”

  She laughs. “I bet it is hard . . . and big. Was it big?”

  I let out a slow breath and lean my head into the headrest, now picturing its size and how big it looked, even in his strong hands. “Yes,” I breathe. “You have no idea.”

  Grinning, she pulls her keys out of the ignition, keeping her eyes on me. “Bigger than Cole’s?”

  I smile, but stay silent, not wanting to get into this talk right now. Knowing Karson, she’ll want me to describe the differences in detail.

  Honestly, they’re close in size, but I think Jameson might just have an inch on Cole. That’s something I couldn’t help but to notice, the second it sprang free from his pants.

  “Let’s go,” I say, instead, while opening the door. “We don’t have time for the details I know your dirty little mind is dying to get. I’m late.”

  This earns a growl out of Karson along with a few very colorful words, but she quickly follows me through the parking lot.

  The horrible sound of screeching or singing—I’m not quite sure yet—fills my ears when we enter BJ’s Place, stopping in the doorway.

  It’s a lot more crowded in the bar than I expected and it surprises me. It might possibly be worth my time after all.

  “Woah!” Karson screams next to my ear all giddy like, while looking around at all the pretty lights. “This place looks pretty damn fun. I likie a lot.”

  Checking the place out, I begin walking, with Karson following closely behind. She seems to be a little more amused than I am by this place, but I think I’m liking it.

  There’s two girls dancing around the small stage in the center of the room, singing loudly into mics, not giving two shits what they sound like.

  Seems like the perfect place for Karson to be vocal.

  “Yeah, I could see you working here. Maybe you should quit that boring diner job you’re always bitching about and apply here with me.”

  I can just imagine a big, cheesy smile taking over her face right about now, giving some serious thought into what I just suggested.

  “Will you do karaoke with me if I do?” She speeds up to jump in front of me, cutting me off right before I can grab for a barstool and get the bartender’s attention. “Give me that and I’ll join you right here in sweet karaoke hell.”

  I laugh and look over, watching as the room begins to join in at the end of the song, everyone going crazy.

  It has excitement coursing through me, making me want to join in and have fun too. That’s exactly what I was missing at Diamond’s.

  “Sure. Why the hell not?”

  Grinning like a maniac, Karson grabs my arms and begins dancing next to me, belting out the last few lyrics to Cool for the Summer by Demi Lovato.

  “I fucking love you!” she screams in my face. “Let’s find this Ben person and get my ass an application. Ben!”

  I can’t help but to smile as she begins cupping her hands over her face like a megaphone as she screams his name a few more times.

  As crazy as she looks right now, it gets the attention of the bartender who nods to us, before walking into the back to most likely grab poor Ben.

  He seriously has no idea what he’s getting into if he gives us both a job here, working at the same time.

  “That’s one way to get noticed. Nice job, babe.”

  She gives me a satisfied look and pulls out the stool next to me, hopping onto it. “You’re welcome. In a place like this, the loudest ones always stand out.”

  “He’ll be out in a minute. Here . . .” The female bartender slides two shots our way and slaps the bar. “Good luck.”

  With that, she looks away from us and begins waving her arms around, dancing as the next song begins to play.

  She looks to be enjoying herself, which definitely has me more excited about the possibility of this job now.

  Karson and I both bring our attention to some guy when he shoves his head in between us and starts singing to the current song.

  He’s cute, which has us both spinning around to watch him as he begins dancing and motioning for us to follow him.

  “That’s Ben!” the bartender points out to us. “He’s crazy but harmless. Go.”

  I can’t help the smile that takes over as we follow him through the bar and to some room down the hall.

  “Welcome, ladies,” he says with a friendly smile, while holding open a door for us. “Let’s get you inside my office where it’s quieter.”

  He offers us a seat and then takes one himself at the edge of his beaten-up desk, while running a hand through his blonde hair and smiling at us. “One of you lovely ladies must be Brooke. Which one?”

  I offer him a smile when his eyes land on me. “I’m Brooke and the loud, crazy chick next to me that was screaming your name is Karson. Just to warn you, she’s looking for a job too.”

  “I am,” she jumps in. “I can’t promise I’ll stay away from the mic while I’m working so I want to throw that out there, too.”

  Ben laughs as if he’s not the least bit surprised. “I wouldn’t expect you to, but thanks for the honesty. Here . . .” He reaches behind him for an application and hands it to Karson. “Fill this out and we’ll give you both a chance. Let’s say . . . tomorrow night around six. Just bring the application back then.”

  “Sounds fantastic to me. Looking forward to it.”

  Nodding, he jumps off the desk and walks around to take a seat behind it. “Perfect. Now get the hell out of my office and have some fun. Tell Ariel drinks are on me tonight.”

  Surprised, we both thank Ben and leave his office, anxious to just let loose for a bit and enjoy some girl time.

  Two drinks and three shots later, we find ourselves on stage singing our asses off to Like a Prayer by Madonna.

  Half the bar joins in with us, a lot of women joining us on stage dancing as if no one’s watching.

  We sing and dance so hard for the next few hours that, my throat begins hurting and I find myself fighting to catch my breath and cool off, while stripping off my outer tank top and tossing it aside.

  “Karson,” I yell over at her. “I’ll be back.”

  I’ve had to use the bathroom for at least an hour now, but we’ve been having way too much fun, so I’ve been putting it off until now.

  I really need to go. And we all know once you break that stupid magical seal, you’ll be in the bathroom every ten minutes.

  She stops singing to yell at me. “What?”

  I point toward the bathroom door and begin backing up. “Bathroom.”

  She gives me a thumbs up and goes back to looking for her next song to slaughter. She’ll most likely make me join her on that one as well. “Hurry back. We’re next.”

  Laughing, I spin around on my heels, my whole body seeming to freeze, my heart jumping into overdrive, the moment my eyes land on a certain someone sitting at the bar.

  Jameson . . .

  He looks soooo damn sexy as he flashes me a smile from above his glass, before tilting it back and emptying what’s left of it.

  I definitely wasn’t expecting to see him again tonight. Holy fuck . . .


  SOMEWHERE BETWEEN THE CLUB AND my house, I made the decision to take a little detour to check out this karaoke bar Brooke mentioned she was getting a job at.

  I never expected her to still be here when I arrived. But when I saw her friend’s car ou
t in the parking lot, I couldn’t resist stopping in for a drink.

  So, I’ve been sitting here, throwing back a glass of whiskey for the last twenty minutes, watching Brooke cut loose and sing with her friend.

  It’s kept me smiling since I sat down. To be honest, it’s probably one of the best times I’ve had in a while, without thinking about all the bullshit that’s been bringing me down.

  What has me smiling even more is the fact she’s just now noticed me here.

  From the look on her face as she stands there frozen, watching me, I’d say she’s both shocked and excited to see me.

  I’ve always loved that combination on a woman.

  She’s staring awfully hard, her eyes burning into me, as I tilt my glass back, finishing my drink off. The one drink I allowed myself to have so I’d be sober enough to do this next part.

  Setting my empty glass down, I toss a tip on the bar, being sure to watch Brooke’s reaction to me as I stand.

  The closer I get to her, the more anxious her eyes seem to become as she looks me over, being sure to take in every inch of me.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, once I stop in front of her. “I mean . . .” she laughs and brushes her sweaty hair from her face. “I didn’t mean for it to sound that way. I just didn’t expect you to be here.”

  “That makes two of us.” She sucks in a small breath, when I reach out and brush the stray piece of hair out of her face she seemed to miss. “Come with me.”

  Her eyes widen as if she’s surprised by my request, but I can see the curiosity beginning to come out as she speaks. “Right now? The bars are about to close though.”

  I nod my head. “Doesn’t matter. We’re not going to another bar.”

  “What about Karson? I came here with her.”

  I look over Brooke’s shoulder to see Karson dancing around the stage with two girls. She seems to be having fun just fine without Brooke.

  “Tell her you’re getting a ride with me and to look outside for Rowdy when the bar closes down.” I nod toward the stage, where she’s still dancing around with a mic. “She’ll be fine with her new friends for a bit.”

  Brooke seems to think this over for a few seconds, before she turns back to look at me with an amused laugh. “I think you’re right. She’s to that point now where anyone and everyone is her best friend. I’m sure she won’t mind. Besides, it’ll rescue me from having to sing a hundredth song for the night.”


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