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Hard & Reckless (Club Reckless Book 1)

Page 13

by Victoria Ashley

  Anger courses through me as I reach for a cigarette and light it, before grabbing the rest of the bottle of Jack and making my way upstairs.

  Let’s just hope I still have a spare bottle hidden in my room, because I’m gonna need it to drown out this pain.

  Staying away from Brooke is going to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Forgetting her will be even harder . . .

  One week later . . .


  I’VE SPENT THIS LAST WEEK losing myself in work, being sure to pick up every available shift at BJ’s Place I can get.

  It’s the only thing that’s been able to distract me just enough to keep my mind from wandering to Jameson and how much it hurts, now that I know for sure he won’t be coming around anymore.

  It hasn’t been enough to completely take my mind off him, but I didn’t expect it to. I don’t expect anything to at this point. I’m just hoping that with time, the memories of the way his touch and kiss made me feel, will begin to fade and eventually he’ll just get out of my head and stop torturing me.

  A week has done little so far.

  My mind is seriously driving me insane. It’s as if I’ve lost all control over it, because as soon as it gets a quiet moment to think, it goes back to Jameson.

  And trust me, the fact Cole has been sending me random texts to check on me, hasn’t made it any easier to forget his friend. The one he brought into my life. It’s because of Cole I fell for Jameson to begin with.

  All because he pushed Jameson into a reason to get back at him and now we’re all screwed.

  Needing to get some air and just breathe, I hop out of bed and slip my jacket on.

  It’s a nice night and my mother’s house is only about a fifteen-minute walk from here.

  I’ve been meaning to snap a few pictures of the unfinished kitchen to send to some guy Ben knows. Said he’d be able to get me a discount and the guy’s a fast and highly skilled worker.

  Ever since I caught Jameson working on the floor last week, I’ve been kicking my own ass for not having it done a long time ago. I guess I just wasn’t ready to live there again and I wasn’t ready to admit that was the real reason I never had someone come in and finish it.

  But walking into the house to see the living room complete, had me wanting to move back in like crazy. I’ve missed being there so much and Jameson was able to remind me of that.

  I owe him so much for that.

  I find myself smiling, the moment the house comes into view. It has me walking faster, wanting to get inside and take another look at the beautiful job Jameson did in the living room.

  Since I know I won’t be getting much sleep tonight, sticking around and setting up the furniture sounds like the best plan. It’ll be the first step to making this place feel like home again.

  Excitement courses through me as I rush up the steps and unlock the door, pushing it open.

  I’m completely unprepared for what I see next.

  “Oh my god.” I throw my hand over my mouth in shock and walk inside, my eyes taking in the already furnished room.

  Everything is set up already.

  Did Jameson do this?

  Karson hasn’t mentioned Jameson or the fact he might still have her key, but I know there’s no way Karson has had any time to surprise me with this. She values her sleep more than anyone I know. So, when she’s not working or hanging out with me, she’s getting her beauty sleep.

  Emotions overwhelm me as I step inside and close the door behind me. It’s been a while since I’ve felt at home anywhere, but I feel more at home than ever right now.

  “I can’t believe this . . .”

  I walk past the couch, running my hand over the gray fabric with a smile. My mother was so excited when she purchased this thing, along with the fancy decorative pillows. She barely let me sit on it for the first week.

  Said it was the first nice thing she’d been able to buy for herself in a long time and wanted time to enjoy it before me or Karson spilled anything on it.

  I was nineteen then. Two years before my mother passed and now it’s been two years since. It’s crazy how the time flies.

  After taking a few minutes to enjoy the sight of seeing this place look like a home again, I make my way to the kitchen, surprised to see the floor in here is done as well.

  “Jameson finished it,” I whisper in wonder. “I can’t believe . . .”

  My heart aches for Jameson even more now than ever.

  He still took the time to finish my mother’s house, even though he knew we’d be staying away from each other.

  I don’t know one other guy so selfless that he’d be willing to do something like this for someone else. Especially one he’s not even dating or sleeping with.

  He had no reason to continue coming around to finish the job, yet he did with no questions asked.

  With my hands shaking, I reach into my pocket and pull my phone out, scrolling down to Jameson’s last text message.

  Jameson: But like I said . . . I’m a little more generous. Tell me where you live.

  I read over his message a few times, feeling my heart go crazy inside my chest at the memory of that night.

  It was one of the most exciting things to happen to me. The way he just showed up at my apartment and took charge, giving me a show, with the confidence he’d be able to make me come without even touching me.

  And he was right.

  That was the moment I knew I needed to feel him inside of me. I knew I needed him and I still do.

  Exhaling, I stare down at my phone, trying to decide if it’s best to wait a while before thanking him. It might be too soon to talk to him after what happened here last week.

  I need time to forget how damn good it felt.

  I run my hand through my hair in frustration, while taking a seat on the couch and tossing my phone down beside me.

  Getting comfortable, I lay back and stare up at the ceiling, thinking of old times with my mom and how easy it was to talk to her. I miss her so much right now. What I wouldn’t give to be able to ask her advice.

  Do I listen to my heart and go after Jameson? Or do I listen to my head and do what’s best for him and Cole?

  I’ve never been so confused in my entire life.

  An hour must pass, of me driving myself crazy, before I reach for my phone to see it’s just past three in the morning.

  I didn’t plan on sleeping here tonight, because I didn’t expect the house to be ready for me to move back into, but now that I’m here, I don’t want to leave.

  Jumping up from the couch, I walk over to lock the front door, but freeze when I hear what sounds like a motorcycle, pulling into the driveway.

  I can barely breathe when I open the door to see Jameson pulling his helmet off and jumping off his bike.

  He doesn’t notice me standing here at first, but becomes motionless when he looks my direction, our eyes meeting for the first time in a week.

  Holy beautiful man, I think I’m going to die here on the spot.

  It’s hard not to notice how dangerously sexy he looks, standing there all tense in a black leather jacket and ripped up jeans, his jaw muscles flexing as he looks me over.

  His face is covered in a thick stubble that only makes him look that much more dangerous and sexy right now.

  I can hardly stand to look at him without wanting to jump into his arms and crush my lips against his.

  “Jameson . . . hi.”

  Keep your cool, Brooke. You can do this . . .


  THE LAST THING I WAS prepared for tonight was setting my eyes on Brooke.

  I came back tonight with the intent of making sure everything in the house is in working order, before giving Karson back her key and telling her to let Brooke know the house is move in ready.

  Seeing Brooke has my alpha side going crazy, making me want to throw her over my shoulder and claim her as mine.

  Has me thinking, fuck Cole. If he puts his hands on her again, I�
��ll rip his heart out and feed it to him. I want to be the only one touching and kissing her for now on.

  Well doesn’t this just make me a huge asshole . . .

  “I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

  “I was thinking the same,” she replies with a small smirk. “Thank you for everything you did for me. Means more than you know.”

  I can’t pull my eyes away from her as she steps outside and closes the door behind her. Everything inside of me is going crazy to have her near me and I think I have a way of making that happen that doesn’t involve me throwing her around the house and kissing her like I really want to.

  My eyes lock with her as I hold out my helmet. “Come with me.”

  She looks confused, but makes her way down the steps and reaches for my helmet, without question.

  My eyes close and my heart hammers against my chest, when I feel her climb onto the bike behind me, and wrap her arms around my waist.

  “Just like last time. Let me . . .”

  “I like it when you go fast,” she says quickly. “I trust you.”

  Hearing Brooke say she trusts me, fucks with my head, causing me to steel my jaw and cuss to myself.

  Truthfully, I don’t trust myself with her and I know if I allow myself to stay with her for too long, that I’ll give in and fuck up my friendship with Cole.

  But leaving her right now, when I’ve only just got her in my sight again after a torturous week without her, is not an option for me.

  I take off before I can talk myself out of it, feeling her arms tighten around me, as she leans into my back, burying her face into my leather jacket.

  It feels so fucking good having her close to me.

  We ride for a good thirty minutes, neither one of us finding a reason to want to stop and end this night yet.

  I have no idea when I’ll get this opportunity again, so I just keep on riding, giving her the chance to turn us back around when she’s ready.

  She must be thinking the same thing as me, because another thirty or so minutes goes by and I still feel her holding onto me as if she’s not ready to let go yet.

  “Fuck,” I mutter to myself, when we pass the spot we first kissed at.

  She must notice it too, because her grip on me tightens and she lifts her head over my shoulder to get a good look.

  That’s when I know it’s time to take her back.

  Because my urge to kiss her and put my hands all over her body is stronger now, making me want to stop my bike and take her right here.

  A man can only handle so much before he gives in and takes what he wants, and I haven’t wanted anything but Brooke since the moment I laid eyes on her.

  I reach behind me and scoot Brooke’s ass forward, letting her know she needs to hold on tight, before I speed up.

  Her hands grab at me, moving slightly up my body as if she’s turned on right now and is fighting with everything in her not to touch me like she wants to.

  Even with concentrating on the road, I can feel her heart hammering against my back as her fingertips dig into the ridges of my muscles.

  Fuck, I need to get her home and now.

  When we pull up in front of the brick house, I grab her hand and help her off the back of my bike, fighting like hell to stay on my bike and not go inside.

  “I’ll come back sometime this week and take a look at things to make sure the house doesn’t need maintenance work done. I want to make sure you don’t have any issues.”

  She smiles and hands me my helmet. “You’re incredible for doing this for me. Thank you, Jameson.” Without hesitation, she grabs my face and presses her lips against my cheek.

  My free hand instantly reaches out to grab the back of her head, holding her still, as I brush my lips against hers, before speaking against them. “It’s taking everything I have right now not to kiss you, Brooke. Go inside and lock the door.”

  I can feel her breath against my lips, her breathing picking up as my teeth graze her bottom lip. “What if I don’t want to keep you out?”

  “Then I won’t be able to stop myself from giving you what I know you deserve, but I can’t give.” I brush my thumb over her cheek. “I won’t be strong enough to stop myself from making you mine.”

  “Then . . .” she backs away from me, keeping her eyes on me the whole time. “I’ll keep the door unlocked. Because I’m just as weak as you are.”

  My hands shake as I grip the handlebars, fighting like hell to keep control, as she disappears into the house.

  It only takes two seconds, before I hop off my bike and toss my helmet down, realizing this is a battle I won’t win.

  I want Brooke and not even my friendship with Cole is enough to stop me from taking her . . .


  RUSHING UP THE STEPS, I push the door open, my heart racing as my eyes land on Brooke.

  She’s standing by the couch, looking just as sexually frustrated as I am, her chest quickly rising and falling as she watches me close the door behind me and step inside.

  “Fuck this shit,” I growl out. “You’re mine.”

  Stalking toward her, I grip the back of her hair, and slam my lips against hers, kissing her hard, as she jumps into my arms and wraps her legs around my waist.

  She instantly grabs onto my hair, her fingers twisting and pulling on it, as she moans into my mouth, getting lost in our kiss.

  The taste of her mouth has me losing control, biting her bottom lip a little too hard, before I run my tongue over it and pull it into my mouth to soothe it.

  I’ve been desperate for days to feel her mouth on mine again and now that I am, I can’t get enough of it.

  I need her taste on me. I want to feel her all around me as I make her come.

  Feeling like an untamed beast, I slam her against the wall and rip the front of her shirt open, before lifting her up to take her hard nipple in my mouth.

  This has Brooke digging her nails into my back and pulling at my shirt, trying to take it off me.

  “I need this off, Jameson. Now.”

  Holding her up with my body, I lift my arms, allowing her to yank my shirt over my head and toss it aside, before I grab her again. The sound that leaves her mouth as she looks down at me has my cock straining to break free from my jeans.

  “And I need everything off.” I grip her throat and gently squeeze it, while leaning in to speak against her ear. “Your pussy is mine, Brooke. One taste and I became addicted. Nothing will be able to keep me away from you after this. Not even Cole.”

  I feel her swallow, before she speaks. “Good. I don’t want you away from me, Jameson. I can’t handle it anymore. I need you.”

  Pure, raw need has me dropping her to her feet and yanking her jeans and panties down her legs, before yanking at my own zipper and pulling out my hard cock.

  With one hand gripping the back of her neck, I lift her thigh with the other and thrust into her, causing her to moan out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as I fill her pussy.

  “Holy fuck!” I groan into her neck. “You’re so wet for me, baby. I love it.”

  Breathing heavily, I press my forehead against hers, making eye contact, as I pull out of her and quickly push back in.

  “Jameson . . .” She closes her eyes, leaning her head into mine, as she fights to even her breathing. “I’ve wanted this since the night you came to my apartment.”

  “What’s that? Tell me . . .”

  She opens her eyes, when I gently brush my mouth across hers. “For you to take me, alone.”

  Her words have me pulling out and pushing back in as deeply as I can, wanting her to feel me deeper than Cole has ever been.

  I feel her body shudder in my arms as I slowly move in and out of her, gripping her thigh tightly to keep her from falling over.

  Being inside her bare, feels even better than I imagined. The idea that I’d never get to feel her this way had me losing my shit.

  I’m just hoping like hell Cole has never been inside her like this. There’s
no way I’d be able to look at him without wanting to kill him.

  Our sweaty bodies, move together, our hearts racing as we get lost in each other and in this moment.

  As much as I’d love to take it easy on her and show her how much I really care for her, my need to take her deep and hard is taking over, causing my rhythm to speed up as I slam into her.

  Within seconds, I have Brooke screaming my name, clawing at my sweaty back as I shove her up the wall with each hard thrust.

  The sound of our wet bodies slapping together has me wanting to come inside of her right now, but I’m not even close to being done with her.

  When we’re through, I don’t want her thinking about any other guy. I want to fuck the memory of me and Cole taking her at the same time out of her fucking mind.

  Me being rough with her must turn her on even more, because before I know it, Brooke’s other leg is wrapping around my waist and she’s bouncing up and down on my dick as if to show me she owns it.

  Apparently, I’m not the only one wanting to make something clear here tonight.

  With one arm wrapped around the back of her neck and my other hand gripping at her hips, I back away from the wall, holding her tightly as she continues to ride me.

  Her loud moans fill my ear, getting me so fucking heated that I begin pulling her body down on top of mine, my hips roughly thrusting her back up each time she comes down.

  “Jameson!” She screams next to my ear and squeezes my neck with her arms, holding onto me to for dear life. “Don’t stop! Don’t ever fucking stop. Please . . .”

  Holding onto her, I bury my face into her neck, before running my tongue up it, tasting the sweat that was put there by me.

  This has her moaning even louder and grinding her hips into me as if she’s completely lost it now.

  “Fuck me . . .” I walk into the kitchen and set her down in front of the kitchen island, turning her around to face it. Luckily for this next position, it doesn’t stand very tall.

  Coming up behind her, I run my hand over her right thigh, before lifting it up high and holding it, while she rests her elbow on the marble counter for support.


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