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Lincoln's Greatest Case: The River, the Bridge, and the Making of America

Page 29

by Brian McGinty

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  1. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, Illinois

  2. Engraving by A.H. Ritchie. Brian McGinty Collection

  3. Technical Library of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Rock Island, Illinois

  4. Brian McGinty Collection

  5. Putnam Museum of History and Natural Science, Davenport,

  6. Ballou’s Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion, December 18, 1858

  7. Courtesy of William Riebe

  8. Engraving by Wellstood & Peters as printed in The Ladies’ Repository, Cincinnati, January 1855

  9. Engraving by W. Wellstood from The Ladies’ Repository, Cincinnati, February 1856

  10. Putnam Museum of History and Natural Science, Davenport, Iowa

  11. Brian McGinty Collection

  12. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

  13. Brian McGinty Collection

  14. History of Cook County, Illinois: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time by Alfred Theodore Andreas (Chicago: 1884)

  15. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, June 27, 1857

  16. Rock Island County Historical Society

  17. Rock Island County Historical Society

  18. Wood engraving by Alfred R. Waud in Picturesque America by William Cullen Bryant (1874)

  19. U.S. Army photo provided by Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois

  20. Brian McGinty Collection

  21. Mapcraft, Woodstock, Illinois


  Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

  Adams, John, 38

  Adams, John Quincy, 38–39, 97

  Alford, Pliny A., 126, 127

  Alton and Sangamon (railroad), 28

  American System, 19–20

  Argonaut (steamboat), 118

  Arizonia (steamboat), 116, 133, 137

  Arnold, Isaac N., 47–48

  Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (B&O), 25, 27, 28

  Bancroft, George, 33

  Banks, Nathaniel P., 82

  Barnes, David, 139

  Batcheler, Frank T., 118

  Bates, Edward, 180

  Beckwith, Corydon, 86, 106

  Beckwith, Hiram, 42, 152, 153

  Bell, John, 180

  Ben Bolt (steamboat), 125

  Ben Coursin (steamboat), 133

  Binmore, Henry:

  background, 101

  Lincoln sees in court, 100–101

  opposition to Rock Island Bridge, 101


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