Lincoln's Greatest Case: The River, the Bridge, and the Making of America

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Lincoln's Greatest Case: The River, the Bridge, and the Making of America Page 30

by Brian McGinty

  reports Effie Afton trial, 101, 102–3, 106, 118, 129–30, 176

  reports Lincoln-Douglas debates for Douglas, 101

  Bissell, Josiah W.:

  arrested, 169–70

  designs bridge for St. Louis, 88, 189

  and map of Rock Island Bridge, 88, 89

  opposition to Rock Island Bridge, 88, 89, 165, 170

  and St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, 88, 170–71

  tried, 170–71

  Bissell, William H., 84

  Black Hawk, 53–55

  Black Hawk War, 53, 54–55

  Boyd, James, 125

  Brayton, Benjamin B. (Bud), Jr., 105

  Brayton, Benjamin B., Sr., 66, 104–5, 134–36, 142, 147

  Breckinridge, John C., 180

  Breese, Sidney, 28

  Brickel, David, 121

  bridges, 51, 52

  Browning, Orville H., 82

  Buchanan, James, 39, 82, 84, 163

  Burlingame, Michael, 37

  Cairo (Illinois), 26

  Calhoun, John C., 39

  Cameron, Simon, 180

  Cass, Lewis, 77

  Catron, John, 168

  Central Pacific Railroad Company, 183

  Chadwick, Walter F., 169, 170, 171

  Chase, Salmon P., 82, 98–99, 180

  Chicago and Alton Railroad, 32

  Chicago and Rock Island Railroad Company, 3, 32, 91

  Chicago Board of Trade, 87–88

  Chicago–St. Louis rivalry, 4–5, 7, 69


  and Effie Afton, 70–71, 72, 101, 121

  and Josiah Bissell, 163

  and Manny trial, 80–81

  railroad connections, 25

  and steamboat building, 16, 70, 169

  and T. D. Lincoln, 86

  Circuit Court, U.S., 1, 94–95

  Clark, James, 109

  Clay, Henry, 19–20, 39. See also American System

  Clemens, Henry, 115

  Colfax, Schuyler, 46

  Collins, George, 127–28, 131

  Columbus Insurance Company v. Peoria Bridge Company, 22

  Committee on Commerce, U.S. House, 164–65

  Connor, James W., 114–16, 125

  Constitution, U.S.:

  and admiralty jurisdiction, 168

  and Bank of the United States, 19, 58, 176

  Diversity clause, 85, 166

  and Dred Scott case, 56, 99, 174, 175

  enumerated powers, 57, 58

  and internal improvements, 21, 56–57, 92

  and interstate commerce, 5, 21, 58

  Jefferson Davis’s views on, 62–73

  Lincoln’s views on, 8, 21, 22, 84, 85

  Necessary and Proper clause, 57–58

  right to jury trial, 166

  and roads and canals, 19

  Tenth Amendment, 57

  Thirteenth Amendment, 184

  Cook, John, 62–63

  Croton Aqueduct, 33

  Curtis, Benjamin, 6

  Cushing, Caleb, 63, 83

  Daniel, Peter, 60

  Davis, David, 44, 45, 48, 81, 180

  Davis, Jefferson:

  in Black Hawk War, 54

  opposes Rock Island Bridge, 52, 61–63, 83

  as secretary of war, 35, 52, 61–63

  and southern route for Pacific railroad, 35, 36, 62–63, 69

  Davis, Walter, 23–24

  Dayton, William L., 83

  Decker, Henry, 139

  Deere, John, 138–39

  Dempsey, Isaac, 109

  Des Moines Rapids, 12, 13, 14

  Devinney, Pleasant, 117

  Dickerson, Edward M., 80

  Dirck, Brian, 8

  Dix, John A., 61

  Dodge, Grenville M., 178

  Douglas, Stephen A.:

  campaign against John Todd Stuart, 41, 94

  debates Lincoln, 56, 172, 174–77, 178

  and Dred Scott decision, 175

  Hurd seeks legal services, 163–64

  and Illinois Central Railroad, 28–29

  and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 77–78, 174

  and Lincoln’s fee in Illinois Central case, 31

  Lincoln’s opponent in presidential election, 180

  and slavery, 78, 173, 174

  Douglass, John M., 107

  Dred Scott v. Sandford:

  decision, 6, 7, 55–56, 174, 176

  Douglas supports, 175

  Lincoln opposes, 6, 56, 99, 175–76, 178

  McLean dissents, 6, 99

  see also Scott, Dred

  Drummond, Thomas:

  and admiralty suit, 168

  background and ability, 99–100

  and Effie Afton case, 95–97, 100

  and Lincoln’s ability, 47

  refers case to McLean, 64

  Duncan’s Island, 14

  Durant, Thomas C., 32

  Eads, James, 189–90

  Eads and Nelson v. The Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, 22–23

  Eads Bridge, 189–90

  Effie Afton (pseudonym of Sarah Elizabeth Harper), 71

  Effie Afton (steamboat):

  begins river service, 71

  built and licensed at Cincinnati, 70, 71

  crashes into Rock Island Bridge, 1, 2, 73–75, 86

  described, 70, 131

  insurance coverage, 83

  named for Sarah Elizabeth Harper, 71

  to New Orleans, 71–72

  to Rock Island, 72

  Effie Afton trial:

  brings Lincoln and Judd closer together, 172

  depositions, 92, 95, 102, 103, 104, 107, 113–14, 117, 128, 141

  importance of, 6, 7

  jury, 107–9, 160–61, 191

  landmark in development of law, 5

  Lincoln’s closing argument in, 9, 148–56, 158–59

  Lincoln’s greatest case, 1–2, 3

  Lincoln’s request for continuance, 95–97, 100, 102

  McLean’s charge to jury, 159–60

  newspaper reports as only surviving records, 102

  public implications of, 4, 189, 191

  as St. Louis v. Chicago, 5, 7

  suit filed, 86–87

  and unity of United States, 9–10

  see also Hurd et al. v. The Railroad Bridge Company

  Eighth Judicial Circuit (Illinois), 44–46, 81, 166, 180

  Elting, John, 109

  Emerson, John, 55, 56

  Enterprise (steamboat), 15

  Erie Canal, 25, 33

  Farnam, Henry:

  and Chicago and Rock Island Railroad Company, 32, 33

  and Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad, 32

  and Rock Island Bridge, 66, 67, 87

  served with legal papers, 87

  supposed discussion about asking Lincoln to join defense team, 92–93, 103

  Fell, Jesse W., 180

  Field, David Dudley, 21

  Field, Stephen J., 169

  Fillmore, Millard, 33, 39, 56, 84

  Floyd, John B., 165

  Fort Armstrong:

  army withdraws from, 56

  and Black Hawk War, 54

  built on Rock Island, 12

  and Dred Scott, 55

  Fort Snelling, 13, 33

  Frémont, John C., 82–83, 84, 98

  Fuller, William, 116

  Fulton, Robert, 15

  Gadsden, James, 35

  Gadsden Purchase, 35–36, 63, 69

  Galena (Illinois), 13, 26, 29, 99, 165

  Galena (steamboat), 126

  Galena, Dunleith, and Minnesota Packet Company, 168–69

  Galena Packet Line, 123–24

  Gall, Cephas B., 118

  General Pike (steamboat), 116, 133

  Gilbert, William D., 136–37, 147

  Goodrich, Grant, 46, 80

  Government Bridge, 186–87, 188

  Grace Darling (steamboat), 117

  Grammar, John, 117, 126

  Granite Railway, 25

  Granite State (st
eamboat), 126

  Grant, Ulysses S., 184

  Great Comet of 1811, 15

  Great West (steamboat), 72

  Great Western Railroad Company, 27

  Greeley, Horace, 178–79

  Greenleaf, Simon, 128

  Gregg, Patrick, 138

  Grey Eagle (steamboat), 169

  Grimes, James, 103, 104, 105

  Guelzo, Allen C., 173

  Gurney, Seth, 132–33, 146, 147, 150, 151

  Hamburg (steamboat), 75

  Hamilton, Alexander, 57

  Harding, George H., 80

  Harper, Joseph M., 71

  Harper, Sarah Elizabeth (also known as Effie Afton), 71

  Harris, Daniel L., 134, 147

  Harrison, William Henry, 39

  Hatch, Ozias M., 177, 178

  Hatch, Sterns, 140

  Heidler, David and Jeanne, 19

  Henry Graff (steamboat), 117, 118

  Herdman, Robert, 116

  Herndon, William H. (Billy):

  and Lincoln’s argument in state supreme court, 43

  Lincoln’s law partner, 29, 31, 41, 49–50

  and Lincoln’s legal abilities, 48

  and Lincoln’s study of Euclid, 42

  Hitt, Robert R.:

  reports Effie Afton trial, 102, 106, 109, 118, 145, 148, 151, 176

  reports Lincoln-Douglas debates, 101, 176–77

  Holzer, Harold, 8

  Hoomes, Benjamin P., 123

  Howe trusses, 66, 67, 134

  Hoyne, Thomas, 64, 78, 91

  Hurd et al. v. The Railroad Bridge Company, 1, 4–5, 86, 95, 100. See also Effie Afton trial

  Hurd, Jacob S.:

  does not testify, 128

  Effie Afton captain, 70

  Effie Afton owner, 3, 70, 83

  killed in steamboat explosion, 171

  prepares lawsuit, 85

  at Rock Island, 73

  second and separate suit, 171

  seeks Douglas’s services, 163–64

  Hurd, Jesse T., 126

  Husted, H. H., 109

  Illinois and Michigan Canal, 20, 26, 28, 29

  Illinois Central Railroad, 29, 30–31, 93

  Illinois Central Railroad Company v. County of McLean, 30–31

  Isham, John G., 123

  Jackson, Andrew, 15, 19, 39, 97, 176

  Jacobs, John, 126

  J. B. Carson (steamboat):

  accompanies Effie Afton from Cincinnati, 72

  Effie Afton races with, 73, 111, 121, 147

  Lincoln refers to, 156

  Owens as captain, 125–26

  rescues passengers, 74, 141

  Jefferson, Thomas, 19, 38, 57

  Jervis, John B., 32–33, 136, 147

  Johnson, Andrew, 188

  Johnson, Reverdy, 80, 81

  Johnston, William S., 179

  Johnston v. Jones and Marsh (Sand Bar case), 179–80

  John Wilson (steamboat), 73

  Jones, William, 179

  Judd, Norman B.:

  asks Lincoln to join defense team, 92–93

  background and appearance, 91

  and Chicago and Rock Island Railroad Company, 32, 64, 91, 166

  and Chicago waterways convention, 92

  joins Republican Party, 172–73

  and Lincoln’s legal abilities, 172

  and Lincoln’s loan to, 93–94, 177

  and Lincoln’s Senate bid in 1855, 79

  Lincoln spends evening at home of, 157–58

  and Lincoln’s visit to bridge, 104

  opening statement, 111–12

  nominates Lincoln for president, 180

  political support for Lincoln, 174, 176

  at trial opening, 106

  Kalamazoo and Erie (railroad), 25

  Kansas-Nebraska Act, 77–78, 79, 83, 174, 177

  Kayser, Henry, 14

  Kelly, Joseph M., 126

  Kent, Chancellor James, 22

  Kidwell, Alexander W., 3, 70, 128

  King, William R., 29

  Knox, Joseph:

  background, 91–92

  closing argument, 146–48

  defense attorney in Effie Afton case, 91

  at opening of trial, 106

  and suit to stop construction of bridge, 92

  thinks Lincoln has lost case for them, 157–58

  Krautz, George, 126

  Lamon, Ward Hill, 180

  Latrobe, Benjamin, 15

  Latrobe, Lydia, 15

  Lee, Robert E., 13–14, 184

  Lightfoot (steamboat), 63

  Lincoln, Abraham:

  as appellate lawyer, 42–43, 48

  assassination of, 184

  becomes lawyer, 39–40

  and Black Hawk War, 40, 54–55

  candidate for U.S. Senate, 78–79, 172–77

  at Chicago waterways convention with Judd, 92

  closing argument in Effie Afton case, 148–56, 158–59

  and Columbus Insurance Company v. Peoria Bridge Company, 22, 143

  and Constitution as “complete protection to the Union,” 21

  contribution to economic future of United States, 191

  Cooper Union speech, 178–79

  debates Douglas, 56, 101, 174–77, 178

  described during Effie Afton trial, 119–20

  and Dred Scott decision, 6, 56, 175–76, 178

  and Eads and Nelson v. The Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, 22–23

  early experience with rivers, 17–19

  early interest in becoming lawyer, 37–39

  early support for railroads, 26

  elected president, 180

  and equality, 85

  and gauge for Pacific railroad, 182

  and “General System of Internal Improvements,” 20, 21, 26

  goes to Chicago, 1, 92, 104

  and honesty, 41, 47

  “House Divided” speech, 173

  and Illinois Central Railroad Company v. County of McLean, 30–31, 93

  and importance of Effie Afton trial, 6, 7, 191

  joins defense team in Effie Afton case, 92–93

  at Judd home, 157–58

  and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 77–78, 79, 83, 177

  and Know-Nothingism, 84

  law partners, 41

  legal abilities of, 7–8, 47–49, 172

  loan to Judd, 93–94

  and materiality of obstruction, 142–43

  and McCormick v. Manny, 80–81

  modesty conceals vast self-confidence, 49

  and move of state capital to Springfield, 20–21

  at opening of trial, 106

  and patent for invention, 23–24

  “peculiar ambition” of, 38

  preparation for Effie Afton trial, 103–5

  and railroad cases, 29–30

  and reading, 42

  and rights of east-west traffic, 150

  and Sand Bar case, 179–80

  signs Homestead Act, 182

  signs Morrill Act, 182

  signs Pacific Railway Act, 182, 183

  and slavery, 78, 174–75

  and state legislature, 26, 38

  supports Republican platform, 181–82

  supports river traffic and other forms of transportation, 19–20, 21–22

  and town of Lincoln (Logan County, Illinois), 31–32

  and transcontinental railroad, 178, 182–83

  travels to Congress, 27–28

  travels to New York and Canada with Mrs. Lincoln, 103

  as trial lawyer, 43–47, 148

  and unity of United States, 9

  and vice-presidential voting at 1856 Republican convention, 83

  visits Rock Island Bridge, 104–5

  as Whig, 20, 23, 26, 55, 77, 82

  Lincoln, Mary Todd, 27, 47, 103

  Lincoln, Robert Todd (son of Abraham), 42

  Lincoln, Thomas (father of Abraham), 17, 37

  Lincoln, Timothy D., 86, 106, 112–13, 159, 168

  Lincoln (Logan Count
y, Illinois), 31–32

  Lincoln Legal Papers, 3, 10

  Little Miami Railroad, 25

  Livingston, Robert R., 15

  Logan, Stephen T., 41, 180

  Love, James M., 166, 167

  Lowers, Robert, 140

  Lucie May (steamboat), 122, 126, 127, 132–33

  Madison, James, 39

  Manny, John H., Company, 80

  Mansfield (steamboat), 133

  Marcy, William L., 56, 61

  Marshall, John, 57–58

  Martin, Albro, 5

  Mason, Roswell B., 137–38, 147, 152

  Matteson, Joel, 79

  McBride, Samuel, 72, 73, 122

  McCammant, Joseph, 70, 72, 121, 154–55

  McClintock, George, 117, 125

  McCormick, Cyrus H., 80

  McCormick v. Manny, 80, 81, 99

  McCulloch v. Maryland, 58

  McLean, George, 118

  McLean, John:

  appeal of early Lincoln case to, 23

  background and appearance, 97–98

  charge to jury, 159–60

  death of, 180

  denies injunction against Rock Island Bridge, 64–65, 98

  dissents from Dred Scott decision, 6, 99

  in Effie Afton case, 95–162

  Lincoln supports for 1856 Republican presidential nomination, 98

  in McCormick v. Manny, 80–81

  in Pennsylvania v. Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company, 59–60, 64, 143–44

  personality, 98–99

  presidential aspirations, 82–83, 98

  on right of parties to testify, 128

  McNeil, D. Clarence, 140–41

  Meigs, Montgomery, 14

  Memphis (Tennessee), 190

  Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad, 32, 33

  Miller, Samuel, 166, 167, 169

  Milliken, Isaac L., 33

  Minnesota Belle (steamboat), 122

  Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Company, 3, 4, 34, 36, 61, 135

  Mississippi River:

  bridges over, 51, 187–88, 189, 190

  as “great highway of nature,” 11–24

  improvement projects, 187–88

  lumber transported on, 190–91

  and Rock Island, 53

  Modjeski, Ralph, 187

  Monmouth, Jacques Eugene, 71

  Monroe, James, 39, 97

  National Road, 59

  navigation rights:

  in construction of Rock Island Bridge, 64–65

  as issue in Effie Afton trial, 5, 101, 126

  in Wheeling Bridge case, 61

  Neely, Mark, Jr., 8

  Nelson, Samuel, 60, 128

  New Orleans (Louisiana), 16–17, 18, 68, 190

  New Orleans (steamboat), 15

  Northern Cross (railroad), 26–27

  Northwest Ordinance, 5

  Otis, H. G., 109

  Owens, Elias, 125–26

  Pacific railroad, 34, 184. See also transcontinental railroad

  Page, Elwin, 71

  Paludan, Phillip Shaw, 8

  Parker, Nathaniel W.:

  pilot of Effie Afton, 72, 73, 121, 127

  testimony, 122–23, 131, 154

  Parker, Thomas, 117

  Parkinson, Robert Henry, 80–81


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