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Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5)

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by Heather D'Agostino

  Below the Surface

  Book 5 in The Witness Series

  By H. D’Agostino

  Below the Surface

  H. D’Agostino

  Copyright © March 2017 by Heather D’Agostino

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  The following story contains matures themes, profanity, and graphic sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  Cover Design by Kari March @ Kari March Designs

  Editing by Kellie Montgomery

  Cover Model: Eric Jacob

  Photography by K. Keeton Designs

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  Below the Surface Playlist

  Other Works by H. D’Agostino


  About the Author


  3 years ago…


  “I look terrible,” I mumbled as I scrutinized my reflection in the mirror. Who would want to hire me? I look like I just went a few rounds with a baseball bat. I sighed as I dropped my chin to my chest and let my shoulders sag. I was running low on funds, and if I didn’t get a regular job soon I was going to be back at the shelter. That thought alone propelled me into motion. Melissa had been a godsend, but life in hiding and running is not something that I ever want to go back to. The ladies at Thrive made me feel like I could do this. I can survive on my own, and I will make it. I just need to find a place that doesn’t ask a lot of questions.

  Yesterday, after meeting Melissa at the coffee shop down the block from my meager apartment, I saw a Now Hiring sign in a window. It didn’t look like a bad place to work. I already had more skills for the position than I’m sure anyone knew about. It was a bar, and after slinging drinks for Mitch and Leo I knew how to do just about anything like how to twist a lemon correctly, or exactly how much two fingers amounted to. Leo made sure of it and I had the scars to prove it. One time I questioned him and after he punished me, I learned to never question him again.

  “You can do this,” I muttered as I yanked open to door to The Rusty Nail. It was dark inside with just a few lights over the bar lit. Chairs were up on tables off to the side, and a woman was bent over the bar staring at a clipboard as she blew hair out of her face.

  “Damn it, Mason! If you mess with my process one more time I’m removing that dick you like so much,” she growled as she let her head drop to the wood.

  I wasn’t sure if this was the person I was supposed to talk to, or if I should even approach her. “I didn’t mess with anything, Tiff,” a deep voice called out from around the corner. “Sam asked me to do it.”

  Right at that moment, the woman’s head snapped up and our eyes connected. “We’re closed,” she sighed. “Mason, you forgot to lock the fucking door again,” she rounded the bar and breezed passed me as she moved to open the door. “We open at five. You can come back then,” she motioned for me to exit, but I just stood there staring. “We’re closed,” she rolled her eyes as she tapped one of her feet.

  I swallowed as I tried to gather my courage, “I have an interview,” the words tumbled out as I shifted on my feet. “I was supposed to meet Sam here,” I glanced around hoping that the woman I talked to on the phone would come out and save me because the one I was staring at seemed to hate me already.

  “She’s in her office. That way,” she pointed toward the back of the room, closed the door, and locked it before moving back to her previous spot.

  “Thank you,” my voice trembled and I cursed myself for letting her get to me. I’d faced much scarier people before. This woman shouldn’t get to me, but the idea that she didn’t even know me and already didn’t like me was bothering me.

  “Well hello,” a male voice catcalled from the shadows of the area the woman had sent me to. I froze as a chill spread over my skin. The feeling of helplessness and needing to escape filled my senses as I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

  His body came into a view, causing me to retreat toward to the wall. His hair was tousled on top and golden eyes stared back at me. “I’m Mason,” he held out his hand and grinned.

  I swallowed as I stared at him, and right when I was about to answer, the door behind me opened, causing me to stumble back. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” another woman squealed as she attempted to right me. “I’m such a klutz lately.”

  “It’s ok,” I gasped as I tried to control my breathing.

  “You must be Lena,” the woman held out her hand. “I’m Sam and that’s Mason.”

  “We’ve met,” Mason chuckled. “We’re set for the night. I’m heading out. See you at five to open,” he waved as he turned around.

  “Come on in. You’ll have to excuse the mess though. My husband thinks this is his personal lounge sometimes,” she giggled as she rounded her desk and attempted to get comfortable. “So, why do you want to work here?”

  “I need a job,” I shrugged. “I’ve bartended before, and I’m pretty fast. Other than learning your way of doing things, I think I’d be a perfect fit,” I forced a smile as I watched her.

  “You’re hired,” she slapped her hands on the desk.

  “That’s it?” I sprung to my feet in disbelief.

  “Yep, I need a bartender, and you need a job. We’ll figure out the rest. Can you start tonight?” She turned and began rummaging through a box.

  “Um, yeah,” I stammered.

  “Here,” she tossed a shirt my way before looking up at my face. “Wear jeans and that top. Shoes are up to you. We provide aprons and bottle openers, but you’re welcome to bring your own. See you at five,” she smiled as she opened the laptop on her desk and clicked a few keys. “We’ll get your paperwork done when you come in.”

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say,” I gasped as I stared at the shirt. I had a job. A job I wanted, and one I might actually like.

  “You don’t need to say anything, just show me I didn’t make a mistake,” she smiled as I turned to leave. When I reached the door she called out, “Make sure you bring a driver’s license and social security card tonight so I can set you up in the computer.”

  “Ok,” I swallowed against the knot in my throat. Great, this was just great. I didn’t have those. I had been someone else for so long, and that’s the one thing I hadn’t thought about since I got away. An identity. How was I going to get one, and where would I even start?


  “You’re sure this will work?” I stared at the sm
all card I was holding pinched between my fingers.

  “Yep,” Melissa’s head bobbed. “Carl’s the best we’ve got. He’s done this hundreds of times for me,” she smiled as we stepped outside. The sun was starting to sink over the buildings, reminding me that evening was approaching and I needed to get home.

  “I’ve got to go. I start work tonight, and I don’t want to be late,” I stuffed the documents that Melissa had just acquired for me in my purse. “I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you,” I reached out and hugged her, and when she hugged me back I didn’t recoil. It was a huge feat for me not to pull away. I’d been so damaged when she found me that I didn’t let anyone touch me.

  “You can buy me a drink sometime,” she smiled as she backed up. “You’re gonna do great, Lena. I just know this is only the beginning for you.”

  We parted ways, and I began walking briskly toward my small apartment. I was already dressed in jeans, all I needed to do was change my shirt and pull my hair back. It didn’t take me long to get to work, it was only a few minute walk, and I couldn’t help but bounce a little on my way. I hadn’t felt freedom in so long that even the simple things in life made me happy. When I lived with Leo, he controlled everything, including when I was allowed outdoors. I never took that for granted anymore. Any day that could be spent in the sun and fresh air was a blessing.

  “Hey again,” Mason, the man I’d met that morning, stood at the door. “Lena, right?” I nodded as I chewed my lip. “You don’t talk much,” he mused. I shrugged. The truth was I used to be a very talkative person, but after being ordered to stay quiet for two years it takes a while to get used to speaking when you feel like it. “Doors are opening in ten minutes. Tiff can get you set up behind the bar,” he opened the door and motioned for me to pass before going back to his spot.

  I slowly inched my way inside and marveled at the change in the place. It was lit up and music blasted from the sound system. Tiff was busy behind the bar and didn’t seem to notice me approach.

  “Lena,” Sam called as she breezed out of somewhere in the back. “You’re just in time.”

  “I have the stuff you asked for,” I started rummaging in my purse.

  “We can do that later. The doors are going to open in a minute. This is Tiff. She’s going to show you the ropes and get you started.”

  “Here,” Tiff shoved an apron in my direction. “We need cut limes,” she went back to her task before sighing and looking back at me. “I’m sorry about this morning. I had a rough night, and Mason does everything he can to get under my skin.”

  “It’s ok,” I smiled softly.

  “No, it’s not,” she blew out a breath as she tossed some lime slices in a bucket. “My,” she waved her hand in the air, “boyfriend… I guess you’d call him that… showed up on my doorstep drunk off his ass, looking for a booty call last night.”

  “I’m sorry?” I squeaked.

  “He’s an ass,” she grumbled, “too bad I’m in love with him. Anyway, cut these. Sam’s gonna open the doors in a minute and it’s going to get crazy in here. You ever done this before?”

  “Yep,” I nodded as I smiled. She had no idea how good I’d be at this job, and neither did I.

  Chapter 1


  Present Day…

  “I’m gonna need you to close tonight,” Sam smiled as she rounded the end of the bar. “Tiff can’t stay. Jase’s been working on a big case, and Joy hasn’t been sleeping well,” Sam yawned.

  “It’s seems like you need sleep too,” I laughed as I watched her shake her head trying to wake up more.

  “I’ve forgotten what sleep was. Mara never kept me up like Brayden does. I swear that kid doesn’t ever get tired,” she sighed. “He’s like his father,” her head swung to the left as her eyes narrowed on her husband, Dev, laughing at the other end of the bar.

  “It’s no problem. I don’t mind,” I shrugged. I didn’t have anyone to go home to after all. Dating hadn’t really been in the cards lately. I flirted, but it never amounted to anything. It couldn’t. I didn’t let it get that far.

  “Thanks, Lena. You’re a lifesaver,” she smiled tiredly as she turned to head back to her office.

  Sam had quickly become a good friend. I never thought when I walked in the door three years ago that I would fit so perfectly in here. I’d had my moments, don’t get me wrong, but for the most part The Rusty Nail was a great place to work. My shifts quickly filled up the hours of the day, and some at night.

  Nights were the worst. When I’d go home, I’d stare at the ceiling and think about my life. I couldn’t help but wonder if the girls I’d met at Leo’s were still there, or even alive. The way he’d treated us would break even the strongest. It never failed though that I’d get a call or text or something every time my mind drifted, and it would bring me back to the now.

  “Thanks,” Tiff shouted over the crowd as she dug under the bar for her purse. “Jase called me an hour ago asking if I’d relieve the sitter.”

  “No worries,” I reached in the cooler for a beer to serve my newest customer.

  “He’s been nagging me to quit for months now, but he doesn’t get it. I need this time away from home. I’m gonna start talking like a three-month-old if I don’t get it,” she rolled her eyes. “See ya tomorrow.”

  “Later,” I called as I slid the beer in front of the customer, and then looked up at him. It took me a second to get my bearings. His dark hair was tousled on top, and hanging slightly over his forehead. Dark brown eyes stared back at me with a little bit of mystery and a hint of humor. “Would you like to start a tab?” I swallowed against the butterflies that had suddenly filled my chest.

  “Sure,” he smirked at my obvious perusal.

  His gaze raked from the top of my head down to the bar before going back to my eyes. A twinkle lit up his eyes and made him appear slightly boyish, but something told me that he could also be dangerous. I never told men much about me, and as the years had passed I became even more secretive. Years with Leo taught me that I couldn’t trust. I trusted a man one time, and it completely destroyed me in not only an emotional sense, but a physical one as well.

  “What’s your name?” Tall, dark, and gorgeous smirked as he lifted the beer to his lips.

  “I didn’t know you needed that in order to enjoy a drink,” I sassed back as I moved over to the register. I printed out a tab for him before rolling the paper and placing it in a rocks glass in front of him.

  “Sassy,” he grinned. “I like that.”

  “Yo, Lena!” Dev called from the other end. “Can I get another?” he pointed to the empty bottle in front of him before his gaze caught who I was talking to. His face lit up as he started laughing. “Horn! What the fuck are you doing here?”

  My eyes pinged between the two as new guy’s head dropped to hang between his shoulders. “Nice to meet you, Lena,” he chuckled as he lifted his head to look at me before pushing back on his stool. “Duty calls,” he tipped his bottle toward Dev and the others at the end of the bar before turning and heading their way, giving me the perfect view of a nice ass.



  “You’re ruining my game,” I growled as I seated myself between Dev and Mark.

  “And what game is that?” Mark laughed as he finished the drink in front of him.

  I sighed as I shook my head at them, “the one where I get her to go home with me.”

  “Never gonna happen,” Dev sighed. “She doesn’t date.”

  All three of us swung our heads toward where Lena was talking to another customer.

  “What do you mean ‘she doesn’t date’?” my forehead wrinkled.

  “Sam has never heard her talk about a boyfriend, and other than Stevenson, nobody’s ever gotten her to flirt back,” Dev shrugged.

  “If she likes Jase, then she’ll love me. I’m not fucked up like him,” I laughed.

  “Fucked up like who?” a deep voice came from behind me.

hit!” I hissed before glancing back to see an angry Jase standing mere inches from my back. “Thought you were staying late tonight?”

  “Came to pick up the wife,” he lifted a shoulder. “I know how to treat a lady.”

  “Right,” I scoffed.

  “This right here,” he pointed at his wedding ring, “proves it.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, buddy. You sleep with the same pussy every night. Why in the world would you ever want to make that kind of commitment?”

  “When you find the right one, you’ll know,” he shook his head before wrapping his arm around Tiff when she appeared. “Right, baby?”

  “Sure, I don’t know what I’m agreeing to, but ok,” she leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for coming to get me, but I thought you had to work late.”

  “Things change,” he smirked.

  “You better get out of here before boss catches him here,” Dev eyed Jase. “I’ll help hide the body when she kills you. They’re busy tonight, and I’m getting my time with her,” he lifted the fresh beer that had just been placed on the bar and took a big gulp as if he hadn’t just threatened his partner.

  “Later,” Jase saluted the group as he turned and guided Tiff out the door.

  “Now back to you,” Dev snickered as he and Mark shared a look. “What makes you think she’s interested in you?”

  “Who?” I played dumb as I tried to steal a glance at Lena.

  “So that’s how it is,” he pressed his lips together as he slowly nodded. “Sam said she’s never seen her leave with anyone. I can’t see her changing that after three years,” Dev finished his beer and lifted it in the air to signal for another one.

  Lena began waltzing toward our group empty handed with a worried look on her face. “Sorry Dev, but you’re cut off for the night,” she grimaced.

  “Says who? I’m not drunk,” his head snapped back in disbelief.

  “Says the boss,” she cringed. “Something about not wanting you to pass out and sleep through baby duty?” she began to backtrack toward the other end.


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