Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5)

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Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5) Page 2

by Heather D'Agostino

  “You can bring me another,” I winked at her and watched her blush. “I’ll take his,” I tipped my head toward Dev and began laughing louder as I watched his face contort. “Yeah, bring me his.”

  “Baby duty?” Mark snickered.

  “I’ve slept through Brayden’s night feedings for a week. Sam thinks I do it on purpose, but I just don’t hear him. I was hoping to cut loose tonight and maybe even convince her that Mara didn’t have to cuddle with us when we got home. I need to get laid,” he grumbled.

  “Dude, she has totally domesticated you,” I shook my head just as Lena came back with my drink. “You put that on his tab, right?” I winked again.

  “Sure,” she smiled as she nibbled her lip. I watched her for a minute fight an internal battle before I tried pushing her a little harder. “You shouldn’t bite your lip,” I lowered my voice. “That just makes me want to bite it more,” my eyes stared at her mouth as she slowly released the tender flesh.

  “Maybe I’ll let you sometime,” tumbled out of her mouth and I couldn’t help but swallow. I felt my dick harden at the thought of biting her anywhere and based on the way her eyes flared, she was thinking about it too.



  The guys stayed late, and I almost thought Sam was going to have to kick them out, but when I saw Mason lock the doors and join them, I knew it’d be a late night. Every once in a while, Dev would hang out to give Sam a ride, and I guessed this was one of those nights. Sam’s mom babysat for them, so they never had to worry about coming home late. She would just sleep in their guest room.

  Sam had been in her office most of the night working on the books, and when Dev stood to go back there, the party began to break up up front. Mason made some comment about needing to get home to Jen, and Mark was his ride. They left together, leaving my most interesting customer sitting alone at the far end of the bar staring at me.

  We’d been sharing one-liners and stare downs all night. I wasn’t sure if it was a game for him or what, but I knew that I needed to let him know that I wasn’t interested. I couldn’t be. He had danger flashing over him all night, and when his lip curled into a half smile the warning sirens blared loud and clear.

  “So how late do you have to stay,” he called, nearly causing me to jump as he slipped off of his stool. He tossed the black leather jacket he’d been wearing across the bar before sauntering toward me.

  “Until the drawer’s all counted and the cooler’s stocked,” I flipped my hand in the air as I turned my back toward him and leaned into the cooler to count how many beers I needed to grab from the stock room.

  “Want some help?” he sounded closer, and when I turned I nearly jumped out of my skin. He was right in front of the bar staring at me, and I couldn’t help but blush as I stared at him.

  “Why?” I swallowed as I zeroed in on his bare arms. He was dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a white tank. His arms flexed as he crossed them and leaned against the bar, staring at me. His appearance was scary, but his face was soft. “I don’t even know you.”

  He chuckled as a smile stretched across his face, “You’ve been serving me all night.”

  “But I don’t know you,” I stressed. “I served everyone all night.”

  “Ok,” he shook his head. “Let’s see. I’m Jeff. I work with those yo-yos that I was hanging out with, um… I have a clean record, don’t smoke, and most importantly… I’m single,” he winked before standing up straighter and crossing his arms over his chest. I watched the muscle flex before my eyes jumped up to his. “You like that?” he snickered.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I scoffed.

  “Un huh,” he nodded as he pressed his lips together. “So, do you want some help or not?”

  Even though I should have told him no, I somehow managed to utter the word ‘yes’. I knew that the night would go faster if he carried the heavy boxes, and I’d get to see that body flex and strain against the weight. What I wasn’t planning on was the relationship that I was opening myself up to. Even if I never let this guy all the way in, I’d opened the door for something… a friendship? A big brother type relationship? Or more? I didn’t know, but I did know that after the way he was looking at me with amusement and determination in his eyes that he was slowly cracking the shield I’d built years ago around myself. He was different, I just didn’t know how much until months later.

  Chapter 2


  Jeff stayed and helped me into the wee hours of the morning. We’d had a busy night at the bar, and the cooler was pretty low. I watched him carry case after case of beer out while I placed it in the cooler. Each time he would lift the large cardboard boxes to set them on the bar, his arms would flex. I couldn’t help but stare, and I’d almost gotten away with it until the very end. I was tired, and my reactions weren’t as quick and before I knew it, he caught me.

  “You know,” he murmured. “It would be so much easier if you just agreed to go out with me,” he placed the last box on the bar, leaned over, and smiled as I stumbled back. I felt the metal of the cooler behind me and as the cold air whooshed out, it cooled my heated skin.

  “I can’t,” I mumbled.

  “Can’t, or won’t?” his head tipped to the side as I shifted nervously.

  “Can’t,” I sighed, shaking my head as I pushed off of where I was leaning, grabbed the empty cardboard case, and began walking toward the stockroom where we stored the boxes. I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was doing, or I would have been prepared for what came next.

  I grabbed the knob of the storeroom door, but his chest pressed into my back before I got it open. “I think you can,” he whispered as one hand snaked around my waist, stopping on my belly, and pushing me back into him. He warm breath blew across my neck as he leaned in and began talking in a low seductive voice right beside my ear. “I know you like me,” his voice was daring me almost. “I’ve been watching you stare at me all night. You wonder what’s under here,” he pressed his hips forward and I could feel him hard, behind me. “Go on a date me with me, Lena,” it was almost a command, and something about the way he said it took me back to a time I’d worked so hard to forget.

  “I can’t,” I whimpered as I fought with the knob to get the door open. It gave way, and as I rushed inside, I spun, and slammed it in his face. I flipped the lock, and went into a full on panic attack. My hands fumbled blindly along the wall until my fingers brushed across the light switch. A single bulb illuminated the space. I leaned against the door and slowly let my knees give way as I slid down the door. I wrapped my arms around my legs as I slowly rocked back-and-forth trying to calm my breathing.

  It was odd. The stockroom looked a lot like the cell that Leo had kept me in. It was small, dark, and made of concrete walls. I’d spent my first year locked in a room just like it pretty much every day. I didn’t see sun light, or breathe fresh air until I earned it. Most people would think that being locked in a place like that would make you avoid it when you were free, but for me it was peaceful. I knew what to expect, and it was familiar. Sick, I know, but I’ve been messed up for so long that I don’t question the things that I do.

  “Lena?” Jeff pounded on the door. “I’m sorry. Open the door.”

  “I’m fine!” I shouted. I heard my voice waver as I fought to keep it steady. Jeff didn’t know what he’d done, and I knew I couldn’t tell him. He’d never understand. No one did.

  “You’re not fine. Please open the door,” a small thump followed, and I wondered if it was his fist or his head hitting the wood.

  A few minutes passed, at least that’s what I thought, before I heard Sam’s voice. It was muffled, but I knew it was her. She must have asked Jeff what was going on because the next thing I knew, she was knocking on the door to tell me that she was ready to head out. She was going to be locking the doors soon and whatever I hadn’t finished could be done in the morning. I thanked her as I tried to calm my breathing and slow my heart
rate. Footsteps sounded, and I’d hoped that it was both her and Jeff walking away.

  I slowly opened the door to find him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. His head was tipped down as he shifted his feet around. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry,” his worried expression met mine and I saw a whole new side of him. The alpha that had been here advancing on me before was replaced with a man who was genuinely worried about me.

  “It’s fine,” I waved him off as I tried to step around him and go back to the bar. I needed to get my purse and call a cab. I didn’t live that far, but it wasn’t safe to walk this late at night alone.

  “Lena,” he reached out and wrapped his fingers around my upper arm, causing me to jump before halting. “I’m sorry,” he recoiled as if touching me had burned him.

  “It’s fine,” I brushed him off again and turned away as I felt tears gather in the corners of my eyes. I hadn’t had a meltdown like this in months, and I didn’t want to have it now. He seemed like a great guy, but I just couldn’t bring him into my messed up world.

  “No, it’s not,” he rushed to keep up with me as I began walking faster. Try as I might, I couldn’t shake him, and when we reached the bar he tried again. “I’m sorry,” his hand landed on my shoulder and I squealed as I rounded to face him and lifted my hands in a defensive move. It was instinct and by look on his face, I completely tipped his world on its side. “I won’t do that again,” he stepped back with his hands up in front of him showing that he wasn’t going to touch me.

  I shook my head as the tears I’d been fighting began to trickle down my cheeks. My head moved from side-to-side as I tried to suck back my emotions. What was it about this guy that made me lose it so fast? “I have to go,” I muttered as I grabbed my purse and began to frantically dig for my phone. I knew that when I got home I’d be calling Melissa. I hadn’t talked to her in months, but she seemed to be the only one who could talk me down after I had an episode. “I can’t do this right now.”

  “Do what?” his eyes bored into me as his head lolled to the side. “Talk?”

  “Anything,” I shook my head as my fingers finally wrapped around my phone. I began to dial the cab company that I used for late nights, but Jeff had other plans.

  “Let me drive you home,” he took a step closer, but when I stepped back he stopped.

  “I don’t live far,” I mumbled as I rushed toward to the back to escape out the door.

  “Then we can walk,” he shouted after me and I heard his footsteps as he rushed to catch up. Sam was nowhere in sight, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to hold him off any longer, but then the cab pulled up.

  “I’m fine, but thank you,” I blurted out as I climbed in and tried to shut the door.

  Jeff grabbed the top of the door, stopping it before leaning in. A sad smile spread across his face, “I really am sorry, Lena. Whatever I did. I didn’t mean anything by it. I hope to see you around.” With that, he closed the door and I watched him disappear in the distance as the cab drove down the street toward my apartment building.



  I don’t know what I did, but something in my actions sent her fleeing faster than anyone has ever run from me. Warning bells were blaring in my head telling me something bad had happened to her. I’d dealt with women who had suffered abuse before. When I was a beat cop, I’d gone on countless domestic calls. The women would shy away from their husbands, and when they finally got the courage to come in and file charges, they were usually so beat down that they didn’t know who they were anymore. They’d jump at the drop of a hat, and it took months sometimes years, to get them back to thinking positive about themselves. Something that happened in Lena’s past had to do with a man.

  The way she looked at me when I touched her was as if I was going to hurt her. I’ve always had a few alpha tendencies, but the women I’ve been with never minded. To most it was a turn on. Since moving to the new task force eight months ago, I’ve begun to lose my edge. I’ve almost forgotten how to deal with the jumpiness. After tonight, I know I’m going to have to change my approach if I want any kind of relationship with her.

  As I stood there watching the cab disappear into the darkness, I rounded the corner to where I’d parked my bike. I quickly slipped the helmet on, and started the bike. As I was buckling the chin strap my phone vibrated. When I pulled it from my pocket, my boss’s name was lit up with a text.

  Jon: Briefing tomorrow at 8. New intel to go over.

  Jeff: Thanks

  I stuffed it back in my pocket, and rolled the bike in the direction the cab had just gone. Surveilling was a specialty of mine when I first started out, and tonight I planned to put that to good use. Keeping a safe distance, I followed Lena’s cab until it stopped in front of a low-rise brick building. I watched her climb out, pay the cabbie, and then run for the door. The way she escaped inside it was almost as if she were hiding from something.

  I stayed there watching the lights in a room on the second floor illuminate shortly after. I could see her inside behind the curtains from where I hid in the shadows across the street. She bustled about tossing clothes as she readied herself for bed. The lights dimmed, but the room never got completely dark as I watched her climb into bed.

  I stayed there for over two hours waiting for the lights to go off, but they never did. I assumed she was reading or something and just fell asleep with them on. I didn’t know then that the ghosts that haunted her memories still plagued her dreams. Finally realizing that I needed sleep myself, I cranked my bike and headed to my place.

  Chapter 3


  “Are you sure you’re ok now?” Melissa’s voice was quiet as she attempted to calm me down. I’d called her the minute I’d gotten into my apartment. As I’d frantically stripped and climbed into bed, Melissa’s voice had filled the room. I’d put her on speaker so I could go through my routine, and now I was finally in bed.

  It’d taken her twenty minutes just to get me to calm down, and now I was feeling my exhaustion finally take over. I knew I needed sleep, but I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I’d gotten any. Even on the good nights, I wake up. He plagues my dreams. The memories always come, the only difference is when I wake up. “I’ll be ok,” I sighed as I pulled the covers up to my chin.

  “I can stay on the line until you fall asleep. Will that help?” her voice was soothing.

  “Ok, thanks,” I took a deep breath and as I stared at the bedside lamp, I opted not to turn it off. As the minutes ticked by, and Melissa filled me in on mundane tasks to get my mind off the night, I slowly began to drift to sleep.

  “You are going to be so happy here,” Leo smiled at me as he reached across the table. We’d been dating for a little over two weeks. I’d met him right after my parents died. My aunt had taken my sister in, but I was ‘of age’ so they didn’t offer me shelter. “I’ll take care of you, and you will have anything your heart desires.” It seemed too good to be true. Leo had showered me with gifts from the very beginning. Being a naïve nineteen-year-old I didn’t know any different. I thought we’d ride off into the sunset and be happy. I didn’t know it was all a ruse. “Drink up,” he motioned to the wine he’d purchased. I’d never had wine, and the bitter aftertaste made it hard to force it down, but I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t grateful.

  “Thank you,” I smiled nervously. Leo had told me he’d take me to his place that night. I’d never been with a man, and just that thought made me force that little bit of wine down hoping that it’d calm my nerves.

  The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a dark room. Something soft was under me, and upon closer inspection I found it was a mattress. I blinked a few times trying to focus my eyes, but it was no use. There was a pounding in my head, probably from the wine, and it made it hard to keep my eyes open.

  “Oh, you’re awake!” a voice I didn’t recognize called in the distance. “Boss will be happy to hear this.” What sounded like a door
clicked shut, and then a lock slipped into place. My eyes rolled back, and I succumbed to the darkness.

  I don’t know how long I stayed that way. When the pounding in my head finally subsided I was awakened to a nightmare. Four concrete walls surrounded me. A dirty bare mattress was shoved into one corner, and a bucket was in the other. A single bare light bulb hung from the ceiling, and a door with no knob was on the opposite wall. The panic set in first. I didn’t know where I was, or how I got there. I scrambled to my feet only to find my shoes had been removed. The cold concrete jolted me into full on fear. I rushed to the door, pushed on it, and nothing happened. I began yelling for help, hoping that someone would hear me. I paced the small space looking for a way out, only there wasn’t one. I don’t know how long I was in there, but when the door opened and Leo filled the space, I shrunk back against the far corner. The man I’d been on a date with was nowhere in sight. This man had a cold, calculating smirk in place, and when he saw my fear his face held indifference.

  “She’s all dirty,” he growled. “Get her cleaned up or they won’t pay top dollar,” his snarl made me jump, and when he turned to walk away a woman came shuffling into the room.

  “Yes, boss,” she whispered as she kept her head down. In one hand was a towel, and in the other a container. He closed the door behind her and I heard the lock click back in place.

  “Who are you? Where am I?” the questions came, but answers weren’t given. She completely ignored me as she wet the towel and began attempting to wash my face. I batted her away, but she persisted.

  “You must be clean for Sir,” she grabbed my hand and ran the towel up my arm. When I got a good look at her face, I saw the fear. She was afraid of something only I didn’t know what.

  When she finished washing me, she went and knocked on the door. It didn’t open right away, but she stood there, head down, holding her supplies until it did. After she slipped out, another man, one I hadn’t seen before, stepped into the room. He grabbed my arm, and forced me to follow him.


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