Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5)

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Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5) Page 8

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Sounds good,” I gave a quick nod as I stepped onto the porch and moved around Gabe. I could feel the anger coming off of him at being snubbed, but I ignored it as I prepared for what the night was going to hold. Nothing could have prepared me for what I was getting ready to walk in on, though. Lena had warned me it would be bad, but Leo was one sick fucker.


  When we stepped inside, I noticed he’d changed out of his suit and was now wearing a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. A tattoo of a snake fighting a scorpion was curling down his arm, and when he flexed it looked as if they were really moving.

  “The girls stay down here unless they’re working. You need to look into a similar set up if you want to keep your business tidy,” he flipped his hand in the air as he led me down a set of dark stairs. I could only describe the area as a dungeon because we were in fact underground at this point.

  “Good point,” I scanned my surroundings as best as I could in the dark. I was going to need to report all of this back during my next call. I needed to see if there were any ways in or out other than the stairs we were descending, and how many girls were down here. “How do you keep them from trying to escape? I mean, some of these bitches are dumber than a box of rocks.”

  “Safety glass,” he chuckled. “Learned that from your girl. You ever notice that scar on her leg?” he looked back at me. I hadn’t really paid attention when she was wearing the fishnets, and at the bar she’s always in jeans. He didn’t wait for me to answer as he offered, “I caught her one night. She’d managed to break a window that was already cracked. She was almost all the way out except for one leg. I grabbed her ankle and pulled that bitch back inside. Her leg caught on the broken glass. It needed stitches, but I decided to let her deal with it since she thought she was getting away.” He smiled at me as he continued, “She was outta work a few days because it wouldn’t stop bleedin’ but she never tried that shit again.”

  He laughed as he pulled on a chain hanging from the ceiling, causing a single bulb to illuminate. Anger made my blood boil as I thought about Lena trying to take care of a wound like that with no medical care. I’m surprised she didn’t get sick from an infection.

  “Here we are,” his smile grew and my stomach tightened. I could hear soft crying coming from down the hallway and another person whispering, probably trying to soothe whomever was crying. “Initiation Day,” he laughed again as he pulled a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked a door.

  This room was more like what Lena had described. There was a bare mattress in the corner on a metal frame. A small window with bars covering it was up near the top of one wall, safety glass covering it. Another single bulb hung in the center of the room. A large bucket was next to the bed with a toilet seat over it. I nearly lost it when I saw the girl. She was sitting in the center of the bed with her knees pulled to her chest; her legs were bare as well as her feet. She was wearing what appeared to be a large tee shirt and her hair looked as if it hadn’t been brushed in a few days. Her cheeks were tear stained, and a large bruise was above her right eye. A shackle kept her tethered to the bed.

  “It’s your lucky day, Zoey,” Leo’s voice sounded way too happy for what it seemed he had planned. “I’ve got a visitor for today,” he stepped closer but Zoey didn’t move. Her eyes didn’t even look up. “I picked Zoey up three days ago. She’s a runaway. No one even knows she here,” he cackled.

  I do. I thought. I watched her, wanting to do something to tell her I was here to help, but I couldn’t. It was like rolling up in a cruiser after an accident. You wanna do something to stop it, but you’re too late. I couldn’t stop whatever was going to happen here even if I wanted to. I didn’t have Megan yet, and I didn’t even know if Leo kept them all here to begin with.

  “Jeff’s here to learn the business and I thought ‘who better to teach him than one of my newest girls’,” when he stepped right in front of her and she still refused to look at him, he grabbed her chin and forced her to. “Right?” he growled.

  When I saw her eyes, I saw the fear. She was shaking and when she finally uttered a word, my heart seized. “Please,” she begged. “Please let me go. I won’t tell anyone.”

  Leo threw his head back in laughter. “Why would I let you go, and furthermore… tell whomever you want. I’m untouchable, didn’t you know that?” He turned in my direction, “They’re always so stupid when they first come here. This is the biggest pain right here, but it’s so much fun at the same time.”

  “I haven’t had the pleasure of this part yet,” I rolled my eyes. I needed to seem hard and uncaring. “Can you hurry it up? I was kinda looking forward to this,” I muttered.

  “It’s nice to have someone around that agrees with me,” he mused before he pulled some restraints from a bag I hadn’t even noticed him bring in. He shoved Zoey onto her back before grabbing one of her hands and tying it to the corner of the bed. She cried, but she didn’t fight back. Leo went about this with her other hand as well as her feet. Once he had her spread eagle on the bed, he shoved the shirt she was wearing up under her arms. She was bare underneath, and Leo smiled as he stared at her. Every instinct in me was telling me to stop this. Knock him out, save her, put an end to it, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t break cover yet. This was one of the worst parts of the job. Watching someone suffer and not stopping it.

  “Please don’t do this. Please,” she begged as Leo’s belt jingled.

  I watched in stunned silence as he shoved his jeans and boxers to his ankles, pulled one leg free, and slid on a condom. He climbed on top of her and grinned as he kneeled between her legs. “Remember this when you close your eyes tonight,” his words were a warning. “Remember every part of me touching you. Branding you. You’re mine, and you will obey me,” he ordered as he slammed his hips into hers, causing her to slide up the mattress. I was rooted in place as Leo’s grunts and groans were mixed with Zoey’s cries for help. She couldn’t have been more than seventeen.

  When he finished, he climbed off her as if nothing was amiss before discarding the condom. He redressed, but left her secured to the bed as he turned to face me. “Your turn,” he smirked. “I’ve got her all ready for you.”

  I swallowed before the lie fell from my lips, “Sorry. I already went second once today. I’m not in the mood to do it again.” The look that crossed his face told me it took a minute for him to understand what I was saying, but when it clicked he started laughing.

  “Point taken,” he nodded as he pursed his lips. One hand slapped me on the shoulder. “You can have her first tomorrow,” he opened the door to usher me out but Zoey remained tied to the bed. “She’s all yours,” he pointed at Gabe. “Don’t bruise this one so bad.” It was said on a laugh, but was a clear warning.

  “I’m tired of losing days because that fucker likes to slam into them,” he muttered as we climbed the stairs. “I’m sure you’d like to get some sleep. Here’s a key to one of rooms upstairs. You can take that room for now. The next round happens at three a.m.” I wrinkled my forehead as I took the key from him. “We break them in ‘round the clock. Keeps them compliant, and works on stamina,” he chuckled. “Think you’ll be ready then?”

  “Can’t wait,” I smirked before turning to head to my new sleeping quarters.


  Once I was in my room, I quickly locked the door. I left the light off as I laid down on the bed. I remained dressed as I refused to let my skin touch the bed. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I sent Mark a text.

  Jeff: You need to make that meeting now. They want to watch me fuck one of the girls tonight. I’m running out of excuses.

  Mark: On it.

  After deleting the conversation, I silenced the phone and attempted to fall asleep but every time I closed my eyes I saw her lying there begging him to stop. I understood completely why Lena had nightmares of this place. I was sure to have them now, and I’d only seen the tip of the iceberg; Lena had lived it.

  Chapter 12


  “Wakey, wakey,” his voice had the hint of a smile as it came muffled through the door. I’d been lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling all night. If I’d actually been asleep, the early hour would have probably pissed me off, but right now all it did was put me on high alert.

  “What!” I gritted out as I sat up. I rubbed my eyes, and ran my fingers through my hair. I was exhausted both physically and emotionally.

  “Got a little present for you,” Gabe’s voice sounded amused. “Sounds like you need it.”

  I took a deep breath and blew it out before standing and slowly opening the door. “I don’t have time for games,” I narrowed my eyes on him.

  “I think you underestimate my power around here,” his eyes scanned me. “Boss man looks to me a lot. I used to be the one down in the rooms when girls were initiated, so he must really like you,” he pointed at me as I opened the door farther and that’s when I noticed movement in the shadows behind him.

  “You said you had a present,” I grumbled, faking annoyance. The truth was, I was curious, but I couldn’t let him know that.

  “Right,” he smirked. “Boss said he wanted to give you a chance to go first. Asked me to bring you this,” he reached behind himself and hauled a young girl I’d yet to see around in front of him. “Just got this one yesterday,” he laughed as he buried his nose in the hair on top of her head. “I love the smell of fresh meat,” he cackled. “New ones never get to come up here, so I don’t know what makes you so special, but here,” he shoved her through the door and practically into my arms. She whimpered and almost tripped over her feet before sticking her arms out to catch herself. “Have fun,” he winked before turning on his heel and whistling as he walked away.

  I quickly stepped back and shut the door before turning to look at the girl. She was young, younger than Zoey was yesterday. Lena had told me that most of the women that were here with her were older, mainly in their twenties. These girls were in their teens. I didn’t know what had made Leo change, but these sick fuckers must like them younger now.

  “Please?” she begged as she stepped back away from me. Her bare feet slid back until she hit the edge of the bed. She jumped as if she didn’t expect it to be there before her eyes met mine.

  “Relax,” I used a calming voice as I held up my hands. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Her head shook violently from side to side, “Please.”

  “What’s your name?” I tried a different tactic.

  “Ariel,” she whispered.

  “How old are you?” I inched closer and watched her begin to shake.

  “Please,” she started to sob.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” I moved beside her before quickly wrapping her in my arms. I knew that it was going to freak her out, but I needed her quiet and it was obvious that she wasn’t going to trust me.

  She squealed as my arms banded around her middle. Her legs kicked as she thrashed from side to side in my arms. “Shhh,” I warned as I placed one hand over her mouth to silence her. “Listen to me. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help.”

  She froze in my arms; going stiff before relaxing. “I’m here to get you out. Now, I’m going to let you go, but you have to be quiet. Understand?” I waited for her to nod before I loosened my grip and set her on the ground. “Let’s try this again. How old are you?”

  Big brown eyes stared up at me as she sniffed, “Fourteen.”

  I swallowed as a muttered, “mother fucker,” came hissing out before I paced over to the window. How the hell was this going to work? It was obvious that they were going to pass her around when I was finished. I couldn’t save her from that fate no matter what I did. I turned to really look at her again. She was a tiny thing. Petite, skinny, but beautiful. Leo wouldn’t have trouble selling her at all, if he even wanted to. It’d be stupid, really. She could make him a shit ton of money. Her exotic look was different, and she was small. I don’t know what it is about some men, but they like ‘em little.

  “Did you run away from home?” I turned to face her. She shook her head. “Sit down,” I motioned to the bed before grabbing the blanket from the end and wrapping it around her shoulders. It was a chilly night and she was only wearing a long t-shirt just like Zoey had been.

  “He took me,” she whimpered. “I was walking home from school and he took me.” Her shoulders shook as a sob rolled out of her. “You’re not like them.”

  “No,” I sighed. They fucking kidnapped her. This was something that we could get him for that was a slam-dunk. “Who took you? Leo?”

  “Who?” her eyes blinked as she stared at me. “Who are you?”

  “That’s not important. Did Leo take you?” I moved closer and got down on my knees in front of her.

  “I don’t know their names. The man who brought me up here took me. Is that Leo?”

  “Fuck!” I growled. “Gabe.”

  “I wanna go home,” she cried.

  “Time’s up!” was shouted as a pounding came through the door. “My turn, Man.”

  “Give me a sec,” I growled back. I whispered in her ear, “Not a word about what happened in here. I’m trying to help you, but you can’t tell them we didn’t have sex.” I stressed the words as best I could before grabbing her arms and forcing her to stand. “Not one word!” I gritted out. Her head bobbed furiously as I dragged her to the door. “All yours,” I rolled my eyes as I all but tossed her at Gabe. “Now leave me the fuck alone. I need sleep!” I slammed the door in his face, locked it, and began pacing once again before texting Mark.

  Jeff: Any progress on that meeting? Needs to happen… NOW!


  I don’t know how I fell asleep, but I must have because the sound of a door slamming caused me to spring awake. I swung my feet off the bed as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was just after dawn based on the light coming from my window, and the sounds of morning were filtering in. I could hear voices down the hall, and they sounded like they were celebrating. The only thing that I could think of that would cause this was the acquiring of more girls. I didn’t have the chance to think about it though before Gabe knocked on my door again.

  “Meeting in the social room in five,” he barked through the door.

  I sighed. I’d learned yesterday that the social room was the room that housed the bar and poker table. Leo called it that because this was where the clients shopped. They would use the space as kind of a store where they could grope and observe the merchandise.

  I pushed up off the bed, shoved my phone into my coat pocket, and shrugged into it before slowly opening the door. The driver from the other day was coming out of another room at the same time, and a girl followed. He didn’t even have to say anything to her. She went to the door at the top of the stairs and stood silently waiting. Her chin down, barely dressed, and hair in disarray.

  He opened the door before shouting, “Be right back, boss. Gotta put Nicki away.” He motioned for her to go through the door before he followed her down the stairs.

  It baffled me on how compliant some of these women were. Why did she go so willingly? Why not run? Fight back? Had Leo beat her down so much that she lost the desire to escape?

  “Did you enjoy my little present last night?” Leo smiled when I entered the social room. “She was a ripe little peach, huh?”

  “Oh, she was ripe all right. Soft and juicy. Just what I needed after a long day,” I grinned at him as I moved to a chair nearby and sat down.

  “Hope she didn’t fight too much. These new ones can be feisty at times. Makes those first few times fun, but also painful if you don’t know how to restrain them.” He rubbed at a mark on his cheek that looked fresh. “I’m gonna have to get one of the older girls to cut Ariel’s nails. I ain’t got time for this shit.”

  “So what’s up today?” I wanted to change the subject to why he seemed so happy this morning. I didn’t need to spin anymore lies than necessary, and talking about Ariel would do just that. It was ha
rd enough remembering what I’d already told him, but the fact that I didn’t fuck her was weighing on my mind. No way was I going to go there, but I also wasn’t going to get myself in a situation where he’d have reason to shoot me.

  “Just waiting on Joe to come back. He’s putting Nicki back in her room,” he chuckled. “She’s his plaything. I don’t know what the appeal is for him. She’s worn out, but he likes her for some reason. Fucks her almost every night.”

  “What’s up, boss?” the man I now know as Joe comes walking in. I can see a slight grin on his face as he pulls a chair out beside me.

  “You like ‘em old, huh?” I decide to prod him a little. I need Leo to see me as like him, and giving the men that work under him a hard time is doing just that.

  “She gives good head,” he shrugs. “The young ones don’t. They have to learn what to do, and there’s too much of a chance that they’ll bite.”

  “Point taken,” I nodded before looking toward Leo.

  He threw his head back in laughter as he moved to sit across from us. “You know…” he continued to laugh, “if you wrap their hair around your fist, you can give it a good yank when they bring out the teeth.”

  “Sorry, boss. I like my dick too much to take that chance,” Joe relaxed back in the chair.

  “Right. Well, down to business,” he slapped his hands on the table in front of him. “I’ve gotta a couple of buyers coming over this afternoon. They want to look at the new merchandise.”

  “Sweet,” Joe grinned.

  “What do you need from us?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “I need you to talk to your girl and tell her she’s to get them ready. Her little sis is going for a pretty hefty price tag. She’s gonna earn what she owed me today.” He turned toward the bar, “Gabrielle! Whiskey!” he slammed his fist down.

  She’d been so quiet that I didn’t even know she was there. As she stepped out of the shadows, I watched her move almost robotically as she poured the whiskey. She stepped around the bar and set the glass in front of Leo. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his lap. His hand dove under the scrap of fabric that was supposed to be a skirt. I watched him root around before his other hand grabbed the back of her neck. “You like that, huh?” he growled. My stomach churned watching him demean her right here in front of us, but my eyes stayed glued to hers. They were empty and lifeless. It was as if she were the shell of a person. Whoever she was before this life, didn’t exist anymore. Either Leo had destroyed her or she’s buried her herself; either way that person was gone.


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