Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5)

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Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5) Page 9

by Heather D'Agostino

  Chapter 13


  The room I was sent to was exactly like the one I’d worked so hard to escape before. I don’t know if it was chance, or one of Leo’s sadistic jokes. He liked to play mind games, and breaking the strongest of us was always a goal for him.

  Gabe had literally tossed me through the door, causing me to trip and fall to my knees. The cold concrete bit into my skin, and as I shivered against it, I was thankful that it helped numb the pain. I’ve lost track of time since I was put here. There are no windows, and other than the few meals I’ve been given, it’s been mostly silence. They’ve left me alone since we arrived. I’m sure that’s Jeff’s doing. He promised me he’d do whatever he could to protect me.

  Today, I’m hoping to get a chance to talk to him. I haven’t seen him since that one time he came to the room upstairs. I’ve prayed for hours hoping that we haven’t been discovered, or that Leo hasn’t touched my sister. I don’t know how Jeff is planning to get us out of here. Honestly, I’ve come to the realization that this might be my life in this world. I fought so hard to get away, but here I am… right back in it. I was stupid to come with him, and don’t know what possessed me to beg so much. When I glance down at myself, I don’t see the strong bartender from The Rusty Nail. I see Lena the whore. I see the woman that men use to get off. I see the scars that Leo’s left in his wake, the ones that were inflicted to remind me of who I am. I can cover them up, but they’re still there; always reminding me of who I really am.

  “Visitor,” someone barks through the door, causing me to jump. I’ve been alone for pretty much the entire time I’ve been here, so the idea of a visitor has me on edge. “Here,” the door opens and a girl is shoved through it with so much force that she trips and slides across the floor. She’s sobbing and covered in grime. “Better say goodbye,” his voice was almost laughing. “Boss got top dollar. Who knew there was such a market for the inexperienced ones,” he cackled as the door slammed shut and I could hear the lock click back into place.

  I scrambled over to the girl hunched on the floor. Her shoulders were shaking as she mumbled under her breath. I couldn’t tell who she was at first, but then I heard what she was saying. Her voice was timid as she sang “You Are My Sunshine” under her breath. Our mother used to sing that to us whenever we were upset. It calmed us, and helped chase the nightmares away.

  “Megs,” I began to cry. Her tear stained faced tipped up to face me and I couldn’t stop the gasp. There was a trickle of dried blood coming from her hairline and running the length of her face. A bruise covered her right cheekbone under her eye. She had a split lip and days’ old make up caked around her eyes. “Oh god, Megan,” I pulled her into my arms and that’s when the dam broke for her. Her body shook as the sobs slowly turned into an all-out fit. She grew louder as fear and anger took over, and as I tried to soothe her, my brain registered what the man had said: “say your goodbyes”.

  “Somebody bought me,” she cried. “Lena, somebody bought me,” she pushed out of my arms and rose. I watched as the girl I knew transformed into a woman. I hadn’t seen Megan in years. I’d been too ashamed and worried about this exact thing happening. I’d stayed away to protect her, and it didn’t help at all. All staying away did was cause me to miss seeing her grow up. “They’re coming in a few hours,” she balled her fists and punched downward as she began to pace the room.

  “How do you know this?” I scrambled to my feet. I’d been here before; thought if I worked hard enough I could get out of the room; escape the men upstairs. It took careful planning and a lot of time to build trust the last time. If Leo wanted to, he could take me from Jeff easily. He has the reach, and Jeff is just one person.

  “He came to my room this morning. He told me that he’d been offered a good deal, but selling me was better. He told me you were stupid enough to believe him, but he had to go with what earned him the most money. He said my virginity was worth ten grand. Ten grand, Lena! Some asshole is paying ten grand to sleep with me!” Anger rolled off her as she stopped to stare at me.

  “We’re getting out of here. I promise,” I moved to stand in front of her before grasping her shoulders.

  “How? Have you seen this place? It’s like a castle, with a moat, and barbed wire around the top. Nobody gets out!?” she shrieked.

  “We are,” I assured her. “I have a plan.”

  “Plan?” she laughed almost manically as she started pacing again.

  “It’s already in motion, Megs. Why do you think I’m here?” My head swung from side to side as my eyes tracked her movements. She’d snapped. That was the only way to explain it. She’d gone inside her head and this was her way of protecting herself from her current reality. “You have to trust me.”

  “Right,” she turned and started crying again. “Trusting someone is how I got here in the first place.” She paused in her movements and let her head drop into her hands. “I’m so stupid,” she muttered to herself. “I can’t believe I trusted him.” Those words right there sent me back. Back to the day I realized that this was my life. I wasn’t getting out, and I’d done it to myself.

  “You’re not,” my words were cut off with the sound of keys jingling on the other side of the door. “No!” I shouted as the door swung open.

  Leo was standing there smiling at me along with Gabe and the driver from the car we’d come in. “Time’s up,” he grinned as the three of them stood in the doorway. He crossed his arms over his chest as Gabe and the driver moved into the room. The door closed behind them and while Gabe came over to me, the other man went to Megan. “Too bad you’re so used,” Leo smirked at me. “These pure ones are so much more lucrative. Guess I’ll have to make due though,” he shrugged.

  Gabe’s arms banded around me as the other man grabbed Megan. I began kicking and screaming as Megan did the same. “No!” I twisted in his arms, but it was no use. He was too strong. “Let her go! I did what you said. I came back,” I begged. “Let her go!”

  “Funny,” Leo scratched his chin as he came to stand in front of me. My body went limp in defeat. “You told me a lot of things the first time you were here; like how you’d never leave. That didn’t work out for me so well, did it?” He turned to face the man holding my sister and flicked his wrist toward the door, “Take her upstairs, Joe. The buyers will be here soon. I need to teach this one a lesson. Apparently she’s forgotten what she is.”

  “No!” I screamed again as I fought against Gabe’s hold. Joe carried Megan away as if she weighed nothing and her fighting back did little to slow him down. “You’re a monster,” I growled as I faced him. He only chuckled as if watching me fall apart was a joke to him.

  “I never claimed to not be.” He turned to Gabe, “Leave us for a bit. I’m gonna have a little fun.” Gabe’s chin tipped in agreement as he released me and slipped out of the room. “Your sister’s mighty pretty, but you know I’ve always had a thing for you,” he moved closer and out of instinct, I moved back.

  “Go to hell,” I spat as my back hit the wall and I realized I was out of room.

  “Look around, Sweetheart. This is hell,” his arms opened up as a laughed bubbled out of his chest. He moved closer and when he reached me, he leaned in and ran his nose up the column of my neck. I froze knowing that fighting would make this so much worse. I couldn’t stop it no matter how much I fought back, and Leo had no intention of letting me off. He’d yet to come see me, but I’d known all along that he would. I’d been his favorite toy. Favorite toys are never forgotten. They may get put up on a shelf for a while, but they always get taken down to be played with at a later date. “I came down here planning to take it easy on you,” he paused, “nah, that’s a lie. No point in lying now. I came down here to fuck you,” his jaw ticked as one hand lifted and his fingers weaved into my hair. His fist tightened and he used the advantage to control me.

  I went to ‘the other place’, the place where none of this was happening. As he tugged me across the room and forced m
e to lean over the end of the bed, I thought about the sunshine on my face. When he tore my clothes, I thought about Melissa and the friends I’d made at the shelter. As his belt jingled and his pants fell, I thought about Jeff and the team working to save Megan; and when he slammed into me, I drowned out his grunts with images of The Rusty Nail and friendships I was forging there.

  I was so lost in my head that it barely registered when the door open and Jeff filled the space. “That’s mine,” he growled as he stormed in and stopped right beside us.

  “That’s ok,” Leo pulled out and released me. “I’m all done,” he stepped back, removed the condom, and waltzed passed Jeff. “She’s all yours now, but remember… she was mine first.”

  Chapter 14


  Red. Red was all I saw when I opened the door. My fury wasn’t faked or forced, it was real. The look on Lena’s face when she saw me was a mix of relief and humiliation. Her eyes flashed wide before they went vacant. I was torn when Leo left the room. I wanted to make sure she was ok, but my anger made me want to follow him. I needed to play the part, so anger won.

  “Hey!” I shouted at the open-door Leo had just breezed through. “Don’t walk away from me!” I turned back to face Lena, and shook my head when I saw her still bent over the bed. She hadn’t moved, and a lone tear was trickling down her cheek. “Shit,” I helped her stand up in a rush. “I have to,” I glanced at the door and when I looked back at her, she nodded furiously. “Joe,” I called out. I’d seen him in the hallway after he’d left Megan upstairs. When he’d come up with her I knew something was going on downstairs. He hadn’t said anything, but then Gabe appeared alone and only grinned at me. This was some sick test, and I wasn’t having it. I’d rushed down to find this mess, and now I needed to assert myself. “Joe!” I growled again. When he appeared in the door I pointed to Lena, “Watch her, and if you fucking touch her I’ll cut your dick off with a dull knife.” He rolled his eyes as he shook his head. “I fucking mean it!” I jammed my finger into his chest before he agreed. “Stay here,” I pointed at the room as I barked the order at Lena.

  I raced up the stairs and flung open the door to see Leo sitting at the poker table in the social room. He was sipping a drink and smoking a cigar as if nothing had happened. “What the fuck are you doing?” I stormed up to him.

  “Is there a problem?” his lips curved up on one side but he refused to look up at me from his position at the table.

  “That piece off ass down there is mine!” I pointed at my chest. “I didn’t give you permission to touch it.”

  Leo laughed humorlessly, “I didn’t know I needed permission. This is MY house. You’re staying here as a courtesy, remember? Learning from the best? Remember? I think the least you owe me is a chance to tap that. She loves me anyway. You should feel the way her pussy squeezes my cock when I’m in there. It’s like she can’t get enough,” he scoffed as he flicked the cigar, causing ash to fall nearby. “If you can’t handle the idea of sharing her with me, then maybe we need to rethink this agreement,” he snapped his fingers in the air and I watched in anger as Gabrielle moved from behind the bar to serve him another drink. “Anything else?” his head finally tipped up and when our eyes connected, I saw nothing. No feeling, no remorse, nothing. He had no soul, and I don’t know how Lena survived and learned to live again.

  “This discussion is not over,” I growled as Leo tuned me out and began unbuttoning the top Gabrielle was wearing.

  “Oh, I think it is,” he chuckled as he freed her breasts and picked the cigar back up. “I thought the last time you served me that cheap shit you would have learned your lesson,” he repositioned the cigar as his eyes drifted from her eyes back to her exposed breasts. “I don’t drink the cheap whiskey, and you need to remember that.” Before I could register exactly what was happening, I watched him place the lit end of the cigar against her skin. She shrieked, but he held her in his lap as he twisted the cigar against her skin as if he were trying to put it out. She squirmed and fought against him, but it only seemed to make him happier. “Remember!” he demanded when he released her and shoved the half-filled glass back into her hand.

  She shook like a leaf as she nodded. Her bottom lip sucked in and pinched between her teeth as tears streamed down her face. “Get me a whiskey!” he slapped her on the ass when she turned around, and then laughed at her discomfort.

  “Our clients are here,” Gabe announced when he stepped into the room.

  “Good,” Leo smiled and stood as if the whole exchange I’d just witnessed hadn’t even happened. “Let’s make some money,” he smiled as he extended his arm toward me. “Pour eight whiskeys for our guests, Gabrielle,” he called over his shoulder as he walked toward the front door to invite everyone in. I couldn’t believe what I’d seen and how he just acted as if it were nothing. Bile was rising in my throat by the minute, and I prayed that everything would go according to plan. If Mark had done what he’d said he was, then tonight would be the last night Lena and I would have to stay here.

  Lena. I had wanted to check on her, but I couldn’t without raising suspicion. Joe had come upstairs and tossed a key on the counter. I’m guessing it locked the door that led to downstairs. Before I could think about it anymore, men started walking up to the front door. From the outside, you would have thought that Leo was hosting a dinner party of sorts, but I knew different. Expensive SUVs and town cars lined the street. Some had dark windows, others didn’t. Men in well-dressed suits and ties walked with confidence toward the house. My eyes caught sight of Mark, and I sighed inwardly. His hand was holding a briefcase and dark glasses covered his eyes.

  “Evening, gentlemen,” Leo smiled as he led the way into the social room. “Have a seat.” Gabe had arranged chairs earlier that now joined the few couches in the room. I counted a total of nine men. Mark was the only one I recognized, but I knew this was planned out. CPD and the task force would be nearby. Whenever Mark gave the signal, they’d storm in here and arrest the fuckers. I wanted the job of catching Leo though. A set of cuffs was tucked inside the coat I was wearing, and a gun was holstered at my waist. It was Leo’s. He’d given it to me when we first arrived, and now I was planning to use it against him. Little did he know, he was signing the warrant, building the case, and writing his own guilty plea all in one day.

  “I hope you’ll find the accommodations worthy of your time and finances. I’ve got a new order of merchandise in, and I think some of you have already decided what you want. The rest may take a look at what I’m offering. If you’d like to test anything out, Gabe here can show you to a room. Though please remember… if you break it, you buy it,” he tossed his head back in laughter, but I could see the darkness in his warning. I had no doubt that he’d have no problem putting a bullet in one of these guys.

  “Jeff!” he shouted. “How about you go get the ladies.” He motioned toward a room that had a man standing guard by the door. I nodded, unsure about exactly why he’d asked me. We hadn’t discussed and in a way, I felt like I was flying blind. I turned on my heel and strode toward the door, only stopping to motion the wall of a man blocking it, to move. I was a big guy, but this guys was nothing but muscle. He only stepped to the side, and opened the door.

  When I peered inside, my eyes flashed, but I hid it. I counted ten girls standing in various places dressed in almost nothing. Bikini tops and bottoms that looked like thong underwear was all that covered them. Cheap perfume filled the air, and most looked as if they should be standing on the street corner. A few had tears trickling down their faces while others were completely blank. I don’t know if it was shock, or if Leo had convinced them that where they were going had to be better than where they were.

  “What’s taking so long?” his voice boomed down the hallway, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Let’s go,” I motioned for the girls to file out into the hallway. I followed them into the social room and growled at Leo as I moved to stand beside him. “Had some criers.”

  “Yeah, they do that sometimes. You should know this,” he snickered. “They’ll stop eventually, or not. It won’t be my problem after today.” He motioned to Gabe as he stepped around to stand near the men that were seated. Gabe lined the girls up before moving to stand behind them. Megan was in the middle. “Gentlemen,” Leo smiled. “This is my newest stock. They are priced between three and ten thousand depending on their virginity status. You are welcome to get up and get a better look. Feel free to touch and do as you see fit to decide on your purchase; however, I will step in if need be.”

  The men stood and began walking around the girls. Some palmed their breasts, some looked at teeth, and some just observed. I watched Mark transform from the funny guy that he usually is, to the cold uncaring person that I’ve had to be for days. He surveyed Megan, but he looked at others as well. I knew he didn’t want Leo to know that he was overly interested in her. He needed to remain aloof as to not raise suspicion.

  This went on for quite some time before Leo sent the girls back the room he’d kept them in. After they were gone, he had Joe bring him a ledger. He flipped it open as he sat at the poker table and went about business as if he weren’t selling people.

  “All right gentlemen, who’s first?” his smile was sinister as he glanced at the men. One stepped forward and sat across from Leo.


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