Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5)

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Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5) Page 10

by Heather D'Agostino

  “I’ll take number three and seven.” He pulled a stack of bills from his suit coat pocket. I’m prepared to pay four grand each. Here’s a deposit. I’ll have the rest wired by the end of the day.” He handed over the money, and as Leo fanned it, he made notes in the ledger. “Jeff, come over here,” he called without looking at me.

  I huffed and moved across the room to stand beside him, “What?”

  “I thought you might like to see how I do my books,” he mused as he handed the ledger to me. He reached out and shook the man’s hand as he stood. They continued talking as I flipped through the pages of the ledger. Column after column of numbers and names filled the pages. He had records of every dollar he made and spent. It was as if he were dealing in something as mundane as selling cars.

  When I flipped back a page, hoping to get a glance at past dealings, my eyes caught sight of something I didn’t really want to see. Lena’s name was written across the top of the page. A column of numbers in black lined the side with pluses and dates. Some dates were repeated multiple times. “Ah, I hope you are getting that much from her since you favor her so. She was good for business,” he chuckled as he took the ledger back and motioned for Mark to come forward, completely ignoring me.

  I shook my head as I tried to stay in the moment, but the idea that he documented every time he forced someone on her made my stomach roll. What was worse was that list of dates didn’t include all the times he or one of his goons forced themselves on her.

  Mark stayed standing as he placed the briefcase on the table. “It’s all here,” he grumbled gruffly. “Ten grand. What we agreed on. Now go get the girl. I’ve got work for her,” he opened the case and turned it so Leo could see the bills stacked inside.

  Leo motioned for Gabe to go grab Megan, and I remained stoic as he wrestled with her on his way into the room. She was jerking her body around and bit Gabe on the hand. “Son of a bitch,” he growled as he yanked his hand back, causing Megan to get free.

  Knowing this had to look good, I reached out and grabbed her, pinning her arms behind her back. “I got it,” I kept my voice low and menacing. “Hold still!” I growled in her ear. Mark lifted his chin as he let me pass.

  As we stepped outside, I moved faster and faster. I wanted to get Megan as far from the house as possible. Knowing she was safe would make it that much easier to get Lena out. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and that when all hell broke loose.

  “Get in the car!” Mark barked at Megan. Her eyes went wide in fear. Without missing a beat, he tugged the badge that was hanging on a chain from under his shirt. “I’m here to help you,” his voice stayed stern, but his eyes showed compassion. “Get in the car,” he motioned to the open door, and Megan scrambled inside. Mark shut the door and gave a few wraps on the top to signal the driver to go.

  When the car pulled away, I started to turn to go back inside, but Mark grabbed my arm halting me. “You can’t. They’re getting ready to breech.”

  “The hell I can’t,” I tried to shrug him off. “I left her in there. I have to save her too.”

  Mark’s grip tightened, and the harder I fought the harder he held on. “You’re not going back in there,” he spun us and shoved me against another vehicle. “She knows what she signed up for. She knew the risks,” he glared at me. “You’re a good cop. You know you can’t go in there right now.”

  “Yes, I can!” I wrestled free and just as my feet hit the front steps I heard it… a gunshot.

  Chapter 15


  It happened so fast that none of us could really react. I heard scuffling upstairs. When Joe had walked away earlier, he hadn’t locked my door. I had been crouched on the stairs listening, and waited. I knew Jeff wouldn’t let them take Megan, but I had no idea that everything was going to go down at that minute. All at once the back door crashed open. Men in black SWAT suits came barreling through with guns aimed. A second wave of police breached in time to start securing us, but when I stepped into the hallway my stomach dropped. Gabrielle was standing a few feet from Leo. She had a gun held on him, and he was laughing at her; daring her to shoot. One of the cops was trying to talk her down and telling Leo to shut up, but no one was listening. All at once, the gun went off, police knocked Gabrielle to the ground, and one rushed to Leo’s side. They radioed outside and within minutes, paramedics swarmed the scene. I stood there frozen in place until several SWAT members began ushering me out the door. Leaving should have brought joy, but all I felt at the moment was fear. Was it really over, or was this some sick joke and where was Jeff?



  “Mother fucker! Let me go!” I twisted away from Mark and pulled my fist back ready to slam it into him if he didn’t let me back inside. I wasn’t thinking rationally, but Lena was still in there and I’d promised her that I would protect her. As the past few days ran like a film through my head, I felt as if I’d let her down. She’d risked her life to come back. Sure, she knew what was involved, but I was supposed to get us out safely.

  “You’re gonna get yourself killed, asshole,” Mark tightened his grip. “Ford is in there,” he released his grip on me and shook his head.

  “Why the hell is Dev here? This isn’t his unit,” I stumbled slightly and ran my hands through my hair angrily.

  “He volunteered. Knew your girl was in for a fight,” he shrugged. “We have your back. Now chill!” he tossed his hands in the air as he walked over to where the leader of the SWAT team was standing speaking into a walkie.

  It got eerily quiet before the door I’d come through moments ago opened. One by one girls started coming out. They were shielding their eyes against the light and clinging to one another, scared out of their minds. I searched the group for the blonde head I knew to be Lena’s. I needed to know she was ok. I don’t know why I’d had this pull toward her, but something inside me had latched on to her, and wasn’t letting me get away from it.

  Gabe and Joe were next. Both had their hands behind them in cuffs. Gabe’s eyes swung to mine as a sneer crossed his face. At first I don’t think he put it all together, but when Mark handed me my badge and I slipped it over my head, I made sure Gabe saw it. “That’s right, asshole. I’m one of the good guys,” I muttered.

  As the women were herded over to a few waiting ambulances, the men were shoved one at a time into the back of several police cars. I spotted Lena, but she didn’t even acknowledge me. She slipped in with the rest of the girls. I watched as the ambulances began to leave one by one. When my head swung back toward the door, I saw a backboard being carried out. My mind began putting the pieces back together. Gun shots, it wasn’t Lena, someone’s dead.

  Paramedics were carrying the backboard with someone in a body bag strapped to it. I began walking toward them, not sure of what I was doing but knowing that I needed to see who was inside. Leo hadn’t come out, and I had a feeling that these women weren’t going to get the justice they deserved.

  “You can’t go over there,” Mark growled from behind me.

  “The hell I can’t,” I brushed him off as I stormed over to where they were loading the person into the last remaining ambulance. “Who’s in there!?” I demanded as they were shutting the doors.

  “It’s Murano, detective. Single gunshot wound to the chest. We couldn’t stop the bleeding,” the paramedic reached for the door to close it.

  “Where are you taking all of them?” I stood there with my hand gripping the door.

  “Chicago Memorial. Wanna a ride?” he motioned to the empty seat beside him.

  The idea of being in there with Leo made my stomach turn. I shook my head as I stepped back and slammed the door. I gave a quick knock signifying that it was closed, and as it pulled away I turned toward one of the unmarked cars on the street. It was an odd feeling watching the ambulance drive away with no lights or sirens knowing Leo was lying inside. The idea that he got no fanfare was a little sense of payback. I knew nothing could make up for the things h
e’d put these women through, but knowing they were safe now lifted a huge burden off my shoulders.

  Mark had gotten Megan out of the car at this point and was bringing her over to me. “Since you’re going after them,” he motioned in the direction the ambulances had gone with his chin, “I was thinking you might want to take her to her sister.”

  “I can do that,” my voice was soft, nothing like the way I’d been talking to Megan. “Come on. Let’s get you checked out,” I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and guided her into the passenger seat of the car I was commandeering. “Thanks man,” I nodded at Mark.

  “No problem. See you back at the station,” he waved before turning to walk away. I took a few deep breaths and then jogged around to the driver’s side to get in. My brain was spinning, and I knew I needed to get it together. These women had been through hell and my team was going to be working for months on getting them to the right people to help them.


  When we reached Chicago Memorial, I parked and walked Megan into the emergency room. She needed to be checked out, and I wanted to check on Lena. I hadn’t been able to see her since I left her downstairs that morning. I had no clue what she was thinking, and wanted to make sure that she knew I’d kept my promise. I’d gotten both her and her sister out.

  After leaving Megan with a nurse, I was cornered by my captain. “You need to go to the station for debriefing,” he shook his head at me. I knew that he knew I wasn’t following protocol, but I couldn’t help it. This need to make sure these women were ok was pulling me in the other direction. I’d been trained to not feel, to go about the job following orders, but I couldn’t this time. Seeing just a small piece of what they went through, and knowing that Lena suffered like that for two years… It made me want to fix them, or maybe just her. Every time I was around her she sent off signals. It was like she didn’t know how to tell me, but she wanted help.

  “I know Sir, but I have to keep my promise. I told them I’d help. I’d keep them safe. I need to make sure they’re ok.” I stood my ground waiting for the order to go the station and move on, only it never came.

  “I expect a full write up on my desk by morning, Horn. You got me?” his eyes narrowed momentarily before softening.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I nodded before turning to head back to the nurse’s station.

  I was directed down a hallway with several rooms. I could hear soft voices and a few muffled cries, but when I stopped by the door where Megan was I heard nothing. I stuck my head in, and looked around, and what I saw tore at my heart. She was huddled in a corner with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. The hospital gown she was wearing hung on her frame. I didn’t know her before yesterday, so I wasn’t sure if she’d always been that thin, or if this was the aftermath of Leo. “Megan,” I kept my voice soft, my tone even. “Can I come in?” I waited for her to look up at me, but she just nodded as she wiped at her eyes.

  “I want to see my sister,” she sniffed. “They won’t let me.”

  My head snapped back at her admission. I had no idea of the purpose of keeping them separated. After everything they’d been through I knew they needed each other. “Hang on a minute and I’ll see what I can do,” I turned and went back out in the hallway. I began sticking my head in each door as I searched for where Lena was. Police officers were milling in the hallways and going in and out of rooms. One was talking to a doctor a few feet away while another was standing guard at the end of the hallway. I knew this was a sensitive case, but apparently, some of these girls had been taken across state lines. From the bits and pieces I was hearing, this case was going to go federal.

  The third door that I stuck my head through, I found her. Lena was curled on her side on a gurney. Her back was to the door, but the blonde hair was unmistakable. “Lena? Are you awake?” I called softly. She glanced back over her shoulder with tearstained eyes. “I’ll be right back,” I held up a finger, signaling to give me a minute. I turned and rushed back to the room Megan was in. After convincing her to come with me, I retraced my steps.

  When we reached Lena’s room, she had rolled over and was facing the door. It didn’t take any convincing at this point. Megan rushed forward as Lena scrambled to sit up. “I’ll leave you two alone now,” I waved from the doorway.

  “Jeff, wait!” Lena called out. When I stopped, and turned back to face her, she began crying uncontrollably. “Thank you.”

  I gave a quick nod in acknowledgement before leaving the two sisters to their reunion. I knew there was no place for me here. I’d done what I’d said I would do, and now it was time to move on, only my heart didn’t want to. My head told me to step away, while all my heart wanted was to wrap her in my arms and tell her I would keep her safe for as long as I lived.



  When Jeff showed up at my door with my sister, I couldn’t hold the tears in any longer. After what I’d witnessed in that house over the last few hours, it was a wonder I could even function properly. When the SWAT team came through the back door, Leo had grabbed Gabrielle, but he wasn’t quick enough. She’d twisted out of his arms and somehow managed to wrestle the gun away from him. It’s amazing what one person can do when they’re put in certain situations. It all happened so fast that it took a while to truly sink in, but she’d shot him right there in front of everyone. Leo had crumbled to the ground, and that’s when they sent us all outside. A few hours ago, a doctor stopped by to run all kinds of tests on me. I had to be cleared to leave. He wouldn’t give me any information on Megan or what had happened to Leo. I’d heard that he died at the scene, but until Jeff or one of the other men said something, I wasn’t going to believe it.

  “Are you ok?” Megan had cried when we embraced. Jeff had waved, and then left as quickly as he’d shown up. It hurt a little, but I knew he was just doing his job. We’d been faking it for so long, that it felt odd having things go back to normal. I couldn’t imagine what he thought of me now. I’d had to paw him, and turn him on multiple times. He’d seen me pretty close to naked, and after he walked in on Leo and me, I was mortified. Leo had stripped my dignity years ago, but having Jeff see was so much worse. The ache that his disappearance created was something that I couldn’t really explain. He’d done what he said he’d do; he saved my sister. She had remained unharmed, and we both escaped the house. Leo’s men were in custody, and with ours along with others’ testimony, they’d be locked up. Everything was as it should be, but why did I feel like something was missing?

  “I’m fine,” I whispered as I hugged Megan tighter. “Are you ok?” She nodded as she pulled back. Tears streamed down both our cheeks and we smiled at one another. “Here,” I scooted over on the tiny gurney, attempting to make room for her. We laid down together, and finally fell asleep. It was odd, the feeling of peace that washed over me. It was the first time in years that I didn’t have a nightmare. One would think after the hell I’d just survived that my brain would be full, that the memories would resurface so much faster, but they didn’t. Having Megan there, and knowing that we were safe soothed me. I finally felt like I was healing, and I only had one person to thank for that. The trouble was, he didn’t seem to see it that way.

  Chapter 16


  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Megan sat on the edge of my bed as I got ready for work. It had been a week since we were discharged from the hospital. I’d convinced Megan to come live with me, and so far, things had been going well. It was cramped in my little one bedroom, but we were making it work. In all honesty, tonight was going to be the first time we spent any time apart. I hadn’t let her out of my sight all week, and even though I knew she’d be fine, I was still worried.

  “For work?” I turned from where I was facing the mirror to face her.

  “Yeah. I mean, after everything,” she shrugged.

  “I’ll be fine. Are you going to be ok here alone?” I sighed as I moved to sit on the bed.
I tugged on my shoes before pulling a knee up on the bed and facing her.

  “Stop worrying about me. I’m not a little kid anymore. I’ll be fine,” she rolled her eyes before a tiny smile appeared.

  “I know. I just…” I paused and took a few deep breaths, “We haven’t really talked about what happened. I don’t want all that in your head when you’re here alone. I know what it’s like to deal with it.”

  “I’m fine,” Megan insisted as she stood. “You’re going to be late if you don’t go now. I mean, you could always stay here and eat ice cream with me if you don’t think you’re ready.”

  “I don’t think ice cream is going to pay the rent,” I shook my head at her. She was trying to hold in a laugh. It felt odd being like this. In some ways, it was like we’d gone back in time. We talked like we did as kids, and laughed at the small things. In other ways, I knew that things would never be the same. Leo changed you. He took away your innocence, and no matter how involved you were with him, you could never unsee the things he did.

  “Guess you’re right,” she laughed now. “Maybe I can come by and say hi later.”

  “Maybe not,” I narrowed my eyes at her. “You’re not old enough.”

  “I will be in three months,” she pouted.

  “Well, you can come then,” I wagged my finger at her before slipping into my coat. It was cold out, and as winter approached I knew the walking to work would end soon. The holidays were just around the corner, and soon the city would be coated in white. “I’ll be late tonight. You don’t have to wait up,” I smiled as I opened the door.

  Before I could close it, Megan called out, “Hey Lena,” I turned to face her, “thanks.”

  “That’s what sisters are for,” I smiled. “Call the bar if you need anything.”

  “I will. Have a good night,” she grinned as I closed the door.


  It was a busy night, but nothing out of the usual. Sam was happy to have me back, and the rest of the crew seemed relieved. Tiff said that the colder weather was bringing more people in, and she was thankful to have the help. There was a new girl that had been hired, but she wasn’t working tonight. I was surprised; the bar usually ran like a well-oiled machine, but with the way everyone was carrying on it seemed like they really needed me. I’d never really felt wanted, and it was a foreign but good feeling.


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