Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5)

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Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5) Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  My eyes flashed in surprise. I had no idea what to pick. I’d never been afforded the luxury of choice before. “Um,” I stammered.

  “A nice red would go better with our dinner choice, but I’m open,” he smiled as he leaned back in his chair and stared at me.

  “I don’t know much about wines. Why don’t you pick?” I pushed the drink menu back in his direction. “I mean,” I sighed as I glanced around the room taking everything in. It was a romantic setting, and as much as I felt all giddy like a school girl that I was here with a sexy guy, I also had that nervous unease that followed me everywhere.

  “Relax,” he murmured as he picked up the menu and placed it off to the side. “I can pick something.” He reached across the table, and held his hand out palm facing up. I stared at it for moment before I placed my hand there. His fingers wrapped around it before his thumb started slowly caressing the back. “I don’t want this to hard for you. It’s supposed to be fun.”

  “I know. It’s just that I haven’t…” I looked away and at that moment a waiter was walking up. I sighed in relief at being saved from the conversation, and Jeff ordered a bottle of wine.



  As we waited for the pizza to arrive, we sat there in stilted conversation. I didn’t think this through when I asked her on this date. I didn’t know much about her life outside of the hell she lived through, and I never talked about my family. I didn’t want to talk about work, so that didn’t leave much. It was like an awkward date between two teens.

  “Detective Horn!” I heard Roberto before he even made it to the table. “What brings you in here tonight?”

  I laughed before looking his direction. “Hey, Roberto. Long time, no see.”

  “Ah, what a pretty lady,” he grinned at Lena. “Is this your girlfriend?” he eyed where our hands were joined on the table. “I may have to steal her away and show her what a real man is like,” he chuckled and Lena stiffened. I knew he didn’t mean anything by it, but Lena was still learning to read people. She always thought the worst about someone until they proved themselves.

  “I don’t think I’m going to have any problems,” I chuckled as he set the pizza down.

  “You let me know when you’re tired of this one,” he leaned closer to Lena and whispered, “He’s all show.”

  “Get out of here and let us eat,” I rolled my eyes as I reached for one of the plates on the table. I released Lena’s hand as I served her a piece of sausage deep dish, my favorite. “Ignore him,” I sighed as I handed her the plate.

  “Do you come here a lot?” she smiled as she took the plate.

  “I used to. Not so much anymore. I’ve been too busy,” I shrugged as I fixed my own plate. “Eat up,” I motioned to the pizza in front of her. “You’re gonna need the energy. I’ve got something fun planned for later.”

  I watched in fascination as Lena used her fork to take tiny bites of the pizza. The way her eyes closed as she savored every bite was like watching someone try it for the first time. She was letting every bite sit on her tongue long enough to get every flavor.

  “This is really good,” she mumbled around a bite. “Do they offer takeout?”

  “I’m sure it could be arranged. I get enough pizza here that Roberto would probably deliver it if I asked,” I mused.

  When we finished the pizza, I paid the bill, and led Lena outside. When we walked past the car and didn’t stop, she glanced at me with a puzzled look on her face. “Aren’t we driving?”

  “I thought we could walk,” I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. It was a cold night and the weatherman had said we might get some flurries, but snuggling her close to me sounded way better than driving. “Millennium Park is just a few blocks away.”

  “Millennium Park?” her voice rose in what sounded like excitement.

  “Yeah. It’s really pretty out there with the light reflecting off the water. I thought we’d walk, maybe go down to the pier,” I had an entire route planned, but I was willing to change it if she didn’t want to walk.

  “Sounds nice,” her voice was soft, quiet, but she snuggled into my side.

  We slowly made our way to the park, stopping to stare at the bean and then grab a small brown bag of roasted chestnuts. Lena grinned like a little kid at Christmas as I popped one in my mouth after feeding her one. The nerves that were ever present at the beginning of the evening had seemed to float away. She was smiling, and content. I couldn’t help but stare at her. The moonlight shone on her blonde hair, and her cheeks were rosy from the cold. When we reached the pier, I bought us each a hot chocolate before turning to lead us back to where I parked. We’d spent most of the evening talking about nothing really, and it felt good. I’ve been out with so many women in the past that would see the nice car, and the fancy clothes, and immediately want to know where it all came from. Lena treated me like she always did, and didn’t push when I didn’t offer information. I’d like to think that if this turns into anything, I could tell her and she’d still see me for who I am now and not what I came from.

  After reaching the car, I drove her back to her apartment. We sat in a comfortable silence on the drive, and Lena stared at the city lights. I ran back over the night’s events in my mind, and quickly realized that I’ve never been this relaxed on a date. I had no idea why, but something was different. She was different. We were different together. “I had fun tonight,” she murmured bringing me out of my thoughts. “I haven’t had fun like that with a man in a long time. Thank you,” she smiled softly as she turned to face me. We were sitting in the car in front of her building.

  “You’re welcome,” I smiled back at her. “Give me a second,” I held my hand up as I opened my door and jogged around to her side. After opening her door, I helped her out, and then turned us so I was leaning against the car. “I had fun too. Maybe you’d like to do it again? Soon?” I bent my knees so I could look her right in the eyes.

  “Ok,” she slowly smiled. “I’d like that.”

  “Good,” I leaned in and placed a light kiss to her forehead. She shivered, and I wasn’t sure if it was the kiss or the cold that caused it. “Let’s get you inside. It’s getting really cold out,” I wrapped my arms around her. “It might snow soon.” Right when I said it, it happened. A small white flake landed right on her eyelash. She giggled before tipping her head back to look at the sky. Slowly one by one they fell. “See what I mean?” I laughed as the flurries began to come faster. We both began laughing as I released her, and led her inside.

  When we reached her door, I pulled us to a stop. She looked confused at first, but then her eyes flashed with recognition. “I don’t know what’s happening here, Lena. You’re different from the others, and that’s not a bad thing. I keep telling myself to slow down and go easy with you, but something on the inside won’t let me. You have to tell me if I push too hard because if you don’t, I won’t walk away.” I cupped her cheeks as my eyes darted from her lips to her eyes. “If I had things my way we’d be inside right now, and on our way to your bed. I’m holding on by a thread here,” I mumbled as I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. She gasped, and I took advantage, slipping my tongue inside. I forced myself to keep my hands on her cheeks as I nibbled at her lower lip. She was so sweet and innocent despite her experience and I was determined to show her that she deserved better than what she’d gotten. “I’m gonna go now,” I whispered as I pulled back. “If I don’t, I’m not going to be able to keep my promise. I’ll call you soon, and we’ll do this again.” I pressed a quick peck on her lips before I turned and walked with purpose toward the stairs.

  “Jeff?” she called out just as I reached the end of the hallway. I stopped mid stride and before I could turn around she called out again, “Thank you… for everything. Thank you.” I nodded, and then I heard her door open. Once it clicked shut, I rushed down the stairs. I was in so deep here, deeper than I could have ever imagine.

  Chapter 20

  Lenar />
  Things changed dramatically over the next week with Jeff. He started coming back to The Rusty Nail in the evenings. It never failed that I’d be deep in the weeds trying to catch up, and when I’d turn around, there he’d be, perched in his usual spot. He’d smirk at me and nod, knowing that I knew what he wanted. There wasn’t much conversation on those nights, but something about having a routine made it comforting. Occasionally he’d join Dev, Jase, and Mark, but if they weren’t sitting at the bar, he’d be there alone.

  When he came in tonight, something was different. The first thing I noticed was his badge was hanging around his neck. Normally he keeps it in his pocket when he’s here. When he came in, he stepped up to the bar, but didn’t sit. Tiff nodded to me, and when I turned around with his usual in my hand, he shook his head. “Can’t right now. I’m here officially,” he lifted the badge. “Can we talk for a minute?” I froze, not knowing what this was about. It never failed that every time I got comfortable with a situation, something would happen to say ‘fooled you’.

  “Go ahead. I’ll be ok for a few minutes,” Tiff shooed me toward the back.

  I began walking toward the hallway that led outside, but paused at the end. It had been snowing for a few days and was freezing out now. I could hear the heavy steps of Jeff’s boots, but more importantly, I felt his presence. “Just tell me,” I sighed. “Whatever it is,” I turned to face him and leaned my back against the wall, defeated. “You’re leaving; you don’t want to do this anymore; you just want to be friends; whatever it is, just tell me,” I shrugged.

  “I’m here on police business,” he looked at me, confused.

  “But I thought? Never mind,” I huffed.

  “Did you think I was lying when I said ‘officially?’” his eyes scanned my face.

  “Yes, no, I don’t know,” I shifted my weight a few times before looking up at him.

  He ran his hands through his hair a few times as he shook his head and muttered, “I will never understand women.” When he stopped, he looked up me. “First off, I’m here to tell you that Gabe and Joe took a plea. The DA offered life in prison, and they took the deal. You won’t have to testify, and it’s over. I’ve been waiting for a few days to get the go ahead to tell you. Second,” his eyes darkened as he stalked closer to me, “I like what we have going here, and I don’t know what I could’ve done to make you doubt my intentions. I knew you had baggage when we started this, but you have to trust me Lena. If I ever decided to bail, I wouldn’t tell you like this. Friends is the last thing I want with you,” he placed one hand on the wall over my head and leaned in. “Hell, I have to fight myself every time I’m around you to keep from tearing your clothes off. I’m trying to take this slow, and it’s killing me. I want you to trust me though, so that when we do go there, you’ll see me for me and not one of those scumbags that took advantage of you. I want you to be in the moment enjoying me like I’ll be enjoying you,” he leaned even closer and ran his nose up the column of my neck, stopping by my ear. “Don’t ever doubt me.”

  When he pulled back, he smiled innocently and I swallowed against my racing heart as I tried to calm down. “I meant what I said,” he chuckled as he stepped out of my way and allowed me to pass.

  “Ok,” the word came out squeaky as I rushed to get back behind the bar. I needed to get my head on straight. I didn’t want to make him wait forever, but I wasn’t sure I could or would be what he was expecting. Relief that the case was over was at the forefront of my mind, and that was what I would concentrate on at the moment. I needed to hang on to that feeling as long as I could so I could deal with the anxiety that sleeping with Jeff was causing.



  Women. I will never understand them. I don’t know how she came to the conclusions she did with what I said. I’d been stuck at work all day. Mark had texted me after he left the station to tell me that all the guys were going to the bar. I’d wanted to meet up with them, but I needed to talk to her first. Lena, she’d been on my mind for months now. Even before anything happened between us, I knew I had to have her. She was different. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but when I was with her she made me feel different. There was the fire that lit me up on the inside. It was a smolder that I knew would ignite into a huge ball of fire when I finally fed it. I’d been smothering it daily to keep from scaring her off, but now I was slowly losing control. One touch from her was going to set me ablaze, and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stop it when it does. She feels it too; I know she does. I just need her to trust me.

  After she went back to work, I pushed through the crowd to where the guys were sitting. I yanked my badge over my head and stuffed it in my coat pocket before I sat down. Dev was slumped in the corner of the booth they were sharing, while Jase and Mark sat across from him. “What’s up?” I slid in beside Dev, causing him to put his foot down and sit up.

  “You finally get all that wrapped up?” Dev motioned with his finger toward the bar.

  “Yeah, why?” I shrugged out of my coat, reached for a glass, and poured a beer from the pitcher in the center of the table.

  “I gotta a proposition for you,” Dev ran his hand over the top of his head.

  “Oookay,” I dragged the words out as I stared at the three of them. Mark shook his head as Dev and Jase shared a look.

  “The two of us,” Jase motioned between himself and Dev, “are thinking about opening a private security firm. Just small jobs starting out, but we were wondering if you’d be interested in joining us,” he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “You’re leaving the force?” I was shocked. These two had been so invested in their work over the last couple of years that I couldn’t believe they’d walk away now.

  “I’m just ready for a change,” Jase sighed. “With Tiff and the baby, I need something different. She wants to keep working here; I need to get steady hours, and I want more time with my kid.”

  “Can I think about it?” I rested my arms on the table as I sipped my beer.

  “Sure,” Dev nodded absently. “Take all the time you need. I just wanted to put it out there.”

  “Wait,” I glanced over at Mark. “Are you in on this too?”

  He sighed as he leaned back and closed his eyes for a minute, “No.”

  “No?” my eyes moved amongst the three of them.

  “We offered,” Jase waved his hand in the air.

  “I’m not ready to leave yet,” Mark shrugged. “Of course you know if you take this offer, I’m going to be without a partner. Do you have any idea how much that’s going to suck?” he narrowed his eyes on me.

  “Guess it sucks to be you,” Jase chuckled.

  “It’s not fucking funny,” Mark growled. “I don’t know how it happens but I always get the shaft in this little group of ours.”

  “Poor Mark,” Dev mocked.

  “Shut up!” he rolled his eyes as he reached for the pitcher. “So, how’d it go with your girl?” he glanced at me as he poured his drink.

  “Fine,” I did not want to talk to him about Lena. Mark was like the town gossip in our department. Whatever I told him, the entire squad room would be buzzing about tomorrow.

  “Still not getting any, huh?” he snickered.

  My head swung in his direction, “I’m doing fine. We’re taking things slow.”

  “Right,” he mused. “You’re still fighting her demons. Get ready for a lot nights of rubbing one out.”

  “Why are you being such a fucking asshole tonight? Amber not doing it for you anymore?” I glared at him. Mark had been testy lately, but tonight he was just being a jackass.

  “She does it just fine, when she does it,” he sighed as he flopped back in his seat. “That woman has a jealous streak so long I don’t think I’ll ever see the end of it. I swear I can’t get a call a from work without her wanting all the details. I can’t offer it when I’m on a case. You know how it is?” he shook his head.

  “Yep,” Jase
nodded in agreement.

  “Bet she’s been plotting with Danielle,” I mused. “Things ended with us because she wouldn’t trust me. Those two are thick as thieves.”

  “I can’t fucking win,” Mark pushed his empty glass toward the center of the table. “Guess I better go home and call her. She hasn’t stayed over all week, and if I don’t get laid soon I might explode.”

  “Good luck, man,” Dev chuckled.

  “Yeah,” Mark shook his head, “thanks.”

  “Well, I’m outta here too,” I tipped my head back to finish off my beer before standing. “Gotta talk to Lena and get some sleep.”

  “Have fun with that,” Jase laughed as I walked away. After we’d talked earlier I was officially off the clock. I had my evening free, and if she was getting out soon I had every intention of spending time with her. If not, then I guess I was hanging out at home. Either way, I need to be around her. Showing her that I wasn’t going anywhere was my way in. It was the proof I needed to get her to trust me, and with Lena I knew that trust was going to be the way into her heart.

  Chapter 21


  Jeff spent most of the night parked at the end of the bar. He’d spent a little time with the guys, but when Mark left he took his usual spot. Tonight was different, though. Instead of drinking his usual, he was sipping on a water. His eyes scanned the room multiple times, but then they would come back to me. I caught him a few times. He’d wink, or smirk, or do something just as distracting.

  When the crowd began to die down, Sam came out and told me I could start my closing duties and head out. The new girl, Tracey, was going to learn how to close so I wasn’t needed. It was a welcomed reprieve, and I sighed in relief when I finally finished stacking the last tray of glasses.

  “You all done?” Jeff came around to where I was tucking my apron under the bar, and grabbing my purse.

  “Yeah. I have to get my coat from the back, but I’m all finished for the night,” I motioned with my hand toward the back stock room.


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