Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5)

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Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5) Page 15

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Oh god,” I cried out. I hadn’t felt pleasure like this in so long, and no man had ever put his mouth on me.

  “That’s right, baby. I’m taking you to heaven,” he leaned in and did it again, swirling the tip of his tongue around my clit. I trembled against the pleasure and he chuckled as he repeated the process. “Let go,” he growled when a lone finger joined the assault. He curled it against that magic spot as he nibbled and lapped, causing my body to convulse in pleasure. My eyes rolled back as the room melted away and I succumbed to the pleasure he was drawing out of me.

  I heard the rustling of clothes, and then felt the bed move as he came to hover back over me. The sound of foil ripping filled the quiet before his voice came back right beside my ear. “I’ve been thinking about being with you since I met you, Lena. You’re beautiful, and smart, and funny. You don’t take shit from people, and you’re willing to risk your own happiness for others. This tight little body is sexy as sin, but I love what’s on the inside too. You’ve made me want things that I didn’t think I could have. After tonight, it’s you and me.” He paused right at my entrance as he leaned down. “Look at me.” My eyes blinked open and connected with his. “I want to see you when I slip inside. I want every part of you to remember what it feels like to be filled with me.” He nudged my thighs a little farther apart, and then pushed forward just enough that his cock brushed over my clit. I swallowed as a zing rushed through me. “There’s no turning back now. You’re mine,” he pushed forward, sinking into me. My legs lifted to wrap around his waist. One hand held him up over me as the other gripped my hip. “Fuck!” he hissed. “You’re going to unman me,” he groaned before pulling back and surging forward once again. We both moaned in unison. My back arched as he rocked into me with a slow rhythm. The muscles of his thighs trembled with restraint, and our breath became ragged. His strokes began to get choppy as he sped up, and soon I could feel myself climbing once again. “Come on,” he growled as his hand slipped between us. He pressed on my clit with his thumb, igniting me once again and sending us over the edge together.

  His cock jerked inside me as his body went ridged. He shook before slumping over me, and letting his head drop to the mattress right above my shoulder. My legs relaxed, dropping from where they’d been wrapped around him, and I closed my eyes against the inevitable embarrassment I knew was coming. “Don’t even question this,” he mumbled into the sheets. “I know you’re getting ready to freak out, so stop.”

  “How did you?” I gasped.

  “I can read your body. It’s telling me you’re getting ready to bolt. Well,” he lifted his head to look at me, “I’m telling you, you can’t. I’m going to get up and pull the sheets back, and we’re going to get in bed. You’re going to take a power nap, and then we’re going to do this again because I think you’ve officially ruined me. I’m never gonna get enough of you,” he pressed his lips to mine in a quick kiss before pulling away. He slipped from inside me causing me to scramble to cover myself. “You’re beautiful, Lena. Stop trying to hide from me.” His back was to me as he waltzed into the bathroom as if nothing had happened. I had to keep telling myself that this was Jeff, because everything about the last ten seconds put me back at Leo’s. The way he walked into the bathroom. His need to see me; all of it was like my past, but the sex? The sex was like nothing I’d shared with a man before. Jeff had made me his.

  Chapter 23


  I could feel him behind me. I think he thought I was still asleep, but I wasn’t. It was obvious. We were spooned and his right arm was wrapped around my middle. One leg was tangled with mine, and his fingers were absently tracing small circles right below my breasts. I tried to stay asleep as he slowly roused me. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be woken up, or that I didn’t want to be there with him, it was the fact that I couldn’t get out of my head. I fell asleep thinking about what the night meant, and then when he woke me a few hours later pressing kisses all over my body; I tried to remember where I was, and who I was with, but my memories plagued me. I saw the dark rooms that I spent many nights in. I saw the countless men that drifted in and out my door. I felt the shame that always came afterward. My heart knew it was Jeff, but my brain didn’t seem to want to believe it.

  I spent the twilight hours of the morning telling myself to relax. I’d spent so much time overthinking the evening that I was exhausted. My fitful sleep couldn’t have gone unnoticed, and now he was waking me again.

  “I know you’re not sleeping,” he teased. His warm breath blew across my bare neck as he pressed a kiss right below my ear. “You can pretend all you want, but I know you,” another kiss as his hand cupped my breast. As tired as I was, he was pushing the buttons that he found last night and bringing my body to life.

  “Mmm, tired,” I groaned as I curled into a tighter ball and tugged the covers up.

  “You sure about that?” his voice was playful, but his movements held purpose. One hand slowly slid down my side until he reached my hip. He leaned forward, letting his hand slip around to the front of me before working his fingers between my legs. “This right here says you’re wide awake,” he fluttered his fingertips across my center, causing me to moan. I couldn’t help it. As much as I was battling my demons, Jeff knew how to make me forget. His touch was like nothing I’d ever felt, and I honestly didn’t know a man could reduce me to this. “I think you’re trying to tease me,” he pushed two fingers into me as his hips pressed forward behind me. “Are you trying to hold out?”

  “N-n-no,” I swallowed as I ground my hips back against him.

  “I don’t think you understand how much I need you,” his voice became ragged as he pulled his hand away. The bed rocked as he rolled to his back, and I felt the loss. The heat from his chest was no longer against my back. The tingling he’d began to coax out of me was dying away. The drawer to the bedside table banged shut as he tore the condom wrapper. After rolling it on, he moved back to his previous position. “Close your eyes,” he whispered as he kissed my neck again. “Let everything go, and just feel. I see the turmoil in your eyes. I feel it in your body. I want you to let that go and just feel me.” He grabbed my leg and pulled it back over his hip before slowly sinking into me from behind. His right hand came back around, and he slowly slid down my stomach until he was barely touching where we were joined. “Close your eyes, and let my touch be the only thing you think about.” He rocked his hips as his fingers slowly rubbed my clit.

  It started small, the tingling. It was nothing in comparison to the night before, but it was there. His strokes were slow and steady, but deep. His abs flexed against my back; his arms banded around my middle. The longer we stayed this way, the more insistent the tingling became. I grew warm against him. My breathing sped up, and my legs trembled. His fingers stayed steady, circling and sliding; mixing our wetness together. “You have no idea how fucking hot it is that you get this wet from me. My cock gets hard just thinking about it. I don’t even need to be near you. All I have to do is think about you, and I’m fucking straining in my jeans. Do you have any idea how bad I need you? How many times a day I think about doing just this? How long I fantasized about having you here?” His erotic words whispered in my ear brought me to new heights. I climbed higher and higher; my need reaching epic proportions. I rocked my hips back into him, grinding against him as I began to whimper. I needed him to go faster, to ease the ache. I needed the release, and this slow pace almost seemed like a punishment.

  “Please,” I begged.

  “Please what?” he kept the slow pace.

  “More,” I whined.

  “Like this?” he pressed harder with his thumb. “Is this what you’re asking for? Or is it this?” he pulled back and slammed into me, bottoming out.

  “Yes,” I panted. “More.”

  “Fuck,” he growled as he reared back and barreled forward again. His arms tightened as his hips began to slam into me inching us across the bed. “So good,” he sounded strained, but then
a roar ripped from him right when I shuddered. “Holy fuck!”

  When he slipped from me, he tied the condom off and tossed it to the floor. He didn’t get up like last time. This time he rolled right back, and tugged at my shoulder. When I glanced back at him, he opened his arms to me, beckoning me into his embrace. Without words, I turned and snuggled into his chest. I think he sensed that I needed this, but wanted me to make the choice. “Sleep. We haven’t gotten much rest. I’ll wake you in plenty of time to get home,” he yawned as he tightened his arms around me.

  Before I knew it, I could hear soft snores coming from him. I placed my head against his chest and let the sound of his beating heart lull me to sleep.



  I could tell something was eating away at her. The way she clammed up on me before we first fell asleep. Then she only responded to me when I demanded it, and just this morning, It was as if she wanted me to force her to make a decision. When I pressed the issue, she gave in but I had a feeling if I’d backed off she wouldn’t have initiated anything.

  Now, I’m laying here watching her sleep. I can’t describe the feeling that’s settled in me, but something’s shifted over the last twenty-four hours. She’s changed me. I meant what I said when I told her that if we went there, she was mine. Her small frame has been cuddled on its side most of the night, and she’s been subconsciously searching me out. When I’ve changed positions a few times over the last few hours, she’s snuggled up to me within minutes. I’d be a liar if I said that didn’t make me want to pound my chest and scream that she’s mine. As I’ve been lying here, I’ve been studying her. The blankets have slipped low, allowing me to stare at her bare back. Other than the tattoo right above her ass, there are a few small scars. They’re faded and small, but they’re still there. I’ve been trying to leave her alone and let her sleep, but seeing her hair splayed out across my pillow, and hearing her soft moans in her sleep are making me want to wake her up and claim her once again. Knowing that it’s been hours since we’ve eaten anything, I decided to slip from the bed and fix us breakfast.

  I guess I lost track of time because after getting some sausage cooking along with some eggs, I’m startled by her footsteps. I can hear her behind me, but I decide to wait and see what she’ll do. I need her to take the lead here. I feel like an ass that’s no better than the scumbags she’s been with in the past. I mean, I practically mauled her all night. She didn’t tell me no, but she’s not programed that way. I don’t think she thinks she can tell me no.

  “Good morning,” I murmured when I felt her get closer.

  “Morning,” her voice was soft. I felt her move right up behind me. I had that sense with her. I could tell where she was without actually seeing her. Seconds later her bare arms wrapped around my torso, and she hugged me from behind. I swallowed, trying to control myself. She was naked, damn it, and my cock didn’t understand that he wasn’t getting any attention right now. She needed a break, and I was going to force us to take one.

  “You need to go put a shirt on,” I growled.

  “I’m sorry,” the words rushed out of her, and she scurried away down the hall. I couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed, or upset. I hadn’t meant to come across as sounding like a jackass, but she didn’t know what a huge effect she had on me.

  I sighed as I turned off the stove and went after her to do damage control. “Lena,” I called and I stalked down the hall. “Lena,” I rounded the corner as I heard the door to my room click shut. “Lena,” I knocked on the door before opening it. When I did push it open, I stopped in my tracks. She was sitting on the edge of the bed with her back to the door, still in her state of undress.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do something you didn’t like. I just thought,” she paused as she looked over her shoulder. Her bottom lip was pinched tight between her teeth and worry etched her face.

  “Ok, stop right there,” I took a deep breath and let my head fall forward. I ran my hands through my hair a few times before I moved closer. When I reached the side of the bed, I grabbed her hands and made her face me. “I’m not mad at you. First off, mad is the last thing I’m feeling right now. Second, there’s nothing you could do to upset me, especially naked. Third,” I smiled at her, “I need that sassy attitude back. I’m not him. I don’t care if you piss me off. If you want something, tell me.”

  “I can’t do that,” she mumbled.

  “Yes, you can. You come up to me like you just did and if I push, you say, ‘Jeff, I need you right now’. Trust me, babe. I’m not going to turn you down. I’ll make my dick raw for you if you want it that much. I’m trying to give you a break. I’m not into pushing women for something they don’t want. We’ve got plenty of time. I just don’t want you to think that you have to. Understand?” I rocked back on my heels from where I was squatting. She offered me a half smile and nodded. “I want to show you something,” I stood up and pulled her to stand in front of me. “Give me your hand,” I held my hand out and waited for her to place her hand in mine. When she did, I moved it to cup my growing dick and squeezed. “You feel that? That’s what your little good morning did to me. Don’t ever doubt that I want you. Understand?” I reiterated. She nodded and smiled at me. “Ok, let’s go eat. Breakfast is almost ready. Then we’ll shower and I’ll let you have what you were asking for.”

  Chapter 24


  It was mid-afternoon when Jeff took me home. I think if it wasn’t for Megan, I would have stayed indefinitely. It was easy to lose track of time around him. He’d promised to come by the bar and pick me after work so I wouldn’t have to walk home in the snow. I was thankful since most of Chicago was covered in a blanket of the stuff.

  When I got home, Megan was curled up on the couch watching TV. She bounced with excitement when I stepped through the door, and fired questions at me for over a half hour. I was annoyed at first, but the longer we sat there with the TV in the background while we talked about boys, I slowly began to feel normal. It had been so long since I’d done this. When I was in school, Megan and I would sneak into each other’s rooms at night after our mom had gone to bed. We’d talk about boys at school and who we hoped asked us out. After Mom died and Megan went to live with our aunt, we lost that. I was on my own and forced to grow up fast. I met Leo, and he forever changed me. This was the first time in over five years that I felt a bit of normalcy.

  “When are you guys going out again?” Megan grinned around a mouthful of ice cream. It was freezing outside and I found it comical that she could eat ice cream on a day like today.

  “I don’t know,” I shrugged. “He didn’t say.”

  “Well, what did he say?” she set the bowl down and stared at me.

  “That he’d see me at work,” I murmured as I lifted the throw pillow that was behind me and hugged it to my chest.

  “So, is he your boyfriend now?” her head tipped to the side. I didn’t want to burst her bubble, but the truth was I didn’t know what we were. I shrugged and looked away. “You guys slept together,” she nudged my thigh, “multiple times,” she reiterated.

  “I know that,” I blushed with embarrassment as I remembered that I was the one that steered the entire night in that direction.

  “It had to mean something,” she rolled her eyes.

  “Maybe,” I shrugged again. “I don’t know,” I muttered. She went quiet for moment, but right when she was getting ready to say something, my phone vibrated on the coffee table.

  Megan leaned over and glanced at the screen. “I’d say he’s your boyfriend,” she giggled. “If all he wanted was last night, he wouldn’t be texting you hours later. What does he want?” she handed me my phone.

  I sighed as I took it and swiped my thumb across the screen. I knew I was being silly. With the things Jeff said to me all morning and the night before, it was obvious that he wanted more. I don’t know anyone that could fake what we did, but he did with his job. I’d seen him fake it so much that my h
ead was trying to pick apart everything.

  When the screen came to life I couldn’t help but smile. My emotions were so all over the place it was making my head spin. Worry, happiness, confusion, desire, they all mixed together, making my head hurt. His words made me bounce in my seat though.

  Jeff: You need a Christmas tree for your place. We’re getting one tonight.

  Me: I have to work.

  Jeff: After work. I’ll pick you up, and we’re getting one.

  Me: You don’t have to.

  Jeff: We’re getting one.

  Me: I don’t have any decorations.

  Jeff: Nice try. We’re getting one.

  Jeff: Stop arguing with me.

  I laughed at that, and it felt good. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had celebrated Christmas. I can’t tell you the last time I celebrated any holiday. With Leo, the holidays just meant more time had passed, and you were still there. When we were kids, the holidays brought stress. Mom was never able to afford much, so we didn’t have a big Christmas. There were small celebrations at the shelter, but I usually kept to myself. The thought of Jeff wanting to do something as simple as get a tree for me made me giddy.

  “See,” Megan pointed at my face. “Boyfriend.”

  “Maybe,” I smiled softly. “I have to get ready for work. Apparently, we’re bringing a tree back here tonight. Do you think you can straighten up a little?”

  “No problem. It’s the least I can do since I’ve been sleeping on your couch,” she leaned forward and hugged me. “I’m going to look for a job next week,” she murmured as she hugged me tighter. “We need a bigger place or at least one where I can have a bed. I can’t keep staying here and not paying part of the expenses.”

  “We’re fine,” I tried to pull away.

  “No we’re not, and you can stop right now with whatever you are going to say. I’m a big girl. I can help out,” she narrowed her eyes and waited for me to agree.


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