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Below the Surface (The Witness Series Book 5)

Page 17

by Heather D'Agostino

  I pulled up to the curb, and left the blinkers on as I rush to the door. It’s freezing out, and I have a feeling that I’m going to be giving up my coat by the end of the night. Most women’s coats aren’t that warm, which I’ve never understood. They’re ones that get cold all the time, yet theirs are made out of thin material.

  When I got to her door, I knocked lightly and could hear Megan inside. I waited and right before I was ready to knock again, it slowly opened. Megan was standing there in a pair of red plaid PJs. She was grinning up at me like a little girl would her parents when they’re going out.

  “Hey Lee,” she called. “Prince Charming is here to take you to the ball.” She giggled as she stepped back and motioned for me to come in. The apartment felt so much warmer both literally and figuratively. The first few times I came over it was dark and depressing. I hadn’t understood how Lena had lived there all that time. Since we put the tree up, we’ve added to the décor and made the place warm and inviting. It makes me wonder what Lena will say when she hears what I have planned for the night.

  “I’ll be right out!” she called from somewhere down the small hallway. I’m guessing she was in the bedroom worrying over something. Sam said that she looked amazing, so I don’t know what she could be worried about.

  “Sorry, I just couldn’t…” her words trailed off, and my head snapped in her direction.

  “Wow,” I gasped as I stared at her. She was wearing a dark green silk dress. It has small spaghetti straps with a low dip in the front. It skimmed her body all the way to the floor with a slit that ran up her right thigh. “You look,” I swallowed as I stepped closer and clasped both her hands in mine, “absolutely breathtaking.”

  “Thank you,” she blushed as she stared at the floor. “I feel like an idiot,” she mumbled.

  “Why?” I reached up and lifted her chin so her eyes met mine.

  “This isn’t me. I’m all jeans and sweaters, not this,” she motioned in front of her. “My feet are going to feel like hamburger meat by the end of the night.” She stuck one foot out, showing me the gold strappy shoes she was wearing. The heels looked as if she might topple over, but she held her own. “You might have to carry me,” she grinned.

  “That’s what princes are supposed to do. Where’s your coat?” I glanced around as she bit the inside of her cheek.

  “I don’t have one for dressy stuff. Just the one I wear to work,” she shrugged.

  “You can’t go out like that. You’ll freeze,” I shook my head as I shrugged out of my wool overcoat. “Here,” I held it up, and she slipped into it. It practically swallowed her whole, but at least I knew she’d be warm.

  “What about you?” she wrapped the fabric around her.

  “I’ll be fine,” I brushed her off. My tux jacket would have to be enough. The box sitting in my pocket was enough to keep my mind off the cold anyway.



  When we arrived at the hotel where the ball was being held, Jeff pulled up to the valet. He helped me out, and as we walked snuggled together up the steps, I couldn’t help but stare. The ball was being held at The Sky Top Hotel. It was one of the fanciest hotels in Chicago and I’d never been anywhere like it. We walked through the lobby, and Jeff turned us toward the ballrooms. On the way there we spotted Dev and Sam. They were checking their coats, and waved before pointing in the direction of the door.

  “We’re sitting with them,” Jeff confirmed. “Jase and Tiff too.”

  “That’s nice,” I smiled. I hadn’t wanted to come to this at first. I didn’t like the idea of being paraded around in front of all these people, but when Sam told me that she was going, it made it a little easier to say yes. Now, knowing that we were sitting with them made it even better. I’d be with people I already knew and could talk to.

  When it was our turn to hand over our coats, Jeff helped me remove his. It was big and bulky on me, but it was warm and smelled like him. He hadn’t gotten a good view of the back of my dress, and I knew this was going to stun him. I turned so he could grip the shoulders, and when he lowered it, I heard his intake of breath. “Damn,” his hissed as I giggled. I’d never in my life had this effect on a man, at least one that was wanted. I’d had the lewd comments and unwanted flirtations, but this… this was power.

  “You ready?” I turned and batted my eyes innocently at him.

  “No,” he hissed under his breath. “How am I supposed to keep my cool tonight knowing that every man in there wants to be me? You want to see me lose it tonight, don’t you?” he growled next to my ear.

  “I’m going home with you,” I pressed a light kiss to his cheek. A small sigh slipped out when my lips felt the softness of his face. It’s the first time I’ve seen him clean shaven, and despite how ruggedly handsome he looked with the scruff, I like the clean-cut look as well.

  “Damn right you are,” he wrapped his arm around my waist as he turned us toward the ballroom. “Fuck, I am so getting you for this later,” he muttered when his hand touched the bare skin of my lower back. The dress I’d picked had literally no back. It was just high enough to cover my tattoo, but that was about it. The straps connected to the side of the dress leaving nothing on the back, and Jeff couldn’t seem to keep his hands away from me.

  We found our table rather easily. Dev, Sam, Tiff, Jase, Mark, and Amber were all seated. The guys were talking about something work related while the women stared off into the room, bored. “Finally,” Tiff sighed when we sat down. “Could you give him an answer so we can hear about something else?” she motioned to Jeff.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” he shook his head.

  “Decided about what?” my eyes pinged back and forth between them.

  “I’m glad I’m not the last to know something for a change,” Amber chimed in. I watched Mark cross his arms over his chest as his chin dropped.

  “I’m not going to leave you hanging,” Jeff turned toward Mark.

  “Sure you aren’t. I’m going to spend the new year training some rookie. I can see it already,” Mark tossed his hands in the air.

  “What am I missing here?” I grabbed Jeff’s arm and gave it a light squeeze.

  “These two yo-yos are leaving the force. They want to start their own security firm and they asked me to come with them,” he closed his eyes and pinched his nose. “This is not what I wanted to talk about tonight,” he muttered.

  “Like a bodyguard?” I glanced at Dev.

  “Maybe,” he shrugged. “If that’s what the client wanted.”

  “No more UC stuff?” I pushed.

  “No more of a lot of things. I’m liking the fact that they’ll be home more,” Tiff nodded.

  “I think you should do it,” I smiled at him, “but only if it’s something you want.”

  Jeff glanced over at Mark as if he were asking permission. They’d been partners for years, and this was going to leave Mark without one. “If it’s what you really want man, go for it. I’ll survive,” Mark sighed. I watched Amber lean into his side and he hugged her close. Something’s been up with those two. I have no idea what, but I’ve overheard Jeff talking to him.

  “I’m not going anywhere until after the first of the year,” he stared at Dev and Jase, waiting for them to agree.

  “You got it, man,” Dev nodded.

  “All right, fine. I’m in,” he held out his hand and they all shook on it. Jeff turned to Mark, “I’ll help you train your new partner. I won’t let a rookie get you shot or anything.” I could feel the tension this was causing. Jeff was loyal, that much was obvious, and he had to have felt some sort of need to stay with Mark since he didn’t want to leave. Amber seemed a little annoyed with the whole situation, and I couldn’t figure it out. I’d heard Mason talking with his girlfriend, Dani, about how happy Mark and Amber were. From the bits and pieces that I’d learned, they were the perfect couple. To look at them now, you’d suspect something was off. I could see anger simmering between them and I didn’t want to be
there when it exploded.

  “Dance with me?” I smiled at Jeff and waited.

  “Sure,” he returned the smile before addressing the table. “Sorry guys,” he chuckled. “Looks like I’m needed.” He stood and laced our fingers together before leading me to the dance floor. Soft jazz music was playing and the low lights made the setting very romantic. Jeff wrapped me in his arms, and swayed lightly to the beat.

  We stayed out there until servers in white coats began bringing domed dishes out and setting them on the table. “Looks like dinner is being served. We better sit,” Jeff began leading me back to our table.

  When we reached it, the other members were beginning to eat. We sat in companionable silence as we sipped wine. It was like a dream come true, and I couldn’t seem to get enough of the evening.



  Dinner was great, and Lena seemed to be truly enjoying herself. She smiled and laughed with the other members of our table. Work discussions were kept to a minimum, and now that I’d finally given Dev an answer, they’d dropped the conversation. Mark had whisked Amber away, and now that they’d had a few drinks they seemed to be in better spirits. Amber was curled into his side and by the looks of things, they’d be leaving early. A lot of my coworkers had gotten rooms here tonight, myself included. It was a swanky hotel, and our women deserved it after all the shit they put up with for our jobs. I had quite the night planned for Lena, I only hoped that I was able to pull it off.

  My knee had been bouncing all night under the table. I can’t believe she didn’t notice. As the night wound down, I could tell Lena was getting tired. She’d tried to stifle a few yawns, but they were coming more frequently now. I knew I needed to make my move, or I was going to lose the window that I had. I held out my hand to her, and waited. Without saying anything, she took it, and I led her over to a quiet corner. “I wanted to give you your gift early.” I waited for the argument to come. We’d said no gifts. I knew she didn’t have a lot, and I didn’t want anything from her except maybe a ‘yes’ to my question. “Before you argue with me, I wanted to do this. I want to give you the world, Lena, but I hope that I can start here.” I reached into my pocket and grabbed the box. I held it out to her, and watched her mouth drop open. “It’s not a ring. Don’t panic,” I assured her. “Open it,” I moved my hand closer to her. I watched as she picked up the box, and slowly opened the lid.

  Her eyes pinged between me and the object in the box. “I knew a long time ago that you were the key. You were the key to everything: my case, my questions, and now my heart. Everything I’ve needed and not known I wanted was with you. You’re it,” I lifted the chain to the necklace that held the silver key. The top was shaped like a heart and had a small diamond in it. “I’ve stayed locked away from years, afraid I couldn’t have love; that no one would understand me or take the time to get to know me, but you broke through the barriers. You unlocked my heart, and now I’m giving it to you; that is if you’ll have it,” I held up the necklace and motioned for her to turn around. When she did, I clasped the necklace around her neck, allowing the key to rest on her chest. “I love you, Lena. I have for a while, I just didn’t understand it. I’m done fighting, though. I’m all in,” I pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder as I turned her to face me.

  When she turned all the way around I could see the tears trickling down her cheeks. She sniffed as she glanced down at the necklace. “I love you,” she sobbed. “Thank you,” she reached up and wrapped her fingers around the key.

  “Come here,” I opened my arms, and she fell into my embrace. “There’s more,” I nudged her to look at the box again. “Lift the bottom part up,” she did, and she found a small gold key. “That’s to my place. I want you to move in. Megan won’t have to move out. She can stay at your place. I paid your rent through the end of next year. You don’t have worry about anything.” Her eyes darted up to mine and a fresh wave of tears came.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she blinked a few times.

  “Say yes,” I grinned.

  “Yes,” her head bobbed vigorously. “Where did you come from? Men like you aren’t real.”

  “I’m real, Baby, and I’m yours,” I cupped both cheeks with my hands before leaning in and pressing my lips to hers in a soft kiss. When I pulled back, I chuckled in happiness. “I’ve got more planned tonight. You ready to get out of here?” I reached into my pants pocket and held out a key card for one of the rooms upstairs. She giggled as she reached for it. “Let’s go,” I held out my arms and waited for her to link hers through it before leading us out to get my coat.

  When we walked to the elevator, I couldn’t help but smile. This entire evening was going exactly as I had planned. Once we were upstairs, she’d see how much I truly loved her. I had big plans that would test us in a way I hadn’t given in to. I was going to give her the one thing she’d never had… control.

  Chapter 27


  I stared at my hands clasped in front of me the entire ride in the elevator. Jeff was casually leaning in the corner. He’d taken his tux jacket off, and it was draped over his arm. His tie was hanging limply around his neck from where he’d unbuttoned the top of his shirt. The sleeves were rolled up exposing his forearms, and I’d be lying if I said the entire look didn’t set me ablaze. The moments leading up to this were fresh on my mind as the weight of his gift rested against my chest. My palms were damp and my heart was racing with nervous energy as I contemplated what he had planned for the night. Megan had acted weird before we left, and I assumed now that she knew I wasn’t coming home.

  “Relax,” he murmured when the elevator stopped and the doors opened. He motioned for me to exit first, and then he began leading me down the hallway.

  “Does my sister know I’m not coming home?” I rushed as fast as my heels would allow after him.

  “Yep,” he nodded when he reached a door. He handed me the key, and smiled, “you do the honors.”

  I fumbled with the keycard, trying to get it in the lock as Jeff moved to stand behind me. His palms flattened on my hips as he stepped close enough to press his chest against my bare back. “Relax,” he murmured again. “There’s nothing to worry about,” he guided my hand to steady it and when the lock clicked green, he pushed the door open.

  Once inside, he tossed his jacket to the side. He yanked his shirt from his pants and began unbuttoning it the rest of the way. I watched with wide eyes as he tossed it with his jacket and then turned to face me. “Tonight is about you,” he toed his shoes off as he stepped forward. “You’re in control,” he paused as he reached for his jacket, his bare back flexing as he leaned down. “Total control.” I could hear a jingling sound almost like loose change, but it wasn’t that at all. “Here,” Jeff held out his hand to me with a pair of steel cuffs sitting in his palm. I stared at him, completely shocked and rooted in place. I tentatively reached for the cuffs as he encouraged me. I’d never thought about this, and I honestly didn’t know how I felt. I had no desire to restrain him. I liked it when he took control. It helped me know what he wanted.

  “It’s ok,” he moved closer. “I trust you,” he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I didn’t react at first. I couldn’t really. I was too worried about what he was asking me to do to think about kissing him. One hand pulled the cuffs from my grip as the other held my head in place. When his tongue swiped across my bottom lip, I opened automatically. His tongue darted in and as the kiss deepened, I began to relax. He slowly moved us across the room, his hand leaving my head and letting me take more control. I heard a clicking sound, and before I knew it we were pressed up against the edge of the bed. Jeff pulled back, breaking the kiss the murmured, “Where do you want me?” I glanced down, and noticed he’d cuffed himself. His wrists were linked together in front of his waist, his slacks still in place. I swallowed a few times as my nerves started to get the best of me. “Don’t be shy,” he coaxed.

  “I’m not good at this,” I muttered.
  “You are good at this. Tell me what you want. How do you want things to go tonight?” he smiled at me before leaning forward and kissing me again. This time it was short and sweet, but no less passionate.

  I took a deep breath and forced myself to do this. I wanted him. He wanted me, and I was determined to be this person for him. I reached for the clip on his slacks, and released it, causing them to slip down his hips. He shook his legs, forcing them down more, and then stepped out of them. “Stop moving,” I glanced up and caught my lip between my teeth. He froze and waited for me to say something else. My eyes flashed when he nodded in encouragement. He really was letting me be in charge.

  I slipped my fingers into the waistband of his black boxer briefs and slowly slid them down his thighs. I knelt as I pulled them down, and when his cock sprung free right in front of me, I licked my lips. I’d yet to taste him. Every time we’d been together, he refused me. He used the excuse that he wouldn’t last if I touched or tasted. Tonight, that was going to change.

  “Ah hell,” he groaned when I peered up at him. I wrapped my fingers around the base, and leaned in, just letting the tip touch my lips. I blew softly before swiping once with my tongue. “Fuck!” he hissed as his hips jerked. I giggled before opening my mouth and taking him in as far as I could. My eyes went skyward to watch him as I applied suction and slowly pulled back. His eyes darkened as his lips formed a thin line. His jaw ticked as his breathing picked up. He was ready to snap, and it was all because of me. I held all the power and I was finally feeling what he’d wanted me to experience.

  I let him pop free from my mouth before I stood up and faced him. “Lie on the bed,” I pointed to the king-sized bed behind him. He gave a quick nod before kicking his slacks away from his feet and lying on his back in the middle. I slowly removed my dress, making sure he was watching me. I bought fancy panties to wear tonight that he didn’t know about. With the way the dress was cut, I couldn’t wear a bra.


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