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The Payne In The Blog (Cake Love)

Page 13

by Elizabeth Lynx

  "So what? This is goodbye?"

  I turn to watch him exit the car and the driver closing the door behind him.

  "No. I was hoping you would invite me inside so we could continue to talk. If I upset you then you can always kick me out again." He gives a small smile.

  I nod and wave at him to follow. Once we are inside he walks over to the couch as he removes his coat. I grab it from him and he looks around the room sniffing the air.

  "What is that smell? It smells like sausage, oranges and sweat."

  I quickly hang up our coats on the coat rack by the door and grab his arm before he can sit on the couch.

  "Let's talk in my bedroom. In case Aria comes home, we can have some privacy."

  That was close. The couch needs a super vac, Febreze and possibly a bleach-douche to make it tolerable for company.

  Once we are in my bedroom I close the door and turn to see him removing his black shoes and making himself quite at home on my bed, lying in the middle. Normally I would protest such a move but he looks too sexy with his hands behind his head and heat in his eyes.

  "I thought we were going to talk?" I ask as I kick off my heels and slide next to him on the bed as he pulls me close. It seems so natural to curl up with him. He rests his hand on my thigh that I curl over his legs.

  "We can talk and touch at the same time." I can feel Henrik breathing in my hair which causes my hips to dry hump his leg.

  "It's really hard to talk while your body is so close to mine, Henrik."

  I can feel his chest vibrate from laughter.

  "Would you rather we sit on opposite sides of the bed, Morgana." He says half chuckling.

  I lift my head and lean on my elbow to look at him.

  "No. I just mean it may take me a while to think of things to talk about that's all."

  "Here let me start. I can't stop thinking about you, Morgana. I stupidly thought if we had sex I would be able to get you out of my head, move on. But it just became worse. I haven't been able to concentrate at work or sleep. I miss you, Morgana. I need you."

  He pushes some hair behind my ear and traces a finger from my jaw to my lips.

  "I miss you too, Henrik. But what about now with work?"

  He crinkles his brow at me and shakes his head.

  "I don't understand. What do you mean with work? You work at RT Mitchell. I work at Mimir. I assume they give you normal office hours, we can see each other after work and on weekends."

  He has no idea I have been fired from RT Mitchell, let alone am coming back to be his assistant.

  "No I don't work for RT Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell came in the conference room after you left and found the condom wrapper on the table and me looking a bit disheveled, so you know ... fired."

  Henrik's eyes widen and he brings a hand to his head with a groan.

  "Oh God, Morgana, I am so sorry. Oh fuck! Why don't you hate me? Damn now I am starting to hate me."

  He pushes himself up to a seated position and leans his head back against the headboard.

  "It's all right, Henrik. Yes, I hated you for a bit and myself and made the couch smell like pig farts but I can't just turn off my feelings for you."

  He grabs me and tugs me to him as he rolls us over pinning me to the headboard. His lips graze mine. Just as I think he's about to kiss me he pulls back.

  "These past few weeks, without you have been awful, Morgana. I want you so much, but more importantly I want you to have a good life. Your job is as important to you as mine is to me. If we keep these flings up we will just get caught again. I don't want to jeopardize either of our careers."

  I lift my hand to caress his cheek. It, much like the man himself, is rough but the further I travel becomes soft and tender.

  "I don't want that either, Henrik. Perhaps ... maybe just for tonight. This night we are just Morgana and Henrik and not Ms. Drake and Mr. Payne. Then in the morning we walk away from that and resume our titles of boss and assistant."

  He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes and nods his head.

  "It won't be easy to just forget about you like that, Morgana."

  I give him a small grin and graze my thumb over his lower lip.

  "I know it won't, Henrik, but we can try."

  He nods again but this time there is no smile. His eyes dart around my face as if searching for some answer I don't even know the question to. Henrik sighs and lowers his head to nuzzle into my neck. We stay like this for a while before everything changes.

  Nothing can be the same now. Not after tonight.



  Thank you for taking the time to read my story about Morgana & Henrik. It would mean the world to me if you let me know how much you liked the story by leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and I’d be happy to hear from you directly via email or message me on my Author Facebook page. I LOVE hearing from readers!


  Elizabeth Lynx


  Dear Reader,

  Did you get a chance to read all the Cake Love books? If not, make sure you check out the peek inside of the entire Cake Love series: Rules of Payne, The Attraction File, One Wild Ride, and The Spy Ring.

  Did you know I entered a short story contest last year and my story made it as a finalist? I named it Dirty Hands and it’s the inspiration to an exclusive ongoing serial for my newsletter readers. Just think, every month you are guaranteed to get a new part to the story sent straight to you.

  If that sound like something you want then just CLICK HERE.

  But wait! There’s more.

  Just for signing up I will instantly send you the Dirty Hands story that made it as a finalist. You get to read the inspiration for the serial.

  Click the link below to start reading about Heidi White and her plumber, Max Brighton in Dirty Hands.

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  Here is a chapter from Morgana Drake & Henrik Payne’s story, Rules of Payne.



  “You’re my assistant.”

  Mr. Payne kept repeating those words but his hands told a very different story. Especially when he lifted me and my skirt, onto my desk.

  His glacial blue eyes melted into a deep ocean and I almost drowned. It wasn’t the pull that was so great I felt it the moment I walked in his office several weeks ago for my interview.

  That didn’t have me gasp and turn into a helpless nothing as his fingers slid over my flimsy blouse. It was how he looked at me.

  There was an ache behind his gaze. One of longing and something much darker. He hid it well with the ill-tempered wall he built around himself everyday but it only made me curious. Itching to pick away at it. Like he was at my tiny shell buttons.

  I hoped when I started working here this attraction, this erotic fascination I had for my boss would be tempered by his dictatorial nature. But the opposite happened. The more he pushed me away, the greedier I became for any scrap he threw my way.

  “If you touch me, I don’t know if I will be able to stop myself. You—” Henrik said, his hand grabbing my wrist and pulling it away.

  I couldn’t help myself. But he stopped me anyway. The little I did feel, the softness of his shirt hid a very hard chest. It felt like cloth draped over smooth rock.

  That curiosity crept back and I bit my lip wondering what hid under that suit. Thoughts that I knew I shouldn’t be having if I ever wanted to keep this job.

  I finally got the job I had been wishing for and each day I was tempted by the devil himself, Henrik Payne. As much as the ache between my legs begged for more I couldn’t help but think that this man, this job would change everything. And I might not enjoy the outcome.

  “Let me guess, Morgana, you like a little foreplay and feel lucky if the guy gives you sweet kisses all over that pretty pussy of yours?” Henrik’s eyes sparkled with heat and hesitation.

  His hands lowered to my thighs grabbing what he wanted and it was all too much to resist. The dirty words, his powerful hands, and the risk, oh God the risk that at any moment this could destroy us, had my body weeping with my panties soaked with its tears.

  “Or maybe something a little dirtier, like a naughty spanking causing your sumptuous ass to blush?”

  I couldn’t help myself as I pushed my chest out at his words. One of his hands left my thigh and slipped under my blouse. I wanted to speak but as his fingers toyed the yellow lace of my bra every muscle in my body constricted at once, even my throat.

  After what felt like hours but were merely seconds I found my voice, shaky but alive, “I . . . I’ve never been spanked before.”

  His jaw ticked. Was he disappointed?

  Maybe. This confession of mine might be the cold water we both needed to end this here and now. I had been with a few guys. Some in college and then one just after graduation and finally Trevor the douche.

  But they were never adventurous in bed. The craziest sex I ever had was the stupid video Trevor took of us and he paid more attention to the camera than me during that.

  “So, it’s virgin territory. You really need to stop tempting me, Morgana,” Henrik said, his eyes ticked with some knowledge that I wasn’t to know about.

  “First, the cute little skirt at your interview, then the sexy glasses, and now, you are telling me no man has ever caused you to squeal with a much-deserved spanking?”

  His fingers forgot my bra and went with gusto to my thighs, causing me to whimper for more. My legs widened succumbing to the building pressure of what he created.

  No more were we boss and assistant in an office building after hours, now we were just a man and a woman with a deep, primal urge. That powerful longing that caused his hands to slip under my matching yellow lace panties and me to groan and buck for more.

  “Is that better, Morgana? Is that what you want from me? Or maybe just a little bit more.”

  No, not a little. I want everything. Every night I fantasize about our clothes tangled on the office floor. Henrik’s chest, his arms, and especially his cock. Is it thick, firm? My mouth salivating of what it all would taste like.

  As if he knew what I was thinking, Mr. Payne’s fingers slipped past the edge of lace and delicately traced my clit. It should have felt good, but it didn’t.

  I jerked at the searing ache, like hot and cold at once, that bolted through me. Just the lightest of touch from him had me dripping for more. We were still clothed and had barely done anything and this had been the greatest sexual experience of my life.

  He groaned and I saw it in his eyes. Whatever I felt, the intense pleasure coursing through my body, he wanted more. So I reached for him. But that was a mistake.

  Henrik pulled back. “What did I say about touching me? I don’t think you really want this.”

  I wanted to nod at him like a fool. Beg him to continue but it was the war behind his eyes that stopped me.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he said.

  The way Henrik gazed at me it was as if I stumbled into a conversation I was never meant to hear. One where my life, my heart lie in the balance.

  I swallowed but feared reaching out to him. Normally, I would say something stupid, make light of the situation. Try to diffuse it, but something told me to stay still.

  Did I care that anyone could walk in? Yes, but this right here was the best I felt in a very long time. It wasn’t just the sex. I mean, come on, we haven’t even had any yet. It was the way he looked at me. Like I was the best thing he has seen in a long time.

  I don’t even remember the last time a guy called me beautiful. And that’s when it hit me. Trevor never called me pretty or beautiful. He would always ask if I wanted him. It was always about him. Never about me.

  Maybe that’s why I am sitting here risking my job so I can be fingered by my boss.

  I felt his fingers slip easily inside me. It’s what I needed. My body craved how his thumb drew perfect circles around my clit while his fingers pumped in and out of me. So exquisite was his touch that I hadn’t realized my hips were rocking to his rhythm.

  I wanted to kiss Henrik. To pull him toward me and rip his clothes off but he didn’t want that. He liked to watch me suffer and at this moment I’d endure any pain his fingers were willing to give.

  “Oh Henrik.”

  The words crashed out of my mouth as I felt the orgasm ride close. My hips rocked madly and I grabbed a stapler for something to hold onto. I was lost and about to tumble over when everything disappeared.

  My eyes opened, having shut them moments ago as the bliss was too much, to find Henrik turning his back to me. Not just that, but he was walking away.

  Once he reached the door he stopped and for a moment I hoped he had changed his mind. That he didn’t do all this to mess with me. To make me hate him.

  He stood at the edge of the department, about to enter the hall toward the elevators with his back to me. No words. No movement, just him there afraid to turn back at the mess he made.

  I was about to hop off this desk and run after him but he finally moved. Henrik turned his head and said, “Ms. Drake, remember you are MY assistant. First thing Monday, you will be at your desk on the twenty-eighth floor. I expect my coffee delivered to me when I arrive. You are to do as I say or you will be . . . reprimanded.”

  Then he left.

  My mouth hung open at the crazy that just occurred.

  Mr. Henrik Payne used me. He fucked with my body and my brain to get what he wanted. His wall never fooled me. Mr. Payne was a man who hated emotion.

  He saw my weakness for him and he gave me what I wanted, only to make it disappear in an instant. To let me know he’s in charge. He pulls the strings.

  Fine. He doesn’t want emotion from me, then that’s what he gets.

  Want to read more of Rules of Payne? Just click HERE. Now on Kindle Unlimited.


  Here is a chapter from Evaleen Bechmann & Edgar Mimir’s story, The Attraction File.



  She was biting her lip. Never a good sign.

  I realized I was going to have to explain it to her. At least, as much as she needed to know.

  “Is this the only paperwork you needed me to sign, Evaleen?” Morgana adjusted her glasses and I couldn’t help but smirk.

  First day back at work for her and she was already weaponized with Payne’s kryptonite.

  “Yes. I just wrote it up as a leave of absence. As far as anyone is concerned, you were never fired, Drake.”

  I lied.

  “Really? Not even Mr. Mimir? Because when he came to the meeting at RT Mitchell before I was fired . . .” Her jaw tightened before she took a breath and continued. “I was definitely fired from there. No mistaking Gregory Mitchell the third yelling, ‘Did you just have sex on our conference table, Ms. Drake? That is against company policy; you’re fired.’ But right before that meeting, Mr. Mimir acted—”

  “Don’t worry about Mr. Mimir, Drake. I reminded him how much better you are for the company than Payne. He seemed to agree that you were an asset but refused my recommendation to fire Payne.” I shook my head.

  Morgana pushed some of her red hair behind her ear as she signed the paperwork. She tilted her head up to me with that deer-in-headlights look she got sometimes.


  I bent over my desk and snatched the paperwork back before hiding it in a drawer. “Never mind about any of that. Only Mr. Mimir needs to read that part. So, I think we are done here. Let’s get you settled back into your desk.”

  She grabbed her bag and flung it over her shoulder. As we passed by the window in my office, I noticed our reflection. How opposite we appeared. Morgana was short, with thick, long red hair, and an hourglass figure times ten. Her clothes, while defined as office wear, were so tight I could sometimes make out the lace pattern of her panties.

  I wa
s tall and thin. No shape. I didn’t even think a flag pole would be jealous of my figure. My clothes, well, they were office wear too. But I liked to be comfortable, have things loose on me. Always buying my clothes one size larger. The last thing I was here to do was attract men, so why would I wear something that could even risk that?

  I am beginning to realize why I was almost invisible to Edgar.

  Once we passed the elevators and arrived at Morgana’s desk, I pointed at the clock. “It’s ten forty-five, almost time for the Brooks Bomb. I told Payne on Friday that this would be your first day back but he had meetings out of the office all morning.”

  I turned to head back to my office but stopped as Morgana yelled out for me. “Maybe I’ll take an early lunch. You up for it?”

  I was about to tell her no, that I had some work that needed to get done when the elevator doors opened and out walked the last person I wanted to see, ever, Edgar.

  Then I would be forced to talk to him about the new hire for his department. Something easily done via email. Instead of face-to-face where I would have to try desperately to control my hormones. It was hard to not turn into a giggling mess with his deep voice acting like a Siren song. I always tried to be aloof, but I had a feeling he didn’t care anyway.

  Before he saw me, I turned back toward Morgana and nodded my head. “Sounds great.”

  “Okay, let’s go. Oh wait, is that Edgar? Hey, Edgar.”

  I was surprised by how fast Morgana could move considering her height. She was like a red blur blazing past me and before I knew it, she had Edgar deep in conversation. His perfectly sculpted blond hair just brushed the tops of his ears as he ran his fingers through them.

  He had long hair when I first started to work here, but last year he cut it. I appreciated both styles, but I missed his long hair. Something about it made me want to run my fingers through it, fist it in my fingers, and scream “mine” to anyone who passed.


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