The Canoe Trip
Page 5
Gus smiled, and turned on the small lamp between the bed and the sofa, and laid back down on the bed. It was about 5am and the first signs of the sunrise would be arriving soon.
"Care to walk down to the stream?" Gus asked.
"Sure," Aaron replied. He stood and stretched his whole body and reached down to put on his underwear.
"You don't need those, if you don't want to wear them," Gus said, "I prefer to be naked when I'm on my fishing trips, you're welcome to join me." Aaron smiled and set his underwear on the sofa.
The two men exited the cabin out onto the porch. The dark of the night was turning to a soft morning purple, and they stepped, barefoot, into the dew-covered grass.
Aaron looked over at Gus, and saw the weight that he still carried in his beautiful dick, and his got heavier as well, filling with the excitement that had kept him hard for damn near twenty-four hours since he and Gus' first chance encounter. With each step toward the stream the two men's dicks grew, and by the time they reached the bank, both of them were fully erect, Aaron already dripping pre-cum.
Gus stepped in the icy water, and reached a hand out to Aaron, who stepped in facing him. Their passion was so strong that even the frigid water did nothing to shrink their raging erections. Aaron reached up and put his hands on Gus' shoulders and looked into his blue/gray eyes. The sky was getting brighter as the sun reached to break the peak of the mountains to their east. Gus peered back into Aaron's blue eyes and leaned toward him. Their beards and mouths met and they kissed each other. Softly, pulling back after a brief peck, then, again, softly, this time with the tips of their tongues beginning to slightly probe each other's lips. They pulled back once more and the sun erupted over the mountains to Gus' right and Aaron's left and they enveloped one another in a frantic embrace, mouths open wide tasting each others beards and accepting each other's exploring tongues. The two men's hands roamed freely as they made out intently for ten minutes, feet firmly planted in the stream, cocks pressed against one another in a comfortable and warm, shared, belly-hair sleeping bag.
The sounds of their passion - heavy breathing and guttural moans - echoed up the mountain sides as the sun appeared fully above them. At the same moment they both dropped their beards into the crease of each others necks and squeezed into one another with a fierceness neither of them had ever experienced. It felt like they were becoming a part of one another. They fell silent, and the bubbling of the stream at their feet brought a calmness back to the air.
"Aaron Green," Gus said, "It's great to meet you."
"Pleasure's all mine, Gus Wolfe."
The too men stared into each other's eyes until Gus slipped the fingers of his left hand between the fingers of Aaron's right and led him out of the stream.
"Wanna see if we can snag a couple of trout before breakfast?" Gus asked.
"Why not", Aaron replied, dropping Gus' hand to smack him playfully on his plump hairy ass.
The two men, hard-on's never subsiding, grabbed their rods and started casting. "Don't hook your dick...or mine!" Aaron yelled upstream to Gus, right as he hooked up on a the first fish of the morning. "There we go," Aaron said as he pulled in the line.
Gus paused to watch him land a nice sized brown trout, handle it delicately, and release it. "This sexy Marine is the real deal," He thought to himself.
"There's your pre-breakfast fish, and she was a beauty, if I were in the mood for trout for breakfast she was definitely a keeper - think I'll save that for lunch or dinner though" said Aaron, as he rinsed his hands and headed toward the cabin, his hard dick bouncing with each step. He stopped by the bed of his truck and pulled out his cooler, brought it to the porch and set his cast iron skillet on top of it. Aaron poked the fire, added more wood, and got it re-lit so he could fry up some bacon and eggs he brought for breakfast.
Gus wasn't having any luck with his spin cast, and knew he needed to get his fly rod set up, so he packed it in to join Aaron by the fire. "The streak continues", he thought, as he was satisfied with Aaron's catch serving as the pre-breakfast fish, lengthening 'his' streak to 11 consecutive pre-breakfast hook-ups since his last failed morning, and that one, he blamed on the pounding rain.
"Bacon and Eggs sound good," Aaron asked.
"Delicious, thank you."
"How do you take your eggs?"
"Over easy."
"Me too."
Before Aaron could crack the eggs Gus had positioned himself behind him, and wrapped his arms around his furry belly, pulling him close.
"Why don't you move that bacon off heat and let it slow cook, while I have my first course of breakfast," Gus instructed.
Aaron, confused, looked at Gus, "First course?"
"First and second course to be more precise," Gus responded. "Your sausage and rump roast," Gus said with an evil grin on his face.
Aaron turned around and tackled him to the ground, Gus rolled over on top of him, grabbed his legs, and swallowed Aarons dick. Aaron let out a loud moan that silenced the early morning chirping birds, and held Gus' head, guiding him up and down on his throbbing shaft. Gus pulled off and got his hands behind Aaron's knees, rocking him onto his back and smashing his face into Aaron's perfect asshole in one fluid motion. Aaron gasped and began shaking as Gus went to work. Gus probed, sucked, and licked for five minutes, Aaron shaking in ecstasy the entire time, oozing spurts of pre-cum down over his belly and chest, and emitting a deep, constant pleasure hum from the bottom of his vocal chords. Gus came up for air, and Aaron reached down and forcefully grabbed his cock, pulling it toward his eager port of entry.
In the middle of the grass, next to the fire pit, between the cabin and the stream, Gus entered Aaron for the first time. Aaron dropped his legs on top of Gus' and pulled himself up where he was positioned sitting on Gus' lap, Gus' perfect dick embedded deep within him. Their mouths met and they passionately kissed, grunted and moaned as Gus pushed in and out of Aaron's willing ass. Both of them were tingling from head to toe with desire and Gus felt Aaron's ass constrict around his dick at the same second he felt a warm spurt hit his chest, and tasted a passionate moan from the back of his buddies throat. Aaron was cumming, and now, so was Gus. Both men writhed, screamed, and came for what seemed like a full minute. When their heads stopped spinning from ecstasy, Gus and Aaron looked down Gus' cum-covered pelt. His entire chest and belly were sticky and shining from the pints of cum Aaron poured all over him.
"This is the first time I've cum, since I swallowed your load, in the fitting room," Aaron smiled, "Can you tell?"
Both men started laughing and Gus leaned forward to kiss the Marine again. He was an amazing kisser, and Gus would be happy if they sat here and made out all day. Their kissing intensified again and Gus' dick, which had just shot strands of cum up into Aaron was still inside him, and starting to get hard again.
"Oh yeah bubba," Aaron pulled back and said, "I can feel you," Their two beards interlocked as Gus drove into Aaron again, fucking him rhythmically with intense desire, lining up their tongue battle with his pulsing inside Aaron's ass.
"Give me another load," Aaron said, "Please."
Gus stared deep into the man's beautiful blue eyes and erupted once again in Aaron's ass, falling onto his back, Aaron still on top of him, as he tried to catch his breath. Gus's soft dick, fully spent, slipped out of Aaron's abused hole, and with it a stream of his cum followed. Aaron laid down next to Gus in the morning sun, rubbing his cum-matted fur and said, "I've never experienced anything that intense in my entire life."
With that, he kissed Gus on the mouth, got up, and pulled the bacon back on to direct heat. Gus was still in a daze on the grass when Aaron reached down and grabbed him under his armpits, helping him to his feet, "Let's go rinse ourselves off," Aaron instructed, and Gus followed him to the stream.
The cold water shook Gus from his trance and the two men helped each other rinse off. After breakfast Gus, rigging his fly rod, watched as Aaron, still naked, pulled in two more trout before he even got h
is line wet. What seemed to be his hook up saying, "There we go," followed both hook ups and Gus smiled with pride at his new friend. It wasn't even 9am yet, and Gus was already sure that he'd have more fun this weekend than he did last.
Gus finally had his fly rod set up the way he wanted and made is his way down to the stream. Aaron had continued fishing upstream and was now out of Gus' view, obstructed by the dense forest the stream cut through. It took Gus a few tries before he placed one of his new flies exactly where he wanted it, this was the first time this year he'd rigged up his fly rod, and he was out of practice. His topwater mayfly perched above an eddy behind a rock about 20 feet downstream, and Gus knew he was finally in business. Just as that thought crossed his mind, a decent size brown trout broke the surface and grabbed his fly. Gus pulled in his slack and delicately set the hook, turning then to his reel to bring the brown to shore. "Brown trout are beautiful fish, just like their cousins," Gus thought, as he carefully removed the fly's barbless hook from the trout's mouth. The hundreds of spots that covered the fishes back looked like frog eggs draped around it, and its golden brown belly shimmered in the morning sunlight. Gus, let out a "There we go!" as he released the fish back into the creek.
"Hey, that's my line," Aaron yelled from upstream, "and you don't say it when you release the fish, it's for when you set the hook, Gus."
Aaron emerged into the stream from the trees about 20 yards west of him. Gus was pleased that he'd embraced naked fishing so effortlessly, and was even more pleased that he'd have the pleasure of seeing Aaron naked, all weekend long.
"How many so far?" Aaron asked.
"First one of the day for me."
"Well you're behind, Gus Wolfe, I'm already up to five."
"Oh, we're in a competition, huh, Aaron Green?"
"You bet your furry ass we are," Aaron smiled.
"So what do I get when I come from behind and out fish you today, then?"
"Well, what do you want, Gus? You could say my ass, but it's already yours for the taking, I think we proved that just a couple hours ago, " Aaron smirked as he came within a couple feet of Gus.
"Hmmmm," Gus wondered allowed, "I'll have to think about it, what do you want if you out fish me?"
Aaron's smile hit both of his ears it was so wide, "Not that I've been thinking about it, but, I'd like to start by taking you over to the tailgate of my truck, and bending you over so I can have easy access for the exploration of your fine furry rump. Then, I'd like to have you get up in my truck bed and sit with your back toward me and your ass hanging over the edge of the tailgate, letting me hold your weight against my chest my arms under your armpits. Next, I'd like to stick my meat..."
"Yeah, you haven't given it any thought have you Aaron?" Gus giggled. Aaron grinned, and leaned in to grab a kiss.
"How bout this," Gus said, speaking into Aaron's beard inches from his mouth, "the man who catches the most fish, gets to watch the other make him dinner tonight, and is entitled to a full body massage, along with whatever else he sees fit to claim as his victory prize."
"Deal," Aaron responded and stuck his tongue into Gus' mouth. "Since I'm already four ahead, I'll go make us some lunch and let you play catch-up for a few minutes without any competition."
Aaron headed back to the cabin and Gus resumed fishing.
Gus waded across the stream to fish from the other bank so he could watch Aaron from afar while he fished. This man had him captivated. He was glad he took the chance on the invite yesterday, not to say he still didn't have a lot of questions, and he knew Aaron probably had a lot as well. First and foremost on his mind was the gold band around the Marine's left ring finger, he needed more details about that situation for sure. Aaron didn't strike him as a straight man just out for some passion and desire in the woods. His curiosity also had him wondering about the marks on Aarons sexy torso, and his missing pinky toe. "Take it as it comes, Gus," he muttered to himself, lofting his fly downstream.
"There we go!" Gus yelled and Aaron looked over and smiled, "three more and we're back to even."
The men sat side by side on the front porch, their legs, hanging off the edge, and had a nice lunch consisting of pasta salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and feta, and turkey sandwiches. Gus thanked Aaron for bringing the food and got a full mouthed nod back from the Marine as a "you're welcome."
"So, Aaron," Gus started, his tone less playful than any of their prior conversations, "Who's the lucky woman, that has claimed you as her own?" Gus said, tapping the band on Aaron's left hand.
Aaron finished chewing, took a sip of water, and sighed, "I knew you'd ask me at some point or another." He fidgeted with the wedding band and pulled it off, and proceeded to roll it between his finger and thumb, "One ring to rule them all," Aaron said in his best British accent and chuckled.
Gus grinned but the look he wore told Aaron he was waiting for a real answer.
"You said your other half was visiting family, tell me about her," Gus followed.
"Okay, Gus, here's the deal," Aaron began.
"My other half isn't a wife, it's a husband, I'm gay, and I'm married to great man who I met and served two tours with."
Gus mouth gaped open in shock as Aaron continued.
"And I do feel a tremendous amount of guilt being out here when I talk about him. His name is Mark. He's a patriot, and was one hell of a warrior. And I'll love him till the day I die, but, you see, Mark isn't the same man I met and fell in love with, and it's no fault of his own. He was seriously wounded during our last tour. We were on a routine patrol, and two car bombs exploded, one on each side of the street across from one another, at the same time gunfire rained down on us from the rooftops above, we'd been set-up by the locals, and three of our brothers lost their lives, and Mark nearly lost his. There are some days I think it would have been better if he would have. Less pain."
Aaron pointed to the scars on the left side of his torso, "I was one of the lucky ones, a couple pieces of shrapnel, one bullet in the side, and a large piece of concrete on my little toe," Aaron held up his left foot, wiggling his four remaining toes.
"Mark is still here, but he's not still here, if you know what I mean. The attack left him within inches of his life, and he's undergone countless surgeries, but he still has no recollection of who he is, who I am, or what we were before the attack. He lost both of his legs, his right arm, can't communicate, and can't look after himself."
Gus' gaping mouth gaped even wider. He was sorry he'd asked, and he could tell the pain it caused Aaron to even talk about it. "I...I'm...I, Aaron I...don't even know what to say," Gus finally stuttered.
"No one does," Aaron continued, putting his arm around the hairy fisherman's shoulder "how could you, it's horrible and tragic."
"I'm his primary caretaker, but his family, who is wonderful, also lifts a lot of the load. This weekend, they came and picked him up to take him out to the family farm. He seems to be at peace when he's there sitting on the wrap around porch looking over the corn fields."
Gus could tell the guilt Aaron was feeling for being here, given all the circumstances, and reached over and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for sharing that with me Aaron, I could never imagine being in your shoes."
"His family even encouraged me to carry on, start dating, get back out there, but until I saw you, just a couple days ago, I hand't even thought about it. I'd spend my downtime throwing lines, fishing, and trying to find peace. I know it's strange, but I'm really glad that we bumped into each other, Gus."
"I am too, Aaron."
The two men sat in silence for what seemed like hours, their arms around one another not saying a word.
"You're still down three, furry fisherman, you better get to it," Aaron said, and kissed Gus' beard before standing up to stoke the campfire.
Gus made is way back to the stream, still in shock from Aaron's revelation and started throwing flies. Before long Aaron joined him a bit upstream, and the two men's competition got back underway.
bsp; As the afternoon sun beat down on the men, the competition tightened. Gus was up to six fish, but Aaron had added two more, putting him at seven. Gus reeled in his line, and headed back upstream toward the cabin. "Where you headed, Gus Wolfe? You're still losing." Aaron asked from across the stream.
"It's siesta time, bud, care to join me?"
"Siesta, like the Spanish word, siesta?"
"Yep, that's the one. When I'm on my weekend fishing adventures, they're part of my regimen."
Aaron reeled in his line too and caught up with Gus, laying a hand on his ass and running his fingers through his fur. Gus grinned and kept walking. The men set their rods on the front porch and made their way into the cabin. Gus fell forward onto the bed and Aaron joined, draping his left arm and left leg across his hairy fisherman. Gus and Aaron looked into each others eyes and started kissing.