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Best of Luck

Page 16

by Jill Sanders

  “You’re hurt!”

  “No, keep the gun on her,” he growled out when she started to move towards him.

  “You ruined everything,” Laura screamed. “Everything!”

  “You’re bleeding.” She ignored Laura, but kept her eyes on her. Her mind raced to Tom as worry consumed her.

  “I’m okay—it ricocheted off the metal door. Actually, I think it’s parts of the door in my leg.”

  Then she remembered her stunt double. “Kara?”

  “She’s outside. I’m going to go check—” he started, but didn’t get to finish. Two police officers with their guns drawn barged through the door, screaming for her to put the weapon down.

  She froze for a split second, but then complied by setting the gun down on the floor and raising her hands slowly. “She’s ...” The officers tackled Amber and took her to the ground hard as she tried to point to Laura. They thrust her arms behind her back and handcuffed her quickly.

  “Easy,” she heard Tom say from behind her. “It’s the other one you want,” he said, but still she was held down on the cold floor, her chest pushed against the cement so hard she felt her breath once more leave her.

  Pain shot through her ribs and she felt something shift inside, then blackness consumed her.

  Tom shoved the officer off Amber just in time to watch her eyes roll to the back of her head. “Damn it, that’s the crazy one.” He pointed to Laura, who was still sitting in the mess, holding her own chest.

  Since he’d shoved one of the officers off Amber, he was then wrestled to the ground, until the officer noticed his leg. He had a little satisfaction of seeing Laura handcuffed, but his eyes were so focused on Amber, lying still on the cold ground. That was until he heard Kara explaining who was who.

  Then his hands were freed and he watched as they removed the handcuffs from Amber and rolled her over just as an ambulance rushed into look at them both.

  He’d been right, there was a small chuck of metal door stuck in the back of his thigh, which the worker wrapped gauze around and doused with liquid.

  “They’ll remove this at the hospital. I’m sure you’ll need stitches,” he said, wrapping his leg tight.

  “What about her?” he asked, holding Amber’s hand as she was wheeled towards the ambulance.

  “Not sure. She’s coming to, though.”

  Tom looked down just as he saw Amber’s eyes open slightly.

  “I ... it’s hard to breath,” she said, trying to move her hands to her chest.

  “You might have some broken ribs.” He took her hand. “I couldn’t get to you fast enough, so I released the beam loose. I thought you’d step out of the way.” He knew he’d done the only thing he could at the moment. They’d been more than a hundred feet away from him, and he’d known they were out of time.

  The pain in his leg would have slowed him down too much. He had a moment of sheer panic when he’d believed he couldn’t do anything to get to her in time. Then he saw the pulley holding back the prop, and knew it was his only chance.

  He sat with her in the ambulance as they drove to the hospital. Kara had been taken in the first one, so they had to wait for another one to arrive. Meanwhile, he filled the officers in on what he knew, all while holding Amber’s hand.

  Her coloring had come back and she was having an easier time breathing. She even helped fill in some of the blanks in the story.

  By the time they arrived at the hospital, her family was already there and surrounded them immediately as they made their way through the waiting area and into the ER. Amber was still strapped to the gurney, her hand tucked in his as he followed along. They set her in a private screening area, and then a nurse came and tried to get him to leave.

  “Nope, staying right here,” he said, looking at the woman square in the eyes.

  “Honey, if I let you stay here, someone’s gonna lose a job.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Go,” Amber said, “Besides, they need to stitch up your leg.” She released his hand. “I’m sure I’m in good hands.” Her eyes moved to the nurse.

  “I’ll take good care of her.” The nurse moved around. “You can wait just in here.” She motioned to the next area and patted the bed. “See, not so far away.”

  He climbed up onto the bed and sighed. His leg was killing him. The gauze was holding the chunk of metal in place, but still, just the slightest moves jarred it and caused him more pain.

  “Lay down now.” The nurse walked over and pushed on his chest until he was lying back. “We’re waiting for X-ray to come get your girl here, so I’m just going to have a look at you first.” She pushed him until he was lying on his side, facing Amber. Amber’s forehead was Velcroed to the gurney, so she couldn’t turn her head towards him, but he watched her as the nurse cut his jeans and removed the gauze and tape holding the piece of metal in his skin.

  “Woo-wee,” she said, “Looks like you’ll be needing stitches.”

  “That’s what I heard,” he mumbled.

  “I’ll just give you something for the pain, then clean this up.” He felt her tug on his skin and he hissed at the pain.

  “Tom?” Amber said, her voice sounding worried.

  “I’m okay.” He sighed.

  Just then, an X-ray tech walked in and rolled Amber out. “She’ll be right back,” she assured him.

  “What’ve we got here?” a male voice sounded behind him. “Good looking gash.” The man moved around to Tom’s front. “I’m Dr. Mondello.” He shook the man’s hand. “I’m going to take a look and see what’s going on back here, and clean things up, then stitch you back together.”

  “Sounds good. What about Amber?”

  “We’ll know more after she comes back from X-ray. Sounds to me like she might have some bruising and a few cracked ribs.”

  He lay still as the doctor pocked the back of his thigh. Since the nurse had numbed him up, the pain had disappeared completely. Leaving only worry for Amber left.

  What seemed like an hour later, Amber was rolled back into the room and set next to him. She was unstrapped and turned her head towards him as they moved her over.

  “Well?” he asked, she rolled him over to his back. He was all stitched up with half a dozen stitches and new gauze, and a prescription was being written up for him now.

  “No broken ribs, just bruising.”

  He relaxed back. “That’s good.”

  “What happened to Laura?”

  He turned and looked at her. “I saw them hauling her off. Most likely they’ll make sure she’s okay too, then ...” He let the rest of what he was going to say, hang.

  “What makes someone like her do something like that?” She turned and looked up at the ceiling.

  “Not sure. I heard what she said to you, but”—he held his breath– “you don’t really think that I want to change you?”

  Chapter 19

  Amber’s head snapped back towards him. “No!” She frowned over at him. “Of course not.” She relaxed when she noticed him lay back. Still, she could tell from his eyes that he was worried. She had so much she wanted to tell him, especially after what they had just been through, but she doubted here and now was the place or the time.

  “Did you see Kara?” he asked.

  “No, but I asked about her. She’s in surgery—the bullet passed through her side,” she said as new worry surfaced for her friend.

  “I think Laura shot her first, thinking she was you,” he said.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I think so too. But Kara yelled for me to run ...” She shivered.

  “Don’t.” He sat up slightly and she noticed that he cringed at the movement.

  “Easy,” she warned as he chuckled.

  “Damn, I feel like I’ve been kicked in the ass.”

  She chuckled. “Gauging from where that gauze is, it looks like it was pretty close to your ass.”

  His smile widened. “You can kiss it all better later.”

  She laughed harder, and then hel
d her chest as the pain spread.

  “Maybe not.” His smile was gone. “You okay?”

  She nodded and took a cleansing slow breath.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, closing her eyes.

  “What for?” he asked.

  “For dragging you into this craziness.”

  “Hey,” he said, waiting until she looked back over at him. “It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.”

  “I know that, but still, part of me says I could have seen it coming. I should have seen how overbearing Laura was.”

  “Hey ...” He shocked her by getting up from the bed and hobbling over to her. His jeans had been cut all the way up the back and hung loose down his leg. When he reached her, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. His hand went to her hair and brushed a few strands aside. “You’re an amazing person, you’re smart, but even I couldn’t see her crazy.”

  “I trusted her.” She realized the tears were falling, only when he wiped them away from her face gently. “I can’t believe she was behind all that.”

  “Some people are just messed up.” He leaned down and rested his forehead against hers.

  “How can I ever trust someone again?” She closed her eyes and held onto him.

  “You trust me, right?”

  She looked up into his blue eyes and nodded. “Of course.”

  “What about your brother and sister?” She nodded again and used her free hand to wipe at her tears. “There are a lot of people you can trust.”

  Just then, the nurse walked in and for the next half an hour, she was instructed on how to care for her bruises, and waited for her prescriptions to be filled.

  When they left, her family was still sitting in the waiting room and bombarded them with questions. All of which Tom answered as he kept her close. She answered a few, but it was so hard to catch her breath to talk, that she ended up just sitting back and listening to him retell the story.

  They checked on Kara’s condition and found out that she was already out of surgery. They convinced her brother and Kristen to take Camden home, since they wanted to wait and see how Kara was doing. Soon after, her parents and Ashley left too after making sure that they really were okay.

  By the time they headed upstairs, less than half an hour later, they had moved Kara into a private room. They found her leaning up and smiling at a man sitting on the edge of her bed.

  “There you are.” Amber’s smile grew bigger when she saw her. “I was worried sick about you.”

  “You were? I’m not the one who got shot.” Amber moved slowly over and made the mistake of trying to hug Kara. “Sorry,” she said as she pulled back, holding her sides. “How are you?”

  “Fine. They patched me all up.” She tugged her hospital gown over and showed her the fresh white bandages. “They didn’t even have to remove a bullet. Which is a bummer, because I was hoping to have a souvenir.”

  Amber shook her head and tried not to laugh.

  “Amber, this is my boyfriend, Carl.”

  She shook the man’s hand, and Tom walked forward and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “You met Tom?” she asked Kara.

  “Yes, thank you.” Kara reached up and took his hand. “You saved my butt back there.”

  “No, thank you.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek. “For warning Amber.”

  Since Tom’s car was still parked at the lot, they hired a car to take them back to her place.

  The snow was still falling and there was almost half a foot of the white stuff on the ground.

  “Looks like we’ll be stuck indoors for the next few days,” he said, taking her hand up to his lips and brushing a kiss across her knuckles.

  Her entire body was sore and tired, but still, his kiss made it come back to life.

  “Wonder what we could do to fill the time?”

  He smiled over at her, and then frowned when he looked forward. There was a group of photographers standing outside her building.

  “What now?”

  “Let’s find out.” He took her hand and helped her out of the car. His jeans still hung free on his left leg, and she felt him shiver when the cold hit him.

  Photographers shouted her name as she got out. Questions were thrown at her. But the underlying topic was Laura.

  Somehow, word had gotten out already. Stopping Tom from tugging her inside, she sighed. “Hang on a moment.” She turned to the crowd. “I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have, but now we need some rest after the ordeal we’ve just gone through. Does nine tomorrow morning work for you? In the lobby here”—she pointed— “so no one has to freeze.” Several people laughed and almost immediately, the questions stopped.

  This time when Tom tugged her inside, she went willingly and was surprised to see Marcus waiting by the elevators. Tom stopped him just as he went in to hug her.

  “Whoa, she’s got some pretty big bruises on her ribs,” he said, holding his hands up.

  “Oh”—Marcus frowned, then leaned in and kissed her— “I was so worried.” He sighed and she saw the sadness in his eyes. I just found out and came down here. I snuck in through the garage.” His eyes turned back outside where the crowd was disbursing.

  “Come on up,” Tom said.

  “No, it looks like you two could use some rest.” His eyes went down to Tom’s pants. “And some new clothes. We’ll talk tomorrow.” He leaned in and gave Amber a light hug. “I’m so relieved that you’re okay.”

  She nodded and hugged him back, only feeling a slight twinge.

  Marcus retreated to the parking garage and they hit the button for the elevator.

  When the door shut, Tom pulled her into his arms. She didn’t mind the slight pain and held onto him.

  “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Me too,” she said against his chest.

  When he pulled back, his hands went into her hair. “I could never ask you to change your life for me. I want you to know that.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. Her heart jumped and she couldn’t stop the smile from bursting onto her face. Then the door slid open and they stepped out. He stood by her while she opened her condo, and once more, her hands shook with anticipation.

  When she shut the door behind her, he turned towards her and cupped her face.

  “This is probably the worst timing.”

  She shook her head, stopping him. “Tom, you wouldn’t have to ask me to change my life. What I want has changed a lot in the last few months.” She walked into his arms and felt his warmth seep into her. “All I want now is to be with you. No matter what, I just want to be here.” She sighed and leaned her head against his chest.

  Tom was floored. He was pretty sure he wasn’t hearing her right. She’d always dreamed of being a movie star, and now she was saying that all she wanted was him.

  He knew how he felt about her, and he was pretty sure she felt the same way, but giving up everything she’d worked hard for—that was impossible. The medicine he’d taken at the hospital was making him groggy and his head fuzzy.

  Stepping back, he took her by the shoulders. He could tell she was on the brink of exhaustion as well. “Amber, think about it. I’m not asking you to give up your career. Your dreams.”

  She smiled, causing him to shake his head. “Maybe we should get some rest first. We’re both a little punch-drunk tired.”

  Her smile slipped slightly and she nodded.

  Pulling her into the bedroom, they peeled off their clothes and climbed into the bed.

  Before his head had a chance to hit the pillow, he was out.

  When he woke in the morning, he was alone in the bed. He heard the shower going, but when he moved to get up, his leg screamed at him.

  Taking a few minutes to stretch it out, he downed another pill and walked into the bathroom to find Amber still showering. When he stepped in next to her, he held in a gasp at the different colors her skin was. Bruises ran from one side to the other. Covering almost all of h
er ribs.

  “You okay?” he asked, running a finger lightly over her colored skin.

  “Yeah, you?” She glanced down at his bandages.

  “Damn, I forgot I’m not supposed to get these wet.”

  She reached over and flipped off the water. “I’m done anyway. I could always give you a sponge bath.” She wiggled her eyebrows, causing him to smile.

  “Now that sounds like a plan.”

  “Tom,” she said once they both had towels wrapped around them. “I’ve been doing some thinking.”

  “Oh?” he said, pulling her close.

  “I’m not going back to California.”

  He frowned. “You shouldn’t make any—”

  “No, listen to me. I think the reason Laura flipped out is because she found out that I put my house on the market a few weeks ago.”


  “Because you gave me this.” She held up her wrist, where his grandmother’s bracelet hung. “Did you really think I didn’t know what this meant?” She stepped into his arms.

  “No, what does it mean?” His mind went completely blank.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “Not here, not like this.” She pulled back. “How about we get dressed and I cook us some breakfast before I talk to the media.”

  He nodded, even though he was more confused than ever.

  He pulled on a new pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt and then watched her as he sat in the bathroom. “I’ve never watched this before,” he said, nodding to her.

  “What?” She stopped, running a funny-looking brush around her face. “Me putting on makeup?”

  He nodded. “It’s interesting.”

  She smiled. “This is just the basics; you should see what they pile on me for the camera.”

  He shook his head and leaned back. She’d helped him replace his wet bandages, and by the time her hair was done, her makeup on, his stomach was growling. They had almost an hour before nine o’clock.

  She looked amazing and what was more impressive was that she had looked pretty damn hot before she’d applied a drop of the makeup.

  “Sit.” She pushed him into the chair, and he sat back as she started moving around the kitchen. “I hope you like blueberry pancakes.” She smiled over at him.


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