In His Place: Sonic Idols Book #2

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In His Place: Sonic Idols Book #2 Page 8

by Lisa J. Hobman

  I slid over to my mum on the couch and draped my arm around her shoulder. “Never. You know you’re the best mum anyone could wish for, don’t you?â€� I kissed her cheek and she grinned.

  “What are you after? More of my steak pie, no doubt.â€�

  I patted my expanding belly. “Ugh, I’d love to say yes but all this slacking off has given me a podge. I’m going to have to do some serious exercise before we go back on the road.â€�

  My dad chipped in, “You could always work out in the garden. Or find something musical to do to keep you occupied and out of the biscuits.â€�

  He had a point. And I remembered Joe’s old guitar from the photo I had found at Allie’s.

  I knew I hadn’t seen it in my room. “Do either of you know where that old guitar is?â€�

  My dad laughed. “You mean that grotty old thing Joe bought from a charity shop?â€�

  “Yeah, that’s the one. It may have been grotty looking but it played well.â€�

  “It’s in my shed. Easy enough to find if you want to get it out tomorrow. You might need to tune it though.â€�

  I knew there was a tuner in my room in one of Joe’s bedside drawers. So, a plan began to formulate in my mind of how I could spend at least some of my time until Den or Chris called about the tour.

  A week passed and I had taken to writing songs in my room on Joe’s old guitar. I was nowhere even close to the talent of Nick or Chris, but I had to do something to keep me occupied. I was scribbling some melancholy lyrics down when I heard a knock on the front door and rolled my eyes. The security guards were vetting every single person that came to the door, and for some reason, we’d had the milkman, a florist delivery, the postman, and someone who said they knew us but didn’t—all in the same bloody day. Each time the guards would knock and consult with my folks so they were up and down like a fecking yo-yo. It was driving me mad and I wasn’t the one having to deal, so goodness knows how fed up they were.

  I heard my mum’s voice and the sound of laughter and presumed it must have been someone they knew or Dad would have been tearing a strip off the security guards. Hoping it was maybe Chris or Den arriving to collect me, I eagerly made my way down the stairs. Maybe they didn’t call in advance in case it sparked a media frenzy. Who knew? Adrenaline flooded my veins and as I walked into the living room.

  But I stopped dead in my tracks as our visitor gasped. “Oh. Si. I… I thought you’d gone back on tour. The newspapers said—â€�

  My mum laughed. “No, Allie, love. They always speculate and get their facts wrong about this bloomin’ band. Drives you potty, doesn’t it, Simeon?â€�

  I nodded. “Erm…yeah… H-hi, Allie. What are you doing here?â€�

  Mum slapped my arm. “Simeon! That’s a bit rude. I invited her to stay for a while as a surprise. I thought maybe you two could carry on catching up now things are all sorted between you.â€�

  Fuck. If only she knew.

  Allie shook her head. “I’m so sorry, Maggie, but when you invited me, I presumed it was because you had the space. I hadn’t realised Si was still in his room.â€�

  My dad chimed in, “Simeon can sleep on the sofa, can’t you, son?â€�

  Knowing I was frowning, I shook my head as if it would somehow straighten my expression. “Erm… sofa… yeah. Yeah, fine.â€�

  Allie’s cheeks coloured pink. “No, no. It’s okay. I’ll go to a bed and breakfast. I don’t want to put you out.â€�

  My mum glared at me and it was clear she wanted Allie to stay. “It’s no trouble, is it, Simeon? Tell her.â€�

  I forced a laugh. “Oh, sure. No, it’s fine. The sofa’s comfy. When you’ve slept on a tour bus and in numerous hotels, you can sleep pretty much anywhere.â€� I was trying to convince myself as well as Allie.

  She chewed on her lip and nodded. “Okay, if you’re sure.â€�

  I reached down and grabbed her small suitcase. “I’ll take this up to the bedroom for you.â€� It was a good excuse to leave the room and I stomped up the stairs like a sulky kid. Why the fuck did my mum have to interfere? I mean, I know she didn’t have a clue what had happened between us, but still…

  I opened my bedroom door and walked in to drop the case by Joe’s bed. I glanced up and caught sight of a photo of him grinning out of the paper.

  “Yeah, I’m sure you’d think this was fucking hilarious.â€�

  “I don’t actually. This wasn’t planned. Well, not by me, anyway.â€� I swung around to find Allie in the doorway, twisting her hands in front of her. “I didn’t want you to think I’d come down to cause trouble for you.â€�

  I heaved out a long puff of air. “I don’t think that.â€�

  She stepped further into the room and stopped by Joe’s old guitar. “You’re writing?â€� I wasn’t sure whether I should be affronted at the surprise in her voice.

  I scratched my chin, embarrassment heating my cheeks as I grabbed and closed the notepad before she could read my crappy attempts. “What was it you said about your photography? Dabbling? Yeah, well that’s me. It’s just a way to pass the time.â€�

  She smiled and tilted her head to one side. “You could play me something maybe?â€�

  Knowing the content of the lyrics and how much related to my feelings for a certain unattainable Scots lass, I quickly tucked the pad in a drawer. “Erm… no. I don’t think so.â€�

  She sighed and closed her eyes briefly. “Look, Si, I’m happy to go and stay elsewhere. If this is going to be awkward for you, I—â€�

  “No, Allie. It’s fine. My mum would be pissed off with me if you left. She obviously wants you here.â€�

  “But you don’t.â€� It was a statement, not a question.

  I didn’t reply.

  She fidgeted awkwardly. “I’ll keep out of your way. I’m so sorry about this.â€�

  I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “No big deal.â€�


  That evening, I took the coward’s way out and only came downstairs to eat. An awkward atmosphere descended over the table, and the sound of cutlery clanking against ceramic was all that could be heard.

  Mum did her best to pour oil on troubled waters. “So, what are you two going to do whilst you’re here? It’d be nice for you to spend some time together like old times, eh?â€�

  Allie and I glanced at each other but she spoke first. “I’m sure Si has lots to do. He doesn’t need me cramping his style.â€�

  My dad snorted. “Pfft, yes, he’d absolutely turn down the chance to spend time with a beautiful young woman… not! Eh, Simeon?â€� He laughed and I waited for the tumbleweed to blow in.

  Mum glared at me. “You’re not too busy, Simeon, are you?â€�

  In a bid to give myself thinking time, I made a big deal of chewing the fork full of food I’d just placed in my mouth.

  I swallowed. “I… erm… actually, I’m writing and I need to get some practise in at some point. You know. Keep things fresh in my mind and all that.â€�

  Something hit my leg with force under the table. “But you can spare some time for Allie, can’t you?â€� I turned to find my mum’s eyes so wide that I worried her eyeballs might pop out.

  Allie interjected, “Honestly, it’s fine. I came to see you two. I didn’t even know he’d be here.â€�

  Mum was on the point of spontaneous combustion so I shook my head and cleared my throat. “Oh, no.
Of course I have the time. Absolutely loads. Tons of it.� She kicked me again. I had evidently gone too far.


  When it was time for bed, my mum brought me all the things I needed for my makeshift camp on the sofa.

  She kissed me on the cheek. “Try and make more of an effort tomorrow, love, eh?â€�

  I flared my nostrils and tried to keep my cool as I whispered, “I am making an effort. It’s just… it’s strange having her here, Mum.â€�

  Mum shook her head. “Well, I don’t know why. You went all the way to Scotland to sort things out. You said it went well. So, what’s the problem? Is it just because I’m forcing you to do the gentlemanly thing and sleep down here? I know it’s annoying that the spare room is an office now, but your dad wanted a bat cave.â€�

  I laughed. “I think you mean a man cave. And hasn’t he got his shed for that?â€�

  “Yes, but you know what he’s like for hobbies. Anyway, I’m sorry you don’t have somewhere better to sleep. I don’t think I thought this through.â€�

  “Pfft. Don’t be daft. Anyway, I’m tired. Night, Mum.â€� I kissed her on the forehead and hoped she’d leave.

  She patted my cheek. “Think on what I said, okay?â€� I nodded and she turned to go at last. “Night, love. Sleep well.â€�

  I glanced down at the sofa. “Yeah, I doubt that,â€� I mumbled, not loud enough for her to hear.

  Once I was alone, I stripped down to my boxers and clambered onto the sofa, covering myself up with the duvet. I tossed this way and that, but no matter what I did, my six foot one frame and the sofa were not a great combination. If I laid one way my neck hurt, but the other way my feet stuck up in the air. I was definitely in for a shitty night.

  I heard soft footsteps and then, “Si? Si, are you asleep?â€� Allie whispered from just inside the lounge doorway.

  “Funnily enough, no,â€� I hissed back.

  She padded over and crouched down beside me. “Look, why don’t you come and get in your own bed?â€�

  “Well, why do you think? We’re adults and sharing a bedroom is something members of the opposite sex apparently don’t do unless they’re married.â€�

  She giggled. “You’re so funny.â€� I had no clue why she thought so. She nudged me. “Come on. It’s silly you being squished up and uncomfortable down here when there’s a spare bed upstairs in my room.â€�

  I huffed indignantly. “Your room? I think you’ll find it’s my room.â€� Okay, now I got why she found me amusing. I sounded like a sulking toddler, and in the dim light of the moon shining through a gap in the curtains, I could see her lips pursed. She was trying not to laugh at me.

  Cheeky cow.

  She poked me again. “Come on. I insist you sleep in your room. In your bed. I’m at the opposite side so I promise not to hassle you.â€�

  I glanced at the door. “But what about my folks?â€�

  “I think they’ll be perfectly fine with it. It’s a logical solution, after all. And like you said, we’re adults. We don’t have to see each other naked. We’re just sleeping, Si.â€�

  I must admit, the thought of snuggling down in my own bed with my own comfy mattress was far more appealing than waking bent double and seizing up. But the thought was fleeting and quickly replaced by conjured images of Allie naked.

  “Okay. So long as you’re sure.â€� I stood and followed her towards the door. “And thanks.â€�

  Her night shirt only just covered her arse, and I wondered if I should mention the fact before following her up the stairs. Although, she was wearing panties, so I decided not to bother and just enjoyed the view.

  Chapter 13



  By the time I came downstairs the following morning, Allie had dealt with the sleeping situation. It turned out my folks were surprisingly fine about us sharing a room. All of a sudden, it was the most logical solution in the world, and Mum couldn’t figure why she hadn’t thought of it sooner. They were oblivious to anything that would lead them to feel otherwise.

  And so it went on. It was a little strange to begin with, and I couldn’t sleep properly. My biggest fear was me kicking my covers off in the night and Allie being subjected to the sight of my morning wood. Thankfully, it didn’t happen—or not that I’m aware of, anyway. Some nights, I would just lay awake and listen to her breathing. It sounds kind of creepy, but I found it soothing. The next few days were a little more relaxed as we got into a kind of routine.

  Early mornings, we sat up in bed and chatted about anything and everything. It was as if we had put what happened up in Scotland behind us, and that was a double-edged sword for me.

  One particular morning began much the same. My mum had brought us both a cup of coffee in at nine and we were sitting on our respective beds, chatting away as usual. Allie eyed me with suspicion for a few moments and I could tell she wanted to say something.

  Sure enough, she eventually spoke. “You must love all the attention you get from girls. So much sex blatantly thrown in your face all the time.â€�

  I almost choked on my coffee and snickered. “I don’t think I want to have this conversation with you.â€�

  She gave me a wave of her hand in encouragement. “No, come on. I bet you love it. It was the one thing I used to hate about Joe being on tour. I knew he loved me but the temptation must have been hard to resist sometimes.â€�

  I stared into my mug and inhaled the steam. “If we’re talking about Joe, I can honestly say, with my hand on my heart, you had nothing to worry about on that score. Joe was one hundred percent yours.â€�

  “What about you now you’re in the band?â€�

  I shrugged as an uneasy tension knotted my stomach. “That’s different. I’m single.â€�

  I could still feel her eyes on me. Assessing me. She wasn’t going to give up. “But what about when you meet Miss Right one day? What then?â€�

  I lifted my chin and focused on her, fixing her with my gaze. “If I meet Miss Right one day then I’ll be Mr Right. All my attention will be hers. As will my heart and my body. If I meet Miss Right, I have no intention of being unfaithful. My time, my love, and my soul will be entirely hers.â€� She swallowed hard and fidgeted a little. I got a small amount of pleasure from watching her squirm and so I continued. “If she’s Miss Right, I’ll only want her. Only crave her. No one else will even register on my radar. When I’m in a serious relationship, I’m a one-woman man, Allie.â€� It was true. Well the intention was true—although I hadn’t really had a serious relationship to speak of.

  She stared at me. Her nostrils flared and her lips slightly parted. I wasn’t sure what was going on in her mind but I would’ve given anything to know.

  Suddenly, as if coming out of a trance, she shook her head. “Whoa, we got a bit intense there.â€�

  She’d broken whatever spell had been cast and disappointment washed over me. Something had crackled in the air between us and I know she felt it too.

  I expected her to make her excuses and leave the room. But instead she took a sip of her coffee and carried on like nothing had happened. “Can I ask you something?â€�

  I shrugged. “Sure. Go ahead.â€�

  “How come your mum and dad don’t live in some huge swanky house now you’re famous?â€� Wow. That was what you call a massive change of subject. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, this is a lovely family home. But knowing your relationship with them, it surprises me you haven’t bought them somewhere bigger.â€� She cringed. “Shit, sorry. T
hat sounded so judgmental and nosy. I didn’t mean it that way.�

  I laughed. “Don’t worry. It’s not through want of me trying, that’s for sure. I’ve offered to buy them the house of their dreams but they won’t hear of it. This house is who they are. Joe and I were born here and they love this place. So many happy memories, I guess. They just don’t want to leave. I did pay their mortgage off and buy them each a car but that’s all they’d let me do. Apparently, it’s my money for me to spend on what I want. I did tell them I wanted to spend my money on buying them a new house but…â€� I rolled my eyes. “So, I just keep paying for weekend breaks to the best spa hotels and treating them to meals out as often as I can. They always try and pay me back but I won’t accept it.â€�

  She cocked her head to one side. “Aww. You’re so sweet.â€�

  I shook my head. “Nah. I adore my parents. I’d do anything to make them happy. It’s the least I can do.â€� I dropped my gaze briefly as thoughts of Joe tripped through my mind, and I didn’t want to elaborate on the meaning of my comment.

  It was as if she got the message loud and clear. “So, tell me, what’s it like being on tour? And on stage? Is it scary? Is it exciting?â€�

  I scrunched my face. How the hell do I put that into words? “It’s like sex.â€� Okay, a little blunt, but true nevertheless. “Euphoric. Like a natural high. One that doesn’t fade quickly. And there’s the travelling. A new city every day, new scenery, new venues, new people. The adrenaline rushing through your veins as you look out at the crowd knowing they’re there just for you. They came to see you play. They love you. Or rather the idea of you.â€� I laughed. “I’ve had so many marriage proposals you wouldn’t believe it. And not just from young women either. I’ve been offered money for a night of sex. I was once offered money to date this woman’s daughter. Suffice it to say, she wasn’t my type.â€� I raised my eyebrows but let Allie interpret that as she saw fit. “The whole thing is a total buzz. It’s addictive, I think.â€� She listened intently, hanging on my every word. “And the best part about it is I get to be there with my best friends doing what I love. And I get paid. It’s a no brainer, really. I just wish I could sing like Nick. That dude’s voice is incredible.â€� I shook my head in awe. “And Stig, crazy bloke that he is. The energy he’s got. Man, I honestly don’t know where it comes from. He leaps around the stage like a bloody kangaroo on springs and he’s a vegetarian for fuck’s sake. Who knew tofu and lentils could give you such vitality?â€� I laughed and Allie joined in. Her laugh was a sweet sound that I realised I hadn’t heard enough of. “And Chris, obviously, he’s the babe magnet of the band. It’s at his feet the women fall willingly. I think it must be his Aussie charm. Women just can’t resist it.â€� I laughed and shook my head. “Tell you what though, I feel sorry for the woman he marries. Although, I can’t ever imagine him actually settling down. I think he’ll be the eternal bachelor of the band unless hell freezes over or some miracle occurs and he really falls in love. And, of course, then there’s Den. He’s like the fifth member. As gay as the day is long, bloody good at his job and fierce with it. He knows what he wants for his boys—as he calls us—and he makes sure he gets it for us too. He drives us all mental mostly, but I don’t know how we’d cope without him.â€�


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