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Lords of the Isles

Page 139

by Le Veque, Kathryn

So, it disturbed her that he should stop when it seemed apparent that they both were fully agreeable to consummating their vows.

  She refused to sit there in worry, so she spoke up. “Why stop?”

  He dusted his hands before pointing a finger at her. “You disobeyed me.”

  “So you punish me by making me want you, yet not satisfying me, though I daresay you punish yourself as well, for I felt your hard need for me.”

  “And satisfying your hunger for me would be a good deterrent?” he asked with a shake of his head.

  “It would be a start,” she said softly. “I knew if I came to you last night and we made love that I would never want to leave you—not ever. And I had to speak with my father.”

  “I told you I would bring you here.”

  “At your leisure,” she reminded. “I could not wait.”


  “Aye, you are,” she said with a smile.

  He walked over to her, his anger having faded, though not his desire. He reached up and stroked her cheek. “You frightened me half to death. You could have been attacked and taken like your sister.”

  “Is that why you brought an army of warriors with you?” she asked, resting her hand on his chest.

  “No ghost warriors would stop me this time.” He lowered his lips near hers. “I will not lose you, Emma, not when I have just found you.” He brushed his lips over hers. “And not when I have realized just how much I love you.”

  Emma’s mouth dropped open, though no words came out.

  Rogan whispered, “Perfect.” He settled his open mouth on hers and turned her senseless once again.

  She ended the kiss this time and shook her head as she asked, “You truly love me?”

  “With all my heart, and then some,” he said encircling her waist with his arms. “You stole my heart and I do not ever want it back. It belongs to you now.”

  “That is only fair,” she said smiling.

  “Why is that?”

  “You stole my heart as well. No matter how hard I tried to keep it from you, knew I had no right to it, you managed to take all of it, even the broken part. I love you, Rogan.”

  He kissed her again, soft and easy.

  A knock sounded at the door and Emma shouted, “Go away.”

  Rogan laughed, turned, and settled at her side, keeping his one arm firm around her waist. “Enter,” he called out.

  A servant stuck her head around the door, as if fearful to obey his command.

  “Enter,” Rogan reaffirmed with a wave of his hand.

  “Sorry to disturb you, my lord, but I was told to see if my lady was awake and hungry.”

  Emma blushed when her stomach answered loud enough for all to hear.

  Rogan laughed again. “You have your answer.”

  The servant nodded with a smile. “I will return shortly.”

  Rogan pulled Emma into his arms. “Wise servant, she lets us know we have only a short time before her return.” He kissed her quick, and then stepped away. “Not enough time to make love to you. Besides, you have rested and now you need to be well fed so that you will have enough stamina for us to make love.”

  Emma laughed this time. “And have you rested or eaten since arriving here?”

  He walked over to her and ran his finger down along her slim nose, tapping the tip as he said, “Whether I did or not, I will always have the stamina to make love to you. You on the other hand…” He smiled, purposely letting his words trail off.

  She poked him in the chest. “Is that a challenge?”

  “One you could never hope to win.”

  She walked her fingers up and down his chest. “Perhaps, but you forget that you have lain with other women, while I have never known a man.” Her hand slowly made its way down the length of him. “And I hear that once a woman tastes a man,”—she grabbed his covered manhood—“she hungers for more.”

  He took hold of her chin. “Feel me growing larger? Keep squeezing me like that and when the servant returns she will find me poking you good and hard.”

  Emma let go of him and stepped away with a wide smile. She loved knowing she could turn him so hard.

  “So you want to taste me before I make love to you?” he asked with a sly grin.

  Her brow wrinkled. Had she somehow misunderstood the women she had overheard talking.

  “I thought so,” he said with a sly grin. “Would you like to know what the women meant?”

  Knowledge was important to Emma, so she quickly nodded.

  He stepped closer to her, though not close enough that she could touch him. “You would stroke my swollen member with your tongue, and then take it into your mouth and suck most greedily on it.” He thought to tease her, though truly he wanted to see her reaction and if she would be adverse to the idea. What he did, however, was grow himself even harder at the thought.

  She looked at him and licked her lips slowly as if getting ready to taste him, and his loins tightened to an unbearable ache.

  Emma stepped closer, though left a small space between them. “Tell me, would you taste me as well?”

  That did it, Rogan let out a groan and reached out to grab her just as a knock sounded at the door. “Go away,” he yelled.

  Emma laughed and bid the servant to enter, though she was no longer hungry for food.

  Chapter Twenty

  The one servant hurried the two other servants along, then shooed them out of the room and gave a quick bob of her head before closing the door behind her.

  “Eat!” Rogan ordered, walking away from her and fighting the desire to pull her into his arms and feel her body surrender to his kisses.

  “It is not the food I want to taste,” Emma said, feeling more bold than she ever thought possible and terribly eager to make love with her husband.

  “You need to eat,” he said firmly, her stomach having protested several times since they had entered the room.

  She took a step toward him. “I need you more.”

  He reached out and yanked her into his arms. “I am going to make love to you, and then you are going to eat, and then I am going to make love to you again—”

  “And again and again,” she whispered and pressed her lips to his.

  Rogan did not waste a moment, fearful someone would interrupt them again, though this time he intended to beat anyone who dared try.

  He carried her to the bed and set her on her feet to undress her as fast as he could, but Emma’s hands were on his garments first.

  He reluctantly tore his mouth away from her eager one. “In a hurry?”

  “Aye, I am,” she said and finished unwrapping his plaid, letting it drop to the floor. His shirt followed, though he saw to getting rid of his boots.

  “My turn,” he said, though there was little to take off her, a robe and her nightdress. His brow scrunched when he saw the bandage. “Your wound.”

  “Does well,” she assured him.

  “We go easy,” he said as if it was a command. His finger went to her lips when he saw her ready to protest. “I will stop here and now if you do not agree. I will not have you suffer any pain or jeopardize your healing.” He moved his finger off her lips slowly.

  She smiled. “You truly do love me.”

  “More than you will ever know,” he said and scooped her up in his arms. He laid her on the bed, stretching out next to her. “You will tell me if you feel any pain.”

  “I am in pain right now.”

  He sat up silently cursing and spit out the words before he could change his mind. “We stop.” He forced himself to continue. “We will not make love until your shoulder pains you no more.”

  Emma ran her hand down along his muscled arm, loving the feel of him, so soft and yet so hard. “It is not my shoulder that pains me. It is my need for you that goes unsatisfied that pains me.”

  He lay back down relieved and turned on his side, his hand settling on her breast to cup it gently. “I will make sure that I turn that pain to pleasure.” He cradle
d her breast in his hand while his mouth took hold of her nipple.

  Passion shot through her body with every lick and nip and to think this was just the beginning. She gasped and sighed when he finished feasting on both breasts, then he moved slowly down along her body. It was as if he was branding every inch of her with his lips, and delicate nips. He was making certain there was no doubt that she belonged to him and him alone, and the feeling thrilled her and made her ache for him even more.

  He raised his head and looked at her with such love that tears threatened her eyes.

  “Good God, you are so beautiful,” he whispered. “I cannot believe you are mine. I am a lucky man.”

  She wanted him to know how lucky she was to have found him, but instead she gasped, his tongue licking a spot that had her fisting the bedding in her hands. Sensations rushed through her, tingles and prickles that had her moaning and tossing about.

  His hands grabbed hold of her bottom and held it firm while he continued to pleasure her, a deliciously tormenting pleasure that she did not want to end.

  When he moved off her, she cried out, “No, do not stop!”

  He spread her legs apart slowly. “I am just getting started.”

  She smiled and it widened when she saw his engorged member jutting out so big and thick and without hesitation she reached for it.

  He grabbed her hand before she could capture it. “Not now, or we will finish sooner than I want.”

  She kept her hand to herself when he released it. “Another time?”

  “Many other times,” with that said, he leaned over and kissed her, his hands braced on the bed on either side of her head, keeping his body suspended over hers.

  He brushed his hard chest over her nipples, sending wave after wave of tingles rushing through her, all coming to rest between her legs and turning her ache unbearable.

  “I need you,” she said on a harsh whisper, her hands grabbing hold of his taut arms.

  “Soon,” he said and rubbed the hard length of him against her.

  She gasped and squeezed at his arms, feeling as if she was about to burst in two.

  He brushed his lips over hers. “I love you.”

  Her gasp captured the response, hovering on her lips as he entered her, though not all the way. He tempted and tormented and, good Lord, but she wanted more. Instinct, need, desire, she did not know what it was that made her do it, but she suddenly and quite forcefully swung her hips and bottom up to greedily take more of him.

  He slid in so easily, and then he gave an extra push and went deeper. She gasped at the light pain that assaulted her. Then there was nothing but exquisite pleasure as he drove in and out of her gently at first, then harder and harder, and she welcomed every delicious thrust.

  Rogan had held back, not wanting to hurt her, giving her time to accept the size and width of him, but when she thrust herself up, taking almost all of him into her, he burst with an overwhelming need for her. She was warm and wet and so damn welcoming that he knew at that moment he would never get enough of her, and he would never stop trying to.

  “No pain?” he asked after realizing he had met a slight resistance when he had plunged deeper.

  She smiled. “You are teasing me, are you not?”

  He had to smile and give her a quick kiss. “Hold tight, I am going to make you explode.”

  “Yes, yes, please do,” she begged and squeezed his muscled arms.

  Rogan loved the way her brow creased and how she squeezed her eyes shut, and how her moans grew along with his mighty thrusts. He had ignited a passion in her and set it burning. Now it was time to set it ablaze before letting it burn out.

  With his own desire near to erupting, he quickened his rhythm.

  Emma slammed her hips against him, over and over, feeling an incredible sensation take hold, run through her, turning her moans louder and louder until…

  “Rogan!” she screamed as she exploded in a fiery climax that she wanted to go on forever. Tingles rushed to every part of her body, shivering her senseless, and continuing to assault her in a never ending wave of pleasure.

  Rogan quickly followed, not able to contain himself once she yelled out his name and tightened around him. He groaned aloud as he to burst in a fiery climax and let himself fall more helplessly in love with her.

  The tingles had yet to fade completely when Rogan eased out of her and stretched out on his back beside her. They lay quiet for a few moments, their breathing still labored. But Rogan could not go long without her in his arms, and he turned to slip his arm under her back and ease her to rest against him.

  She sighed, burrowing against his warmth, being more content than she had ever been.

  “Are you satisfied, wife,” he asked with a chuckle.

  “Aye, though I think it would be wise to do it again to make certain,” she said with a touch of laughter.

  “You have my word that we will do it again,”—he turned, the strength of his body forcing her on her back—“and again.” He kissed her. “And again.”

  Her stomach’s loud protest stopped him.

  Emma felt herself blush.

  “At least I will always be able to tell when you are hungry.”

  “And I you,” she said with a smile, her hand moving down to gently cup his soft member.

  He pulled her hand away. “First you feast and then—”

  “I feast again,” she said, her smile growing.

  He kissed her quick. “Up and out of bed before you do not get to eat at all.” He turned on his back, bringing her with him, intending to swing her over him and off the bed. But somehow she landed on top of him.

  After a moment of silence, Emma spoke. “I love being naked in your arms. I love how you make love to me. I love that fate made us husband and wife.”

  He grabbed the back of her neck and raised his head up so that their lips would meet. The kiss bordered on danger, for he felt himself growing aroused and that was unusual so soon after having a woman. But Emma was not just any woman. She was his wife and he loved her.

  Her stomach rumbled and he reluctantly ended their kiss. “You have to satisfy your hungry stomach or it will give us no peace tonight.”

  She laughed and slipped off him and the bed, not that she wanted to, but he was right. She needed to eat, not having eaten since the previous night. She bent to grab her nightdress off the floor when a pain ripped through her shoulder, stunning her and causing her to stumble.

  Rogan had her in his arms in seconds.

  She shut her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths to help deal with the stinging pain.

  He sat on the bed, keeping her close against him. “Your shoulder?”

  She nodded, the pain beginning to subside.

  “You are not giving yourself time to heal,” he scolded with concern. “We are going to remain here at your home until I am sure you are well enough to travel.”

  Joy filled her heart, though she contained the smile fighting to surface. She did not want him to know how happy she was that she would not be leaving her home just yet. She wanted time with her father, and she hoped during that time another message would arrive from the mysterious person sending them.

  Rogan set her gently on her feet and helped her into her nightdress and robe. He would have preferred she remain naked, but that would not be wise. He already felt a stirring for her, but then his loins seemed to be perpetually aroused around her. And with her being as eager to bed him as he was to bed her, he expected they would spend much time in the bedchamber, though he could think of more interesting places they could make love.

  “Have you eaten since your arrival?” she asked, walking over to the table and reaching for a bowl of venison stew.

  “I came to find you posthaste,” he said, wrapping his plaid around his waist.

  She handed him the bowl and a spoon once he was at her side. “Then enjoy. You will find Macinnes food preferable to MacClennan.”

  “Ours is not that bad,” he said and tried a spoonful
. His eyes turned wide. “This is beyond delicious. It is magical. Is your cook a witch?” He laughed before taking another spoonful.

  “It is in the handling and preparation of the food and the spices added that make the difference,” Emma said proudly and took a bowl for herself after taking a seat at the table.

  Rogan was quick to join her and just as quick to tear a hunk of bread off the large loaf in front of him. He took one bite and the rest of the piece was soon gone. “More spices?” he asked, tearing a larger piece off the delicious bread.

  “That and the preparation of the grain,” she explained. “Try the bramble jelly. It truly is exceptional.”

  He eagerly reached for the small crock and grabbed a knife to spread a generous amount on his bread.

  Emma smiled as he grinned from ear to ear.

  “I thought I was a lucky man before, but now I realize that I am also blessed to have a wife of many talents. We will have a good life together, Emma.” He reached out and gave her hand a squeeze, his smile fading and sincerity filling his eyes. “This I promise you.”

  Her appetite waned along with her smile. “I have no right to happiness with my sisters missing.” She shook her head when he went to reassure her. “I know you tell me you will find them, and I believe finding Patience will not be a problem. She may even return on her own before we can find her. Heather, however, presents a far more difficult problem. It is not so much about finding her as it is seeing her returned home that may prove impossible.”

  “What have you learned?” Rogan asked.

  She could see and hear his eagerness for what she had to say, and so she told him all that her father had related to her. Sorrow filled her heart and worry weighed on her shoulders after she finished. Heather’s situation sounded all the more direr hearing it once again.

  “I cannot help but think what she must be going through at the hands of such a cruel and evil man,” Emma said.

  “If Heather has only a small amount of your courage and strength, she will fare well against the Dark Dragon. And if she possesses only an ounce of your mule-headedness then I would worry more for the Dark Dragon, for she will defeat him in no time.”

  “Heather is sweet and kind—”


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