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Lords of the Isles

Page 149

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  Her eyes caught sight of an abandoned cottage. It looked so forlorn sitting off by itself, as if purposely separated from the others. A bench, broken and rotted sat under a large oak, the branches looming over the cottage like a protective shield. Remnants of a garden were overgrown with weeds and brush. For some reason, her heart went out to the neglected little cottage.

  “It belonged to Lady Anna, Rogan’s mother,” Ina said, coming to stand beside Emma.

  “Why did she have a cottage?”

  “She wanted a place where only women could come and bring their troubles, a place where they would feel free to speak with her and not worry of repercussions. Lady Anna would listen and if she could help in any way, she would find a way to do so without betraying their trust. Her husband, at first, thought it foolish, but he loved his wife and allowed her to use the cottage as she wished. I do not think he knows how much that cottage helped, not just the women, but his warriors. The women miss it and Lady Anna very much.”

  “Then perhaps we should give it life again,” Emma said with a smile and headed for it, Ina following.

  As soon as other women saw Emma and Ina cleaning Lady Anna’s cottage, they joined in to help. Word spread and before they knew it, women were weeding the garden and others cleaning around the tree, carting off the broken bench. Another woman had her husband up on the roof repairing the thatching. Chatter and laughter filled the air as the women worked together, pleased that once again Lady Anna’s cottage would be open to them and even more pleased that the new lady of the cottage was a fine healer.

  Bertha entered the cottage and grinned from ear to ear while tears stung her eyes. “Lady Anna would be proud and pleased to see her cottage cared for once again.” She nodded to the narrow bed in the corner. “Women who needed a night or two away from their husbands spent it there.” She wiped at her wet eyes. “I will fetch fresh linens for it and a nice soft blanket.”

  Ina turned to Emma when the woman left. “You have brought not only life back to this place, but hope as well.” She placed her hand to her stomach.

  “Do not be disappointed if you bleed this month. It may take a month or two for the wild carrot to leave your body.”

  Ina smiled. “Thank you for letting me know that or I would have wound up crying my eyes out.”

  “I think soon it will be tears of joy you cry.”

  “It is so very good you are here. You have brought much happiness with you.”

  Emma’s smile faded and she turned her head away.

  “I have a foolish tongue. I am sorry,” Ina said apologetically. “Here I talk of happiness when your sisters are still missing. Please forgive my selfishness.”

  Emma turned around, shaking her head. “You are not selfish, and I am glad you are here to help me as I am appreciative of all the women who help.” She reached her hand out to Ina and the woman took it. “I do not feel alone with you here and my sisters would be so pleased to know that.”

  The two women continued working and that was how Rogan found his wife, busy cleaning his mother’s cottage and it gave his heart a jolt. His mum had loved the time she spent there. She would return to the keep feeling renewed as she would say, though there had been times a woman’s problem would weigh heavily on her. Never, though, had she ever betrayed any of the women’s confidences.

  Emma turned when a large shadow blocked the light coming through the open door. She smiled as soon as she saw it was her husband. Then she recalled what she had told him. Find me. I will be wet and willing. Her smile faded, for how did she desert these women who so generously and eagerly had come to help her? And how did she deny her husband, especially when it was the last thing she wanted to do.

  Rogan saw the dilemma on her face and walked over to her. “What can I do to help, wife?”

  Emma threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. “I will make this up to you,” she whispered.

  “All night,” he whispered back.

  “And morning too,” she murmured before stepping away from him.

  He grinned, so very pleased to know she would be in his arms in the morning.

  A few hours later Rogan and Emma stood in front of the cottage along with Liam and Ina and several women. All of them were smiling. The small cottage had been brought back to life. A lovely twig wreath decked with spring flowers hung on the repaired door and a new bonnet of thatching graced her roof. The garden was cleared of weeds, revealing a patch of blooming pink rock daisies. A fresh wood pile was stocked on the side of the cottage and two benches now welcomed women to sit and enjoy the shade of the towering oak.

  Emma loved it and her beaming smile showed how pleased she was.

  Rogan kissed her cheek. “Thank you. Mum would be grateful.” He raised his voice for all to hear. “What say we all celebrate our hard work? A feast for all in the Great Hall.”

  A cheer went up and word spread and soon the Great Hall was filled with talk and laughter and joy that had been absent too long. Flute music filled the air and Ina was soon encouraged to sing.

  Emma was startled by her beautiful voice and sitting there listening to her and seeing all the happy faces made her realize that this was her clan now… her family. Joy, along with sadness, filled her heart. She loved her life with her father and sisters and her clan, and she would sorely miss it. But she felt an excitement and hope for a good future here, starting a new life with her husband. Guilt washed over her for feeling so happy.

  As soon as Rogan’s arm slipped around her, she leaned closer to him, seeking the solace she knew he would offer.

  “What troubles you?” he whispered.

  “I am happy,” she admitted, guilt still weighing heavily on her.

  “You have a right to be.”

  “My sisters—”

  “Will one day find happiness and you will rejoice for them as they would for you now. Happiness comes in its own time, Emma. Your sisters will find it when it is their time. This is your time. Do not let senseless guilt rob you of it. From what you tell me of your sisters, they would be disappointed in you if you did.”

  Emma smiled. “You are ri—”

  Rogan grinned. “What was that you were about to say, wife?”

  Emma shook her head, though kept smiling. “You are right, husband.”

  Rogan turned to Liam to his left. “Did you hear that, Liam? My wife says I am right.”

  Liam raised his tankard. “Enjoy the one time.”

  “It is the fourth time she has told me I am right,” Rogan beamed.

  “Then you are truly a lucky man,” Liam said and Ina who had finished singing and returned to her husband’s side playfully punched him in the arm.

  Rogan turned to his wife. “I am a very lucky man.”

  Emma kept her voice low. “You will be even luckier when we retire for the evening.”

  Rogan gave an exaggerated yawn. “I am tired. It is time to retire.”

  “Another drink first,” Liam said, raising his tankard and getting a warning look from Rogan.

  Emma laughed and filled Rogan’s tankard. “A few more minutes with our clan, and then the evening will be ours.”

  Talk continued and soon tales were being told about the mighty MacClennan clan and Rogan was forced to remain and listen to his warriors boast about their feats. He soon joined in and had the hall laughing out loud with funny mistakes made by various warriors. The evening went on until finally the hour grew late, and Rogan announced he was retiring. It was another hour before Emma and he could take their leave, warriors and wives rushing to thank him and Emma.

  Emma remained seated while Rogan stepped around the dais to speak with one of his warriors. Liam and Ina had taken their leave and Emma smiled, knowing Ina was doing all she could to make certain she would soon carry a babe.

  “My lady,” a soft voice said.

  Emma turned to see a petite, slim woman with pure white hair that hung in a braid over her shoulder to rest on her right breast, standing to the side of the dais. A few
wrinkles framed her lovely blue eyes, though barely any marred her soft smile. She recognized her as one of the women who helped at the cottage today.

  “I am Murdina and I wanted to tell you how grateful I am that Lady Anna’s cottage is now available to us once again. Lady Anna was a great help to me when I lost my Harold. I would be pleased and feel it a privilege to help you whenever needed.”

  “That is very generous of you, Murdina. I truly appreciate it. How long has it been since your Harold has passed?”

  “Four years now and I still miss him greatly. He was a good man and a wonderful husband.”

  “There is much work yet to do at the cottage. I would be only too glad for your help.”

  “Thank you, my lady,” Murdina said with a bob of her head.

  “I will see you tomorrow, Murdina,” Emma said and the woman bowed her head before walking away.

  Emma eased herself out of the chair, her body letting her know that she had done more than her fair share of work today. She saw that Rogan had finished speaking to the warrior and was pleased. She was eager for them to retire to their bedchamber and make love.

  “You are tired,” Rogan said as he curled his arm around his wife’s waist and eased her to rest against him.

  “Not too tired to make love,” she whispered, though a sudden yawn spoke differently.

  Rogan took the stairs slowly, though he would have preferred to run up them, his desire for his wife burning his loins. He was concerned that she was too fatigued to make love, though she would never admit it.

  His suspicions were confirmed when he watched how slowly she disrobed as soon as they entered their bedchamber. It was obvious her limbs were sore from all she had done today, and he hurried to her side to help her undress.

  She rested her brow to his chest after her garments lay discarded to the floor, and realizing he still wore his shirt, her hands tugged at it, trying to get it off him.

  He brushed her hands away and scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the bed. He laid her down gently and pulled the soft wool blanket over her.

  “I will undress and join you,” he said and gave her a quick kiss.

  She grabbed his hand before he could step away. “Hurry,” she urged a yawn following.

  Rogan could have shed his clothes in an instant and joined with her fast. But he could not bring himself to do it with her so exhausted and half asleep.

  He nodded and walked over to the fireplace, knowing if he took his time returning to her, she would no doubt fall asleep. He took a few moments to add more logs to the fire, and then he took even longer to shed his clothes. By the time he returned to bed, his wife was fast asleep.

  With a sigh of resignation, he climbed in beside her and eased her against him to cuddle his body around hers, and though he thought sleep would elude him, it claimed him in mere minutes.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Emma snuggled deeper into the delicious warmth. It felt so good that she wanted to linger in it forever. And the woodsy scent tickled her nostrils and had her thinking of her morning walk in the woods.

  Her eyes sprang open and she looked up to see that her husband was sound asleep. She glanced over at the hearth and saw that the fire had died to embers. They had slept the night away, never having made love.

  Anger stirred in her for a moment, though she brushed it away before it could take root. She knew her husband well, and she realized he had sacrificed his own need so that she could get the rest she had needed. It was a loving gesture for sure and she smiled, for he certainly deserved a reward for his thoughtfulness. And she had promised him she would be in bed when he woke.

  She ran her hand softly across his chest, marveling at how firm and muscular it felt, yet it pillowed her head so gently. She circled his nipples with the palm of her hand, and the exquisite sensation sent tingles shooting through every inch of her. This was going to be more delightful than she had thought.

  Eager to learn and experience more, she moved her hand down along his midriff, feeling the tight cords there, and again she lingered enjoying the feel of him. Her hand drifted lower. She spread her fingers as she went and watched as they disappeared into the thatch of dark hair where his manhood nested and started growing hard before her eyes.

  She could not help but reach out and tease him with gentle strokes. He grew harder and she grew more curious and eager to further explore. She scooted down along the bed, pushing the blanket off them as she went and settled herself between his legs. After stroking, exploring, and familiarizing herself with all of him, she set her mouth upon him and enjoyed herself.

  Rogan groaned, not wanting to wake from his wicked dream. Damn, if it was not the best dream ever. Never had a woman tasted him with such eagerness and skill. And damn if it did not feel real.

  His eyes sprung open. “Emma!”

  Her response was a sensual groan and he grew harder. He fought back the climax that was edging ever closer, enjoying this moment far too much to see it end. Besides, he wanted to be inside her when he came, and he wanted to make her come along with him.

  “I love the taste of you,” she said on a wispy breath when her mouth left him for a moment.

  He took advantage of it and reached down to grab her, yank her up, over, and under him, to her utter surprise. She grabbed onto his arms when he drove into her like a sword finding its sheath and settling in, though this sword did not remain still.

  Emma held on, meeting his every thrust with her own, the urgency of their joining, growing ever more powerful.

  “I am going come,” Emma moaned.

  “Not yet,” he ordered.

  “I cannot stop it,” she groaned.

  He dropped his head down between his taut arms that kept him hovered only inches above her chest. He brought his lips to rest a mere breath away from hers. “Now,” he ordered and claimed her lips in a possessive kiss, his tongue thrusting into her mouth.

  Emma exploded, her climax consuming every inch of her and sending ripple after ripple of divine pleasure racing through her.

  Rogan pulled his mouth off hers, tossing his head back and releasing a loud groan as he climaxed with such intense fury that he thought the pleasure would rip him in two. When he finally gave one last thrust, he felt his wife move beneath him and knew she was on the verge of coming once gain. And he made certain that she did.

  When they were both finally spent, Rogan rolled onto his back, though reached out and took hold of her hand.

  They both lay silent for several minutes, waiting for their breathing to calm.

  Rogan was the first to speak, turning on his side to face his wife. “Good God, wife, you almost killed me, though I would die a very happy man.”

  Emma chuckled.

  Rogan rested his brow to hers. “Truly, wife, you pleased me beyond belief, and I will return the favor one morning.”

  Emma shivered at the thought. “Morning, noon, or night, you always please me beyond belief.”

  “God, but I love you,” he said and kissed her softly.

  “And I you,” she said, snuggling against him.

  “It is good to have you here in bed when I wake,” Rogan said, “but I do not expect you to do so every day.”

  Emma turned startled eyes on him.

  “I know how much you love your mornings alone and I do not wish to rob you of them. I would, however, ask that you spare me a few and invite me for a morning walk or two every now and then.”

  “I would truly like that. There is much I can teach you about the woods,” she said excited to share her knowledge with her husband.

  “I look forward to it,” Rogan said and meant it.


  Emma continued to make changes to almost everything over the next few days, though no one complained. After a harsh winter, the beautiful spring weather had everyone eager to be outdoors and busy. Many in the clan followed Emma’s lead and began making their own repairs to their cottages and most of the women were busy extending their gard
en and inquiring about what Emma had planted in her garden.

  Murdina had proved more than helpful and Emma had been thrilled to discover that she was extremely knowledgeable when it came to plants. Emma gladly shared the planting and caring of her garden with Murdina. Ina brought breads and honey cakes to the cottage for anyone who stopped by. Another woman brought a basket of freshly cut heather, others brought wildflowers. The women were generously showing their support for the cottage and each other.

  “It will be a lovely garden,” Murdina said after Emma finished seeding a patch.

  “What goes on here!”

  Emma and Murdina turned to see Angus MacClennan standing a few feet away from them.

  Emma ignored his question and asked, “Where is the walking stick I gave you to use?”

  “I do not need it,” he barked. “Now answer me. What goes on here? Who gave you permission to use this cottage?”

  Emma dusted the dirt from her hands and walked over to Angus. “The cottage did. It sat here neglected and forlorn, so I gave it life again.”

  “It was not your decision to make,” Angus shouted. “It belonged to my Anna and—”

  Murdina stepped forward. “And Lady Anna would be pleased to see that the new Lady MacClennan was using it as she once did.”

  Angus looked ready to argue, but Murdina continued before he could.

  “Though you will never forget the one you loved with all your heart, there comes a time you must let go. I know how hard that seems, but my Harold told me before he died that he would not rest if I did not continue to live as I should. I imagine Lady Anna said something similar to you.”

  Emma eased away from the pair. Murdina was telling Angus what he needed to hear and being she truly understood how he felt… he might listen to her.


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