Wrecked: A Novel (Charming Knights Book 1)
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Owen Wreckmond left every single dime he owned to his son. Every share in Globe Tonight. He gave me my 24% back in Goodford Finance. The house, the cars, the offshore accounts—every single asset Owen owned went to his son.
We were in the news the next morning. The richest people in the entire world. Billions dripped from our fingertips.
And we hated those billions.
And even though we knew it would probably ruin the world, we did what Owen had wanted when he gave everything to his son.
It was his way of giving Cage back his key.
Giving his son everything was a chance for Wreck to do what he always wanted.
To be free.
We gave our percentage of Goodford Finance away. My father went ape shit. But Professor Seneca was responsible for half the world’s money now, and Father couldn’t do anything about it.
Wreck sold Globe Tonight to my father for sixty-five billion dollars. He wasn’t mad after that.
Cage and I were free of our cages for the first time in our entire lives.
But our wings were still clipped. The years of damage from trying to fly away had done permanent damage to our feathers.
We couldn’t fly away.
We stayed in Charmant with our Free and our North, and our love, and we taught our children how to fly instead.
They never knew the confines of their upbringing.
Cage and I knew love because we had.
He was a delicious, forever taste of freedom within my cage.
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