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Justice Falling

Page 9

by Audrey Carlan

  Court went smashing and consisted of putting a daft bastard away for embezzlement, getting another client out of tax trouble, and settling a battle against a suppler who’d sent faulty equipment to the Jensen job. Overall, I jumped tall buildings in a single bound. I was on top of the world and there was only one reason.

  Camille Johnston.

  I could hardly wait to get home. I pulled my 2014 BMW 7 Series into the carport, took the elevator to my floor, tossed my keys and money clip into the ceramic bowl by the door with little concern, and settled into my flat. I changed into loose cotton pajama bottoms, poured three fingers of an eighteen year old Macallan, and stared out over the cityscape. The caramel honeyed notes from the scotch slid along my taste buds warming me from the inside out. It was lovely at this time of night. All the lights of the cars trailed one another in a game of follow the leader. The copious numbers of yellow cabs weaved through sleek sports utility vehicles like little ducks waddling after one another.

  The itch to ring Camille was strong laced with a heaviness I wasn’t familiar with. Women were always a means to an end. My career and the success of my career had always been forefront in my mind. Watching Collier fall for a woman, do everything to make her happy and fail taught me a great lesson. Women can hurt you in more ways than one.

  When Collier suggested five years ago that we take a leap across the pond to the States, I jumped at the chance. I was twenty three and working myself to the bone alongside my elder brother. We built something magnificent, and it had been successful beyond our wildest dreams.

  We were both multi-millionaires with great flats. Our Mum and Dad’s house has been paid off. We owned a stick of apartments in a swanky building in New York and business was booming.

  Only now things were different between Collier and me.

  A few months ago, I watched Collier almost die. Then I watched him find love again. This time he fell for a woman who was more afraid of love than a cat was of water. He changed because of her in the best possible way.

  I missed that it was no longer me and my brother fighting battles and kicking arse. We still worked together, ran our empire as a solid unit, but it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t, and I wasn’t. The past year, I no longer looked forward to going out at the end of a dastardly work week to find a willing bird to bed. It was very hollow and unsavory in the light of day, and I was tired of it.

  And now, there was Camille.

  I thought of our time together, though all too brief. The woman’s pointed small nose, high cheekbones, pink kissable lips, and emerald eyes that were surrounded by a halo of golden brown hair did things to me. Sod all; the woman brought me to my knees to worship at her feet, all to capture her sweet smile. That tiny tip of her lips, and I was a gone. Lost forever.

  It surprised me that this woman, Hank’s receptionist, had such control; a control she didn’t know she had. When I wasn’t with her, I thought about her. Today was one of those days where I sorted it out by just showing up at her work. My Camille had quick feet that preferred running to standing still in my presence. Today though, she proved just how taken she was with me. I ate up every second.

  I remembered her lowered gaze, that pink little tongue licking her lips, her gasps, and, during our kiss, the little sound she made at the back of her throat. It was a combination of a moan and a growl. I’d go to great lengths to hear that sound again and again. I planned on doing just that this weekend. Sunday.

  Bollocks. Why a Sunday? It didn’t make sense, but I’d do whatever it took to spend the day with her. I sat down in the high back chair facing the city and dialed her number.

  After four rings I thought for sure I’d be leaving a message but a small, little voice answered. “Hello?”

  I pulled the phone away from my hand and checked the display. No, it said ‘Precious Camille’ in bright white font on the screen.

  “Hello, who is this?” I asked softly.

  “Tanner,” a soft whisper answered.

  “Tanner, my name is Nate.”

  “Hiya, Nate! You talk funny.” The little voice giggled in a way that could only be conveyed by a child’s innocence.

  “You think so? How old are you?”

  “Four,” was practically screamed into my ear, piercing my close to thirty-year-old eardrum painfully.

  “Wow, that’s a big boy. Can you tell me Tanner…is there an adult there?”

  “Yep,” was all I got. Nice and direct. I liked this kid.

  “And what are their names, sport?”

  “Mommy and Auntie.”

  Ah, now I get it. This must be her roommate’s child. Funny, she never brought up the fact that her roommate had a son. We had so much to learn about each other. I looked forward to digging into every facet that was my sweet innocent girl.

  “Tan Man, who are you calling?” I could hear the lovely lilting voice of my Camille in the background.

  “I didn’t call. I swear. He called me!” His little voice sounded downright indignant. I chucked in response.

  After a rustling noise a winded Camille spoke. “Who is this?”

  “Good evening, Precious.”

  The phone went completely silent. I had to check that it was still connected. Then I heard what sounded like movement a door opening and closing loudly.

  “Um, Hi Nate,” Camille finally said.

  “Is this a bad time?”

  “No, not exactly.”

  I carried on without bother. “I just spoke to a lovely little boy. How is it that you didn’t mention your roommate had a child?”

  I heard Camille take a deep breath. “Uh…well, it’s complicated, Nate.” Camille’s life just kept getting more interesting, opening up like peeling layer after layer from an onion.

  “How can a child be complicated?”

  “It just is. Anyway, how was your day?” She changed the subject. Camille was an expert at that, but I didn’t mind. I just wanted to talk to her. Let her voice carry over the length of my day, releasing the tension. If I was a prissy chap, I’d consider a long soak in the tub whilst I spoke with the beautiful woman. But I wasn’t, and I wouldn’t. I preferred to gaze at the busy streets of New York, and sip my whiskey.

  “Not as good as my morning,” I said, innuendo heavy between the words.

  She giggled. My Camille let out a laugh and a giggle, and it was heavenly. Everything about her entertained and enthralled me. “Mine too,” she said softly.

  “I’m counting the days until I get to do it again.”

  “Kiss me?” she asked.

  “Yes. And more…” I let the rest of what I was thinking sink in.

  “You scare me, Nate.” Her voice trembled, and I didn’t care for it. The last thing I wanted was for her to be afraid of me.

  “Because I think you’re a beautiful woman? One whom I enjoy kissing and want to kiss other parts of her?”

  “Yes, all of those things. I’m not very experienced,” she admitted on a sigh.

  What did that mean? “Experienced?” “Explain that to me. Not experienced sexually or with men?”

  “Both, either. I mean…”

  “Doesn’t matter, love.” I cut her off. I would not stand for her thinking down about herself. “I’ll pick you up Sunday, we’ll have a lovely brunch, and take it from there. Sound good?”

  Before she could answer, a loud banging noise rang through the phone. “Mommy. Auntie!” I heard.

  “Uh yeah. Perfect. I have to go.” She hung up before I could say good day.

  Even with the abruptness of her ringing off, I smiled wider than I think I ever had before. I shot back the remainder of my drink. The whiskey burned a fiery trail down my throat to settle warmly in my gut. In less than a week I’d see my sweet Camille again.

  Before she rang off, I could have sworn I heard two different little voices calling her. Was that possible? I shook my head. That would mean there were two children living with her and one of them called her “Mommy.” Camille didn’t have children. She
was far too young and that was something I’d have found out immediately from her or my private investigator.

  That reminded me, I hadn’t received the full report on Camille from Johnny Sparks yet. I’d have to check in to make sure he was paying up on that favor.

  Chapter 8

  Throughout the week, I received daily texts and a nightly call from Nate. He figured out quickly that it was best to call around nine, though he didn’t know it was because that’s when the boys were sound asleep. It was getting harder every day to keep Tanner a secret from him. At this point, I didn’t even know where to start or how to broach the conversation. After two weeks of purposely avoiding any topic remotely related to children, I felt stuck. So much so that now I feared admitting the truth would be a huge issue. Something that could potentially make him lose interest in me.

  Daily, I was at war with the fact that I wasn’t sure whether or not I wanted Nate to move on. I enjoyed the time we’d spent together, looked forward to our date this afternoon, but I still didn’t believe he could fit into my day to day life. Wealthy, stunningly handsome attorneys didn’t up and change their lifestyles for a receptionist, single mother who stripped part-time. They just didn’t. Jin thought I was crazy to worry. She talked me off of the cliff multiple times when confessing how I didn’t see this thing between Nate and me going anywhere. She encouraged me to give it time, but also to tell him about Tanner. For some reason, I just couldn’t get the words out. It was as if I’d open my mouth to tell him, and it would fill with cotton, the words not able to push through the dense, fibrous material, choking off every syllable.

  Having a man call and text me regularly, made me feel desired and wanted. The feeling was foreign to me, and I was afraid if he knew the truth it would end. Maybe that was selfish, but I wasn’t ready to lose him. He made me feel beautiful. Unlike Tyler and the gentleman at the club, he treated me with respect. Those men looked at me as if I was a piece of meat. And for all intents and purposes, that’s what I was. I shook my hips suggestively, bared my breasts, and took their cash without remorse, and planned to do it again and again to provide my son with the life he deserved.

  Thinking of the life Tanner deserved, on top of the daily text and calls from Nate I looked forward to, I received several more from my new friend, Oliver. He was bound and determined to get me to sue Tyler for child support. Oliver was convinced I would be living the high-life with the amount of money and back child support Tyler would owe, even taking into consideration the ten thousand he gave me to “get rid of it.” He didn’t understand. I didn’t want anything from Tyler. I’d done just fine on my own, and Tanner didn’t need to know who that man is or what kind of person he came from. If I sued for support, Tyler could turn around and sue for custody, and claim I disappeared with his child. I had read a lot about the subject, and I would up and disappear if that despicable excuse for a human being was given access to my child.

  With a deep sigh, I slipped the gauzy maxi dress over my shoulders and down my length. It was Kelly-green and matched my eyes. I added a crocheted thick belt around the waist to accentuate my curves and stepped into my favorite pair of well-worn wedge sandals. With a chunky necklace, gold earrings, and bangles, I was ready for my date with Nate. He didn’t share where he was taking me, and I didn’t ask, preferring to be surprised. Regardless of where we went, the dress would be appropriate for just about anything. I grabbed a long cardigan that went well with the outfit and made my way to the living room.

  Jin was sitting on the floor with the boys around a game of Chutes and Ladders. “You look great!” she hopped up and hugged me.

  “Thanks, I’m going to wait on the steps for him. Are you sure you’re fine with watching them through the evening? This is supposed to your day off, too, and I’ve got you watching Tan Man.”

  Jin rolled her eyes and shook her head. Tendrils of black hair swung from side to side. She belonged in a Pantene shampoo advertisement. I coveted those shiny ebony locks. No matter what I did, my hair would always be a dull brown with a little bit of body. At least I could rock the beachy look, mostly because it didn’t take any effort other than a few sprits of gel here and there and a crunch of the hands.

  “Relax, Cam. I’m not doing anything. Besides, you’d do it for me.” She knows I would and I have. She’s had her share of one-night stands, but she always came home even if it was the middle of the night.

  Quickly, I hugged her and headed towards the door. I was startled by a loud knock. Bone-crushing fear skittered down my spine. Jin’s eyes widened.

  “Looks like your secret is about to be revealed,” she whispered. I looked at her with the biggest puppy dog expression. She stomped her foot and went over to the boys. “Guys, can you come with me for a second?”

  “But…but…I’m about to go down the big ladder!” Zach griped.

  “And you will in a moment.” The knock at the door got louder. I pressed my hand against the cool wooden surface willing Jin and the boys to hurry.

  “Just a minute!” I called through the door. When Jin had the boys out of sight, I opened the door quickly.

  “Hey you,” I said, breathless, trying desperately to control the jittery nerves skating along the surface of my body.

  Without words, I was pulled by strong hands that plunged into my hair at the nape and Nate’s warm lips were on mine. For long moments, he moved my head from side to side then slipped his tongue into my mouth, holding me in place against him. The kiss was wet, hot, and had my temperature to scalding in seconds. I gripped the back of his neck and kissed him like I’d never get another chance. He tasted of mint and man. Delicious. Behind me the door closed, breaking us out of our trance.

  “Sorry. When you opened that door and stood there with your eyes shining like shamrocks in the sun…I just couldn’t contain myself. I had to kiss you.”

  “No complaints here,” I said still in his arms. He kissed me one more time, pulled away and laced his fingers with mine. I loved when he held my hand.

  “So who slammed the door on us?” he grinned.

  “That would be Jin. She probably didn’t want to see us, you know…” I looked down knowing my cheeks would be stained pink.

  “I’d like to meet her.” Nate tugged my arm as I was trying to pull him towards the stairs.

  “Not right now. She worked late last night and is probably still in her pajamas.”

  “Oh yeah? What does she do, work at a pub?”

  “Yeah, something like that. Come on, I’m starving!”

  “Then I must feed you, my love.” The words “my” and “love” ran together from his lips, filling me with hope for a future I didn’t think I could have.

  Instead of a fancy brunch like I expected, we ended up at the famous Carnegie Deli on 55th and 7th Avenue. The sandwiches were literally the size of my head, piled sky-high with meat. It wasn’t possible to eat a whole one in a sitting, so we agreed to share a turkey and Swiss. Seating was limited in the bustling tourist location, but I didn’t care. We actually ended up squeezed between a family from Minnesota and a couple speaking what I assumed was Russian. The male from Minnesota thumped his chest, made a growling sound, and plowed through his entire pastrami on rye, washing it down with at least three beers. It was downright impressive. Through our lunch Nate and I took bets on whether or not the man could finish it. I won the bet and Nate quickly handed me over a crisp one hundred dollar bill.

  “What is this? We bet a dollar!” I screeched loud enough for the tables on either side of us to pay closer attention.

  “Oh I thought it was a hundred,” Nate squinted and tilted his head to the side, his gaze focused intently on mine.

  I shook my head dramatically realizing he had no intention of taking the money back. “No way. I could never afford to bet that much. Take it back!” I felt swathed in heat as my emotions ran wild.

  He shook his head and shrugged. “A bet’s a bet, love. I thought it was for a hundred.”

  As nice as it woul
d be to have an extra hundred dollars that I didn’t have to shake my moneymaker for, there was no way I’d take it from him. The idea alone soured my gut, making the turkey and Swiss sit like a lead brick.

  “Take it or I go home now!” I knew I was being irrational. Nate’s features went from happy to aloof, then straight to confused. Once the crazy train left, there was no stopping it. I finished, “Don’t ever hand me a hundred dollar bill again.”

  That visual was too close to home. Nate made me feel like a lady. As if I was special. Not some cheap stripper who twirled her goodies for cash. I never wanted him to think of me that way. I never wanted him to find out about my side-job. I crossed my arms defensively and looked out the window.

  I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.

  “Hey, hey, Precious. Blimey. What’s the matter? I’ll take the money back.” He pulled the bill from the table and placed it in his pocket. “Okay. No worries?”

  “Thank you,” I whispered and looked down at my half-eaten sandwich. Technically, it was half of a half, but I was still stuffed to the brim.

  Nate lifted my chin, his eyes dark with concern. I smiled for his benefit and he gave me one in return. “There’s my precious girl.” I could feel my cheeks heat as he petted my bottom lip. “So beautiful.”

  After Nate settled the bill, he clasped my hand and we walked the streets of New York. Something as simple as holding this man’s hand made me feel important, special somehow. It was still early when I realized he’d walked us to the theatre district. My mood had improved over the twenty minute walk.

  “Are we seeing a show?” I inquired with a happiness I didn’t even try to hide.

  He grinned. “Would you like that?”

  “Very much! I’ve never been to a Broadway play. I’ve never been to any play!” I looked at all the theatre signs surrounded with big flashing blubs. Even in the daylight it seemed brighter and more exciting than any other part of the city. When I caught Nate’s gaze, he looked at me with sadness.


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