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Justice Falling

Page 19

by Audrey Carlan

  I took a deep breath in as the curtain rose. My hands gripped the pole above my head, and I faced the back wall, allowing the men to see my bare ass pressed against the pole, my back arched. I knew without needing a mirror that the picture I presented was every man’s fantasy. Using this as a tool I pulled high, swung my legs into the air and curved around the pole to the floor. When I looked up to assess the men, my eyes caught a pair of familiar blues, ones I did not look forward to seeing.

  Tyler Thornton.

  His grin was wide and he held a hand loosely in front of his face as he took in my body. He licked his lips and I turned my head. The odds were he wouldn’t recognize me. I was wearing a wig, and, frankly, it had been a long time since he’d seen this body. It was different, matured, and changed after having a child. Sweat prickled at the edges of my hairline. Usually I didn’t perspire. I was in excellent shape, long and toned, yet still curvy. The presence of my ex, Tanner’s biological father, put my nerves into overdrive.

  I took long yoga-style breaths, bent at the waist and shook my moneymaker. Several of the men whistled. Some threw money on the stage. A few didn’t even pay attention, they were so busy talking business in the back to notice the half-naked girl on a stage fifteen feet in front of them.

  Tyler was laser focused on my body as I undulated, undoing the first few eye hooks of my corset, giving my ample bosom additional space. I needed the extra space to suck in the air I was having trouble keeping. With a saucy step, I sauntered to a black glossy chair that had only a seatback but no arms. In a move I stole from Jin, I straddled the chair giving the men a nice healthy view of my satin clad center then leaned back balancing on the chair, putting my legs out in a wide air split. That caught the men’s attention. With a twirl of my legs I flipped and straddled the chair reverse cowgirl, bumping and grinding along with the music as they cheered.

  “Take it off, baby!” one man yelled.

  “Let’s see that rack!” another cheered.

  Turning to face the men, I grinned and slid my hand down the front of the corset and over my sex, mimicking touching myself. The men went wild! Money seemed to come from nowhere, littering the glossy stage with the color green. It was the surge of bills I planned on cashing in tonight. Sucking my dry finger into my mouth, I heard a collective groan. Men were so damn easy it was ridiculous. I hadn’t even touched myself, just pretended to and they went brain dead.

  I bent my body over the back of the chair, my head hanging upside down, blood rushing to the crown. That’s when my worst nightmare occurred. I didn’t fall, didn’t lose my wig. A man didn’t try to touch me. The chair didn’t break. No, it was so much worse. A man with long even steps entered the room. I would recognize that gait anywhere. My gaze went from his large feet, covered by well-defined quads in black tailored slacks up to a pinched in waist, broad chest and shoulders and finally up to the most stunning face I’d ever known.


  With a swing of my body I covered my face and turned around.

  “Boooooo, baby, get to the good stuff! Show us your titties!” one man hollered. His tone bordered on angry.

  I swung my hips from side to side and went back to the pole. If I was dancing, maybe I could figure out a quick exit. The music changed once more. It was the last song of my time on the stage and these men expected a show. If I didn’t take my clothes off there would be mutiny. If I did, I ran the risk of Nate noticing me. So far he hadn’t glanced at the stage. I loved him even more for that. He was talking quietly to Tyler. It was obvious the moment things got heated between them because Nate stood abruptly and his chair fell to the floor. Tyler stood next to him, hands on Nate’s forearms trying to calm him down. Rage plastered Nate’s features.

  The song came closer to the end and I removed hook after hook of my corset. At the highest beat, I undid the last hook and splayed open the corset showing off my bare breasts.

  “Damn, girl, I could suck on those tits all damned day!” A deep voice rose above the crowd of applause and howls.

  “Yeah, baby, come over here and sit on my lap. I’ll make it worth your while,” another man yelled, holding up what looked to be a fifty dollar bill. As much as I’d like the money, there would be no lap dances. Typically in the private room anything but touching the dancer and removing your thong was allowed. Not tonight. It would hinder my big payout. Right then, all I could think about was getting the hell out of there before Nate recognized me.

  I closed my eyes, letting the men look their fill. Whoops and hollers of joy and excitement filled the room as I massaged and cupped the heavy weight of my breasts. All seemed fine and I was about to flip over and make my final exit when I opened my eyes and held the gaze of the man I loved and adored.

  His mouth locked in a grimace, teeth clenched. Even from a distance, I saw his jaw so tight he could cut leather between his teeth. His gaze swept across my mostly naked body from my head to each bared breast to my miniscule panties, down each leg and back up again. I felt the heat of his anger palpitating in waves in my direction.

  I closed my eyes, swirled around on my butt and made to leave the stage. The lights dimmed and the music went back to normal club style tunes.

  “What. The. Fuck!” I heard the very distinct English accent as Nate roared his disapproval. I heard his loud footsteps over the beat of the music as he stomped to the stage. I’d almost made it to the steps when his hand encircled my wrist and spun me around.


  Naked. My precious Camille was stark naked and every man here was drooling and looking their fill. I reached a shaky hand out to the black wig and pushed the offensive thing off her head. It fell to the floor and her glorious brown locks fell in spirals over her breasts and bare shoulders.

  “Camille, no.” My voice was hard to hear over the loud techno music. Her eyes widened and her gaze lifted over my shoulder. A quick glance and I saw Tyler, only he wasn’t looking at me. His eyes were devouring every inch of my girlfriend. He licked his lips and I threw off my suit coat, spun Camille toward the back wall and covered as much of her naked body as I could. In seconds, I had my jacket covering her lady bits.

  “Well, well, well. What did I tell you, buddy? She’s nothing but a skanky whore.” He tsked. His hand clasped my shoulder. In the past I would have been comforted by the action. If this had been a whore, and not the love of my life, I could have let it slide. I was no longer that man, and he was no longer my best mate. Instead of shrugging him off, I turned on a heel and slugged the bugger right in the kisser.

  “Shut the fuck up, Tyler. I’ve had it with you and your shite!” The bouncer caught up with us and prevented me from getting additional shots in. The giant black man held me and gestured for Camille to leave the stage through the back exit.

  “Camille, meet me outside!” I yelled. The bouncer said something into an ear piece and before too long, both Tyler and I were out on our collective assess in front of the club.

  “Don’t come back or you’ll get more than a sore ass for your trouble!” The bouncer shoved me to the ground. My knees bit into sharp gravel, but I didn’t feel the pain. My anger had taken over all rational thought.

  Tyler stood and shook dirt and rocks off his own knees and suit jacket. He looked at me and shook his head. “You punched me over her?” His voice shook with rage. “For a fucking stripper!”

  I lunged at him. My body was hot, muscles primed and ready to strike. A fight was what I needed and I was going to take a pound of flesh. Tyler fell to the ground and we rolled, gravel and dirt crunching around us. Eventually I got the advantage and straddled him, slamming his head into the dirt.

  “You cock-sucking piece of shite! Do you know what you did to her? This is your fault!” I roared, planting my fist firmly into his jaw. The sickening sound of knuckles meeting bone filled the air. Blood poured from Tyler’s nose and he spit a spray of blood in my face. His fist shot out and caught the side of my face and eye socket. Pain sent me back a step but not enough to let go of
the arsehole.

  “Nate, Nate! Get off him! He’s not worth it!” Camille tugged at my biceps. “Please. You can’t go to jail for this!” Her words finally entered my brain and I pulled away and jumped off him.

  He rolled to the side and spit out more blood, then wiped his nose on the sleeve of his suit.

  “Motherfucker, you ruined our friendship. Five years of brotherhood for this whore! Believe me, her pussy is not worth losing your best friend, Nate.” He scowled. “I know. I’ve had it!”

  He gutted me with those words, the reality sickening me. I made to go at him again. Camille jumped in front of me.

  “It doesn’t matter what he thinks, Nate. I don’t care. He can call me whatever he wants. He means nothing to me,” she cried as tears filled in her eyes.

  Tyler groaned and looked up at the sky.

  “I came here tonight, Ty, not because you invited me, but to tell you the truth.”

  Camille’s eyes widened in horror. “No, Nate, please don’t.” A tear slipped down the side of her face. “He doesn’t care.” She tried, but I was ending this right here.

  “You have a son! A beautiful four year old boy named Tanner.”

  Tyler rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips. “Is that what she told you? That the kid is mine? And you believe her?” He shook his head.

  “Of course I believe her. The boy looks exactly like you!”

  “And probably a handful of other Johns she fucked to pay the bills. You saw her. You think she shakes that ass just for you? Did you even know that she was spreading her goodies all over town?”

  His words sunk in and hit a point in my heart that I couldn’t deny. Camille had lied to me repeatedly. Lies of omission, but still lies. She stripped however many nights a week, baring her beautiful body to the highest bidder. My mouth watered with the sour sickness you get right before you vomit. I pushed it down and took a few deep breaths.

  “The boy is yours. I’ve met him. He’s perfect. You can request a paternity test--”

  “I don’t want anything to do with the little bastard. Even if the kid is mine, he’s the spawn of a two-bit skank. I’ve paid my dues. I gave her money to do away with the pregnancy. I should have known the stupid fucking cunt would screw me over one day.” The words he used to describe the woman I loved filled me with a rage so dark it spilled out of every pore controlling all my instincts. I was about to rush him again when he grabbed Camille’s wrist, lifted his hand and backhanded her. “That’s for not doing what I told you, you dumb bitch!” he said as my body plowed into his.

  “Don’t you ever, fucking put a hand to my woman again!” I shoved him down and cinched his neck in a chokehold. My knees held his biceps and effectively restricted any defense from him. I squeezed with every ounce of hurt and anger I had. Time blurred and faded as I held his life in my hands.

  Eventually I realized that Camille was beating my back with her fists, screaming for me to let him go, that he was turning blue.

  I flung myself off him, my arse hitting the ground hard. My entire body shook with uncontrollable rage. Camille sobbed, her forehead against my back. “I’m sorry,” she whispered over and over, a hollowed chant against my back.

  Tyler turned over and lifted himself to his hands and knees. His breathing was labored. When he stood, his face was bloody and unrecognizable. “I don’t ever want to see you or your bitch again,” he croaked in a raspy voice. “And if you come at me again, Nate, I swear to fucking God I will crucify you. Feel fucking lucky I’m not pressing assault charges.” He was right. I was lucky. Even if he did, I wouldn’t care. It would have been worth it.

  “And what about your son?” Emotion filling me as Tanner’s innocent face entered my vision.

  Tyler wiped his bloody face and spit more of it on the ground in a pool of crimson sludge. “What of it? I have no desire to see or be a part of this bitch’s life. She’s been doing fine on her own, she can continue to do so.”

  Camille whimpered and shook behind me. Her sorrow was palpable and matched my anger.

  “You’ll sign your parental rights away?”

  “Draw up the papers asshole. Have them on my desk Monday morning. It will be the highlight of my fucking week,” he grated through his teeth then grinned as I looked at the man I had once called my friend. Did I ever really know this person? His face was smeared with blood and his cheeks and chin were swelling more prominently.

  He’d gotten in a couple good hits of his own. My chin and the skin around my right eye were tender and swollen. A cut on my lip stung as I licked it and tasted copper. “Done,” I said with finality.

  “Yes, we are. Have a nice life with your whore.” He left with that one last pot shot. Again, my muscles flexed, wanting to defend and defile.

  “No more, Nate. No more,” Camille said her voice laced with sadness and regret. I nodded and ushered her to the BMW. She got in without a word.

  Ten minutes from home I addressed her coolly, “Call Jin and tell her you’re staying with me tonight. We need to talk.” She nodded, pulled out her phone and texted her friend.

  I parked in the car park and led Camille to my apartment and the master bathroom. She didn’t say anything and I didn’t speak. I needed silence for what I had to do right now. Thoughts of her lies and betrayal spun in a vortex of mistrust through my mind. I had to cleanse them and the situation forever.

  Without speaking, I peeled off her clothes. Her breath was shallow and she seemed to be only sucking in air when she had to. Once I removed her clothing and had her bare in front of me, I winced, knowing so many other men had seen what was mine, masturbated to images of her beautiful body. It hurt as if needles were being poked into my eyes.

  “It’s still me,” she whispered. “I’m still the woman you love.” Her voice broke on the last word. “The woman who loves you.”

  I searched her face. The swelling around her cheekbone where Tyler had hit her was red and would be purple tomorrow. A low growl of hurt, anger and remorse ripped from my throat. I slid my hands over each breast and cupped their weight. “How many men have touched these?”

  She shivered as I tweaked each nipple. “Only you since I had Tanner,” she said with conviction. So the stripping didn’t include touching. Thank Christ for that.

  I gripped her hips, pressing her into my hardened cock through my trousers. I wanted her to feel the effect she had on my body. She groaned and closed her eyes. I palmed her arse digging into the fleshy rounded globes. “And this? Who’s touched your pretty arse?”

  She shook her head. “No one but you…” She licked her lips.

  I pushed her back and cupped her mound. “And this perfect pussy. Who Camille? Who owns this cunt?” I ground out the words so forcibly she gasped. Her gaze locked with mine.

  “You, Nate. The only man I’ve ever loved.” I sunk two fingers into her heat. She moaned, her body tightening instinctively around the intrusion. She was ready for me. Slick and hot, just the way I liked her.

  I licked my lips and hovered near her face. Still fully clothed, I palmed a tit and rolled the nipple. Her cries filled the room as I finger fucked her good and hard. I added a third finger into her slick pussy and zeroed in on that spot deep within her, the one that made her insane with need.

  “Oh, Oh, God, Nate…” She started her worship and I grinned with twisted pleasure. I was making a point. She was going to accept it or this relationship was over.

  “No man gets to see, touch, kiss, lick, or fuck what is mine. Got that, Camille?” She nodded, her head jerking up and down. “I own your tits, your arse and your sweet fucking cunt. It’s all mine. Do you understand?”

  “I want to be yours, Nate.” She moaned as I pressed high and deep with my three fingers. Her back arched offering her pretty knockers up for the taking. I sucked one hard then bit the tip. She cried out.

  “Your pleasure…bloody everything is mine. Do you give it freely?” This was her one opportunity to say no.

  “Yes, please Na
te. Oh God…” She whimpered as I tickled the bumpy patch of skin within her that I knew could make her come in seconds. Her green eyes were misty as I massaged her deep, fucking her hard and fast with my fingers. She made that little mewl sound at the back of her throat as I plunged high. The sound made my prick hard as a hammer and ready to nail her.

  “Will you ever bare this body?” I sucked a nipple into my mouth flicking the tip. “The body you now gave me freely?” I moved to the other tit and sealed my lips over the erect flesh. “Will you ever show it off again to anyone but me?” Biting her nipple, she screamed and climaxed. It pounded through her body and her sex clenched down on my fingers milking her release.

  “No, only you. Only you!”

  I manipulated her g-spot, fucking her hard and fast, forcing her to soar into another orgasm. She flailed wildly. When she calmed down I shed my clothes and pressed her against the bathroom wall. I kissed her, taking her mouth in bottomless penetrating licks. With my free hand I grasped the shower handle turning on the water to the right temperature, never letting up on devouring my woman’s lips.

  “Shower time. I’m not fucking you until you’re cleaned of every man’s eyes that were on you tonight.” She nodded then put her head down in shame. “No more, Precious. You will never take off your clothes and bare your body for anyone but me. When you strip, it’s for my eyes only!”

  “I love you, Nate,” Tears spilled down her cheeks. “I needed the money, I couldn’t afford life with Tanner and medical coverage and food…”

  I cut off her words with my mouth. Sucking and licking as I led her into the shower. Camille stood stock still as I poured soap onto a washcloth and washed every inch of her magnificent body.

  Finally, I’d cleaned enough; enough to sooth my frustration and the heavy weight of her past. This cleansing symbolized the end. The end of her trials, loneliness and the nonstop worry for herself and her son. For me, it symbolized rebirth. That our time together would never be tainted again by our past transgressions. I wasn’t a saint in my past. I didn’t treat women as kindly as I could have, never gave even an inch of my heart but with Camille, I would give my all.


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