Book Read Free

The List

Page 15

by Velvet Vaughn

  “We’re here, Luke.”

  “I’m afraid you two are flying solo. We just had a blowout. Do you feel safe going home without an escort or do you want to come back and wait?”

  “We’re only a couple of miles away. We should be okay,” Matt said.

  “Call when you arrive,” Luke instructed. Jac dropped the phone back into her bag.

  Matt glanced in the rear view mirror.

  “What’s wrong?” Jac noticed his concern.

  “Two points of light are rapidly gaining ground.”

  “That car is coming fast.”

  Matt laughed grimly. “I hope I didn’t speak too soon about needing that escort.”

  “It’s a truck. And it’s getting close. Matt, maybe you should—oh!”

  The truck slammed into their bumper and he fought the steering wheel. “Damn.” He let out a breath when the truck backed off.

  “He’s coming at us again.”

  “Hang on.” He pressed the accelerator, gaining speed to avoid the hit. “The road is too curvy. I can’t go fast.”

  “I’ll call Luke.” Jac braced a hand on the dash as she fumbled for her purse but dropped it when the truck made jarring contact.

  “He’s coming up beside us.”

  The truck pulled parallel on the narrow road and swerved. Matt braked and avoided the hit. Headlights from an oncoming car rounded the curve and the occupant blasted the horn. The truck eased behind them just in time to avoid a collision. Before Jac could locate her phone, the truck smacked into them again. This time Matt couldn’t make the sharp turn.

  “Hang on, Jac!”

  The SUV careened off the road, bumping and bouncing down a grassy embankment to a jarring stop. The seat belts jerked them into place as air bags exploded.

  Matt punched the white material from his face. “Jac, honey, are you okay?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was muffled, but strong.

  Matt fumbled in the console as the airbags deflated. His hand wrapped around the steel barrel of a gun and he whipped it out and shoved the door open. He had no intention of being a sitting duck waiting to be picked off.


  “Stay here and get down.” He dropped to a crouch and maneuvered around the SUV just as tires squealed. He stood in time to watch the truck speed away.

  Matt shoved the gun into his waistband and rushed to Jac’s door, ripping it open.

  “Jac, sweetheart.” He lifted her out and hugged her close. “Are you sure you are okay?”

  “Just a little shaky. But I’m getting tired of eating airbag.”

  Matt was too worked up to share in her laugh. He cupped her face. “Are you sure you aren’t hurt?”

  “No.” He stroked her hair and tucked her under his chin, trying to calm his racing heart. They stayed wrapped together as tree frogs croaked and crickets chirped in the surrounding woods. A car skidding to a stop broke through the calming peacefulness.

  “Matt? Jac?”

  Matt turned his head to see Luke half-running, half-sliding down the embankment, Logan close behind.

  “Are you two okay?”

  Matt reluctantly stepped back. “Just a little shaken.”

  “We should call the police,” Jac said.

  “On the way,” Luke announced. “What the hell happened?”

  “Someone tried to run us off the road,” Matt said.

  “Older red truck covered in rust?”

  “That’s the one. Did you see it?”

  “It passed us on the flat stretch and dropped a board out the window covered in nails. I couldn’t avoid running over it and punctured a tire. Luke called and reported it to the police and found out it had been stolen earlier in the night.”

  “I bet they find it abandoned on a back road somewhere,” Luke growled.

  Twenty minutes later, the police did just that.

  * * * *

  On the ride back to Matt’s, Jac concentrated on breathing to calm her nerves. At this rate, she was going to have permanent airbag imprints on her face. She said a prayer of thanks that they walked away from the crash with just scrapes and bruises. The narrow, winding road was dangerous in good conditions. Add a demented psychopath on your tail and the stats shot through the roof.

  Besides a dented bumper and a few scratches, Matt’s Range Rover survived the ordeal intact. A wrecker pulled it from the ditch and hauled it in as evidence. It would now be impound lot buddies with her confiscated Jeep.

  The authorities found blood in the wrecked truck and a trail leading from the crash scene. They checked local hospitals and emergency rooms for recent arrivals. Harvey was their number one suspect.

  The accident wasn’t the only thing that had Jac’s nerves rattled. In a few short miles, she would be alone in the huge house with Matt Dianetti and no chaperone save Murphy who was no help whatsoever.

  Jac chuckled. She had no reason to be nervous. Matt made it clear that although he enjoyed kissing her and thought her beautiful, he had no desire for a relationship except friendship.

  “I’m still going to send Lauren away.”

  Jac blinked, the comment pulling her from her musings. She thought about the young girl and how excited she was about the dance next week. She would be devastated. “Are you sure that’s the best thing to do?”

  “God help me, I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore. I just want her away from this mess.”


  “Come here.” Matt pulled Jac into his arms. They arrived home an hour ago and after a call to Lauren to ensure her safety, Luke and Logan retired to the guest house, leaving Matt and Jac finally alone. As he watched her, he could tell the evening’s events had taken their toll.

  “I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.”

  “I just want this to be over,” she whispered against his chest.

  He rocked her and stroked her back. “So do I.”

  Reluctantly, she pulled back and placed one hand on his chest. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this.”

  He framed her face with his hands. “Hey, I don’t want you to apologize again. This isn’t your fault and if it hadn’t happened—” he paused as his eyes roamed her lovely face—“I might have never met you.”

  He fought it, fought the need, the desire paralyzing his body. Their gazes locked and the air around them crackled, sizzled. He drew his thumbs over her lower lip and her soft gasp hardened his body. He searched her eyes as he slowly lowered his head. Gently he touched his lips to hers. He was a goner, had been since the first time he saw her.

  His eyes closed on a groan and when he felt her matching cry of surrender, passion engulfed him. He ravished her mouth, stroking his tongue against hers in a sensual dueling dance. Her hands moved up his arms to wrap around his neck. He didn’t think he could last much longer. He needed her desperately but he wanted this to be perfect. He swept her into his arms and carried her up the stairs.

  The master bedroom was his favorite room in the house. Furnished to exploit his love of the Mediterranean, the rich, dark furniture mixed with the deep red and gold gave the feel of a Moroccan palace. Floor to ceiling windows covered two walls and met in the corner at a soaring stone fireplace, with a flat-panel television mounted above. The king-sized bed, draped in exquisite velvet and silk fabrics was angled to face the fireplace and TV with the forest on one side and lake on the other. French doors led to a private balcony and paddle fans lazily rotated overhead. Potted palms and assorted plants decorated the space. It was an exotic getaway.

  Jac hadn’t been in this room and he couldn’t wait to see her reaction. He released her legs and let her slide slowly down his aroused body.

  “Wait right there.” He moved to a panel on the wall and dimmed the lights, letting moonlight shimmer seductively through the windows. He activated the gas fireplace and tuned the music to soft jazz. Jac slowly rotated in a complete circle, taking in the lush décor of his expansive bedroom. Her mouth dropped open and tears shimmered
in her eyes.

  “It’s the most magnificent room I’ve ever seen. I’m a thousand miles away, in a castle in Casablanca.”

  Pride rushed through his veins. He swept her in his arms and began a slow, sensual sway to the music. He lowered his mouth to her ear and whispered, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” He danced her around the room to Louis Armstrong’s smoky voice, and lost himself in her arms.

  Somewhere along the way, the band holding her hair disappeared, allowing the bounty of golden locks to tumble around her shoulders. Lifting his hands, he threaded his fingers through her silky hair and gripped her head, staring into her dazed eyes. “We fit, Jac.” His voice was as low and gravely as Louis’ deep baritone. “Your body was made for me.” He brushed his lips across her forehead, over her eyelids, across the bridge of her nose, along her jaw and finally her mouth. She moaned, her knees buckling and he drew an arm around her waist to steady her shaking legs.

  His hands skimmed her hips and then gradually glided under her sweater, up her body. He traced a thumb around her navel and felt her shudder. His hands continued their leisurely path across her ribs and stopped at the lacy line of her bra. He followed the band around her chest with his fingertips. He slowly drew his knuckles across the slope, careful to avoid the hardened nipples. She arched her back and whimpered, begging for his touch.

  He ignored her—for now.

  He nibbled on her ear and lavished her neck with his tongue until her bulky turtleneck hindered his progress. “I want to see you. I need to see you, Jac.”

  He gripped her sweater and carefully peeled it from her body. She lifted her arms and when he yanked it free, she clutched him, clawing the buttons on his shirt.

  “Un-uh, baby, not yet. I’m not done with you.” He removed her hands and ran his up her arms, stopping at the thin bra straps. “Black lace,” he murmured, tracing along the edges. She inhaled sharply and spurred by her reaction, he slipped his fingers under the bands and carefully eased them down her shoulders.


  Her breathing quickened and he captured her mouth for a tongue tangling kiss. His hands left her breasts and moved to her back, down to her jeans. He stuck his fingers under the waistband and followed around until he reached the fastening. He sucked on her bottom lip, lavishing it with attention while he popped the button free and eased the zipper down. His mouth left hers again to meander down her neck. He dropped to his knees and gripped her jeans, tugging them down her hips. She kicked them away and was left standing in only a teeny black lace thong.

  Matt groaned, his fingers biting into her hips. “You are killing me, sweetheart.” His hands skirted around to caress her bottom. Jac’s hands clutched his shoulders for support.

  The sight of her sent all the blood in his body rushing to his groin. His fingers slid under her thong and slowly peeled it down her legs until she was completely naked. He fought for air. He had never seen such a stunning sight in his life.

  “You’re exquisite.” He kissed her one last time and then picked her up in his arms. She sighed, her hands pulling his face down for a kiss as he walked her to his bed. With one hand, he drew down the covers and placed her gently in the middle without breaking contact. He followed her down, wrapping his body around hers.

  She tugged her mouth free, dragging in air. He moved to his side and she sat up slowly, taking in the windows, the crackling fireplace, the beauty of the space. A bamboo paddle fan hung from the vaulted ceiling, causing the mosquito netting to shimmy as if blown by a sultry Mediterranean breeze. The only light came from the moon shining in the windows.

  “Welcome to my lair,” he murmured, sounding very much as if he intended to devour her.

  * * * *

  When Jac realized she was completely naked and Matt fully clothed with the drapes open, she inhaled sharply and drew the sheet over her breasts.

  He chuckled as he tugged at the covering and drew his lips down her neck. “Don’t worry. The windows are tinted. We can see out but no one can’t see inside.” He tried again to dislodge the sheet.

  “Matt, wait.”

  His fingers stilled, his eyes darting to hers. “I’ll stop if you want, sweetheart, but I may never recover.”

  She smiled and brushed his cheek with her fingertips, the other hand clutching the sheet between her breasts. “I don’t want you to stop. I just want to enjoy the surroundings…then I want you. Naked.”

  He growled and covered her mouth again. It took her several minutes to refocus. “You. Naked. Now.”

  She sat up, the sheet falling unforgotten around her waist, as her hands worked the shirt buttons. He tried to help but she slapped his meddling hands away.

  “My turn.” Flattening her palms on his chest, she parted the shirt to reveal a chiseled chest dusted with coarse, dark hair. She tangled her fingers in the hair, massaging the steely muscles beneath. His hands clamped on to her wrists, stopping her explorations. “I’m about thirty seconds from lift off and I want to be inside you when the shuttle leaves earth, if you know what I mean.”

  Her mouth split into a wide grin. She leaned close and whispered, “We wouldn’t want a premature…discharge, would we?”


  She nipped his bottom lip and ran her tongue along the inside, all the while her hands still resting against his chest. Catching him off guard, she pushed against him, tumbling him to the mattress. She swung a leg over his torso and straddled his hips, her breasts swaying provocatively. She had never felt this sexy, feminine, daring.

  He bucked his hips, the steel length of his erection pressing against her.

  Boldly she teased, “It’s time to bring the shuttle out to the launch pad.” She eased the button free and then struggled to drag the zipper down without causing an injury. He lifted his hips and she tugged jeans and his boxer briefs down at the same time, absently tossing the clothing aside, her gaze glued to his manhood.

  “That’s it.” He rolled on a condom. His fingers bit into her hips as he lifted her, slowly easing her down, allowing her body to adjust. A deep shuddering sigh escaped as she imbedded him fully within her welcoming warmth.

  He groaned, manipulating her hips to set a steady rhythm. He felt her tightening around him, his name on her lips. He waited until the final shudders rocked through her before flipping her to her back and pounding into her. Sweat coated his back from exertion and when her breathing quickened he ground out, “Come again, baby. Come with me.” He thrust into her once, twice and gritted out, “Now.”

  She closed her eyes and enjoyed his heavy body pinning her to the mattress. Finally he stirred and rolled to the side. She almost groaned from the loss. She did when he continued to roll right out of bed.

  Obviously she hadn’t rocked his world the way he had hers.

  He returned in a flash. The mattress dipped with his weight and then he was behind her, scooping her against his chest. One muscular arm wrapped around to anchor her to his body. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply at the overwhelming sense of rightness.

  He nuzzled her shoulder. “I have never made love to a woman in this bed,” he revealed. “I haven’t wanted to…until now.” Shifting position, his body covered hers and he made love to her again, slowly this time, reverently. She wished she could spend each night this way, for the rest of their lives.


  October 22

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to send Lauren away.”

  “Why not?” Matt shifted on the sofa, uncomfortable with all the hassle he was getting from everyone regarding his decision to send his daughter to his parents.

  “Because,” Luke explained, “this guy is crafty, slick. “If he decided to follow her instead of sticking around here, we wouldn’t be able to protect her.”

  Matt swallowed a lump of fear. Jac voiced the same concerns. He sought a solution that would keep her safe but still send her away. “I’ll book her ticket from Louisville or Cincinnati and make sure no one follows when I tak
e her to the airport.”

  “Matt, we don’t know what resources this guy has at his disposal,” Logan rationalized. “It’s possible that if he realizes she’s gone, he could track her down.”

  “I’ll get in touch with my parents and make sure they hire a guard.”

  Murphy jumped to his feet growling and ran to the door. His rumbling bark turned into excited whimpering as the door slammed shut. Lauren popped her head in the great room, Murphy dancing happily at her feet. All discussions abruptly ceased.

  “Hi all.” She gave a wide grin as she used both hands to scratch Murphy. Matt’s stomach pitched. He hated to be the one to wipe the beautiful smile from her face.

  Luke stood and stretched. “Would you look at the time.” He eyed the platinum watch strapped to his left wrist. We’d better be heading to the guest house… What in the world?”

  All gazes followed Luke’s to the hallway where Dan cowered behind a wall. Logan stalked over and yanked him by the arm out in the open.

  “What is this?” He flicked a bead hanging from a tiny braid. “Cornrows?” Dan smacked his hand away and Logan clamped on to his wrist. “And nail polish?”

  Dan flushed. “Can it, jerk.”

  “That’s no way for a lady to talk,” Logan mocked.

  Lauren marched forward and threaded her arm through Dan’s. “Kayla’s mom invited him in the house and he graciously allowed us to test hair styles and make-up on him.”

  “Make-up?” Logan repeated incredulously. “Braids, rouge, slumber parties.” He shook his head. “Come-on, sis,” he teased. “Let’s go.”

  A snickering Luke followed and Matt walked them out. “Good luck, buddy,” Luke offered sincerely. Matt shut the door and breathed deeply. He’d made difficult decisions before, faced daunting obstacles. Once, he had to choose between staying in the pocket or scrambling when three hundred pound linebacker Duke Ringo, the NFL’s leading quarterback sacker, barreled down on him with an evil laugh and a gold-toothed grin. Matt made the split second judgment to stay. He found an open receiver, threw a sixty-two yard touchdown and clinched his first Super Bowl and the hearts of millions of Knights fans around the country. Of course, as soon as he let the ball go, Duke had hammered him into the ground so hard Matt’s ears rang for days afterwards. But it had been worth it.


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