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Worth The Risk

Page 17

by Carly Marie

  At the last stop sign before my house, I finally gave up and undid my pants. “Fuck,” Mark whimpered beside me as he fumbled with his own button and fly.

  By the time I turned into my driveway, both of our cocks were exposed. The motion detector on the front of the garage kicked on when I pulled up, and precum on the tip of Mark’s dick glistened. I killed the engine as I licked my lips. When I looked at him, Mark’s dark brown eyes had almost disappeared behind wide pupils. I ran my finger over his slit and gathered the small amount of precum onto my finger, then brought it up to my mouth and licked it off.

  His head hit the window of my truck and his cock twitched.

  “Fuck it,” I hissed as I unbuckled my seat. I flipped over, across the seat of the cab, my legs curled under me so my denim-covered ass stuck up, and took his cock into my mouth without warning. I felt everything from his thighs to his stomach to his forearms clench in surprise before he brought one hand down on the back of my head and moved the other so it was skimming the skin that had been exposed when my shirt rode up.

  I bobbed up and down on his dick, pulling out every stop I could think of. We needed to get inside, but some of this sexual tension needed to be relieved first. I didn’t expect this to be the last orgasm of the night for either of us.

  “Fuck. Shit. Jeff.” Mark gasped above me, and his thighs shook with the effort to not buck into my mouth.

  I inhaled and buried him as far deep as I could. Mark’s finger slipped between my cheeks, barely grazing my hole, and a moan escaped from my throat. On a shout, Mark came into my mouth, and I struggled to keep up with the power of his release.

  Before his cock stopped pulsating in my mouth, the hand that had been playing with my hole snaked around me and grasped my cock. In three firm strokes, I exploded all over the seat of my truck, only to collapse onto it a moment later. “Thank fuck for leather,” I mumbled into Mark’s lap.

  We both lay there until the truck began to cool off from the chill outside and our cocks had softened enough to be tucked back in our pants. “Why is it that I’ve ended up with cum in or on my pants more in the last month than I ever have in my entire life?” I used a handful of napkins from the glove box to wipe up the cum on the seat. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be done about my pants.

  After a quick detour to the outside trash can, we hurried into the house and out of the blowing wind. “Let’s go to my room and get cleaned up.” There was a large soaking tub in my bathroom that would fit the two of us. It would be a tight fit, but we’d be comfortable.

  I laced our fingers together and headed up the steps toward the master bedroom. Mark followed me without question until I bent down and turned the water on in the tub. When I stood up again, Mark looked between me and the filling tub with curiosity. “A bath?”

  “Guilty pleasure.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him toward me. He hadn’t bothered with his belt or the zipper of his pants as we left the truck, so a simple flick of his button and his pants slid down his legs. I detoured on my way toward his sweater hem, and ran my hands over his chest and down his stomach. “I like purple on you.”

  Mark chuckled. “Thanks, but I think I would like both of us wearing far fewer clothes.” His fingers started to work at the buttons of my shirt as I gripped the hem of his sweater and began to pull it up. He popped the buttons on my shirt as quickly as he could, only breaking long enough for me to pull his shirt and sweater over his head. As soon as he was freed from them, his hands came back to pop the last three open.

  I wasn’t paying much attention to what Mark was doing to me as I focused my energy on stripping him bare. His underwear joined his pants around his ankles, and he stepped out of both as he worked on slipping my shirt off my arms. It fluttered to the floor at the same moment his fingers began working at the button of my jeans. Cool skin against my warm belly made me flinch, and goosebumps spread across my stomach.

  The cold fingers didn’t torture me for long because Mark pulled both my jeans and underwear down in one move. Thankfully, the bathroom was warm, and the water filling the tub was only making it warmer. Naked save for our socks, we both toed out of them in a hurry. In my haste to get into the tub, I got tangled in the clothes at my feet, then cursed under my breath and kicked them to the side.

  In that time, Mark had carefully double-checked the water temperature and turned the faucet off. He stepped into the tub, sliding so his back was against the side. When he seemed comfortable, I stepped in and began to sit between his legs. Mark lifted his legs slightly to give me enough room to settle in front of him. With my back pressed firmly against his chest, I allowed my head to rest on his shoulder.

  A gentle kiss was placed against my temple. “This is nice.” Mark’s words were barely above a whisper. “I’ve never shared a tub with anyone.”

  My eyes popped open, and if I hadn’t been so comfortable, or so afraid of tagging him in the balls with a sudden movement, I would have flipped around to face him. I settled on craning my neck around so I could look at him. “You’ve never been in the tub with someone?”

  I felt him shake his head slowly. “I mean, probably Carl when we were really little.”

  “And you just jumped in with me?”

  One shoulder lifted toward his ear. “It’s you. There’s nothing I’ve come up against that I wouldn’t want to share with you.”

  My heart seemed to skip a beat in my chest. I didn’t have words to express how much the statement meant to me, so I settled with turning my head enough that I could kiss his cheek. It was easy to lose track of time lying in his arms. At some point, soapy hands began running up and down my torso, and I cracked my eyes open enough to see Mark gently washing my body. After he’d washed my chest and arms, he pushed me forward slightly so he could provide the same attention to my back. While stroking his hands over my back, he pressed light kisses to the nape of my neck.

  For never sharing a tub, he seemed to be comfortable and confident with what we were doing.

  After what felt like both an eternity and not long enough, Mark pulled me back toward him. When his hand slipped between my legs, I wasn’t sure if he was cleaning my dick or trying to jerk me off in the tub. Either way, I was humping into his hand seconds later. Just when I thought I was going to cum again, his hand disappeared and he began to rinse my body off.

  My cock twitched under the water, begging for more attention and protesting the distinct lack of it. I adjusted myself slightly and felt Mark’s hard dick graze my crease. I drew in a sharp breath. “Fuck. Mark. Want you in me. Please.” I wasn’t normally one to beg, but I’d been brought to the brink by Mark’s careful attention to my body and I needed him, right then.

  He bit down on my shoulder, then sucked hard enough that there would be a bruise there the next day. “Out.” The word was growled, more of a command than request, and it was hot.

  I scrambled out of the tub as quickly as I could get my body to move, sloshing water over the side and soaking the floor. I glared at the soaked bathmat like it would dry itself, then kicked it to the side with the rest of our clothes. Fuck it. In its place, I tossed a towel so Mark could climb out.

  He grabbed another one off the shelf, quickly drying himself while I stood gaping at his naked body. As he toweled his thick cock, my eyes felt glued to it. “Like that?” His voice told me I’d been caught.

  My eyes snapped up to his, and I saw amusement dancing across his face. “Yeah. Yeah, I like that.”

  Mark reached behind him and swiped a towel off the shelf, then tossed it at me. “Dry yourself off. You’re going to freeze to death before I get to fuck you at this rate.”

  The nubby towel was nearly too much sensory overload against my skin. I fought shivers and goosebumps the entire time I dried off. After chills ran down my body a number of times, I decided that not dripping would constitute dry enough that evening.

  Instead of tying the towel around my waist, I draped it over my shoulder and hurried out of the bathr
oom to dive into my bed. I heard Mark’s laugh filtering through the bathroom.

  “Oh, that ass is mine,” he growled.

  “Bring it!” I called as I flopped back onto the bed to wait.



  Having Jeff distracting me in the bathroom was not helping me get my head on straight. So when he’d danced toward the door, his naked ass swaying back and forth, I’d encouraged him along. I had to calm myself down or I’d cum before we started anything. I had no idea a bath could be so damned erotic. Feeling Jeff flush against me, so relaxed he was damn near limp, had been perfect. Then as I’d started to wash him, the noises he’d made—whimpers, whines, and moans—had sent my need into overdrive.

  Those doubts that Dwayne had left me with so many years ago, the ones that he’d put there when he’d told me no one would take a gay doctor seriously, the ones that had said I was wrong for wanting to be able to go out with my boyfriend, were fading to nothing more than a distant memory. This felt so good. So natural. So right.

  I took a few more deep breaths and palmed my erection. Since I didn’t feel like I was going to explode at the touch, I relaxed.

  Jeff’s teasing voice filtered through from the bedroom. “Did you get lost?”

  I tossed the towel onto the counter and left the bathroom, shaking my head in amusement. “Impatient much?” Then I got a good look at Jeff splayed across the bed, the blanket tossed on the floor, towel and pillow under his ass, his hard cock jutting proudly toward his belly button. But what made me trip over my own feet were his legs spread apart and two fingers deep in his ass as he stretched himself open.

  His eyes rolled back and his breathing hitched for a moment before he found words again. “I seem to remember you telling me you were going to make my ass yours. So, yeah, I’m impatient.”

  If I hadn’t taken the few minutes to compose myself in the bathroom, I would have cum from the sight of Jeff alone. “Fuck me,” I breathed out.

  Jeff shook his head. “No, I believe it’s fuck me.”

  The sound of laughter filled the room, and it took me a brief second to realize it had come from me. I’d never been with someone who couldn’t seem to get enough of me. Sex hadn’t been boring, but it had always been a once-in-a-night thing. I hadn’t had two orgasms in a day in longer than I could remember, but I was ready to cum from looking at Jeff on the bed, and I’d cum not even an hour earlier. An hour wasn’t an impressive recovery time by any stretch of the imagination, but I was aroused enough throughout the bath that I could have cum forty minutes earlier had I let myself.

  I stalked to the bed, keeping an eye on Jeff. Just as I climbed in, he sank a third finger inside and let out a long hiss. His eyes pinched shut and he stilled, allowing his body to adjust to the extra digit. After a long pause, I saw his fingers wiggle around, and watched as his body relaxed.

  A bottle of lube and a condom were lying beside Jeff, a not-so-subtle hint about his expectations, even if I hadn’t known before. I swiped the lube off the bed and coated my fingers with it. “Can I?” Despite the excitement of getting to enter Jeff, uncertainty laced my voice. It had been a long time since I had prepped a man. Sex with Jeff already felt bigger and more important than it ever had with Dwayne, my feelings far deeper. It was important to me that I made this good for him.

  Jeff’s eyes fluttered open and he nodded. “Yes. Yes, please.” He slowly removed his fingers, biting his lip and whimpering at the loss. I didn’t give him much of a chance to miss the fullness as I slipped two fingers in. Jeff was looser than I’d expected, because despite my fingers being thicker than his, they slid in with no resistance. His body not only accepted me but practically swallowed me in.

  A deep moan filled the room. “Oh, fuck. So full.” He gripped the sheets at his sides, his teeth digging into his lower lip. After a second, his body no longer had a vice-like grip on my fingers, and I could finally rotate them around. Jeff’s cock rested against his belly, leaking a steady stream of precum while sweat beaded on his forehead. “Fuck me. Mark, please. Fuck me.”

  In the future, I’d take time to prep him more, but my fingers were moving easily within him by that point, and I wasn’t patient enough to wait. I removed them gently before bracing myself on either side of his body and leaning in for a kiss.

  I hadn’t intended to let it deepen, but as soon as our lips met, we were exploring each other’s mouths. We didn’t pull back until my hips began to rock against Jeff, the sensation of my cock dragging over his pulling a gasp from me. “Dammit, I’m gonna cum if we keep this up.”

  Jeff tossed his head from side to side. “No, no, no, no, no. Inside me. Get inside me first.”

  I sat back on my heels, gripped the condom packet in my hand, and went about sheathing my dick as quickly as possible. Jeff fisted his cock as he watched me roll the condom over my erection. After extra lube was added to the condom, I inched my knees forward so I was flush with Jeff’s ass and pushed his legs back farther to expose his hole. It fluttered as I lined myself up. Our eyes met and Jeff gave an almost imperceptible nod of encouragement. “I feel so empty,” he whined. “Need you in me. Now.”

  Jeff gripped his thighs and pulled back to allow me better access. I pushed in slowly, hearing Jeff hiss at the intrusion. Even with prep, I was stretching him. His ass hugged me tightly as I began to slowly rock in and out, inching my cock into him. After a few minutes, my balls rested against his ass. Jeff sighed when I was seated inside of him, and I could feel him moving around below me to find the most comfortable position.

  I’d forgotten how this felt. I hadn’t had penetrative sex in years, but having my dick hugged by a man’s tight channel was nothing like sex with a woman. And being inside Jeff was unlike any experience I’d had before. Nothing was rushed, both of us content—or at least as content as possible—to let our bodies adjust to one another. There was no need to hurry up, no worry about someone overhearing. For the time being, the only two people in the world that mattered were the two of us.

  Fully inside of him, I hesitated before I began to move. Sure, I was acquainting myself with his body, but I was also taking time to calm myself down. If I didn’t, it would be over before it started.

  Jeff’s hands let go of his thighs and grasped my forearms, his golden eyes finding mine. “I need you to move.” The words came out like a plea, and I moved my hips tentatively. I felt every contour of his body as I slowly pistoned my hips in and out. I had two decades of anatomy knowledge, and I could find a prostate with my fingers with almost no effort, but finding that walnut-sized gland inside of him with only my dick was proving more difficult than I’d originally expected.

  I adjusted my angle a few times, knowing I had to be close. After a number of thrusts, Jeff gasped, and I was pretty sure I’d at least delivered a glancing blow with the last thrust. I gripped under his ass, pulled him up onto my thighs, and pushed in again. That pulled a scream from the man below me, and I felt a sense of pride that I’d found my intended target.

  With each thrust in, it was easier to find, and after a few minutes, I was able to vary my angle to give Jeff more or less stimulation. Once I found a rhythm, we worked together, rocking back and forth, each giving the other something different. As I leaned forward to capture Jeff’s latest round of curses in my mouth, I knew we weren’t simply fucking. What could have easily been a fast, frenzied fuck after both of us had been keyed up for the better part of the last hour had slowed so we could learn more about the other.

  I was learning more about Jeff, from what he sounded like when I hit his sweet spot at just the right angle to the way his body came off the bed if I tweaked his nipples. He’d discovered that I liked when he nipped my pulse point, and we’d both learned that feeling his nails down my back and sides sent me dangerously close to the edge.

  Our orgasms built slowly, neither of us in a rush to finish. However, I was only human and eventually my orgasm became impossible to ignore. The need to cum had built to the p
oint that I was no longer happy just feeling Jeff’s channel around me, and I needed to know what he felt like when he came.

  I wrapped my hand around his cock and began to push into him rapidly. The grunts, groans, and gasps that escaped Jeff’s mouth had my orgasm building and my pace increasing. Then I felt Jeff’s dick swell in my hand and he screamed into the room. “Cumming. Oh fuck, Mark. Cumming.”

  Ropes of cum shot from his dick, filling the space between us, coating his chest and abs, and causing his ass to contract around me. The contractions were what I needed to finally find my release, and as his oversensitive dick twitched in my hand, my orgasm exploded out of me. The roar of relief I let out made Jeff’s seem quiet.

  The orgasm zapped any remaining energy from me, and I collapsed on top of Jeff, cum trapped between us. Yes, I’d have to get up soon to clean us off, but I couldn’t bring myself to care at the moment. As predicted, we did get cold, but it was Jeff who finally got up to get a washcloth for me after he’d cleaned himself up in the bathroom.



  Mark was right—his family was exhausting. And nosy. Very, very nosy. Elaine walked into the shop ten minutes before the end of lunch with her husband, Harold, right on her heels. I’d been slotted between Mark’s legs, our foreheads touching as we both recovered from powerful hand jobs. At least we’d gotten better over the weeks about not making a mess of our pants and had cleaned up and tucked ourselves away immediately. No sign anywhere of our lunchtime escapades.

  Thank fuck for small miracles.

  Elaine’s eyes darted from Mark, to me, to Mark, back to me, and to Mark again. Her mouth opened to say something, but Harold’s voice cut her off. “Well, I’ll be. Carl said this would happen!”

  Mark dropped his head on my shoulder with a groan. “Tell me I’m seeing things,” he practically pleaded.


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