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One Choice (Hogan Brother's Book 2)

Page 15

by KL Donn

  “Oh my God,” Hayes whispered, horrified at seeing Rocko in the ring instead of Tiny.

  “What’s going on?” Brett asked her confused.

  “That’s the wrong guy.”

  “What? How’s that the wrong guy?” Alyssa asked.

  “Tiny was supposed to be his opponent.” She was scared. Levi wasn’t prepared for this fighter yet. “Casper, you son of a bitch!” she screamed at him as he entered the ring to announce the fight.

  Her eyes were glued to where Levi would come out, and as he appeared, she knew the exact moment he saw who he was up against. His eyes narrowed, his body tensed, and his breathing picked up. He was pissed. And rightfully so. Casper had screwed him over.

  Looking around the ring, she hoped that Cam might be there. The fight started, and the opponent charged Levi like a raging bull. She cringed when the hit took both men to the mat. Rocko was on top of Levi, striking blow after blow against his kidneys and face. Wherever the punches connected, Levi struggled to protect himself. It was only another minute before the crowd started booing and cursing Rocko as they picked up on what was happening.

  Hayes could see Levi tiring and worried that he wasn’t going to walk out of the cage on his own two feet.

  “Come on, Levi! Kick his fucking ass!” Brett cheered beside her.

  Lys chimed in too. “Slay him, Knuckles!”

  Mustering up her own courage, she started shouting with them. “Take him out, Levi!”

  The big guy began tiring out and pulled back from Levi’s body by a fraction, and that was all he needed to get the upper hand. He swung high with a hit to the man’s temple, knocking him off his feet as he tried to stand. She watched in fascination as Levi retaliated in the same way that his opponent had come at him, only pinning him against the cage instead of the mat.

  His knee connected with Rocko’s thigh before he went in with a tornado of movement, hitting the man anywhere he could. When Casper started shouting for Rocko to attack, she saw the way Levi’s muscles rippled with rage. He assailed the fighter with every ounce of strength he had left in his body until one last shot to the head sent him careening to the ground with a thud and blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

  Levi stood, bent over the man, eyes trained on Casper with a deadly glare as he was declared the winner in an underdog match.

  Brett hoisted Hayes over the barricade, and she darted for the cage opening, intent on helping Levi out of the ring when Casper placed a hand on her arm to stop her.

  “I don’t fucking think so, bitch.” He snarled at her.

  She didn’t have to think about her reaction, she swung, hitting him straight in the mouth and knocking him on his ass. “You stupid son of a bitch. You’re gonna lose your best fighter, so you send in that pussy. Big fucking mistake.” Levi was right, she was starting to sound like him.

  Hayes could feel Levi at her back as she told the man off. His entire body curved over the top of her as one hand held her hip in a tight grip.

  “You and me, Casp, we’re done,” Levi said stepping over the fallen man. Levi guided them back to the locker room, slamming doors as he went. She could tell he was pissed.

  Watching as he pressed his hands to the wall, leaning forward, his breathing heavy and sporadic, she slowly approached him. He looked more like a caged animal than a man.

  “Levi.” She put her hand on his back as she slid under his arms to look at him. “Are you hurt?” His face was a mask of bruises and cuts. One eye was completely swollen shut. His chest was littered with bruising that she knew from experience would be muscle deep.

  “Fucking cocksucking son of a bitch cracked a rib.” His teeth were gritted so tightly together she feared he might crack them.

  “Let’s get you to a hospital.” Her words were muted as she spoke.

  “I knew he was up to something.” She could hear him getting angrier by the second. “I should have kicked his ass.” His hands clenched against the wall.

  “Levi, please.” She could see his strength waning the longer he stood there.

  “Fuck!” His fist reared back and shot straight into the wall a few inches from her head.

  Not for a second did she fear him. She feared his temper flying off the handle and him going after Casper. Maybe even Rocko. He wasn’t in any shape to be doing either.

  His breathing was labored as his gaze finally cleared, and he really looked at her. Wincing, he brought his body into hers, squishing her between his bulk and the wall. Caging her in his world. She was shocked when his arms wrapped around her neck and shoulders, holding her to him. All his pain and confusion emitted from every pore in his body as he shook, fighting to keep upright.

  Hayes’ own arms slid around his back, holding him as tightly as he did her. He seemed to wilt in her arms. She felt all the power from his mind and soul bleeding through into her. Helping him move back towards the bench, he sat while still holding her. Only his arms slid down to her waist as he buried his face in her chest.

  The creak of the door opening had him tensing up again. She saw her friends enter the room and rubbed her hands along his scalp, trying to soothe him. “Just Brett and Lys.”

  When his breathing turned shallow, she became more frightened about his condition. “His phone is in his locker. Grab it, please.” Hayes knew it was the time for his secret to come out.

  Lys handed the device to her. It was hard as hell to betray his trust, but she knew his family had to be told. Scrolling through his contacts, she hit the number for his older brother, Nox.

  It rang three times before anyone picked up. “Busy here, kid.” He sounded breathless.

  “Oh, umm, sorry,” she mumbled, embarrassed that she might have interrupted something.

  “Who’s this?”

  “Hayes, umm, Levi’s friend.” Could I be more awkward?

  “Think you’re more than a friend, Hayes. What’s up? You’re calling from Levi’s phone.” Worry started to bleed through his words.

  “He’s hurt. I need to take him to the hospital. I’m not sure I can do it on my own, though.” It physically hurt to break an unspoken promise she’d made to him.

  “Text me the address.” Nox hung up before she could agree. After sending him the information, she waited for what felt like forever. Levi didn’t move in that whole time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  There are no secrets that time does not heal.

  Lennox Hogan knew his brother was in deep shit. Had for months, but the stubborn son of a bitch wouldn’t budge on anything. When he’d started bringing Hayes around, Nox thought, for sure, she could have been a part of it. But after meeting the girl, it was easy to see she wasn’t and that his brother was struggling with some dark demons.

  Pulling up to a run-down warehouse, pounding music coming from inside, and dozens of cars scattering, he knew nothing he found out tonight was going to be good. Heading through a side door, he followed Hayes’ instructions to where they were.

  What he saw in the middle of the building shocked him. Surely, his little brother wasn’t fighting? And yet, it made sense. The bruises and cuts. Constantly being beaten up. All the secrecy the past few months. His darker demeanor. This was what Levi had been hiding from the family.

  Pounding on the door he figured had to be the one she described, a young guy built like a linebacker opened it. Hayes’ back was to him as he entered, and it wasn’t until he saw Levi’s grip on the back of her shirt and his head buried in her chest that he fully understood what was going on.

  “What happened?” He couldn’t help the snarl.

  Hayes had tears in her eyes as she told him. “Casper, his agent or whatever, he set him up.” Her breath caught on the last word.

  “Set him up, how?”

  “Levi told him he was done. He would finish the last three fights he was committed to, and that was it. He was supposed to fight Tiny!” Her agony, hurt, and worry had his temper rising. “He brought this new fighter by the gym on Wednesday. Rocko. He’s
huge, Lennox. Levi never should have fought him.”

  “Fuck.” He ran a hand down his face frustrated as fuck and ready to pound the hell out of this Casper guy. “So, what happened to this Tiny guy?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. Rocko was announced, and he beat the hell out of Levi.”

  “Did not.” Relief swamped him as Levi slowly turned his head.

  “He did,” Hayes insisted.


  “Got something to say?” He was pissed. And concerned. But mostly pissed.

  “How the fuck did you get here?” Levi’s words were slurred, and Nox knew he had a concussion at the very least.

  “How about we worry about getting you to the hospital.” He walked over and took hold of his brother while the linebacker from the door helped from his other side.

  “Hayes?” Levi’s voice was weak.

  “I’m here.” She walked into his brother’s view.

  “You call him?” She nodded. Fear of his brother’s anger was clear in her eyes and fidgeting hands. “Thanks.” She took a relieved breath as they helped Levi out to his car and headed to the hospital.

  Anxiety. Dread. Sorrow. Those emotions all floated through Hayes like a lazy boat on a river. Levi was suffering, and she couldn’t do a damn thing. Nox had gone with him to the exam room because of the stupid family only policy the hospital had in place, and the damn nurse wouldn’t budge.

  Sitting in the waiting room alone after sending Brett and Lys home, she couldn’t seem to quell the images flipping through her mind of Levi laying broken and battered on the bed when they’d rolled him away from her hours ago.

  Nox had opted not to tell their youngest brother or their mother yet, wanting to know what was wrong first. She had to respect that; it was his family after all. Didn’t make sitting on her hands any easier.

  All she could think about was the pain of losing Ryder and how she wouldn’t survive if Levi didn’t come out of this. A lot of people dismiss concussions as nothing serious, but she knew better than most that they could be deadly if not diagnosed and treated properly.

  It was the what-ifs that were playing with her mind. Not being by his side didn’t help any at all.

  Dawn broke the sky by the time Nox finally appeared with a glum look on his face. Terror paralyzed her as she was about to stand. Tears pooled in her eyes as he sat next to her. She couldn’t bring herself to say a word. Instead, waiting for him to speak.

  “Mild concussion. Two bruised ribs. Severe bruising to his torso and hands.” Nox’s words were solemn as he listed his brother’s injuries. “I’m trying to convince Levi to press charges against Casper for breach of contract and anything else that can be done. He’s refusing. I need you to convince him.”

  “Won’t he get in trouble, too? Because it’s an underground ring?” She wouldn’t push it if it meant he got charged as well.

  “Yes and no. From what Levi has told me, the warehouse is permitted for the fighting, and contracts were signed. Since he never technically bet money on anyone and he hasn’t received any of those profits, I’m not sure anything would happen to him.”

  “Is he mad at me?” Her words were barely above a whisper.

  Nox looked at her like she was insane. “Why would he be mad at you?”

  “I called you.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side as he spoke. “He’s pissed at himself for worrying you. That’s all.”

  Nodding her head, she asked him, “Can I go see him now?”

  “Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and dragged her to Levi’s room. “I’m going home to sleep. I’ll call Ma and Loch later, once he’s rested a bit. Make sure you call your folks as well.” He left before she could say a word.

  Looking down to her hands, Hayes took a deep breath before quietly opening the door. “Get in here,” was slurred as she walked through.

  “How’d you know it was me?” she asked softly, though a smile appeared on her face when she saw his eyes were alert. They no longer held that glassy tinge as when he’d left the ring the night before.

  “Sugar, I’d know your scent anywhere.” He took a deep breath, cringing as his chest tightened. “Sweet sugar and sunshine.”

  Walking over to him, she tried to sit in the chair next to his bed when he pulled her into him. “Levi,” she hissed, fearful he’d hurt himself.

  “Up here, sweetheart.” His mumbled words were followed by his arms opening in invitation to her. Doing as he asked, she climbed up beside him, careful not to rattle him. “I’m not made of glass, Hayes.” He grumbled until she was in a position he was happy with.

  “I’m sorry you didn’t get to tell your family, Levi.” It was eating at her that she had been the one to spill the beans.

  “Sshh. It’ll work out.”

  Nothing else was said as he fell asleep, and she followed soon after.

  “Levi Steven Hogan!” Startled awake at his mother’s words and the use of his full name, he cringed when his ribs pulled. “What were you thinking? Fighting! I can’t believe you!”

  “Ma. Tone it down, will ya?” Concussion or not, every time the nurses came in to wake him up, they always woke Hayes, too, and each time, she was looking more and more exhausted.

  “I will not, boy. Twice my size or not, I’ll still put you over my knee!”

  He snorted at her threat.

  Loch walked in eyeing him up and down. He knew his baby brother was about to give him shit also. “You could have told me, Lev.” His voice was low, hurt, making Levi feel worse than he had for keeping such a huge secret.

  “You guys wouldn’t have understood.”

  Loch’s eyes met his, and he had to admit that maybe the younger man would have.

  “It’s not about understanding, Levi. It’s about knowing what my children are up to.” His mother wasn’t paying attention to either of them as she continued her tirade.

  “I know, Ma.”

  She steamed right over him. “You made poor Hayes keep this secret, too, didn’t you?” Oh, she was pissed now.

  “No, Ma, I didn’t. Can we do this later?”

  A knock on the door came before she could answer him. “Hello.” The sound of Hayes’ father’s voice had him trying to sit up higher in the bed.

  “Sir,” he greeted.

  “How are you feeling, son?”

  “Knocked around.” He had a hard time looking the man in the eyes. Knowing he’d put Hayes in danger by allowing her to go to his fight would be unforgivable for any father. Him included.

  “She’s okay?” Eric asked him.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’re done now, right?” her mother, Andrea, asked him.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Putting a duffle bag on the vacant chair, she told him, “I know she’s going to want to stay with you while you recover. I expect you both to be at dinner on Friday night.” Andrea looked towards his mother. “Lorraine, you’re invited as well. Hayes’ graduation is on Sunday, and I think she’d like for you all to be there.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Levi said, looking down at the amazing woman in his arms.

  “We’ll all be there, Andrea.” His mother beamed at Hayes’ mom, as proud as any mother about the occasion. “Andrea, Eric, this is my youngest son Lochlan.”

  Loch nodded to them. “Sir, ma’am, a pleasure.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. You’re welcome to come to dinner as well,” Eric said. “We’ll leave you to rest now, Levi. Have Hayes give us a call tonight to check in if you will.”

  “You got it.”

  As Hayes’ parents left, he had a new appreciation for her and her family. They were slightly broken, but the love and caring they expressed were as strong as ever. The trust they gave her even knowing he was so much older than she was, and the world he was involved in, amazed him every day.

  “I’m glad you’re alright, Levi. I just wish you would have told me what was going on. Why yo
u felt the need to fight.” His mother looked sad as she moved Hayes’ bag and sat.

  “I’m sorry, Ma. I had a few demons to slay.” Looking back down at Hayes, he admitted to the new feelings he had been struggling with. “She made me see the light. She was what I was missing.”

  A sad look crossed his brother’s face, and he began to worry that Loch was going to lose the innocence he still hung on to without the girl he was chasing in his mind.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I know in my heart you belong with me.

  Levi was released from the hospital on Monday morning and home and in bed by lunch. Hayes hadn’t let him lift a finger to do anything, and when he tried to get her to cuddle with him, she’d told him his mother was coming by, and they were cooking his meals for the week because she had to go back to school on Tuesday for final grad prep. Whatever that meant.

  By Tuesday, he was restless and jonesing to get out of the house, so he skipped his pain meds in the morning and drove to the shop. Big mistake. Sophia’s sister Elianna was in rare form and driving everyone crazy all damn day. Especially Asher.

  “Stop being such a bitch, Eli!” was the first thing Levi heard as he stepped out of his car.

  “Then give me back my shit! Egotistical bastard! Can’t stand a woman being better than you at anything!” she shouted right back at the man.

  Levi stood off to the side and watched as they bickered back and forth, amused that they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, admit to the sexual tension between them both. He had a feeling that if either of them ever got their heads out of their asses, they’d see it and embrace it.

  “Maybe if you guys hopped in bed, the yelling would stop?” He tossed the idea at them. The looks on their faces had him laughing. A mixture of disgust and hope matched each other.

  “Shut up, Levi,” Eli snapped and stormed off. Asher shook his head and continued with what he’d been doing before she likely exploded on him.

  “Levi!” Sophia had called before he was through the front door.


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