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The Duke's Bride: Book 5 (The Clearbrooks)

Page 16

by Teresa McCarthy

  “Oh, Agatha,” Jane said, feeling pain wrap around her stomach.

  Agatha blinked in horror. “What is it?”

  Jane winced and bent over, clutching her belly. “It’s the baby. I think he’s coming.”

  Agatha gasped. “Well, confound it! How do you know it’s a he? Oh my! Get into bed! I will call for the doctor. Oh, where is that captain?” She twirled around. “This is too early, Jane. You will have to wait!” Her hands waved nervously in the air, and she dropped her parasol to the floor. “My, my, my, where are my smelling salts when I need them? Goodness gracious! Now, what was I supposed to do?”

  Half-smiling, Jane took a deep breath and made her way toward the bed. The poor lady was beside herself. “I have time, Agatha. Fetch Emily, and do not worry. I have only been having these pains for the last few hours. It’s just that now, they are ever so strong.”

  The lady’s gray eyes looked about two sizes larger than usual. “Me? Worried? Why would you say that? I am the most calm person in this place.” Her voice hitched up a notch. “And why did you not tell me about this hours ago when I came home?”

  Jane barely opened her mouth before Agatha hastened into the hall. “Emily!” the lady screamed. “Come quick! We have a dilemma on our hands!”

  Dilemma? Jane thought with a painful chuckle. King George, this was much more than a dilemma. This was a catastrophe. The babe was coming too early. At least, she thought it was.

  She clenched her teeth against the pain and sank into her pillow, trying to take deep, calming breaths. She would have this baby, and it would be healthy and well. She would marry Roderick, whether he wanted her or not. And that’s all there was to it!

  Agatha stuck her head back in the room. “There, there, Jane. I hear footsteps. It is only a matter of time. We will have the doctor here straight away. Have no worries. One of my servants has gone off to fetch Mrs. Hobbs too. One of them should be able to handle this.”

  “That would be a good idea about the doctor,” Jane said, smiling. “I may have said Mrs. Hobbs has helped many babies come into this world, but I meant she helped them get to that point. I do not believe the lady has ever delivered a baby herself, mind you.”

  “WHAT?” Agatha staggered into the room, her face white.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jane tried to keep calm when she saw that Agatha wasn’t handling the news about Mrs. Hobbs very well. In fact, Agatha wasn’t managing anything very well.

  “Dearest,” Jane continued calmly. “Mrs. Hobbs knows how to use Chinese herbs to keep a child growing inside the mama, but from my information, she has never helped deliver anyone else’s babe but her own. So at this point, I believe a doctor would be best for all of us.”

  Agatha’s hands fluttered about the room. “But I thought—”

  “Goodness, what is all the commotion?” Emily stepped into the room, eyeing Agatha’s distressed state.

  Agatha pointed to Jane. “There. Over there!”

  Emily frowned. Just then Gabby came running into the room. “What is it, Mama? Did Nigel jump on Aunt Jane and crush her?”

  Jane chuckled. “No. As you can see, I am all in one piece, Gabby.”

  Emily shot a knowing gaze Jane’s way. The countess’s brow went up in question. “The baby is coming then?”

  Jane pressed her lips together, shutting out the pain. “Perhaps…you could direct the doctor this way when he comes.”

  Emily yanked on the bell pull. “Anything else?”

  Jane looked at the little girl. “Ah, Gabby, do you mind taking Aunt Agatha downstairs and giving her a little tea party. I think she needs to calm down a bit.”

  Agatha seemed out of sorts, shifting her wide-eyed gaze from Jane’s stomach to the door. “Calm? I am calm! Why is that doctor taking so long?”

  Emily rolled her eyes at Jane.

  Jane smiled.

  Gabby looked up at Agatha’s flushed face. “She must have been running around too much,” the little girl said. “Her face is very red. Mama says tea makes me settle down.” She slipped her little hand into Agatha’s. “Come with me, Aunt Agatha. We are going to have a tea party.”

  Agatha went along with the girl without a word.

  Jane turned a firm gaze toward her friend. “You know about Roderick?”

  Emily’s shoulders sagged. “Agatha told me as soon as she came home. I wanted to tell you, but Agatha thought it best to wait.”

  Jane winced at the pain. “I wish everyone would stop treating me like a child.” She closed her eyes. “I think this baby wants to see the world sooner than later. You had best hurry with that doctor.”

  Emily sat beside Jane, holding her hand. “You will be fine. The doctor has been sent for.”

  Jane pressed her lips together as another wave of pain sliced through her. “I will have this baby. See if I don’t.”

  Emily smiled. “I know you will. You do not have to prove anything to me.”

  “If anything should happen,” Jane said, her free hand twisting about the sheets. “I want you to save the baby first.” She peered up at Emily “Do you understand?”

  Her friend frowned. “But—”

  Jane squeezed Emily’s hand. Clear blue eyes clashed with violet. “You are a mother, Em. You know exactly how I feel. Promise me. Promise! Take care of my baby!”

  “I promise,” Emily said, her voice cracking.

  Letting out a relieved breath, Jane let her head sink against her pillow, and she closed her eyes. “Thank you.”

  Hours later, in the drawing room, Nigel barked, knocking over the tea set. Gabby cried. Agatha blinked as if she had never seen the likes of anything so loud. Behind them, Richard wailed, and the nanny, an older lady with round cheeks and a happy disposition, bounced the toddler on her knee.

  “Ah, I see the troops are gathering.”

  Agatha lifted her head to the man entering the room. “Captain, you have come at a most inconvenient time.”

  The man lifted his dark brows in question. The lady’s usually neat hair stuck out on top of her head and behind her ears in such disarray, the captain could only grin. “I was in the village when one of my servants rode to meet me. They told me Mrs. Hobbs had been sent for because Jane’s headaches were quite dreadful.”

  Agatha huffed, trying to set her hair into some kind of order. “Well, goodness, having a baby is more than the megrims, my dear man.”

  The captain chuckled. “Only Mrs. Hobbs and I have knowledge about Jane’s delicate situation, and you know it. Your servants are quite dedicated to you, saying nothing about the lady’s condition to anyone, even when they walk into town. Megrims, I believe has been the word about my place.”

  Agatha’s lips twisted. “I see.”

  The captain smiled and began gathering the teapot and cups off the floor. He shook his head. Goodness, the lady was in quite a state.

  He fixed the tea set with the skill of the best parlor maid. Gabby immediately calmed down, and he smiled at her. He glanced back at the older woman and bit back a chuckle. Not much upset Miss Agatha Appleby, but obviously, the birthing of Jane’s baby rattled her nerves.

  “You know, James,” the lady said, catching his attention. “You are quite helpful when you want to be. Are you sure you are not in love with Jane?”

  Gabby’s eyes widened as she pretended to sip her tea.

  The captain scowled. “I am fond of her.”

  “Hmmm,” Agatha responded. “I think it is time you married.”


  “Married, my dear man.”

  The captain blinked and glanced at Gabby whose eyes were as big as the saucer she held. “My dear lady, that is not a subject I wish to discuss at this time.”

  Agatha raised her brow in Gabby’s direction. “Yes, I see your point. Another time then.”

  Blast it all, the captain thought. Marriage was the last thing he wanted to talk about with Miss Appleby. If she thought he should marry, she would see to it in an instant. The very notio
n sent a chill down his back.

  “I believe the doctor is in with Jane now, is he not?” the captain asked, trying to change the subject. “Mrs. Hobbs is here as well. Between those two, I believe we have nothing to worry about. And soon—”

  The wail of a baby pierced the air. The captain smiled. “Well, well.”

  Agatha froze. Gabby blinked and stared at the door. Richard stopped crying. Nigel lifted his head.

  The sound of footsteps sounded in the hall, and Emily appeared in the doorway. “We have a boy! A healthy baby boy!”

  “What about Jane?” Agatha asked, her hands shaking.

  Emily’s smile widened. “Mother and child are doing quite well.”

  Agatha started sobbing. She stood and grabbed the captain by his cravat, almost choking him. “We have done it! Your Mrs. Hobbs has saved my Jane and the baby. I owe you, Captain, more than I can say.”

  The captain looked over her shoulder at Emily and swallowed. “Ah, well, ah…I believe the doctor did help as well.” He coughed.

  Emily took a sobbing Agatha by the shoulders. “Agatha, dear, I think you need a little rest. This has all been too much for you.”

  Agatha nodded. “Yes, yes it has.” Emily smiled over her shoulder and took the lady from the room.

  The captain cleared his throat and adjusted his cravat. Devil take it. This entire baby thing was unnerving. And it wasn’t even his baby!

  Gabby tugged on his jacket. “Poor Aunt Agatha. She never had a baby before.”

  The captain couldn’t hold back his laughter. “I should say not.”

  Gabby tipped her head to stare at him. “Do you have babies?”

  The captain sobered. “No.”

  Gabby shrugged. “Well, I think you should. Agatha thinks you should get married. You would make a very good papa, I think. You know how to have nice tea parties.”

  He dropped to his knees to hand the girl another cup and saucer. “Well, thank you, Gabby.”

  She smiled, showing a gap between her front teeth. “You have a good papa laugh. Babies like laughing, you know.” She lowered her voice into a whisper and leaned toward him. “I heard Mama talking to Aunt Jane the other day.”

  His eyes lit with laughter. “Oh, you were listening when you weren’t supposed to?”

  She put her hands on her little hips. “Do you want me to tell you what I heard?”

  What he wanted to do was throw back his head and laugh, but he stifled his amusement and tried to look serious. “Listening to other people’s conversations—”

  “They are going to get you a baby!” she blurted.

  His head snapped to attention. “What?”

  The little girl put a finger to her lips. “Shhh. It’s a secret.”

  The captain stood and pulled at his jacket. “Is it indeed?”

  Gabby took her empty teacup and stuck out her little finger, pretending to sip the thin air. “I think they have a mama all picked out for you. But you are not supposed to know that.”

  A ripple of horror shot through him. He looked up at the smiling nanny and grimaced. Without another word, he marched toward the door.

  Gabby tugged on his jacket one more time.

  “What is it, Gabby?”

  She shrugged. “I think the lady’s name is Prunella. And she’s not too fat either. Just right Mama said.”

  “Prunella?” he exclaimed.

  Time was of the essence as he hurried across the room and out the door.

  Gabby ran after him, her small slippers thwacking against the floor. “But you must see the baby first! Come back! We can see him together! And then you can have one yourself! You don’t have to be afraid! Mama says babies are lots of fun!”

  The captain glanced over his shoulder. “My dear Gabby, forgive me, but I fear I have another appointment.”

  Gabby shoved out her lower lip. “You do not want to see the new baby?”

  The captain swallowed. Devil take it! This was getting more complicated by the minute. And where the devil was that nanny of hers?

  When he heard the girl whimper, he felt like a cad. Confound it! He could not leave her like this. “Oh, very well, I shall stay and see the new baby.”

  Gabby peeked up through wet lashes. “Babies are very nice.” She ran to him and slipped a soft hand into his. “You will see. I will stay right by you so you will not be afraid.”

  The captain stared down at the child and his heart warmed. “I think that might make me feel better.”

  The girl wiped a hand across her wet lids and nodded. “Babies make everyone feel better. Mama says that all the time.”

  They stood in the hall, listening to the sweet wails of the newborn.

  “Can you hear him?” Gabby whispered.

  He smiled. “Indeed, I can.”

  Gabby giggled. Wide innocent blue eyes peeked up at him. “I think he’s hungry.”

  The captain flushed. He did not want to converse with Gabby about babies and feedings. It was just not done.

  “Do you know,” he said, looking for a way out of this mess. “I believe this calls for a celebration. Perhaps we should ask Cook for a piece of cake.”

  Gabby jumped up and down. “Oh, I like celbations.”

  She tugged the captain in the direction of the kitchen.

  He smiled to himself as they walked hand in hand toward their food. Thank goodness he had set the little girl’s mind on something else.

  Women, he thought. They could be more trouble than Napoleon himself.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You are recovering quite nicely,” Jared said to Roderick. “I believe it’s time we journey back to our Motherland.”

  Roderick winced as he walked about the room. He let out a curse as he leaned to one side and pain rippled through him. He and Jared had rented a house on the outskirts of Paris where they still had access to the best doctors. Behind them, the sounds of horses’ hooves and chattering people seeped past the open windows. Roderick grimaced, wishing he were outside conversing with the locals instead of being cooped up in this little room.

  “Still hurts like the devil.”

  Jared chuckled. “Be thankful you can feel. Some never feel again after being shot.”

  Roderick’s head jerked up. “Thank you for that information. It makes me feel so much better.”

  Sweat beaded along Roderick’s brows as he rested against the bedpost to catch his breath. The aroma of fresh baked bread weaved its way to his nostrils, making his stomach growl. “I believe I shall be ready to leave this place as long as you can bring me a couple loaves of that bread.”

  Chuckling, Jared sat on the corner of the feather mattress. “Done. In fact, I think England will perk you up a bit. But you are not quite healed. You will still need help getting around.”

  Roderick’s eyes narrowed. “I shall be ready tomorrow. And I shan’t need a nursemaid. By Jove, I have been gone too long already.”

  He was thinking about Jane. His heart ached to hold her. He wondered what she was doing now? Would she take him back? Devil take it! She could not deny him. He had been with her for too many years. But what about James? Had the captain been with her all this time? Anger pumped through his veins at the very thought of it.

  “Are you going to woo Jane or just demand she wed you?”

  Roderick scowled. How could Jared know what he was thinking? “I don’t need to woo her,” he replied in a furious tone. “She’s mine.”

  Jared reclined on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. “That’s not what people are saying.”

  Roderick’s brows lifted in concern. “What do you mean by that?”

  Roderick had been told he could not write to Jane. He could not incriminate himself or Jared with anything on paper. The only communication had been between them and Whitehall, and that was only by speaking to another person, who then passed on the information.

  Jared sighed and tucked his hands behind his head. “Had no wish to mention this when you were recovering, but word from He
mmingly is that Captain Argyle has been seeing Jane. In fact, the man actually rented an estate that borders Agatha’s land.”

  “The devil you say!”

  Jared crossed his ankles. “Heard it from our contact with Whitehall. Just thought you should know. After all, you did save my hide.”

  Roderick clenched the bedpost. The twinkle in Jared’s eyes did nothing to comfort him. It only enraged him more. Jared may want Jane wed, but it certainly would not be to the captain.

  “You think this rather amusing, do you?” Roderick replied, fuming. “Well, I do not! Where is she now? Still at Hemmingly? It’s been almost two months? The thing is, with this illness, I don’t even know how long it’s been! But blast it all, it’s been too blasted long!”

  “Jane,” Jared offered, “is no longer at Hemmingly. As soon as Agatha received word our mission was complete, I believe Emily took the children and Jane somewhere else. The man I talked to was not quite clear on the specifics. If in London, they would be staying at my home and not yours. But then again, I did hear they might be staying at some cottage.”

  Roderick winced when he slapped the mattress. “Basically, you have no idea where they are, do you?”

  Jared’s brows knitted into a scowl. “Basically. But when we return, we shall find them. It’s not as if they are in hiding.”

  Roderick didn’t like the thought of Jane living somewhere other than Elbourne Hall. He would have to rectify the situation immediately upon his return. “I would like to choke the man who dated that marriage license incorrectly. I know I should be blaming myself too, but for the life of me, I never thought it was off by an entire year!”

  Jared mumbled something similar beneath his breath. A second later, he looked up, his eyes gleaming with mirth. “Oh, did you know you had a visitor? Came when you were sleeping this morning.”

  Roderick made a fist. “I do not fancy that contented look on your face. We are leaving Paris, and I have no wish to see anyone!”

  “Well,” Jared drawled, jumping off the bed. “Someone wants to see you. Believe she heard you were hurt while we were looking for land. You do recall that land we were to buy in France. Of course, the lady heard the story that someone thought you were a poacher and shot you in the back.” Jared’s eyes gleamed with amusement. “Rather ingenious tale, don’t you think?”


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