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Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 7

by Avery Gale

  Rissa knew he was referring to the fact that her friends always wore dresses or skirts to dinner at ShadowDance, and she’d heard them comment numerous times about not being allowed to wear panties and being required to sit with their legs spread wide apart with their feet hooked around the chair legs. One didn’t have to watch very closely to know their men enjoyed the benefits of their vulnerability every evening. She’d watched both Kat and Jenna freeze and then their eyes close as their lips compressed tightly together and their whole body shuddered in release. The most significant thing she’d noticed about all the Doms at ShadowDance was the fact they never went more than a few short minutes without touching their sub, and she’d always envied that close physical connection. She had often wondered what it would be like to have that kind of constant bond, that continual positive reinforcement of touch. Before the trauma of her kidnapping, she’d been a very tactile person, but afterward she had dreaded being touched by anyone. Mitch and Bryant had been the rare exception, but she still felt the old fears try to surface from time to time.

  Bryant knew she was seeing her friends’ obvious pleasure in her mind’s eye, and he could feel the shiver of realization as it raced up her spine. There was more in her thoughts, but he didn’t want to distract her by asking about it now. Rissa’s legs spread even farther apart as a natural response and caused both Bryant and Mitch to smile. Bryant ran his hand lightly along the inside of the thigh pressed against his abdomen. “Very good, sweetness, listen to your body because recognizes its Masters, and that makes both Master Mitch and me both very happy.”

  Mitch added, “Baby, you are gorgeous, and looking at your glistening pussy is making me so hard my cock is throbbing. As soon as we get these yo-yos taken care of, I’m sliding into you and fucking you for hours. We love touching you, and we’ll be happy to bring that joy back into your life.” He’d slid his chair over and was close enough to drag his fingers through her soaking folds, then he lifted his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. “You taste like sweet honey. We are going to have to lay you out on the table and feast on you, after we warm up your sweet ass for that little show of defiance in the hall of course.” He smiled at her gasp, and then returned to his work.

  Bryant didn’t say anything to her for long minutes, but just continued to tease her with callused fingers. They watched two people with snowsuits and face masks as they neared the area close to the cabin, and Rissa jumped when all of the sudden they were thrown backward and their rides continued without them until the lack of pressure on the throttle brought them to a stop. “Wow did they hit something at the same time?” Rissa wasn’t sure she would be able to concentrate on the answer with Bryant’s fingers lighting her up from the inside out, but she felt an obligation to at least try to participate in what was happening.

  Mitch chuckled as much at knowing how she was struggling to concentrate as at the comedy unfolding on the monitors. “Damn those two are having a great time out there. This is exactly what they live for.” At Rissa’s puzzled expression, he explained, “Ethan and Jamie have been itching for some action for a couple of months, this is right up their alley, and these intruders are pretty amateur or they would have at least gotten close without being detected.” Shaking his head, he zoomed in as the intruders were being cuffed and their masks removed. One of the others pulled out a device and appeared to snap pictures and then type furiously on the handheld device before loading the prisoners onto snowmobiles and disappearing again in to the woods. Almost instantly the images started loading on Mitch’s screen and he began working furiously on his keyboard, his fingers fairly flying over the keys.

  Bryant slid a finger just inside Rissa’s pussy, he knew she might be able to conceal a reaction on the outside, but it took a very well-practiced liar to suppress the body’s internal muscle contractions. “Sweetness, do you…” He didn’t even get the question out until he felt her internal muscles clamp down on him like a vise and saw her breathing become shallow. He watched the base of her throat as her pulse rate went wild. Looking at Mitch, he raised his brows. “Well, I don’t think there is much question that our woman knows at least one of these men.” He turned her face to meet his gaze, effectively breaking the connection to the pictures. “Tell us, pet. Who do you see?”

  Rissa was starting to see little black spots in her field of vision and didn’t even realize she was swaying until Bryant had removed his fingers from her pussy and grasped her in his firm hands framing her face so she was forced to look straight in to his eyes. “Breathe with me, pet, I know you practice yoga, so in through the nose for one, two, three and hold for one, two, three and out for one, two, three and again…” After a few cycles of cleansing breaths, Rissa’s focus seemed to return, and she nodded.

  “Yes, I recognize them both. One was the man who drugged me, and the other was the one who seemed to be in charge at the house where I was held.” She shuddered, and Bryant wrapped his arms around her.

  “You have done so well, we are so proud of your courage.” Bryant’s words were simple, but they warmed her from the inside out. “I’m sure they didn’t give you their real names so we’ll be using our resident genius’s facial recognition software to get those. So for now, we’ll be spending some time making sure you let that mind of yours take a break. See, that is one of the joys of being a submissive, you get to let go and just feel. You won’t have all those ‘I should have…I could have…I need to…’ thoughts cluttering up your consciousness. You get to turn all of that off and just let us lead you to peaks of pleasure that you never knew existed.”

  Rissa was so mesmerized by his words that she hadn’t even realized they had all three moved to the playroom’s oversized bed. They laid her in the center and opened the robe she was wearing so that it fell to her sides. Mitch lowered his lips to hers, and just before they touched, he whispered, “You are so fucking amazing, you are smart, brave, and so beautiful I can barely believe you are ours. And make no mistake, Rissa, you are ours, we’ll spend the rest of our lives reminding you exactly why surrendering your body and heart to us was the wisest decision you ever made.” And with that he proceeded to kiss her with what could only be seen as total oral seduction. She’d been kissed by men she considered good at setting the mood, but this was a whole new level of intensity. It seemed as if he was trying to draw her soul out to play, it was intense but not overpowering. When he finally let her go, he caressed the side of her face with a gentle touch that belied the fire in his eyes. “You bring a joy to our lives that is really beyond my ability to even describe, baby.”

  Mitch turned her toward Bryant who kissed her forehead and her eyelids before plundering her mouth. His kiss was so much more “in your face” bold that she was momentarily startled, but he was relentless. She hadn’t really considered that the two best friends would have such starkly different styles, but it seemed they both held separate keys to her deepest thoughts and desires, the very essence of her. When Bryant finally let her surface, she was practically vibrating with energy. “What’s going through your mind right this minute, sweetness?” When she hesitated, his voice took on a sharp edge of command. “Pet, I’ll remind you we are your Masters, you will answer every question asked of you immediately and with total honesty. Now, tell us what you were thinking.”

  “Oh, well, I was just thinking about…well…” She took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and then looked directly in his dark eyes. “I was just thinking that you have such different styles, yet it’s like you each have a different key to the same lock. You each have a different way to reach the very deepest depths of my soul.” Rissa noticed that Mitch moved closer to her immediately, and Bryant’s eyes softened.

  “Baby, you are the most amazing blessing; I can’t begin to tell you how much that means to me.” Mitch’s hands were stroking all around her bare breasts but missing her tightly peaked nipples that were begging for attention.

  Bryant looked at her for long seconds before adding, “Please alw
ays be as honest as you just were with us. I’m honored and humbled; you have no idea how much those words mean to us both.” They immediately began what could only be described as making love to her soul. Rissa hadn’t had any real firsthand sexual experience, but she wasn’t without basis of comparison after listening to her clients’ detailed descriptions of Ds play for the past year and a half. But this wasn’t anything she’d ever heard described or seen in a Ds relationship at ShadowDance or anyplace else.

  “I don’t understand…” At their curious expressions she said, “Oh, I’m sorry, am I supposed to ask permission to speak?” She really hadn’t thought about it, and she knew she was probably tromping all over the rules of the lifestyle they were introducing her to.

  Bryant was the more alpha of the two Doms, so he would take the lead when Rissa had questions. “Until you are more comfortable with scenes, we’ll make sure you know what protocol is required. We won’t ever punish you for breaking a rule you didn’t know about. Even though we are both Doms and I am deeper in the lifestyle than Mitch, we’ll all work together to establish the rules and parameters of our relationship. This will only work if we are totally honest with each other and trust each other completely. It is important to us that you feel free to ask your questions unless you are specifically told to not speak.”

  Mitch caught her chin with his fingers, turning her to face him. “Baby, we want this to work so we’re going to do everything we can to make sure it’s a positive learning experience for you. We’ll teach you with firm hands guided by love, never doubt how important your happiness is to us. We’ll have a lifetime to observe high protocol during specific scenes, but tonight? Tonight is about making sweet love to the woman who has taken over our hearts.” His eyes reflected the love he had just put into words, and Rissa was amazed that it didn’t scare her spitless. She had been convinced she wasn’t lovable to anyone anymore, that her time in that basement cage had siphoned something elemental out of her.

  It was obvious to Rissa they were finished talking. She could almost feel the energy in the room shift, and she knew that change was enough of an answer for now. They enveloped her and used their hands and mouths to set every square inch of her body on fire in a seduction that rocked her to the foundation of everything she thought she knew about herself. She’d known they could be tender, gentle lovers, but she had no idea they could touch her with such tenderness and in ways that made her believe in forever. It felt like a merging on a level of intimacy she had never even allowed herself to imagine let alone had the opportunity to experience.

  They worked together seamlessly to lead her to a place of pure pleasure; feeling their hands smooth over her skin lit up every nerve ending, it felt like electricity was arcing along the surface and then tunneling directly to her breasts, clit, and pussy. For just a moment she wondered how it was possible that a tongue tracing along the arch of her foot could send pulses of need to her nipples. She tried to track their movements and figure out who was where next to her because she wanted to make sure to give them equal time.

  Bryant saw Mitch lift his face from Rissa and tilt it to the side as he often did when he was working to hear the thoughts of the person near him, that was one of his friend’s very few tells. Mitch smiled and left the bed briefly to retrieve a silk blindfold from the lingerie chest at the other side of the room. “Baby, you are spending too much energy trying to keep score. It isn’t your job to make sure you treat us equally, that responsibility is solely ours. We don’t want you to ever feel guilty about spending time with us individually. As a matter of fact; we’ll be arranging that regularly. It will be important to us that you be open and honest with us about your needs. We are fully aware that we’ll be fulfilling different needs for you, and we’re looking forward to you getting to know us and exactly what we can do for you both individually and together. And for right now, I’d like to blindfold you so you’ll stop worrying and just let us lead you.” Mitch watched her closely, using every skill he’d ever learned as a Dom to make sure there was not a trace of apprehension in her expression. “Do you trust us, baby?”

  Rissa didn’t even hesitate. “Oh course…I trust you both…I want to overcome the past, and I know it’s going to take time and patience…but I…well, I really want to chase those horrible shadows out of my life, and I know I can’t do it alone.”

  Rissa took his breath away, Bryant was humbled to think the brave and beautiful woman lying between them had just given them the greatest gift a woman could give a man, her trust. When he finally spoke, he had to work around the lump of emotion that had lodged itself in his throat. “Your trust is a gift beyond measure, pet, and we’ll work the rest of our lives to make sure it’s a decision you never regret.” He knew his words weren’t the most eloquent, but they were spoken straight from his heart, and he hoped that carried his message through.

  As Mitch secured the silk over her eyes, he watched the pulse at the base of her neck speed up, but he wasn’t picking up any anxiety, only excitement. While they didn’t want her to be truly fearful, a bit of apprehension would heighten her senses and would only make the pleasure greater. There was so much about her body, and the pleasure it could feel, they wanted to show her. Smiling over at Bryant, they both smiled and fell easily in to well-practiced hand signals so Rissa wouldn’t be able to track them by their voices. They’d be talking to her, but they wanted to make sure she was so lost in sensation by the time they did that she wouldn’t be worrying about that “scoring” problem she’d been caught up in earlier. When Bryant set his mouth to her pussy, thrusting his tongue deep inside her without hesitation, he felt her muscles tighten over his tongue, and he flashed on the thought that he hadn’t ever wanted a woman as much as he did at this moment. Every single sexual experience he’d ever had was a small step leading him to this woman and this relationship. It was incredible to realize this was the woman he planned to spend the rest of his life with, and he could barely contain his excitement.

  As his best friend elicited sighs from their woman by using his magic mouth on her sex, Mitch drew her nipples in deep and pressed them against the roof of his mouth causing her to arch her back, giving him even greater access. She had a body that was as close to perfect as he’d ever known, she wasn’t stick thin, she had an amazing hourglass figure. It would be a pleasure to grip her generous hips as he fucked her tight ass, he could hardly wait to introduce her to that pleasure. He knew she was a virgin to ass play, so while he was anxious to feel her shatter as she experienced the orgasm he knew they could show her, he also knew she would have to be carefully prepared or it wouldn’t be a pleasant experience at all.

  Rissa could feel the fire building inside her, and everything they were doing to her was stoking the flames, but nothing was quite enough. “Please…I need…” was all she was able to get out before she sank back into a level of desire that seemed to block her ability to even think clearly let alone articulate those feelings. Holy Mother of God these guys are amazing, I’ll lose my mind if they keep this up. She could have sworn she felt Mitch’s lips curve in to a smile against her aching nipples, but right at this moment she couldn’t bring herself to care enough to question him.

  Bryant was torturing her pussy with his devil-blessed mouth and a tongue she decided was nothing if not purely magical. Even though she couldn’t see them, she had learned their touch and knew which man was where or at least she thought she did. She tumbled into a haze of pure lust, and then she realized that someone had moved, and she realized her legs were being spread and bent, and suddenly she felt the burning of stretching tissues as she was completely filled with a hot cock. She felt her vaginal muscles convulse and ripple and heard Bryant’s low growl. “Oh my fucking God, she is already rippling around me and milking me. I’ll never last if you don’t hold back darlin’.” She tried to still herself, both inside and out, but her body wasn’t listening to her mind.

  “I’m sorry…but I can’t seem to control it. I want you both, and my bod
y just pushes right past what my brain tries to dictate.” She could already feel the beginnings of an orgasm starting to flutter, she wanted to hold off. She knew she wasn’t supposed to come until they’d given her permission…Multiplication tables, yeah, that should work. She started doing mental math and thinking about old Mr. Van Meter her algebra teacher. She’d liked him, but he wasn’t sexy, that was for sure. Just as she thought she might be gaining ground of her control, Bryant shifted his hips and the angle of his thrusting so that he was hitting her sweet spot inside with every stroke, and she broke over the edge instantly, screaming her release, her muscles clamping down so hard Bryant was cursing and followed her almost immediately.

  Mitch watched as Rissa blew right past her own and Bryant’s control. He hadn’t ever known Bryant Davis to lose control of his release, hell the man’s restraint was legendary among Doms and subs alike at The Club. Hell, he’d seen him work over two subs restrained in stocks one night in the main playroom at ShadowDance, wringing multiple orgasms from both, of whom were experienced submissives before he’d allowed his own release. Knowing Rissa had been able to shake what everyone thought was his unshakeable mastery made Mitch smile and earned him the middle finger from his best friend. Mitch slid his mouth down so that his tongue was dipping in to her navel as Bryant slid his still semierect cock out of Rissa’s warmth. Mitch continued his sweet perusal while Bryant retrieved a soft, warm, wet cloth and gently cleaned Rissa and then himself.

  Rissa stiffened when she felt the moist cloth, but then remembered their earlier explanation that it was not only their responsibility, but also their pleasure to care for her. And while it seemed embarrassing to have him washing her so intimately, she didn’t want to insult him by pulling away or insisting she could do it herself either, so she just tried to relax and enjoy being coddled. Rissa could feel the air around her shifting and knew Mitch had moved so that he was lying alongside her, she couldn’t help but smile to herself. They were so sure she wouldn’t know who was who if she couldn’t see them, but she had already learned the differences in their touches and scents. As Mitch rolled her on to his chest he whispered in her ear, “So our sweet sub still knows who’s touching her, hmmm? Well, we’ll have to figure out some creative ways to limit your sensory perceptions of such things when we start playing in earnest.” When he felt her tense, he continued, “I’m just teasing you, baby, don’t worry, actually I’m glad that you are so in tune with us that you know us apart by our touch and scent already. That just proves you truly do belong to us both.” His hands were slowly tracing up and back down her back, almost like a sensual massage intended to ignite rather than relax. “Get up on your knees, baby, and put your sweet pussy over my cock. Ride me.”


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