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BBW ROMANCE: Forbidden Desires [BBW Menage Collection] (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories, Stepbrother Menage Threesome)

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by Hot Books Publishing


  “I would like to participate in this battle”, Julia said in earnest seriousness.

  David and Daniel both stopped their preparations and turned to look at her in bewilderment. Julia bit her lower lip, crossed her hands on top of her lap and quietly admitted, “Well, I know what the secret is.”

  David came closer to Julia, grabbed her arms and frantically asked, “What? What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

  Julia looked away as she explained, “I didn’t tell you. It has been happening to me since I was a little girl. I get these strange dreams. I always have dreamed about bears and werebears, those jackals, and a seed.”

  David and Daniel were both listening intently as Julia spoke. “What seed?” Daniel asked.

  “There’s a seed that needs to be buried in the soil on Kapura Island,” said Julia.

  “But what seed?! What are you talking about?” David asked, hurriedly.

  “There’s a legend, and maybe you don’t know it, but I do. If you ask me how I know that it is true, the only explanation I can give you is that it came in my dreams and my dreams cannot be untrue. They never have been, as I see now with the both of you before me. The seed’s roots lie in the destruction of evil. We can find the seed in Mount Showtock, I know the route. I have seen the way and have travelled it many times before in my dreams. Finding that particular seed and planting it on Kapura Island off of Mount Showtock will destroy all of the werejackals and they will never ever come to you or your clan for the rest of eternity. And one more thing… only a human can pluck the seed from the mountain. No werebear or any other creature can successfully pull it out from the wombs of the trees. I have to do it. I will do it. I will save your clan. I will save my family.”

  A tear fell from Julia’s eye as she said this. She knew how dangerous this journey was but she didn’t think twice about risking it all for the men, or the bears, whom she loved. Julia began to get emotional and tried to hide her tears, but broke down in the furry arms of David and Daniel, who hugged her and held her tightly. They could not believe that Julia held the secret their clan had been searching for through centuries. They wandered around the jungle as they discussed their plans for the journey ahead with the head of the clan. After a long and serious discussion, Julia was given permission to participate in the battle. She jumped up excitedly and gave a big bear hug to both of the werebears, and to the leader of the clan who had granted her the permission.

  Julia, David, and Daniel walked back to the cave together. It was almost morning and they needed to get some rest before the start of their journey and the battle that was to come the next day. The two bears slept with Julia nestled in between them. She woke up between two naked men. David and Daniel must have shifted back into humans during their sleep. Julia was turned on like she had never been before. Her juicy flower was throbbing with excitement as she began to caress Daniel’s hairy chest. She reached down between his muscular thighs and took hold of his shaft, she turned onto her back so that she could hold David’s too in her other hand. Both men grew hard at her touch and awoke to find this beautiful, naked woman rubbing both of them excitedly. David turned and positioned Julia’s voluptuous body on her knees over Daniel who was still on his back. David and held her from behind, rubbing her full bosom, while Daniel kissed her lips and held her curvy waist. They licked Julia’s body from front to back, from head to toe. David was in between Julia’s legs, rolling his tongue over her sweet flower and making her wetter than she had ever felt before. This was her first time with two men, and certainly her first time in reality with werebears. She was in such ecstasy she thought she could be dreaming. Daniel kneeled in front of her and thrust his big, hard shaft into her mouth. Julia gagged, sucked, licked him all over, and enjoyed the taste of his manhood. She kissed it as Daniel rubbed it all over her pretty face and full cheeks. From behind, David inserted his tongue inside Julia. He spread her legs and entered inside her and she moaned as she sucked Daniel harder.

  As David thrust from behind, Daniel entered inside of Julia from underneath her. Their moans turned into growls as both men thrust wildly inside Julia. She screamed and howled with them as they wildly ravished her full body and they gave wild thrusts inside of her from front and behind. David finished inside of her as Daniel kept going. He pulled Julia closer after David’s big finish and took her hard nipple in his mouth as he continued to ravish her from the front. Julia was overwhelmed with ecstasy and howled so loudly that the entire forest could hear as she climaxed. Daniel took out his throbbing shaft and rubbed it against Julia’s cheek before he exploded all over her pretty face. Exhausted after their wild romp, the three of them slept again for a couple of hours longer.

  The sun was shining outside when someone entered the cave and announced that the Jackal gang was moving in quickly. Julia, David, and Daniel pulled on their clothing in a hurry and rushed outside. “First things first,” thought Julia. “Let’s go!” She exclaimed, as she grabbed the two men by the hands and began to run. The huge clan of werebears were prepared to battle the werejackals until Julia, David, and Daniel could plant the seed on Kapura Island. They were many in number, and had enough strength to fend off 50 werejackal clans.

  Daniel, David, and Julia ran about ten miles to Mount Showtock. Julia had no trouble finding the seed with the help of her werebears. She gently plucked the seed from the womb of the tree and kept it safe as they descended upon Kapura Island. Julia followed the traces of her dreams and found the exact location where she knew the seed had to be planted. She buried it deep in the sand and the three of them ran back in hopes that the planting of the seed was successful in finally warding off the werejackals forever.

  As they got closer to the caves, David and Daniel could hear the victorious cries of their fellow clan members. They arrived to see that the werebears had built a huge bonfire and were dancing all around in celebration. Julia was greeted with shouts of joy and appreciation and many big bear hugs. She was a part of the werebear clan now. The three of them were hailed as heroes. They sat around the fire all night as the werebears told the tales of the battle. They had not lost a single member of their clan. They had fought valiantly as they waited for the planting of the seed. They told in excitement how the werejackals had simply vanished the moment the seed had been planted on Kapura Island. The dreams of their ancestors from generations past had finally been realized. Julia had saved the werebear clan.

  Though she could not shift into a werebear herself, Julia held the secrets of the clan and was welcomed into their family with open arms. She gave up that lonely house where David had left her alone and confused. She started a new life among her new family, living with David and Daniel in their cave. She bore them many healthy werebear babies who grew up to possess both the ability to shift as well as the secrets of the clan.

  The werebears were sympathetic to Julia and her cubs. They knew of the worldly life she had been used to and had given up for the good of the clan. In her honor, they constructed a mansion situated above the caves where Julia could live with all of her little werebear cubs who played together every evening inside of the compound. The entire clan lived in harmony and never saw another werejackal again.


  My Stepbrother’s Secret

  Stepbrother Romance

  Part 1


  CHAPTER ONE - In the Gallery

  I still don't know exactly what happened, so I think I'll write it all down to try and piece together how I got here. It all started one day while I was at work…

  I walked away from my job at the art studio with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I had a hard time figuring out exactly what I was feeling and why. I felt both elated and like I wanted to break down in tears. The reason for all this inner turmoil? I had just seen my step brother, Justin, for the first time in over a year. I avoid him as much as possible, but sometimes my father insists that we all do something together "as a family," even though
we aren't even really related and my dad married his mom when we were already basically adults. I do my best to excuse myself from these family events, but things like Christmas are unfortunately unavoidable. I always come for the minimum time possible and make an excuse to leave early. It isn't that I don't like my family, they're great people who make me laugh and love me. And Justin... Well, he isn't exactly what you'd call nice, I guess. But that’s not why I don’t like to be around him. He is successful and sexy as hell, and he knows it. He has a certain magnitude, despite the fact that he's kind of, how to put it nicely? An asshole. And here's where my secret comes in: despite the fact that he's such a grade A jerk, I've had a major crush on him ever since his mom married my dad ten years ago. Just seeing him made me wet, even if he didn’t say anything but mean things to me. Even if he didn’t so much as look at me. Seeing Justin always turned me into a big old mess. I was eighteen at the time, and always expected it to go away, taking it for a teenage crush. He was a little bit older, dripped confidence, and would hardly even look at me, unless it was to give me a disapproving look and shoot a snide comment about my outfit or my school decisions. Something about him being forbidden and kind of mean really got my juices boiling. Needless to say, he was the star of a lot of my teenage girl fantasies. Still just thinking about him basically makes my panties fall to my ankles. As I got older, the crush didn’t go away. If anything, it strengthened with time. As much as I try to avoid seeing or thinking about Justin, when I do I want him just as badly as ever.

  Okay, so getting to what actually happened. I work at a little art studio in downtown Portland. It's not really a career, but I love spending my days talking about great art with people who love it as much as I do. Someday, I hope I can sell my own stuff. But I don't know if I'm good enough. Anyways, I guess Justin just moved into a new place and wanted some new art for it, and that’s why he came to the studio that afternoon.

  When he walked in, I must've been a sight to see. I'm sure my skin went completely white. My stomach dropped and for a minute I couldn't breathe. For a second, I thought maybe he had come to see me. I had to grab the counter with both hands to keep myself from falling over. My artistic mind had about ten seconds to invent all sorts of scenarios in which he had come looking for me, to tell me that he had feelings for me, to take me in his arms and kiss me. Dammit. It was exactly the same as when I was 18. I should've been spending those thirty seconds mentally preparing myself, but as it was he managed to catch me off guard, saying "Ellie? I didn't realize you worked here. Still no real job, huh?" He joked, winking and flashing me his super-model grin. God, he is such a jerk. I didn't even know how to respond to that.

  "Oh, hey Justin. It's been awhile. How's it going?" I tried to keep me voice calm, and wondered if he could hear the slight tremors in it.

  "Good, good," he responded, "I just moved to a new place and thought I'd spruce it up with some art. Can I ask your opinion?"

  This was seriously so surreal. Justin, asking for my advice? Treating me like a real adult? "For sure, what did you have in mind?" I responded, trying to keep my raging emotions in check.

  An hour later, we had picked Justin out some great contemporary pieces for his new loft. We spent the time making jokes about our family, discussing art, and discovering we both shared a love for good beer as well as hiking, among other things. It was probably the most we had ever talked, Justin and I, and it made me feel all tingly to realize how much we had in common. To me he had always kind of represented more of an idea than an actual person, and now he seemed so much more real. Maybe I was the same for him.

  "This was surprisingly fun, Ellie," he said, playfully swatting at my shoulder, "you should come over for a beer and help me decide where to hang them."

  Oh my god oh my god oh my god. Had Justin just invited me to his place? After being so calm and cool throughout the entire encounter, I felt my face turning red, "y-yeah, that would be great," I responded, trying not to sound too excited by the possibility.

  "Cool. See you around, sis." And he was gone.

  I continued walking, so lost in remembering the afternoon that I almost missed my street. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way Justin smiled at me like we shared a secret, the way his dimples accentuated his perfectly shaped face, the way sometimes a lock of his deep brown hair would fall in front of his eyes, and how he would smooth it back just for it to fall again. And, above all, I thought about how he made my heart pound. Still, after all this time. No one had ever made me feel like that before. That last thought brought me back to the real world, and I remembered that in the real world I was late for drinks.

  Chapter 2 - Goodbyes

  I walked into the bar and saw him waiting for me at the back. Cute, sweet, good to me Henry. He hadn't seen me yet, so I took a moment to just look at him. He has strawberry blonde hair, a face covered in freckles, and a serious expression on his face. His brow was furrowed over his current book - something by Murakami - and he looked like he was in a different world entirely. Henry and I had been friends for a couple of years when he finally asked me out. That was a couple of months ago. I had reluctantly agreed, and things had been pretty good between us since. What got along so well, and already spent a good deal of our time together. At first it was weird to kiss him, and there weren’t exactly fireworks in the bedroom, but spending Sunday mornings cuddled in his arms were pretty damn nice. But after seeing Justin today, I knew that being with Henry wasn’t fair to either of us. What came next was not going to be pleasant.

  I went to the bar and grabbed us two beers, and plopped them down on the table in front of him. He looked up from his book with that other-worldly, confused look people get when they are rudely reminded that the real-world exists.

  “Hey, El,” he inclined his face to me for a kiss. I pecked him on the lips and sat down on the adjacent bar school, already filed with guilt. I hated to hurt someone I loved and admired so much. He gave me an inquisitive look, “you look like you’ve seen a ghost or something. Is everything alright?”

  I sighed. Time to band-aid this thing. “H. This isn’t working. Us. We don’t work. I feel like… like you’re my brother or something,” I paused as my words made me cringe. Maybe not the best way of explaining my non-amorous feelings for someone... “I love you, but I don’t feel like I can love you love you, you know?” Henry and I had always been brutally honest with one another, so at least we had that going for us.

  He just looked at me for a long time. His green eyes seemed concerned, but not necessarily heart broken. I really hoped he wasn’t going to cry. He seemed to be deep in thought for a while and finally responded, “you know, I think I’ve been feeling the same way, I think we’re much better as friends.”

  I gave him a look of disbelief. I have to admit that it stung a little bit, in the way it stung in high school to learn someone who used to have a crush on you was now into someone else, in a ridiculous, selfish way. But at the same time I felt like a rain-cloud had been following me around recently and that it had finally lifted. I let out a little laugh. “God, H, we are ridiculous.”

  We talked about it a little more. We both said that we were a bit disappointed, and that we had really wanted it to work between us. But that it was okay. We both said we didn’t think we would have any problems going back to how it was before, that we could just go back to being close friends. After half an hour, it was like we had never dated. I felt like I was seeing an old friend for the first time after a long separation. I almost wanted to tell him about Justin, I felt like he would understand. But I decided against it. It was strange, though. We always told each other everything, even before dating.

  Henry had a weird way of almost reading my mind sometimes, “Hey El, I promise I won’t be mad, but is there something else? I swear you looked so weird when you sat down. And why is this all coming now?”

  “I can’t lie to you, H, there kind of is. Nothing has happened at all. But I actually ran into someone I used to have a huge crush on,
and it reminded me what real passion feels like. I’m sorry, is that too harsh?”

  Henry chortled, “Nah, it’s not a big deal. Things with us were never super fiery. Anyone I know?”

  I didn’t want to give him too many details, especially with his uncanny ability to see what I was thinking, so I tried to choose my next words wisely. “Um, kinda. But I’m not really ready to tell you about it just yet. Maybe another time.”

  He gave me a wink and agreed that I would tell him about it over a beer some other time. We talked for another half hour or so and went our separate ways.

  Chapter 3 - Late Night Messages

  “How about coming over tonight to help me with those prints? It’s been awhile since we caught up ;)”

  I read the message over and over. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop thinking about that little winky face, or looking at the name “Justin Lapare” at the top of my screen, a name that almost never showed up as trying to contact me on my phone. He had sent the message five minutes ago, and I was stuck frozen there, unable to think or do anything but just stare and think. What did that winky face mean? I mean, everyone knows what a winky face means, right? Isn’t that clear, unabashed flirting? My fingers quivered over the screen and I finally responded: “sure, sounds good. I’ll bring some beers for the occasion!” But was the exclamation point too much? Too eager? Normally I would go to Henry with this kind of question, but this felt obviously inappropriate. I didn’t want to ask my girlfriends or my mom, either, because they would ask for more details. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and pressed send. It had been exactly seven minutes since he first contacted me. I didn’t even have time to wonder if I had responded too quickly, as my phone buzzed almost immediately, informing me that I had a new message. It was from him. “Great, see you soon.” And his address. It was 10:30, and I was headed to my step brother’s house for, what, exactly? Just to help him out, I thought to myself. Nothing weird about a sister going to help her brother with hanging up some paintings, right? It’s not like there was any kind of curfew for such a thing. They were working adults, who were busy during the day. Nothing was weird about what was going on at all.


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