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BBW ROMANCE: Forbidden Desires [BBW Menage Collection] (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories, Stepbrother Menage Threesome)

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by Hot Books Publishing

  As I approached, I heard what sounded like a familiar voice. I knew it was just my imagination, as I heard and saw Justin everywhere I went. Just wishful thinking that our relationship was possible and that he was here with me. But my goodness, it did sound just like him. Once at the edge of the campsite, I could no longer deny my ears. Or my eyes. Standing just twenty feet in front of me was Justin. Just as handsome as ever, his skin more tanned than the last time we had seen each other. I immediately regretted driving here with my dad, I was officially stuck. I felt frozen; I didn’t know if I should turn around and immediately hitch-hike back to Portland, or if I should bite the bullet and try to handle it. Before I could make the decision myself, my dad saw me.

  “Ells! You’ll never believe who surprised us! Come on over and say hi.”

  I walked over as slowly as humanely possible without seeming too weird. “Hey, Justin. That’s nice you could make it in the end.” Those 10 words were the hardest thing I’ve ever had to make come out of my mouth while keeping my cool. Inside, I wanted to die. It hurt so badly to see him.

  “Nice to see you, Ellie. It’s been too long,” He approached me and I tensed. I wanted to drop dead right then. He gave me a side-hug. It was the most brotherly thing in the world, and yet it made me feel like I was about to catch on fire. I found myself once again wanting to both burst into tears and jump his bones at the same time.

  “Want a hot-dog, Ellie?” My step-mom cut in, “they’re ready,” she said, extending her arm with a plate of food towards me.

  “You know, I’ve had a long week and I think all of that sun got to me. I don’t feel so great, but I think just a good night’s sleep will do the trick. Sorry to be a party pooper,” I said all this while slowly backing towards my tent, and brushing off everyone’s expressions of concern. Thankfully, I had a tent all to myself. I waved goodnight to everyone and zipped myself inside.

  Chapter 4 - Time for a Swim

  Of course I didn’t sleep that night. I stayed up all night listening to the sounds of everyone enjoying a good time, and the sounds of all my family and friends getting progressively drunker. Good, I thought, I can have the morning to myself. I stayed up into the late hours of the night, alternatively trying to read and trying to not think about the fact that I was stuck with Justin for the next week. I kept breaking into bouts of silent tears. Exhausted from so much crying, I finally dozed off to sleep.

  A few short hours later, I woke up when the first rays of the sun entered my tent.

  I decided that a cold dip in the river would refresh me, and maybe make my puffy eyes a little less so, so I donned my bikini, grabbed a towel, and made my way out of camp. Just a little ways up the river there was a little cove, a place that had long been my favorite secret swimming hole and place to think. It was for the most part hidden by trees, but it got its fair share of sun and was hidden to all but the most observant. Sometimes while I was in the city I would even think about it, closing my eyes and envisioning the clear, cold water and imagining that I was there instead. I put down my towel, peeled off my sun-dress, and looked around. It was just before six, and I was sure no one would be around for a good hour or two. I decided to let myself bathe nude, hoping that the river water would maybe heal my inner wounds just a little bit. I untied my bikini top, slipped out of my bottoms, and laid them on top of my towel. I walked up to a rock just about fifteen feet above the water, and took a swan-dive into the swimming hole. I dived deep, using my momentum from the dive to swim into the depths of the profound little pool. I emerged, already feeling more clear.

  The cold shock was amazing. I could not think of anything besides the frigid water that was touching every inch of my person. I treaded water, then floated on my back, my eyes closed. I was still freezing, but could not imagine getting out of the water just yet. I slowly opened my eyes, and as my vision came into focus, I saw him. Somehow, I was not the least bit surprised. He was standing up on the same rock I had jumped from just five minutes earlier, and he too was entirely nude. Somehow, I didn’t feel anxious. The water had calmed me, and I knew that everything would work out fine. I continued treading water as Justin, who seemed not to see me, gracefully dived into the pool. He surfaced, and threw back his hair, the drops flinging off of it and hitting my face. He looked at me and broke out into a huge grin.

  “Time for a morning swim, huh?”

  I looked straight into his blue eyes, which now matched the color of the water around us. I wasn’t nervous, but someone I couldn’t say anything. He gave him a little bit of a smile, and gave him an inquisitive look.

  “Look, Ellie,” he said, his voice trembling, I don’t know if it was from the cold or from nerves, “I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry I came here. I’m sorry I told our parents that I wasn’t, but I knew you would never show up if you believed I would be here. I couldn’t stand the thought of not ever seeing you again. I’m sorry I followed you here, but when I heard you open your tent this morning I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to talk. I just wanted to know why. I’ve been going crazy these past few months, you can’t imagine. I’ve been so sad. I’ve been so confused. I don’t understand what happened that night and… and… the worst part is, ever since you didn’t answer that first call the morning after, I’ve been sure of something. I’ve been sure that I’m completely, one hundred percent in love with you, and there’s been nothing I could do about it.” His eyes had started to fill with tears about halfway through his little speech, and mine were doing the same. He was so sincere, so genuine, but I still couldn’t bring myself to open my mouth.

  “Please,” he said, “say something.”

  Here was the reason I hadn’t reached out to him after so many months, I knew when the moment came, I would melt. I had no self-control left. I swam two strokes to be next to him, took his face in my hands, and firmly kissed him. At first he was adorably surprised, but he quickly caught on and kissed me back. I wrapped my legs around him, letting him keep us both afloat and we continued to kiss each other. It was like no time had passed at all. I pulled back and we both laughed.

  “I’m freezing,” I said, “should we get out? Maybe put some clothes on?” I said, freeing him from my leg-lock.

  “Race you to the edge!” He said, and swam away.

  We got out of the water and dried off with my towel. Still naked, I walked up behind him and encircled him in my arms. I placed my head on his shoulder, which I noticed for the first time was covered in a large tattoo of fir tree silhouettes. I traced it with my fingers. “I love this,” I said, pressing my lips to the outlines. Justin turned around and held me at arm’s distance. “Ellie, let’s put our clothes on. I think we need to talk.”

  We both redressed ourselves and sat with the water lapping at our feet. I felt a little bit apprehensive, not knowing how I was going to answer the questions that he had every right to ask of me.

  “What happened, Ellie? I’ve been in emotional turmoil for the past three months.”

  “I guess I just freaked out. It seemed like we could never be together, like our parents would hate it and… and it all seems so silly now. Who cares what they think? We aren’t doing anything wrong. It’s not like we are actually related.” Justin looked over and smiled at her. He scooted closer and put his hand on her thigh. “I feel exactly the same way, Ells. What do you say we try this thing for real?”

  In response, I leaned over and kissed him again. He took me in his arms, and snaked a hand under my dress. He found my underwear and slithered them off. I took the opportunity of his hands being busy to free him of his cargo shorts. We both stepped out of our undergarments, and started kissing in earnest. I took his ear in my mouth, gently sucking on his lobe until he sighed with pleasure. I took his member in my other hand, and started massaging it. At first slowly, then with more intensity. “Ellie,” he sighed, “I need you. Now.” He grabbed my leg and lifted it up, placing it on a rock near us. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my neck and my breasts, filling me with
fire, as he used one hand to guide his thick cock inside of me. We moved together for a while like that, before he picked me up, just like that night months ago, and placed me on a sun-soaked flat rock.

  “I want to taste you,” he told me, pushing himself off me and making his way for my vagina. I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up to kiss me. “Not so fast,” I answered, going up on my knees and pushing him down onto his back. “I want to taste you, too,” with that I straddled his face and began sucking him off. It was difficult at first, he was so skilled with his tongue that it distracted me. I thought at first that I was going to come instantly, it felt so good. But I held on, and tried to focus on my task. I wrapped my fingers around his cock, working them up and down, as I let my mouth focus on the tip. I heard him groan with pleasure as I did so. He slid two fingers into my pulsating vagina, and that was just about it for me. “Oh, Justin,” I sighed and let myself ride the waves of pleasure that he was giving me. I somehow continued to suck his dick, and realized that he, too, had reached his limit. I wrapped my lips tightly around his cock and welcome the stream of pure pleasure that was entering my mouth.

  Chapter 5 - Announcement

  I swallowed, and rolled off of him. His head was at my feet and vice versa. We reached out for one another’s hand, and held tight for a good long time before finally both sitting up. He leaned in, kissed me, and reached for his shorts. I also donned my bikini bottoms, and the two of us stood up to go. We both paused, realizing that we didn’t really have anywhere to go. We had not yet decided exactly what we were going to do about our delicate situation. Did we go back to the campsite? Together? Did we hold hands? Did we tell our parents, our keep it a secret for a while longer?

  Finally, Justin spoke what we were both thinking, “so… now what?”

  “I don’t know,” I responded, honestly. I didn’t know if I should suggest telling our parents now, or if that seemed like too big a vote of confidence for our budding relationship. The thought scared me, both to make such a commitment and to open ourselves up to the disdain of our parents. And part of me wanted to keep what we had just between the two of us for a while.

  “I love you, Ellie, and I have a feeling I’m going to love you for a long time. Let’s go back to the campsite and tell our parents what we mean to each other. Okay?”

  My heart lept. I had almost forgotten that he had said those three little words to me earlier in the day.

  “Okay. Let’s go,” I said. “And Justin?”


  “I love you, too.”


  Given to the Alpha Bears

  (New Adult BBW shapeshifter Romance)

  Chapter One: Wake Up Call

  They watched her sleep.

  For Logan, it was one of the first times he’d ever taken such an indulgence. He’d lain with a fair few women in his life, and learned that staying past daybreak usually meant a fair number of complications. Aiden, he knew, was nicer. He might stay until his partner actually woke up and then use his silver tongue to wiggle his way out of trouble – both literally and metaphorically.

  Now, Logan didn’t think the apocalypse could have moved him from his mate’s side.

  Of course, she wasn’t officially their mate yet, but Logan was confident they could convince her to accept them in all their…strangeness.

  He gazed down at the goddess lying between Aiden and himself. True, they had only just gotten to sleep a few hours ago, but already, he was awake again, his body humming with her nearness. She was truly a vision, lying on her side in the middle of the bed, the sheets draped over her voluptuous curves. Her warm, slightly tanned skin contrasted with the stark white cotton, her strawberry blonde waves spread over the pillow like a halo of light. Her full lips were further swollen with their kisses, her expression utterly and completely at peace as she slept.

  Though a part of Logan wanted nothing more than to let her sleep all day – to watch her slow, steady breathing and bathe himself in her glorious scent, he knew that now they only had about twenty four hours to convince her to become theirs.

  They would have to wake her.

  He wanted to do it slowly…sensuously. Perhaps plant his mouth on her hip and work his way upwards until he could tug at a dusky nipple with his teeth. To be truthful, despite the fact that he’d been buried inside her warm, clenching femininity for half the night, he’d craved it again the moment he’d awoken.

  This, he supposed, was what was different about having found one’s mate. The hunger might never end- and the very notion excited him. However, instead of waking Seline with his hands and mouth, Logan instead reached over her to touch Aiden’s shoulder. The lean, blonde haired man instantly opened dark gray eyes. “Aiden.” Logan’s voice was low. “We don’t have much time. We promised to let her choose.”

  The blonde sat up immediately, revealing a network of welts on his back from where Seline’s fingernails had left their mark the previous night. Logan smirked, shaking his head. “And I thought I was the rough one.”

  Aiden’s face flushed lightly. While that was normally the case, the man had gone at Seline last night with a heretofore unknown fervor. Silently, Logan resolved to himself that, in the future, he too would accomplish a set of marks matching his fellow boar’s.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, Logan.” Aiden glanced down at the utterly bare, sleeping woman between them, visibly swallowing thickly. “I know it’s hard…but we have more to accomplish today than simply rutting her to within an inch of her life.”

  “Hard is an understatement.” Logan growled lowly, reaching down to gently brush a lock of golden hair from Seline’s brow. “After all of this is said and done, I’ve half a mind to go into isolation with her. She’ll come out heavy with cub or not at all.” The idea of his child growing in Seline’s belly was enough to make powerful bull tremble with want.

  Aiden himself licked his lips, running his fingertips over one of Seline’s smooth shoulder. “After, Logan. After.

  The dark-haired male nodded his acquiescence before sighing heavily. Now that they’d both agreed to no further hanky panky, they now had to seriously address how they were going to carry out the next stage in their plan. It would, no doubt, be quite difficult; but they couldn’t even begin to expect Seline to accept them and all they were without exposing her to what a taste of her future would be like.

  Aiden slipped from bed, searching the floor of the hotel room until he retrieved his khakis before pulling them on. His chiseled chest still bare, he strode across the room to the bathroom to freshen up. Glancing back at Logan, he fixed him with a warning stare. “If she wakes up, stall. We have to get her out of here and back to then den without scaring her. Just…” He struggled for words for a moment, “Be charming.”

  Logan suppressed a groan, glancing at the sleeping woman next to him. Charming, right. Being charming had always been his strong suit.


  She awoke deliciously sore.

  Throughout the entirety of her thirty one years, Seline had gone into most sexual encounters expecting to fairly overwhelm the men who had chosen her. While she’d had a handful of satisfying experiences, none of them came even close to what had occurred last night.

  To say that her curves had driven both Aiden and Logan to heights of passion she’d never known existed would be an understatement. They had traded her back and forth with hours, handling her hourglass curves with ease, penetrating her in every position humanly possible, teasing her with their lips, their fingers and their bodies until she thought she’d die in bliss.

  Yawning, she rolled over, stretching so that the lingering ache in her muscles pulled slightly. Christ, she’d never known being well-loved could feel this good. Her deep green eyes fluttered open before widening slightly in surprise.

  She’d fully expected both of her lovers to have long high-tailed it into the early morning light. Last night, she’d come to convince herself, had been some sort of amazing, lucky drunk fl
uke for her and neither Logan or Aiden had truly meant what they’d said when it came to forty eight hour promises and being the leaders of some secret society.

  Seline didn’t particularly care. A couple of hours of feeling like a real woman – worshipped, adored and fucked soundly – that was worth any tomfoolery. However, when her gaze met Logan’s still very present, light blue ones, she found herself at a loss for words. He had most certainly not scurried off with his tail between his legs. In fact, if the way he was looking at her was any indication, the man fully expected there to be a round two.

  Seline’s cheeks colored slightly as she cleared her throat. Logan seemed to come back to himself, his gaze losing some of the carnal hunger she’d seen only moments before. He blinked slowly, before his low, growling voice thrummed through her. “Good morning.”

  Seline tried not to remember how that exact voice had sounded the previous night, whispering unmentionable things into her ear as Logan cleaved deep within her. The very thought had her growing warm between the legs and, almost as if he sensed it, the man before her chuckled lowly. “Now don’t start that again. If you do, we might not get out of here.”

  His words immediately confused Seline. Get out of here? What on earth was she doing to keep them from going? She had absolutely no qualms with them taking flight. That was, after all, what she’d expected “Well…um…” She searched for a way to express herself without sounding rude or awkward. “If you guys want to go…don’t let me keep you. I know people have to work…life goes on…that kind of thing.”


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