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Page 12

by Unknown

  “What about you?” he looked to Callum. “I smell no deceit in your new Ever Mate.” The ditzy waitress dropped off the drinks and an appetizer, she looked between both males before saying under her breath, “Lucky bitch.”

  Shane took a gulp of his drink, Callum nearly the entire glass. “I want to hear your story, before you tell it to Micah.”

  “What?” Callum asked.

  “You heard me. Either that or I can challenge you, and believe me, my beast wants the challenge,” his voice turned into a dangerous growl.

  Cora placed her hand back on his arm. “Cal, please. Just do it.”

  Micah had been to Club sixty-nine once before when she was still Mated to Cal... it was odd, he wanted her to participate in the entertainment. She hadn’t wanted to when she was with him, and she hoped to hell that Jessiah wasn’t expecting that she did now. If she hadn’t wanted to share Cal, well she’d maim, torture, and kill to keep Jessiah and Shane to herself. In. That. Order.

  Jessiah chuckled next to her as he passed her a shot. “I have no intention of sharing you with anyone other than Shane. You’re stuck with me, beautiful.”

  She looked into his eyes as she shot back the drink thinking how nice those words sounded. “And Shane?” she asked.

  “Me too,” Shane said from behind her.

  She turned and after her eyes roamed over him she jumped into his arms and kissed him. “I missed you,” slipped out her mouth. And Shane laughed when he saw her eyes go wide.

  He kissed her back and nuzzled into her neck right over his Claiming Mark. His growl was full of longing. “I missed you too.”

  She almost breathed a sigh of relief at his words. She did release a sigh when his tongue swept over her Claiming Mark. He pulled her off him and held her at arm’s length as if she were a two year old, appraising her dress. She had a sheer black halter top--silver beads outlined it--that had a built in black lace bra which accentuated her generous amounts of cleavage. The skirt while not sheer, sat above mid-thigh, and she wore a pair of stiletto’s that accentuated her already sexy legs. Her hair was twisted and wrapped, held by a tight black clip with her bangs swept to the side.

  “Fuckin’ gorgeous,” Shane murmured. He pulled her back into his arms and ran his hands over her body landing on her ass before placing her on the floor. “Jess, we’re at the table in the corner to the right. I’m going to show our beauty off on the dance floor, then we’ll be back.”

  Jess kissed her Claiming Mark and then left the two of them alone. Shane twirled Micah around while shaking his head. Too GD sexy. “This way,” he said and led her to the dance floor.

  True to his word he did show her off--proudly--making Micah feel special, wanted, and longed for. They danced a few times until Shane leaned in and said, “Alright my sexy Mate. I want you to promise me that when we get to our table you won’t turn and run. Can you do that?”

  Micah furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes as she looked up at him. “Oookay, I promise,” she said not liking this one bit. He kissed her nose... her nose. A motion that spoke volumes to her, and then led her to the corner table. The instant she saw Cora, then Cal the air seemed to thicken with her Alpha vibes. But, she didn’t break stride. She did, however, cross her arms, plop down next to Jessiah and glare at her former Mate. Once seated she put the top back on the vibes and continued to glare.

  “What is this? An intervention?” she asked. “Unfortunately I don’t care enough to warn Cora to leash the mutt.” She motioned to the waitress.

  “Oh, another one?” she moved toward Jessiah her hand outstretched.

  “Touch him and before you die, I will rip off your limbs with my teeth, open you up form pelvis to sternum, rearrange your insides, then debate on putting you out of your misery,” her voice was nonchalant. “Him too,” she pointed to Shane. “That one I don’t care about,” she said about Cal. Both mates growled in the back of their throats at her possessiveness.

  The waitress was frozen mid-motion, mid-word, mid-thought. Micah snapped her fingers loud enough to snap her out of the fog. “Caramel whiskey, top shelf. He’s buying,” she said smiling at Cal. Jessiah chuckled until she looked at him. Then he purred, leaned towards her and bit her lip to gain entrance. When she gladly opened, he delved in, moaning at the taste of her. She was about to put her arms around his neck when he pulled away and she groaned, until she felt a heated stare to her left and met Shane’s intense gaze with one of her own. She growled low and long until their lips clashed and her arms wrapped around his neck.

  Cinnamon and nutmeg. Shane growled low in his throat, sounding dangerous. She creamed herself at the sound. Her body twisted, then her right leg went over his hips and she was straddling him, pushing herself into his hot heat, rotating her hips. Her hands pulled at the hem of his shirt, pulling it from his slacks. When she touched his warm skin, his hips jerked upward and she moaned.

  “Um-hm. Hmmm’mmm,” Cal dramatically cleared his throat. That didn’t stop them.

  “Wow, lucky bi...” the waitress’ voice did.

  “Don’t finish that word,” Jessiah warned.

  She placed Cora’s order on the table as well as the drinks, then turned and fled as if her ass was on fire. Micah pulled Jessiah close to her and laid her legs over his thick thighs. Immediately he began running his hands over her smooth, firm legs. She rearranged herself on Shane and he moaned loudly and grabbed her waist. She looked at him and wiggled again.

  “You set me up and this is your penance. Blue balls.”

  He bit her naked shoulder hard with blunt teeth and said, “I’ll gladly pay it. Anything to make you mine.”

  She moved her gaze from his deep chocolate brown eyes before he saw her dusky blue ones tear up and took her time drinking her whiskey. It was at that moment that she noticed something strange and noticeably sniffed the air looking directly at Cal.

  “Yes, Cora’s pregnant,” he said.

  “I knew that before I sat down. That’s not what’s... curious,” she mumbled the last part.

  What is? Shane questioned through their link.

  His scent. It’s different entirely. He used to smell like... you. My wolf went wild with the scent of winter and hot cocoa.

  Micah did something she never did before and that was delve into the recess of someone's mind. Cal’s mind. Without guilt she found what she was looking for, and located...

  A lead to the mole!? Shane thought.

  She had projected what she was doing and what she found, allowing her Mates to see the reason why she ended up being Mated to Cal. “Isaiah,” she murmured. It was Isaiah that had somehow gotten a hold of Shane’s essence and been giving Cal monthly injections to alter his scent, making Micah and her wolf believe that he was their Ever Mate. More than that, though, was that he had the ability to alter Cal’s memory so that he forgot about each injection the instant it happened. Leaving Cal not only clueless, but a victim.

  Jess left the table without a word and suddenly Micah’s shields crumbled and Shane was able to access all of her. Immediately everything made sense. Not only that, her fear of loving Shane evaporated as if it never was. She straddled him again rolling her hips. Her head dipped into the crook of his neck and she inhaled deeply taking in his scent. When she came back up and looked into his eyes he saw her fangs had lengthened. “I want you. Now.”

  His shirt was torn open, her hips were thrust against his erection; her hands pulled his hair so she could attack his neck and the Claiming Marks she placed on him the night before. Her tongue ran over it and Shane’s ran over the Mark he placed on her neck.

  Micah’s hands were all over him, his chest, his back, his arms; his ass. She couldn’t get enough of him, she wanted him. No. Needed him. Now.

  “Not here,” Shane growled looking at Cal over her shoulder.

  She dropped her head to his chest. “Please,” she whimpered. “I need you.”

  “And you will have me.” He lifted her up, his large hands gripping the firm
cheeks of her ass. He carried her into the midst of writhing bodies, ignoring all except her. Passing through the mass of naked, sweaty bodies, he found the office unlocked and secretly thanked his friend and owner of the club. He dropped her onto the leather love seat in the room.

  “Shane,” she whined at the loss of his arms around her.

  “You’re going to make me come if you keep talking like that.”

  She gave him a wicked smile as she leaned forward running her hands over his thighs, his hamstrings, and finally his ass. A roar exited his throat as she buried her face into his crotch. Her mouth parting and pressing into his erection. Her palms skimmed his abs up to his chest. When she got to his nipples she twisted the rings then ran her nails down them until she hit the clasp on his slacks. In the blink of an eye his pants were pooled at his feet and her mouth had encircled his balls and the warmth of her tongue ran over them. His hands grasped the sides of her head. “Look at me,” his voice was deep.

  Her eyes met his as she pulled at his steel encased in velvet... steel? No what’s stronger than steel? Adamantium. That’s it. Yes, the metal running through Wolverine’s skeletal is supposedly harder than any other metal known to man...

  She held him in her hands, tightly while her mouth skimmed over his balls until she was beneath them and suckled them into her wet warmth. Micah lifted her head and looked up at him through her long, dark eyelashes. “That’s it baby,” he praised her. She licked his shaft until she reached his head, then she took him into her mouth until he reached her throat. He growled and groaned at the same time. “Fuck Micah. That’s it, take me, all of me.” She felt her body tingle as his eyes darkened, dilated; as she saw his wolf surface. He pulled her off of him.

  “Come mate,” his beast said to her. “I wish to please.” Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she tasted the stream of pre-cum that trailed down his shaft. Her tongue shifted and became abrasive to add to his pleasure. She ran it underneath his head until he thrust into her and hit the back of her throat. “Micah,” he growled. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked harder, her head bobbed, one hand fisted him the other massaged his balls and the skin between them and his ass. Then she was lifted up by her underarms and she released him with a suction sound. Shane claimed her mouth and ran his hands beneath her skirt. She wrapped her legs around his hips. The moment he felt her thong he pulled it from her body sliding it into his pocket then shoved two fingers into her core, while his other hand played with her breasts.

  She yelled at the intrusion and then bit his upper lip. She needed him fast and deep. “Shane, please. Now. I need you. Now.”

  He shifted and lowered her back onto the couch, on her knees facing the arm rest. He stepped out of his shoes and pants and settled in behind her. Then slowly penetrated her. One. Inch. At. A. Time. Agonizingly slow. Her forearms were over the arm rest, with a frustrating growl from her throat, Shane suddenly slammed the remaining three inches into her. He roared and stilled, his claws piercing into her hips.

  “Shane, move. Now or I’ll make you.”

  “Oh no, love. You’re at my mercy.” He pulled out and thrust back in slowly.

  “Then give your Mate what she needs,” Micah whispered a groan. “What I need.”

  Her acknowledgement wasn’t lost on him, not in the least. His manhood throbbed at her words and he pulled out then slammed back in quickly. “Tell me, Mate. What do you need?”

  “You. Just you.”

  And just like that he was an unstoppable force, pounding, surging, ramming into her, hitting her womb each time. Swiveling his hips, clamping his hands on her ass, pinching her breasts, tongue on her neck; bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. Closer and closer to him. A hand curled around her throat, he lifted her back to his chest, and pressed his palm into her neck cutting off her oxygen little by little. He could feel her rushing toward release, a wave growing as it rolled closer to shore, and then it hit. Micah’s eyes closed, her body tightened and her core became the ocean--waves splashed the shore while the undercurrent pulled her back in again, only to toss her back out. Her claws bit into his thighs and he relished the pain. Relished that he made her lose control, made one of her beasts surface, made her body come so hard that she not only took him over the cliff, she took the cliff with them. His orgasm hit him, and hit him, and then hit him again; each one stronger than the last. By the time it stopped she’d cum so much that their combined juices were running down her legs, her muscles were protesting any movement, and his heart never felt so big and so full.

  Her head was still on his chest when his eyes opened. He turned her face and closed the distance as his mouth met hers, and his tongue infiltrated her wet warmth. “Say it again Micah.” She knew what he wanted to hear.

  “I’m your Mate. Yours.”

  Yes. She was his, and he was hers. And now nothing was standing in their way. He slipped out of her and she whimpered from the loss. He bent quickly to pull his slacks up and once he was straightened out he helped her reorganize herself. Then with a quick scoop he picked her up and left the office. Shane maneuvered through the crowd until they were out in the fresh air. Jessiah met them at his Suburban and opened the back for Shane to ride with Micah.

  She mumbled for Jessiah and he soothed her with his soft purr. It wasn’t long into the ride that she drifted off to sleep in Shane’s arms. When she did he bent down and kissed her forehead promising her forever through their link.

  Chapter 15

  The next morning Shane and Jessiah jolted awake when they realized Micah was nowhere to be seen. The smell of breakfast being made caused their stomachs to groan. They threw on a pair of shorts and met her in the kitchen area. One on either side of Micah, their lips on her neck over their Claiming Marks. She giggled. “Morning.”

  Shane grunted. Jessiah bit her.

  She was purring and growling with her eyes closed and head thrown back in ecstasy. One hand traveled from her neck down to a breast and pinched. Another hand went from the nape of her neck, past her shoulder blades to rest on her ass. Then it was grabbed and held tight. She chuckled a bit. Shane’s a breast-man, Jessiah an ass-man.

  Strange feelings came over her. Contentment? Joy? Excitement? Love?

  Her head snapped up. Love?

  She thought about the previous night. Once they got back here, they’d been all over each other. With her walls gone, and theirs never constructed; when they were intertwined, Micah encompassed on both sides of her, one penetrating her from behind, while the other in front of her pleasured her mouth, her neck, her breasts, and her clit, they were so close, their emotions running so high, with their minds open she slipped in and experienced their lives. She saw who they were, who they are, who they wanted to be. She was able to feel their want for her, feel the longing to make her happy, protect her, and provide for her. It had been illuminating. It touched her like nothing and no one had before. She fell. Felt her heart soar and race as her entire being began to feel giddy.

  When Micah sensed them inside her mind as well, for the first time she wasn’t scared. Nor did she believe that there was an end in sight. She felt eternity in each breath, each caress; each stroke inside her body. And she wanted it to start now. She opened her mouth to say something when a phone went off with an old song. The lyrics “That’s just my baby daddy,” ringing in the air. She laughed and shook her head. “You really should’ve told me if you had cubs or pups already,” Micah joked.

  “That is my older sister. The only cubs and pups will be with our Mate,” Jessiah said. He bit her again on her shoulder then went to grab the phone, leaving Micah with her spine straight and her eyes wide opened.

  Cubs, pups? She’d never even spoke to Cal about those things. She wasn’t sure she wanted any, wasn’t sure she’d be a good mom. Hell, she didn’t know how to be a mom. Well she had eight years of experience, but then her mom and dad up and left without a trace... Literally! She’d never even been in heat.

  “Easy mama,” Shane’s low growl b
rought her back. He was running his palm in tight circles on her spine while the other held her tight into his body.

  “I have to check the quiche,” she pulled out of his arms. Nearly thankful she hadn’t said what was on her mind. The timer sounded just as she took it out.

  “...alright Jess, we’ll be there soon,” Jessiah said then ended the call.

  “What’s she up to?” Shane asked as he eyed Micah’s nervous movements.

  She was plating the food she’d cooked. Quiche, bacon, fruit... Is that homemade bread? A breakfast bake that smelled divine.

  “I hope you’re both hungry,” she brought two large plates to them. “There’s plenty.”

  “Is this homemade bread?” Shane asked.

  “Um-hm. Let me know what you think,” she said as she grabbed her plate, which was the same size as theirs. She did have two beasts to feed after all.

  “Fuckin’ delicious,” Shane grunted, his mouth full. She gave him a full, heart-warming smile. His heart clenched. He knew what that meant, but it was a strange feeling. In fact, feeling anything in his emotions was a strange feeling. Usually the only feeling he had with females was located south of his heart.

  “Best bread I’ve tasted,” Jessiah said between bites, earning them another heart felt smile from Micah. “Thank you for breakfast.”

  “Well, I did sleep with a blond yesterday, I figured I’d take a page out of Shane’s book and at the very least make breakfast before sending him in his way,” she winked.

  “Tough shit, babe. I’m not going anywhere. I told you that already. You’re stuck with me,” Shane said.

  “Mmm,” Micah responded as she took a bite out of the bread.

  “So Jessica,” Shane said.

  “Needs a sitter, she has an appointment to get to.”

  Shane nodded his head in acknowledgement and Micah enjoyed watching the two of them go to town on her meal. She’d gone to culinary school a while ago, but kept up with her skills by cooking for anyone she could. It was one of her favorite pastimes. Though it was quickly being replaced by having Jessiah and Shane within her. Shane finished his meal in record time and pulled out Tupperware for the rest. Then he grabbed her and gave her a sloppy kiss that made Micah’s toes curl, before grabbing the keys to his ride.


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