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Life Reset_EvP_Environment vs. Player

Page 27

by Shemer Kuznits

  You have defeated the leaders of the Ogre Fort.

  As a boss, you may choose to take command of the settlement or demolish it. Demolish/Control?

  Well, that was a step on the right track. I wondered why I hadn’t received this prompt earlier. Without hesitation, I selected ‘Control.’ After all, that was the whole purpose of coming here.

  You have taken control of a new settlement.

  Name: Ogre Fort

  Type: Fort

  Garrison: 1 boss [priest]

  Buildings: Shrine

  Well, that was underwhelming. The only value this fort had to offer was the Ogres themselves. Slightly disappointing, but I had achieved my goal.

  Granted Quest Completed: Raid Ogre Lair

  Malkyr, Hoshisu awarded: 200 reputation, 500 XP, 170 gold. Potion Belt (Malkyr), Assassin Needle Ring (Hoshisu)

  I chuckled. Good for them.

  I looked at the crudely constructed shrine. It was made of rough stone and decorated with pieces of broken bones. Ogres weren’t great builders it seemed.

  Despite its appearance, the shrine was projecting an almost overwhelming sense of raw power. Waves of condensed blackness pulsed regularly, intensifying the darkness around us. The energy resonated with me. It felt comforting to stand that close to a source of power so attuned to my own. I laid my hands on the rough surface and felt the energy thrumming through my body, filling me with a sense of power.

  “This place is worthy of the master,” Kuzai declared. “It is a place of deep darkness, free from the accursed light of the heavens. In here, our master’s power is undiluted. Pure.”

  “I can feel it.” In fact, I almost didn’t hear him over the roar of energy running through me.

  I withdrew my hands from the shrine and something caught my eye. An elongated object on the ground was partially obstructed by the shrine. It looked like Jawbreaker left behind some loot. I moved around the shrine and picked up the object. It was one of the demon’s long, straight horns.

  Demon Horn Staff

  Description: The horn maintained some of the demon’s infernal powers before he was banished back into the abyss. It is exceptionally durable and can double as a spear. Three bloodstones are embedded along the shaft.

  Runecraft viability: 4 runes

  Type: Two-handed

  Rank: Rare

  Durability: 300/300

  Damage: 45-50

  Effect I: +10 Mental when calculating mana regeneration

  Effect II: Can store up to three magical charges that can be cast instantly

  The staff was shaped like a narrow cone with a wide butt and a sharpened point on the other end. A circular groove ran along its length and it had three gems embedded along its upper half. It was nearly two meters long, but it was light enough for me to wield with ease. It’s high time I upgraded some of my equipment, I reflected. This staff was a significant step up from my old Feathered staff. Though it would mean I’d also lose the item-set bonus as well, the boost it offered to mana regen was negligible at my power level. Besides, I was planning on replacing the rest of my gear anyway.

  I inventoried my old staff and gripped the new one, then turned to the dark dwarf to inform him of the bad news. “I need you to stay here.”

  Kuzai stared at me, unblinking.

  “I intend to raise a Dark Temple to serve the master, back at my clan,” I explained. “It will become the focal point of condensed darkness, funneled in from other shrines, like this one. Someone has to stay behind and channel this shrine’s power.”

  He averted his gaze. “It wants to leave me behind.”

  He’s talking to himself again, great.

  “But it also intends to raise a Dark Temple to the glory of the master. I will serve the master best by working at the temple. I shall go with it.”

  He looked up at me. “I will go with you back to your clan.”

  “Yeah, I got that.” I rolled my eyes. “I still need someone to stay here and maintain the shrine.”

  “This is an inconsequential complication.” He closed his eyes, concentrating.

  I could feel him redirecting his mana back at himself. Weird.

  Then, with a soft pop, Kuzai’s shadow separated from him. The shadow grew into a three-dimensional creature, solidifying before my eyes. A perfect black replica of the dwarf himself.

  “My shadow will remain behind and maintain the holy shrine,” Kuzai declared. “It is an inconvenience, but it will do for now. At least, until you send another to replace it.” The shadow obediently moved to stand in front of the shrine.

  “How did you do that?” I looked at him with newfound respect.

  “It is asking how to wield the master’s gift,” he mumbled.

  Yeah, I missed Vic. Well, now was a good time to get him back. I resummoned my companion, investing 400 health and 800 mana, almost my entire pool to form up his body.

  Vic’s amorphous purple body appeared, floating in the air, as large as a dinner table. Once I stemmed the flow of health and mana, it transformed, taking Vic’s familiar goblin shape. He was now as tall as me.

  “What took you so long?” he blurted. “Good job sticking up for me by the way.” He glared at Kuzai, who looked at us impartially.

  “Sorry Vic, it all happened too fast. But we talked and we understand each other better now. This won’t happen again.” I shot the nonchalant dwarf a warning look.

  “That’s not good enough!” he fumed. “Do you realize the extent of this situation’s severity – what it meant that I was put down like that?”

  “Yeah, I get it. Kuzai has a similar ability to mine and can manipulate Dark Mana.” Which makes him dangerous, I added silently.

  “I’m not talking about that!” Vic stomped his foot. “Without my body, I lost precious opportunities. All those excellent puns and chances to poke at you two ‘Priests of Dorkness’ – all gone!”

  I chuckled. “You better watch out for Kuzai from now on. I don’t think he takes your jokes well.”

  “Bah, I can work around him. He’s so obtuse I could joke-juggle beyond his comprehension and get away with it.”

  I shrugged, “Suit yourself; it’s your own body at risk.”

  I turned back to the dwarf. “So, care to let me in on how you control your shadow like that?”

  Kuzai gave me superior look. “Is it unaware of the power the master has bestowed upon it? Why, even the lowliest of –”

  “Save it.” I waved at him dismissively. I didn’t really need his help, now that I saw him doing it.

  Mimicking the dwarf, I concentrated and channeled my mana into my own shadow. Dark mana and shadow combined together easily, as if made for each other. I could feel the reins of absolute control over my shadow, much more than when I manipulated the environment’s shadows. The sensation was a lot like dominating another creature, except here I was dominating a part of myself. There was no resistance to break through, no conflict. With a soft pop of its own, my shadow disengaged from me and grew, becoming a three-dimensional shape.

  I was unprepared for what followed. I wobbled on my feet, overwhelmed by a bombardment of sensations. I was simultaneously looking through two sets of eyes, hearing through two sets of ears, feeling the cold air on the skin of my two bodies.

  The disparity between the two viewpoints threatened to overwhelm me. I closed my real eyes firmly, seeing only through my shadow. That helped a little, but it still felt wrong. I was looking from a point of view that was out of sync with my real body. Bodies. One of them anyway. The misalignment was confusing and disturbing, to say the least.

  That was another, previously unknown, side effect of living inside NEO. Another example of how the rules of this world could play with my perceptions and wreak havoc on my senses in a way humans were never meant to feel.

  Keeping my eyes firmly closed and holding still, I looked through my shadow at my real body. ‘Unsettling’ didn’t come close to describing the experience. ‘Creepy’ was closer.

nbsp; I took one step and both my bodies moved. I concentrated more, letting go of the controls of my own body and moved again. This time only my shadow body moved. That’s better.

  Then, with no one to control it, my physical body collapsed to the ground. Crap.

  I let go of the shadow copy, releasing my control. The shadow diminished back into a two-dimensional figure and reconnected with my body.

  I opened my eyes and found myself on the cold, hard floor, sweating and shivering. This was a harrowing experience.

  “It understands now. Though not well,” Kuzai cackled.

  New Dark Mana ability discovered: Shadow Clone

  You may separate your shadow from your body and control it as a separate entity. Any action carried out by the shadow requires mana, even simply walking.

  As the distance between the shadow clone and your physical body increases, so too does the mana requirement. Similarly, the strength of spells cast by the clone declines as the distance increases.

  I clutched my head with both hands.

  Vic sounded worried.

  I’m fine now, Vic. It was true, though that brief, multi-body experience had given me a splitting headache.

  Still, it was a nice addition to my Dark Mana repertoire that up until now consisted of only three abilities: Freeze, Dominate, and Sense Emotion.

  It looked like we were done here. “Let’s go.”

  “Wait.” Kuzai scowled at me. “You do not wish to show your devotion at the master’s altar?”

  “Not really.”

  “You must pray,” he insisted.

  I could tell he was going to be difficult about it, so I went to the shrine. Standing next to Kuzai’s shadow, I placed my hands over the rough, bone structure. I concentrated, letting the sense of power wash over me.

  I stood there for a while, breathing, letting the roaring energy run through me. After a few moments, I received a new message.

  Dark Mana skill level increased to 33.

  What a nice revelation.

  That presented a rare opportunity. With the immediate area now safe, this was an excellent chance to train my most important skill. I turned back to the shrine and placed my hands on it again. “See you in a bit, Vic.”

  “Wait, what about that chalice thing?” The purple goblin pointed at the metallic item.

  I was so caught up with all the recent developments, it had completely slipped my mind.

  I went to the spot where Kusitesh had disappeared, bent down, and picked up the blood-smeared chalice she left behind.

  Chalice of Infernal Energy

  Description: This chalice has been damaged by improper use during a demon summoning ritual. As a result, the summoned demon’s essence was absorbed, causing the chalice to become saturated with unstable infernal energy. Any non-demon who drinks from the chalice will experience varied effects. Note: In order to drink from the chalice, a creature must willingly fill it with its own blood. Caution is advised.

  Type: Miscellaneous

  Rank: Epic

  Effect I: Random demon aspect

  Effect II: Random infernal feedback

  For a ‘damaged’ item, this one was pretty cool. The ‘demon aspect’ effect reminded me of Barska when he manifested his demon powers. I wouldn’t put it past that scheming bastard to orchestrate this entire deal with the Ogre only to produce this chalice, thus increasing his own power. Heck, that just might have been how he got his powers to begin with. Maybe he drank from a similar chalice and had the good fortune of scoring ‘permanent’ as a random effect.

  With eyes glistening, I willed my dagger to hover above my arm, then slashed down, inflicting a shallow wound. My dripping blood swirled inside the chalice, taking on a deep sheen of blue.

  “Err, Boss? What are you doing?”

  “Getting stronger,” I said, raising the cup to my lips and downing the contents in a single gulp.

  The sensation was immediate and incredible. Fire coursed through my veins. It was not painful; quite the contrary. The fire warmed my body, making me feel powerful and radiating heat. I clenched my fists and felt the energy swirl around them. Both my fists grew, becoming larger. I uncurled my fingers and stared at my palms. Sharp, long talons grew out of them. Then the feeling of hot power intensified and I felt myself growing taller, stronger. It was intoxicating.

  My lips drew back in a smile, revealing razor-sharp teeth. I grew muscles all over, and I felt the flesh on my back rippling open, a pair of leathery wings popping out.

  I stood, twice as tall as before, towering over Kuzai, who looked mildly impressed.

  I couldn’t help it, this was all too exhilarating. I started laughing. “Ahhh-Haaa-haaa!” My laugh was wild and free. This felt fantastic! The chalice was an amazing find. I punched a wall and watched with satisfaction at the cracks that appeared on it. My laughter intensified as I felt my blood boiling, calling for action, for more blood.

  I looked eagerly around the cave. There were no enemies in sight. Well, there was a creature that oozed of darkness and one purple goblin.

  I gave a toothy ear-to-ear grin. “Fodder!”

  I took a step toward it, my hooved feet leaving a visible indent on the rocky ground.

  The purple goblin fell back “Boss, what the heck are you doing?”

  “Come here!” I growled at it, grinding my fist into my palm.

  a harsh voice sounded in my head.

  The voice sounded familiar. I had heard the same words not long ago. I shook my head, feeling the heat drain away from my brain, my mind gradually clearing.

  I found myself a step away from Vic. My poor companion was pressed against a wall, a worried expression on his face.

  “Err, sorry, Vic.” I was still possessed by the heat that called out for blood, but I resisted the urge.

  Vic rolled his eyes, visibly relaxing. “You’re one crazy meat suit, you know? You can’t just go around drinking liquified demons.”

  I felt the remainder of the heat drain away, taking with it the last slivers of bloodlust. I smirked at my companion. “Come on, it was fun. What’s the worst that could have happened?”

  I was fully back in control now, master of my own mind with this awesome, powerful body to boot.

  And then I exploded.


  I was still screaming in agony as scattered pieces of my body magically reattached together. Kuzai was standing over me, casting his dark healing spell over and over again.

  As my flesh knitted back together and my wounds closed, the pain slowly subsided until I regained control. I was back to my old goblin self; all traces of hooves, wings, and other demonic aspects were gone. My mind was reeling from the experience, trying to piece together what had happened and most importantly – How come I’m not dead?

  As if to answer my question, a message popped open in front of me.

  Ring of Bound Soul activated

  Your soul remained forcibly attached to your body, preventing death.

  Max HP reduced by 10.

  Ring durability reduced by 1.

  Durability remaining: 2

  The ring. That damned ring. Having my body explode into pieces was a new experience for me. A very unpleasant one. My deep immersion with NEO forced me to experience the ordeal fully. While my flesh was scattered, I could feel every torn body part screaming in agony. It was an impossible scenario, which reminded me yet again how precarious my situation was.

  There was no longer any doubt in my mind. This realm, this prison, despite all its wonders, was a glorified torture device; I had ample evidence of my innermost thoughts being accessed, my mentality overridden by outside forces, and excruciating, unrealistic, unfathomable pain inflicted upon me on a regular basis. Had I not gone through my previous torture sessions, which fortified my endurance, I would have probably lost my sanity from the pain. Heck, while I was busy being shredded to pieces, the only coher
ent thought I could muster was the wish to die, permanently.

  Still lying down, I removed the accursed ring from my finger and gave it a hateful stare. This was the real cause of my ordeal. It was not a beneficial magic item, it was a cursed one. A device meant to prolong one’s suffering. I nearly threw the damn thing away, but then thought better of it. I would never wear it again. Dying was preferable. But it didn’t mean I couldn’t give it to one of my followers. I didn’t particularly object to having Rhynorn wear it. The Ogre seemed impartial to pain anyway, so the ring would fit him well.

  I didn’t need it anyway. Nihilator’s Sanction was a good enough method to escape death. Granted, it only worked once per day, but if I found myself in a situation where I could be repeatedly killed, I would rather respawn normally anyway to escape it.

  Kuzai cast the last heal, bringing me back to full health. “I hope it will not waste any more of my time with additional spontaneous explosions.”

  I was pretty sure he was being spiteful, but with his demented mind, he could have been sincere. In any case, I’d learned my lesson. No more fiddling around with unpredictable demonically infused items.

  I let a moment pass, then frowned. I fully expected some snarky comment from my companion.

  I slowly got up. “Where’s Vic?”

  “Your minion was destroyed by the explosion.”

  Now that he mentioned it, I’d been lying in a small crater. It seemed my explosion had quite the destructive force behind it.

  Steeling myself for even snarkier remarks, I summoned Vic for the third time that day.

  The purple blob built up in the air, transforming back into Vic’s goblin shape in seconds.

  “Thank you for summoning me again, oh great and powerful master.”

  I cringed. This was going to be bad.

  “In his infinite wisdom, the master knows best.”

  “Give it a rest, Vic.”

  “No, the master is an expert on all things to do with self-explosion, tempting fate, goading evil god-like entities, and much more. I would never presume to advise you otherwise.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I get it, I should have listened to you.”


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