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Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3)

Page 14

by Arlene Gonzales

  “Lead the way.” Thankfully, first class has its own restroom. Since the Steffan family makes up most of the first-class section, it’s safe to say that we won’t be getting interrupted.

  Upon locking the door, he turns me to face away from him. “Hold on to the sink.”

  I do as I’m told, no questions asked. He runs his hands under my dress and slides my panties down, lifting each foot up to slip them over my ankles. He places my underwear in his pants pocket. I hear his zipper and feel his cock between my thighs.

  “Baby, we do not have a lot of time, so this is going to be quick.”

  When he thrusts himself into me, I have to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning too loudly. His hands on each side of my hips squeeze me. The thrill of risking being caught like high school sweethearts is beyond erotic. I am so turned on that a huge part of me wants to scream in ecstasy.

  I throw my head back, then turn it to the side so that Aiden takes my mouth into his. The kiss is forceful, and he moans into me as I bite his lip. He slams into me, harder and harder each time. Letting my hips go, he wraps one arm around my waist. The other hand slides down to my thigh. Releasing my mouth, he watches us in the mirror as I do too.

  A couple more thrusts and we are both like volcanos erupting into each other. I’m just glad I’m still holding on to the sink. I’m shaking from the orgasm that takes over my body. My lids are heavy with the sensation consuming me.

  I open my eyes to look back at Aiden. There are beads of sweat on his forehead from the intoxicating dance we just had. He stares into my eyes, still reeling. His smile tells me that we are far from finished.

  Suddenly there is a knock on the door, startling us both. Quickly and quietly we dress. I open the door only to see Shannon with a huge grin. “Get a room, you two.”

  Walking back to our seats, there is a draft under my dress. I completely forgot to get my underwear back from Aiden. I feel like everyone’s watching us and they know what we’ve done.

  Once we’re buckled in, the attendant comes over and asks what we would like to drink. We both ask for water. A few minutes later they bring out our food. It’s either fish or chicken. Since we weren’t here to place our order, Shannon went ahead and ordered for us. We’re each satisfied with the chicken.

  By the time we’re done with the meal, I’m exhausted. From the night before and our sexual interlude earlier. Thankfully the seats are extremely comfortable, especially since they recline into beds. Aiden yawns and stretches. We both pull out the blankets and pillows and fall fast asleep.

  We are awakened by Mama. She tells us that the captain had come over the speaker to announce that we will be landing in twenty minutes. I am surprised that we literally slept the whole way. Although I know I will still be jet lagged with the time difference. Our flight left from New York at eleven a.m. Arriving in Italy, it is three in the morning.


  The landing is smooth and without complications. As we’re exiting the plane and walking into the terminal, there flashes go off from all directions. Taken by surprise, I stumble and almost trip. Aiden is able to catch me before I fall. In anger, he turns around and yells at the paparazzi. Most of them back away, except one man who just smirks at us.

  Unfortunately, since he is so close we both hear his next words. “You people think that you are so special, that you’re better than us. Be glad we still want to photograph you, even after finding out everything about you.”

  As soon as I hear the last part of his comment, I reach for Aiden, but it’s too late.

  He flies at the man in a rage. The veins in his neck pop out. Worried that he could get in trouble, I shout for Johnny to help. Between him and Gianni, they still cannot pull him off the man. People begin pushing and shoving. Mama yells for everyone to leave us all alone, that her son had suffered enough as a child. She starts speaking in Italian; I have no idea of what she’s saying. In all the scuffle, I plead for Aiden to release the man. “Please, for the love of God, let go of him. Aiden, let’s go home. I love you, mi amore.”

  In that moment, he looks up and sees me and Mama crying. Releasing the hold he has on the man, he stands up and rushes over to me. He pulls me into his arms and hushes me, stroking my hair. “It’s okay, baby. I’m sorry. Are you hurt?”

  Holding on to his shirt and crying into his chest, I say, “I’m fine. Please don’t let people like that get to you. It scares me to death that you could get hurt.”

  The photographer is yelling in Italian at us. Shannon finds her way to me and we hug each other. Looking past her, I see Gianni comforting Ysabel. Papa embraces Mama. Johnny is working hard to keep the other paparazzi at a distance.

  The whole family is tired from the flight. They have been through such a heartbreaking interview where their oldest son had to talk about what happened to him as a child. Something no child should ever have to go through. It’s a wonder that they haven’t all broken down in tears before this.

  My blood boils at seeing us all upset. Out of frustration and anger, I spin around and scream at the top of my lungs, fighting to get the words out through the tears. “Can’t you see that just like you, we’re regular people too? That we get hurt and go through heartbreaks just as you do? What my husband endured as a child should never have happened. How would you feel if this happened to your son or daughter? Or if this was done to you as a little boy or girl? Could you stand to be judged as you all seem to be doing to my husband? He’s a man who I am very proud of. A man that faced his fears head on, one that is brave and always thinks of others. You people who judge him should be ashamed. I am the luckiest woman in the world to be his wife.”

  Being so angry, I hadn’t realized when everyone had stopped pushing and shouting. Now they stand silent with their heads down in shame. Aiden turns me to face him. He isn’t angry anymore. Instead he has a look that tells me he is unashamed. “God, woman, I am so in love with you. Let’s go home, Alexis.”

  The crowd, which just a little while ago was loud and angry, now moves aside so we can pass by. We walk to the waiting cars without saying a word. Before we have a chance to drive off, airport security comes to see if we’re okay.

  Papa is the only one to speak. “Now you come after it is all over. My family was in danger and where were you all? I will be speaking to your chief about this incident.”

  With that, we’re off.


  Brandy tried to get a party bus so we could all fit into one vehicle, but there were none available, so we’re in two different limousines. Riding in our car with us are Papa, Mama, and Brandy. At first, I rest my head on Aiden’s shoulder. Then I catch a glimpse of the city we’re driving through. The buildings are old, yet the architecture is stunning. Each one seems to tell a story. The roads are narrow and filled with people, so the drivers have to keep hitting the horns for them to move aside.

  Suddenly, we enter the countryside. Everything is so green. Huge trees grow along each side of the paved road, and beyond them are rows and rows of vineyards and fields of green, green grass with cattle grazing. Every little while we pass a person walking on the road or someone working in the vineyards waves as we pass by. I ask Aiden if they’re friends of the family. “No baby, most people here are just friendly.”

  I keep turning my head from side to side, trying to take all the beauty in. Every so often I take a breath in and say, “Wow.”

  Excitement hits me; it’s a whole new world. I’m just like a kid who has been taken to Disneyland. Turning to Papa and Mama, I say, “God, everything is so beautiful.”

  I hit the button to open the window. The air is crisp and clean, no smog or pollution, just fresh air. The car slows down as it takes a curve. We stop at a huge iron gate. Slowly, it opens and we drive through it. More trees line both sides of the avenue. To the right I see the vineyard, and to the left is a field with horses. I count seven of them.

  In the distance, I see a big barn. After passing a few more yards, we arrive. My eyes widen at the
size of the house, or should I say at the size of the castle.

  Leaning in toward my husband without thinking, I whisper, “Just how rich is your family?”

  I thought I said it low enough not to be heard, which apparently I didn’t. Papa and Mama start laughing. My face turns red. “It’s just that…Well, I’ve never stayed in a castle before. I’m just overwhelmed.”

  Aiden pulls me close and laughs. “This is your home now, Alexis. Remember, you are a Steffan now.”

  When our limos come to a complete stop, a man approaches to open the car doors. “Welcome home, Mr. and Mrs. Steffan.” As we get out, he turns to Aiden. “Welcome home, sir.”

  They embrace. “Antonio, this is my wife Alexis.”

  Antonio hugs me as if he has known me forever. “Welcome home, Mrs. Steffan.”

  Chapter 16

  Walking in, I am in awe at the grand entrance. The floors are marble, the walls are made of huge bricks. There are pictures hanging on all the walls. The one that catches my attention is a painted portrait of the Steffan family. It was obviously made a long time ago, since everyone appears so young. When I ask, Aiden informs me that he was nineteen years old.

  “I would love to have one done of our family when we have our own children.”

  Smiling, his answer is simple, “I’d love that too.”

  The staff enter with our luggage, Antonio walking in behind them. He directs them to which rooms to put the bags in.

  “Lexie, we are going to have to go horseback riding,” Shannon says.

  “What took you so long to get here?”

  “Johnny was showing me some of the grounds. Everything is so breathtaking. Oooh, and we are going to have to go over to the vineyards.”

  “Shannon, we just got here. You do know that we’re going to be here for a few months.”

  “And your point is?”

  I smirk at her. “Girl, you are incorrigible.”

  “Yeah, but you love me.”

  Johnny comes up behind her. “Baby, let me show you the room we are staying in.”

  Aiden holds his hand out for me to take. “Let me show you my room. It’s where we will be staying.”

  “Are your toys still in there?”

  He says with a grin, “Not the kind of toys a child can play with.”


  His room is as big as the family room back at our penthouse. The walls are an ivory color. The bed is massive, king-size, with an abundance of throw pillows. French doors lead out to a balcony. Opening them, the fresh breeze hits me. It’s the smell of fresh-cut grass and dirt. Everything looks so green and lush. The sight of the horses running in the pasture makes me smile. “Is this a dream?” I ask Aiden. “Am I really here? I feel like I should pinch myself.”

  Sliding his fingers under my chin, he brings his mouth down to mine. Our lips brush against each other. Releasing my chin, wrapping one arm around my waist and placing the other one on the back of my head, he presses his forehead against mine. “Alexis, if this is a dream, it’s one that I hope we never wake up from.”

  Going back into the room, we start to unpack the suitcases. After putting mostly everything away, we change for dinner. The corridors are just like the entrance of the castle. Large paintings hang everywhere. The stairwell, also massive, is at the center, connecting the west and east wings. We walk down hand in hand.

  “I feel like royalty.”

  He kisses my fingers. “Alexis, you are my queen. I’ll make sure that you know it every day for the rest of our lives.”

  “Just like I’ll show you each and every day that you are my king.”


  “Now look who’s late. I thought we were going to have to search for the two of you.”

  “They were probably christening the room.” Everyone starts to laugh, though Mama tells Ysabel and Johnny to leave their big brother alone. Papa, who is seated at the head of the table, asks us to have a seat. Aiden pulls out the chair for me, then proceeds to take his.

  Antonio walks in, followed by two other gentlemen pushing carts with our dinner.

  I inhale the delicious aroma. “Hmmm, whatever it is, it smells so good.” Once the men finish serving each of our plates, they leave the dining room.

  Antonio fills our glasses with a red wine. Even though I don’t usually drink red wine because of the aftertaste, I decide to give it a try. When I take a whiff of it, the smell is light. I take a sip and let it swirl in my mouth before drinking it down. The flavor is unlike anything I’ve ever tasted before. There is no aftertaste—it is not bitter or sour at all. It is fresh and crisp, with a sweetness to it, yet at the same time it isn’t overpowering.

  Aiden asks Antonio to bring me a white wine. “She does not care for the reds.”

  “No, I want this one. Thank you, Antonio.” I tell Aiden, “I really like this one. It tastes so different from any other red wine I’ve ever had before.”

  Papa speaks up with pride in his tone. “This is our wine. We make this one. You will not find another one that comes close.”

  The food is lasagna roll ups with Italian bread covered in garlic and cheese. I hadn’t realized how hungry I am. I ask for seconds. Looking around at everyone, I can’t help but think of my parents and Erik. They would have loved it here, and would have loved Aiden’s family.

  It’s funny, but somehow, I can feel them here with us. As if they are standing behind me. I don’t feel sadness. The only emotions going through me are love and joy. Lowering my head, I have the biggest smile as I let the feelings wash over me.

  Leaning in closely so that his lips are touching my ear, Aiden says, “Alexis, I love seeing you smile, seeing you happy.”

  “Everything feels right. I’m exactly where I should be, where I want to be, with the man of my dreams.”

  “It’s been a long, exhausting day. Let’s go to bed.” Standing up, he excuses us, and after saying goodnight to everyone, we head for our room.


  Walking straight out to the balcony, I take a deep breath. The air is fresh, the weather cool. The smell of fresh-cut grass and grapes surrounds me. Leaning against the pillars, I tilt my head up and close my eyes. Again, I take a slow, deep breath in. My brain is making a memory.

  Aiden walks up behind me, kisses my shoulder, and wraps his arms around me. “Are you happy, baby?”

  Placing my hands over his arms, I say, “So happy.” I lay my head back against his chest and open my eyes. There are what seems like a million stars out tonight. “And you—are you happy, Aiden?”

  He turns me to face him. “Amore, I have never been so happy. Like you, I feel that everything is as it should be. I have hope for the future and it’s because of you.” Even in the night, I can see his intense blue eyes burning through me. He picks me up and cradles me. “I want to make love to my wife.”

  He carries me to the bed and lays me down. His eyes lock on to my own, he starts to unbutton his shirt. My heartbeat becoming rapid, I lick my lips, knowing that the anticipation of tasting him will overcome me if I don’t have him in my mouth soon. I rise on my knees, and meeting his stare, I start to unbuckle his belt. Pulling it off of his jeans completely, I lay it on the bed. Then I unzip his pants and lower them. He lets them fall to the floor, then steps out, one leg at a time. All the while never taking his eyes off of mine.

  I reach both my hands into his underwear, sliding them down until he springs free. The sight of his rock-hard penis already has me panting. I let out a moan and bite my lower lip. Bringing him down on the bed, I ask him to stay seated on the edge of it. I get on the floor, kneeling in front of him between his legs.

  I look up at his eyes once again, then both of my hands reach around to dig into his ass. Taking him in my mouth, I hear the humming sounds coming from my husband.

  Slowly pulling him in deeper each time, enticing him more and more, I lick and suck him harder and harder. The feel of his cock trembling makes my own body tingle with want, with pleasure. He brings his hands and
places them on my head. Growling sounds have replaced the humming ones.

  He is the hunter and I am the prey. I’ll be his for the taking, that is, after I take him. He’s in millions of women’s dreams, but only in my bed. I’ve always told Aiden that my heart, mind, soul, and body belong only to him. Now the world will also know that he belongs to me, only me.

  The crown of his cock is at the back of my throat and I am way beyond excited at the way I’m in control right now.

  His hands are tangled in my hair, his growling and moans increasing, the muscles in his legs and ass tightening up. Bringing one hand up to hold his cock, I pull it out of my mouth and lick the crown, swirling my tongue around again and again.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  I look up to see him throw his head back as he shoots the satin liquid into my mouth. I drink most of it, but let some fall on my breasts. The feeling of the hot semen is so enchanting. I have done things with Aiden that I would never have dared to do or even thought of before.

  The throbbing of his dick in my hand excites me more. I take him back in my mouth to finish the job, sucking the last drops from him. With my tongue, I clean off any final liquid.

  He reaches for me and pulls me on the bed.

  We work our bodies up to the headboard. Lowering himself, he takes my mouth with his. I open up and let him in, our tongues doing the dance of love that is reserved only for us. With his hands on each side of my head, he rises up, smiling. “My turn.”

  He works his way down my body, all the while giving me open-mouthed kisses. I sigh as he nibbles and grazes his teeth on my skin. He spreads my legs, at the entrance of my hypnotic and intoxicating core. I get chills from head to toe thinking about the moment he told me how the day he saw me for the first time in the office, he knew I was the one for him. When he tasted me for the first time, I intoxicated him. I had him completely hypnotized.


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