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Vows & a Vengeful Groom

Page 4

by Bronwyn Jameson

  No wonder they clung to each other so tenaciously.

  The room where the family gathered opened onto the terrace and front gardens, and rose up through the second storey to a thirty-foot ceiling. Light and air spilled into the vast space via the opened banks of French doors and the stacked windows above, yet the atmosphere strummed with the dark tension of a mausoleum, until it was broken by the faint rattle of cup against saucer.

  From the corner of his eye Ric saw Garth quietly take Sonya’s coffee and set it down on a side table. Her quiet “Thank you” broke the silence.

  “I’m very sorry to hear about Marise,” she continued with a calm composure that belied her distress.

  Danielle, sitting beside her, took hold of her hand. “We can’t be certain it was her…can we?”

  “It was,” Ryan said with surprising force. “The passenger list is confirmed. An all-male crew. Howard. His lawyer. Marise Hammond. She was the only female on the plane.”

  “Well, what was she doing on the plane?” Danielle fired back, undeterred. “I didn’t think she would even know Howard, let alone be on speaking terms with him.”

  Ric put his untouched coffee down. The same question had been circling his head all day, and he didn’t like any of the answers he’d come up with. But he could respond to the second part. “She worked at Blackstone’s as Marise Davenport before she married Matt Hammond. And unless the tabloids are doctoring pictures now, she was still on speaking terms with Howard in December.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Danielle asked the question, but Kim studied him with equal bewilderment. Living so far from Sydney, neither woman would have seen the scurrilous piece run by a high-profile society columnist a couple of weeks back. A piece that could easily have been dismissed if not for the accompanying photo.

  “Scene published a picture of them dining together,” Sonya explained, “and hinted that they might be involved…personally.”

  Danielle’s eyes widened with astonishment on her mother’s careful choice of description. “Howard and Marise were having an affair? You have got to be kidding!”

  “Of course it’s not true,” Sonya said with some heat. “That magazine is renowned for printing outrageous scuttlebutt and getting away with it by using broad hints rather than actual claims. Marise is married—she has a child. Whatever Howard’s involvement with this woman, it was not an affair!”

  Sonya’s passionate declaration hovered for a long moment unanswered and uncontested, but when Ric caught Garth’s eye he knew they were on the same wavelength. Howard’s wealth and power and charismatic good looks had always attracted pretty go-getters—reportedly before, during and after his only marriage—and he’d never been averse to casting aside his current mistress in favour of a dazzling new model.

  And Marise Davenport Hammond had always been a dazzler. From her time working at Blackstone’s, Ric recalled her as a go-getter, as well. She’d put the moves on him and Ryan, too, before striking gold when she met the heir to the Hammond jewellery business at a diamond trade show. But now that she had Hammond’s wealth at her disposal, why would she need to turn her eye elsewhere?

  “Did your father say anything to you about meeting with Marise?” Ric directed his question at Ryan.

  A distracted frown creased Ryan’s forehead as he flipped shut the cell phone he’d been checking, but when he looked up his gaze focused razor-sharp on Ric’s. “Not a word.”


  “I asked him about the photo when it surfaced,” the older man replied, “and he told me to mind my own business. In so many words.”

  Ric could imagine. Howard never minced words and the ones he chose were always colourful. “So you don’t think they were discussing business that night?”

  Garth shook his head. “I doubt it.”

  “No way in hell,” Ryan added with force.

  “Perhaps she was trying to broker harmony,” Danielle suggested. “On behalf of Matt and the Hammonds.”

  Ric’s gaze flicked to Kim, who’d sat through the exchange in uncustomary silence. One hand twisted at the charm pendant she wore around her neck and her dark brows were drawn together in a frown. He didn’t have to say a word to garner her attention. Slowly her gaze lifted to his. Strikingly green. Pensive. Troubled.

  “Marise wasn’t involved with business at House of Hammond,” she said. “And, no, she wasn’t a peacemaker.”

  “So why was she meeting with Howard and flying on his plane?” Danielle exhaled on a note of frustration. “I guess we might never know.”

  “Does it matter?” Ryan pocketed his phone, his scowl forbidding. “The gutter press will jump all over this and you can bet they’ll rehash that photo and every other sordid detail they can dig up.”

  Sonya made a soft sound of distress. She knew—hell, they all knew—that the Hammond-Blackstone family tree could provide enough juicy fodder to satisfy the greedy press for weeks. They wouldn’t even have to get their hands dirty digging, since most of it had been emblazoned across the front page of every major scandal sheet at one time or another.

  “How many cameras were outside the gates when you came in?” Garth asked him.

  “Too many.”

  “Can’t they leave us alone, at least for this one day?” Sonya asked.

  “No,” Ric said wearily, “that’s not how they work. We’ll all have to be prepared for the intrusion and speculation and the rehashing of old history. This is going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets any better.”

  Kimberley couldn’t stomach any more. With an excuse of needing to stretch her legs after her two long flights, she stalked outside to the terrace. Minutes later Ryan came to the open doors and said he had some business to attend to, and unless any news came through in the meantime he would see her in the morning.

  She’d noticed his distraction in the living room. Whoever’s call or message he’d been checking his phone for every five minutes had not come through. No doubt he would chase that down with his usual ruthless determination.

  Restless and wired, she strode over to the arced balustrade that presented Miramare’s multimillion-dollar view of Sydney Harbour to perfect advantage. Reflexively, her hands fisted over the sun-warmed wall and she had to force herself to relax her steely grip. She’d escaped the unrelenting tension of the living room and the endless eddying conversation about Marise and Howard.

  She didn’t want to think about them, to picture them in cahoots, their well-groomed heads together, conspiring Lord knows what.

  She didn’t want to think about them at all. She just wanted to close her eyes and let the late afternoon sun seep into her body, to relax her whirling mind and melt the icy ache from her belly. If only she could conjure herself onto one of the yachts far below, flying across the sea-blue water with the wind at their backs.

  Of course all that was impossible. When she closed her eyes, she did see Marise and Howard together and she heard Perrini’s blunt summation. This is going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets any better. That comment had hustled her from the room before she exploded with a sharp rejoinder.

  Worse? How could it get any worse?

  A plane had crashed. People had died horribly, innocent people going about their everyday working lives. The pilot and copilot, a cabin attendant, a lawyer travelling with Howard—all real people whose families would be stunned and grieving and asking their own questions about fairness and fate. Perhaps some left loved ones with unanswered questions, but did it matter? Ryan was right about Marise. It didn’t matter what she’d been doing that night in the restaurant or why she was on Howard’s charter flight. What mattered was how Matt would suffer a brutal hammering from the press as they speculated over every aspect of his family history and his business and his marriage, at a time when he should be mourning the loss of his wife in peace.

  What mattered was another child not understanding why his mummy hadn’t come home. He would forget her face and her cuddles an
d her laughter, but later he would grow inquisitive and seek answers. Sadly they would be clouded by every scandalous supposition printed and gossiped about and adopted as truth.

  Kimberley knew all about that and the thought of her godson going through the same distress chiselled open a chasm of pain in her heart. She’d been the same age as Blake when her mother hadn’t returned from a break at their Byron Bay holiday home. Many years later she’d read all the conjecture over Ursula Blackstone’s apparent suicide, her inability to cope with two young children while stricken with grief and remorse over the abduction of her firstborn son. How her depression had deepened over the rift between her brother Oliver and her husband following a loud and belligerent confrontation at her thirtieth birthday party.

  At least Blake had a father who loved him unconditionally, who would protect him and explain the truth about his mother. Matt was a good man, a fair man, and a wonderful father. His only mistake was marrying the lethally beautiful Marise.

  Familiar footfalls on the sandstone terrace broke into her reverie. Damn. After ten years she shouldn’t remember such minute and significant detail, but her consciousness refused to forget the cadence of his stride. Or the intense scrutiny of his gaze on her face as he settled by her side.

  “You can’t enjoy the view with your eyes closed,” he said after several seconds.

  “I’ve seen the view a thousand times.” Kimberley kept her eyes firmly closed. “I was enjoying the solitude.”


  Perrini fell silent, but she felt the brush of his sleeve against hers as he leaned forward. She pictured his hands planted wide on the balustrade, his azure gaze narrowed as he surveyed the amazing view. It always blew visitors away, this picture-perfect vista that stretched down the harbour to the famous bridge and beyond.

  “I thought you might have been thinking,” he said after a moment.


  “Marise and Howard. You didn’t offer an opinion inside.” He paused, a deliberate hesitation before delivering the million-dollar question. “Do you think they were having an affair?”

  Reluctantly she opened her eyes and felt the impact of his perceptive gaze—narrowed and as blue as the harbour—ripple through her senses.

  Double damn. She couldn’t escape this. She couldn’t walk away.

  “Anything is possible,” she said, choosing her words with care.

  Perrini’s expression tightened. “Stop pussyfooting around, Kim. You knew Marise better than any of us. What was she doing in Australia these past weeks?”

  “She came over for her mother’s funeral. As far as I know she stayed to tie up some matters with the estate.”

  “Over Christmas and New Year’s?”

  “Her mother passed away in December—I doubt she had much choice. I believe her father isn’t well and her sister was away on a modelling assignment.”

  “And if there was money involved in her mother’s estate,” he mused, “Marise struck me as a woman who’d be all over it.”

  Kimberley exhaled through her nose. She would not respond. Speaking ill of Marise now seemed uncharitable and purposeless. She’d survived a plane crash, spent terrifying hours in the water, only to pass away among strangers. No one deserved that, not even a woman who’d deserted her husband and child for weeks on end with scant excuse for her absences.

  Not even a woman who might have done so as cover for an affair.

  “I don’t know Marise as well as you seem to think, so I don’t know what she might or might not have done,” she said. “But I do know what my father is capable of.”

  “You don’t think your stance on Howard is slightly jaundiced?”

  A humourless laugh escaped Kimberley’s lips as she met his gaze. “You know it is. And you know why.”

  “Ten years is a long time, Kim.”

  Staring into his shadowed face, she wondered about that. So much hadn’t changed, including the way he sparked her temper and her body’s dormant hormones with equal ease. Just by standing a little too close. Just by looking into her eyes a little too long. Just by pressing his lips to her wrist and stirring insistent memories of other kisses, against other skin, far more intimate.

  “Did he tell you about the last time I saw him?” she asked, regathering her concentration. “When he came to New Zealand to try and snare me back to Blackstone’s?”

  “I’d like to hear your side.”

  Oh, he was smooth. He wouldn’t give away how much Howard had shared about that horrendous meeting. He’d been the same inside, she realised belatedly. Assuming control of the discussion, asking the leading questions, drawing opinion from everyone else but never offering his own.

  She could call him on that—later—but for now she wanted to share her side.

  She wanted him to know exactly what Howard Blackstone was capable of.

  “When I refused his job offer,” she said, getting straight to the point, “he sweetened the salary package. More than once. When I told him money wasn’t the issue, he asked what it would take. I said an apology.”

  “I gather you didn’t get one?”

  “Have you ever heard Howard Blackstone apologise? For anything?”

  Something tightened in his expression, but he simply said, “Go on.”

  “He rejected any notion that he’d done anything wrong, but then he accused Matt of stealing me from Blackstone’s. He called him a thief like his father, and brought up the whole sorry raft of accusations from Mum’s party.” Shaking her head, she blew out a heated breath. “That was thirty years ago. I can’t believe he still thinks Oliver Hammond stole the Blackstone Rose necklace that night.”

  “You don’t think Oliver took the opportunity to reclaim what he believed should have been Hammond property?”

  “No,” she replied with absolute conviction. “Oliver wouldn’t have taken that necklace if it was handed to him on a silver platter. He despised Howard for cutting up the Heart of the Outback stone and making it into such an ostentatious piece. He hated that he’d put the Blackstone name to the necklace, when it came from a diamond found by a Hammond. And he despised Howard for making such a blatant show of owning it, with all the magazine spreads and having Mum photographed wearing the necklace at every opportunity.”

  “From what I understand, your grandfather gave the diamond to Ursula. It was her prerogative to do with it as she wished. Eventually it would have passed to her estate,” he said with emphasis. “If it hadn’t gone missing, the Blackstone Rose would be yours, Kim.”

  She gave a strangled laugh and shook her head. “No, that was never going to happen. Howard was the sole beneficiary of my mother’s estate. And as of last month, I believe I am no longer named in his will.”

  “He said he was striking you from his will?” Perrini whistled softly through his teeth. “That must have been some argument.”

  “You might say that.”

  His lips quirked at her dry comment but his brows were lowered in serious contemplation as he caught her gaze. “Surely you didn’t believe he’d go ahead with it once he cooled down?”

  “Maybe not, but what about his other threat? He still doesn’t accept that I walked away from Blackstone’s—” and you “—because of his actions. He blames Matt for actively recruiting me. The last thing he said to me that day was ‘Hammond will pay for this.’”

  The portentous statement hung for a beat in the still evening air while Perrini made the connection. His blue eyes narrowed. “You think he was sleeping with Marise out of vengeance?”

  “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what he wanted Matt to think.”

  She watched him consider that, his expression guarded. “Did Hammond have any reason to think his wife would cheat on him?”

  “Matt didn’t discuss his marriage with me.”

  “But it’s possible?”

  Kimberley ached to say no, their marriage was as solid as the Sydney sandstone beneath our feet. Marise valued her husband an
d her child too dearly to stray. But she couldn’t say it. She looked away, her silence answer enough.

  They stood like that for what seemed a long time, side by side at the balustrade, considering the shocking implications. Whether there’d been a clandestine affair going on or not didn’t matter. If the tabloids ran with it, if Matt believed it, then Howard’s job was done. Whether he was here to enjoy the fruits of his malicious game didn’t matter. He’d won.

  The thought chilled Kimberley to the bone. This was her father. The man she’d looked up to with adoration throughout her childhood; the person she’d set her sights on emulating when she’d focussed single-mindedly on a career in the precious gems industry.

  Unconsciously she rubbed her arms. “How can I mourn such a man?” she asked bitterly. “How can anyone?”

  Perrini didn’t answer, but she sensed a change in his posture, a stiffening, and felt the warning touch of his hand on her arm. She swung around and saw Sonya standing just outside the French doors.

  Had she heard that last comment?

  Kimberley felt sick. She would never set out to hurt her aunt, who for some inexplicable reason had always stood by Howard with the same steadfastness as she’d defended him earlier. Over the years there’d been much speculation about their relationship, but Kimberley believed Sonya when she said there’d never been anything sexual between them.

  Of course not. He’s my brother-in-law, she’d said, sounding offended that Kim had asked.

  But she still could have loved the bastard. Kimberley suspected she would mourn him more purely than anyone.

  “I know neither of you have eaten all day,” Sonya said now, in her customary mothering role, “so I’m going to start dinner early. You will stay, Ric?”

  “Thank you,” he said easily. “I will.”

  “Good.” Sonya turned as if to leave, then paused. “Your room is made up, as always, so do consider staying over. We’d love the company tonight.”

  Your room? As always?

  Kimberley blinked in confusion at the allusion to regular sleepovers. Her gaze shifted from her aunt to the ex-husband who seemed to have slipped right into her family during her absence. No wonder he’d known where to locate her bedroom when he’d taken her luggage upstairs.


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