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Gypsy Beach

Page 9

by Jillian Neal

  Sienna’s breath shivered in her lungs again. Given into? She groaned from the images of Ryan getting himself off while thinking of her. The dreams had been mutual, but he was right, the reality was complete perfection.

  “You are so beautiful,” he panted as he knelt before her in reverence to worship her properly. Running those work-rough, capable hands up her thighs he paused as her body writhed. He hooked her knees behind his shoulders and slowly traced his fingertips up the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. He skimmed just along her slit, and she whimpered in desperation.

  With a wicked grin, he repeated the move. “I’ve waited so long to know how sweet you taste, baby. I should have done it all those years ago. I should have been doing this for the last decade, so I’m gonna take my time, enjoy every moment of this. I’m so damn hungry, sweetheart, but I want you soaking wet. I plan to drink every last drop of you.”

  He circled her mound with his fingers, priming the flesh just above her clit, making it distend and weep for his mouth. “That’s it.” He rewarded the efforts of her body by spinning his tongue over the hood. Certain she was going to lose her mind, Sienna bucked against him.

  He settled her hips once more and blew a cold, teasing breath over the tender bundle of nerves that was so anxious for his love. She trembled. Her head shook back and forth. “Please, please, Ryan.” If he wanted her to beg, she was more than willing as long as that meant he would give her reprieve from the delectable torture.

  He moaned his approval and used his thumbs to gently separate her.

  Ryan stared down into what he was certain was the entrance to heaven. He had no idea how he was getting to live his lurid fantasies, but he certainly planned to indulge himself. All of those stupid years that he’d drowned his misery in liquor he’d known that what his body craved, what his mouth desperately sought was the nectar of her. There would never be anything as intoxicating as this.

  Her lips were swollen full of heat and arousal. She was glistening with desperate desire, hungry for him. His imagination could never have done this justice. That sweet little clit pulsing so timid and so eager. She was open. Her inner lips inflamed with heat. Her body so willing. He couldn’t draw it out any longer. Desperate to satiate his tongue with that sweet cream, he lapped from her opening slowly upwards to her clit, listening to her beg for more as he worked his tongue back and forth.

  The wind outside whipped against the sliding glass doors. The rain poured. Ryan didn’t give a damn. All that mattered was tasting more of her delectable flavors. That spicy sweet heat of her perfumed the air and filled his nostrils as he worked. Utter perfection filled his mouth.

  “So sweet, baby, like candy made all for me,” he grunted before spinning his tongue up her right lip and then down her left. With another gentle parting of her with his thumbs, he encapsulated her clit and began to suck. The very essence of her was like nothing he could ever have conjured in a fantasy. His mind spun with craving need, but he denied himself everything. He owed her much more than this. His cock would just have to wait, though he was already hung so thickly he ached. He supposed a ten-year case of blue balls would have that effect.

  He brushed his tongue in syncopation over her now-throbbing clit. Her body began to quake. Her thighs tightened against his five o’clock shadow. He rubbed the stubble against her, abrading her skin while keeping his tongue moving in a soft juxtaposition.

  With a breathy, whimpered moan, she came. He pushed her over. The heady power of that filled his body with desperate greed. Her entire body trembled as he continued to feast on what he’d just elicited from her.

  Her breath eluded her. She reached for him, grasping his shoulders. Her need was the only thing that could have made him move from her sweet little pussy. Climbing up the bed beside her, he wrapped her up in his arms. “I’m not near done, sweetheart.”

  Another breathy moan met his vow as she tucked herself tightly against him. “Ryan, I’m scared.” Finally, she couldn’t pretend anymore. After he’d given her a momentary distraction, she’d let the fear back in.

  “I know you’re scared, baby. I’m scared, too, but us being apart, for me, has been a disaster. I missed you every single day, and I missed this every single night. When we’re finished here, I’m going to hold you all night long. Tomorrow, we’ll talk about everything that happened and how we can put this back together. Please know that I never meant to hurt you, and that I will never allow anything to hurt you again.”

  He lifted her chin and kissed her again. He knew she could taste the essence of herself on his tongue. The thought nearly drove him over, and he hadn’t even undressed. Reminding himself that he’d been a newbie out on his first run their first time, he ordered himself to maintain his slipping control.

  Her fingers located the hem of his shirt, and she worked it up his chest. He helped her shed it quickly. His eyes rolled back in his head as her hands tracked up and down his pecs and her tongue taunted his nipples.

  When her hand grasped the fierce bulge she felt in his jeans, he was certain he was going to lose his mind. He had to stop her. He wasn’t going to last. It had been too long. He’d dreamt of this far too many times.

  “Baby, stop.” He caught her hand. “You’re just too much. Too sweet. Too beautiful. Too perfect. I’ve imagined having you again so many times. I need to bring you over and over. Your orgasms need to be a foregone conclusion. I need you thoroughly satisfied before I ever grant myself the extreme pleasure of taking you again, because I’m not going to last. I’m gonna lose it all in your sweet little pussy.”

  “Oh, my God,” she groaned as he wasted no time slicking his fingers with her dew.

  His control evaporated with every thundered beat of his heart, as he pressed inside of her and tried to prepare for the assaulting memories. “So damn tight, baby,” he groaned in exultation. She could barely manage two of his fingers. Her body squeezed in around them. How incredible would that feel against his cock? No wonder he’d lost it all in one half-thrust all those years before. A man could only sustain so much perfection.

  She squirmed, and he felt her body ease open under his coaxing persuasion. She began to grind against his hand. He watched her ass clench as her body pulled his roving fingers deeper. That thick, plump ass always did him in.

  She used to complain about having to buy extra-small bikini tops and much larger bottoms, but as a shameless ass-man, Ryan thought she was absolute perfection. His mind filled with erotic images of flipping her over on her knees, grasping her waist, and fucking her thoroughly from behind. Making those sweet little ass cheeks slap against him as he took her hard. He wanted to study that seductive tattoo in detail, preferably while his hands massaged over it.

  Tonight, though, she needed to be reassured of his love. She needed to be worshipped and cared for completely, but maybe next time, after he’d convinced her that they could somehow make this work, then he could take her to all new heights in their bedroom.

  Sienna could no longer hear the storm over the anthem of exquisite need that Ryan was strumming from her body. His fingers located the tightly coiled nerves of her g-spot, and he began to stroke.

  It was perfect and maddening, and all she was capable of was moaning her adamant approval, but she needed more. She needed to be full. She needed to be taken. She didn’t want to worry anymore. She wanted his thick substantiality to choke out all of her fear. She wanted his cock. Her body writhed and begged for her when she couldn’t remember how to make her mouth formulate words.

  With one more fervent stroke, he drew another orgasm from deep within her. If he really intended to make up for ten years’ worth of orgasms, she was a more than willing participant in this particular form of repayment. Her body shook as the orgasm rose from her mound and propelled outwards to her limbs. She wasn’t certain how many more she could withstand. She felt weak against his primal strength.

  To complete the perfection of their evening thus far, he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked th
e cum he’d just forced from her body, as if he really couldn’t get enough. Something between a breathy moan and a hungry growl shook from her lungs.

  “Watching you lose it all for me is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, but I can’t wait anymore, baby. I need to make you mine. I need to be inside of that tight little pussy. All mine, all night, and forever. I’ll be right back.” Ryan stood and shed his jeans and briefs in one quick move.

  Sienna managed to lean up on her elbows, certain she looked like a bedraggled mess after all of that, but another voracious moan of approval lit from Ryan. He leaned back in for another kiss. “So, fucking sexy, baby. Let me go get a condom.”

  With the image of Sienna in his bed, her hair in a wild mane, her cheeks flushed with the stain of the climaxes he’d provided, her pussy tender and ready, and her breasts swollen, pert, and anxious emblazoned in his frontal cortex, Ryan sprinted to the hallway.

  Fuck! I don’t have any condoms. Not having sex with anyone other than himself for the last few years had not prepared him for the opportunity to rectify the last decade. He flew to the bedroom where he’d spent one night with her a ten years before. Throwing the bedside table drawer open, his cock throbbed in elation, but then his mind berated him with the stupidity of using a ten year old box of condoms.

  Fuck! He slammed the drawer shut and raced to the bathroom, he threw open the medicine cabinet. No, no, no! Fuck it all! He threw out dental floss, old bottles of Visine, sunscreen, and a plastic jar of Noxzema that was probably older than those condoms.

  Heaving the cabinets below the sink open, he dumped out towels, washcloths, a bag of cotton balls, and a Playboy magazine, circa 1996, shoved in the very back, that he was certain he’d lifted from his old man’s stash.

  Fighting not to actually cry, he stood and flung open one of the drawers. Shoving Calamine lotion and toothpaste aside, his hand landed on a box in the very back. Certain he had never been so thankful to have John Rowan as his best friend, Ryan recalled letting John bring some chick out to the beach house last summer. They’d been there a few weeks before the storm had hit.

  Wrapping his hands around one of the condoms, Ryan held it like he’d been given precious metals and raced back to Sienna.

  She was still up on her elbows, and to complete the picture of stunning sexuality that lay before him she was giggling again. “That all sounded like you were a little anxious,” she called him on his frantic race through the house.

  “You have no idea.” His abashed chuckle was cut short when she sat up and gently palmed his cock, and then spun her fingertips up his shaft and over his head.

  He bit back the command that threatened to pour from his mouth, the order to suck him, to drink the salty pearls of need that were now leaking steadily in anticipation of her.

  He didn’t have to ask. She complied without any provocation. Her tongue wound around his head and licked him clean.

  “Oh my God, Sienna, you’re playing with fire, baby. I really do not want to embarrass myself.”

  With a devious smirk, she lifted her gaze back to his and treated him with two deep sucks of his cock. She pulled away and licked her lips. He saw the few drips of himself in her mouth. It drove him to the brink of no return.

  That expectant, hungry look, a duplicate of the one she’d worn that night so many years before, met his gaze. “Lay back, sweetheart.” He guided her back and ran his hands from her neck over her breasts down her slender abdomen. He kissed his way around that sexy belly button ring, then spun his tongue in her navel, making her squirm.

  He made quick work of the condom, rolling it over himself as she watched in voracious anticipation. In one fluid movement, he caught her hands and pinned them over her head against the mattress. He prodded her with his head then pacified her clit with another stroke of his cock. With a craving growl, he dipped low and penetrated her with a demanding, urgent thrust.

  “All mine.” His words and his body made the same order. She fit him like she was made for him alone. He sank into her feeling her ripple around him. It was absolute perfection. He pressed harder, desperate for all of her, and she took him in with ample generosity. Her body nursed away every single thing that had gone so wrong and replaced it with her acceptance and what he hoped was her love.

  “More, please.” Her begging seared through him, burning away every stupid mistake and tending every wound with her heat. Releasing her hands, he reared up and began to pound into her. Her body contorted beneath his as he baptized himself in the only thing that could ever have saved him.

  He grunted in an effort to deny himself the explosion his body had craved for a solid decade. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He pushed harder. He wasn’t going without her. His hips picked up pace.

  The tender trembles of her body milking his cock licked like a consuming fire. Even through the condom, he could feel every silken draw her body made.

  “Come for me, Sienna. Just let go for me,” he coaxed as he lost the ability to fight any longer. She complied in an explosive release that rocketed through them both. His body shook as he buried himself past his hilt and lost everything deep inside of her. Every lonely, heartbreaking night wiped away, the empty abyss filled, the frozen tundra melted, his world finally settled, all because of her.

  When he regained the ability to breathe and his heart had located some kind of steadying beat, he slipped out of her, making her shiver again. He couldn’t quite hide his smirk as he disposed of the condom, turned out the lights, and cradled her against his chest.

  Her languid body, now thoroughly satiated, tensed against him when thunder shook the glass paned doors.

  “Still don’t like storms, huh?” His hands gently soothed her and tucked her hair behind her shoulders so he could whisper kisses against her temple.

  She shook her head.

  “I’ve got you, sweetheart. I’m right here. Just go to sleep.”

  “Promise?” she whispered in the darkness.

  “I swear, baby. We’re gonna figure out how to make this work. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “What about…?”

  “Tomorrow. We’ll figure it all out tomorrow.”

  More than relieved that she didn’t have to think about everything that could so easily go wrong, Sienna reveled in the contented exhaustion Ryan had given her. She’d never felt so thoroughly satisfied. With a soft sigh, she decided that tomorrow sounded like the perfect time to figure out the Inn, and Ryan, and the last ten years.

  Unable to hold her eyes open one moment longer, she drifted off to sleep wrapped up in his arms, somehow certain that he would keep the nightmares of reality at bay.


  The storm moved further down the coastline around midnight, and Ryan allowed himself to sleep. He’d stayed awake until then to make certain that the relentless thunder and streaks of lightening didn’t frighten Sienna awake.

  Just before five, she’d rolled in her sleep. Ryan had begrudgingly released her, but she’d wiggled back against him and had nestled his cock between the cheeks of her lush backside. The elation that she wanted to be in his arms and pressed against his skin, even in her sleep, and the feeling of her ass surrounding him had been enough to keep him from having any desire to return to slumber. He would’ve laid there with her like that for the next week. This was how he was supposed to have woken up every morning for the last ten years. This was how it always should have been.

  Just before the sun broke through the indigo night skies, Ryan’s cell gave a shrill ring. He grunted and leaned upwards to answer it while keeping Sienna tucked safely in his arms.

  “You have insanely bad timing, my friend.” He cleared the sleep from his throat as he answered John’s call.

  Sienna grinned but hadn’t yet opened her eyes. Ryan tucked the phone between his shoulder and face. He indulged himself in a thorough exploration of her hip and then slid his hand up her waist until he cupped her right breast, making her nipples awaken and bead against his palm. She wiggled her a
ss against him, and he did his best to turn his groan into a convincing cough.

  “Okay, what are you doing that makes you sound all happy? The past two years every time I call you sound like you’re walking the plank at gunpoint. Now, you sound damn near elated? What the hell?”

  Ryan couldn’t help but laugh. “You don’t worry about what I’m doing. Just tell me why you’re calling me at five-thirty in the morning.”

  “Well, you might consider this good news. I’m not really sure. For your custody case, it’s fantastic, but it’s probably about to piss you off, too.”

  Ryan squeezed his temples and sighed. “What the fuck has she done now?” Sienna yawned and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and stared at him in confusion. Her hair was mussed and tangled. Her cheeks were flushed and her body smooth from her slumber.

  His breaths labored. Sienna, in her natural state, was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever seen. He qualified it right under the way her face contorted and her body trembled when he brought her to climax.

  “Evie is here at my condo.”

  So caught up in the intoxicating beauty that he’d had the pleasure of sleeping with, it took Ryan a split second to understand John’s words.


  “Yup. Queen Alexa dropped her off at five. Poor kid. She’s asleep on my couch. Alexa is a bitch of epic proportion — not that you don’t know that, but this is really good for you.”

  “How exactly?” Panic dissolved any thoughts of languidly awakening with Sienna, making her a cup of coffee, and then seeing if he could work her into another love-making session before they spent the day figuring out all that life had heaved on them as of late.

  “Hey, just be thankful that I did get enough sleep to remember to make her sign the document saying that she’s forfeiting her two-weeks of this month in the temporary custody agreement and giving them to you. Evie is yours for the next month, and dumping her here is not going to look good for her at the hearing. She’s not an idiot, though. She did happen to leave her with the one guy that can’t testify on your behalf since I am your legal counsel.”


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