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The Billionaire's Wife (A Steamy BWWM Marriage of Convenience Romance Novel)

Page 15

by Mia Caldwell

  She should have just done her job and taken the damn money. She would pay for her insolence. The little temptress bitch would never occupy the throne. Her little gold digging adventure would come to a painful end.

  Cole Andrews may have built this company, but he didn’t deserve it. He didn’t earn it. He had no secret brilliance, only his little magic box. My value on the other hand was clear from the start, and his fate was sealed the day that he hired me. Was it pity? Atonement, maybe? Was it an olive branch, a dry-lipped apology? Perhaps. It was never enough. He was always a sentimental man, although the liar did his best to hide it, to bury it deep inside. He thought himself cool as iced steel, but he was wrong. To an old man with years of haggard loss, you can hide no secrets.

  To think, such a young man playing pretend gets to be my master?

  No. Devin J. Coppersmith accepts no masters.

  Particularly not from the biggest thief of them all, the veritable king of this entire, decadent empire. I will not serve the lord of the filthy, stinking rats, defiling the memory of the dead.

  If he thinks a few donations to the mentally ill are going to change that, he’s as insane as he is stupid. No matter. I will let the bastard die, and I will return this company to its rightful heir apparent.

  All of this – I do this all for you, my son.

  My Hunter.

  (Back to Table of Contents)

  Chapter 25


  Cole and I developed an unshakable understanding that night, focused on one, beautiful word.


  I woke up the next morning first, curled up against him. Cole was deep asleep, his chest slowly rising and falling with his slumber…but I could feel something pressed against me that was wide alert and awake. The impulse struck me, and I knew that I wanted to satisfy it.

  Feeling mischievous, I slipped down and under the covers, slowly and gradually dropping near his fully erect cock. God, he’s a heavy sleeper, I thought to myself as I dug the thick erection out of his pajama bottoms. I fought the urge to kiss all over his firm, tanned abdominal muscles as I lowered my lips to the purple crown, engulfing it into my mouth.

  “Mmmm…” Cole murmured in his sleep, moving slightly as I savored his taste. I loved the spontaneity of it. As my lips pushed and pulled up and down his hard cock, I began teasing him, my tongue sliding along the sensitive fold of skin below the glans. I would need fresh air soon, but I could continue this for now.

  “Mmm…that feels good…” he continued to murmur; his hands pulled lightly near my head as I bobbed up and down. After a moment, I heard a slight noise of surprise, and he whipped the covers aside.

  “Key…?” He groaned, looking down at me before his head descended back into the pillows. “Oh…fuck, that feels good…”

  “That’s right,” I grinned after pulling my lips free from his cock. “Why don’t you just let me take care of things for a moment…just lay back and relax…” My lips wrapped around his cock again, and I began bobbing faster now, furiously eager to get him off with my mouth.

  Cole’s hands clutched my head, his fingers digging into my hair as I sucked down his morning wood. He growled out a few low, satisfied groans as I pleasured him, and it wasn’t longer than a few minutes before his body seized up and he held my head in place, pumping his seed into the back of my throat.

  “Oh God, can I wake up like that every morning?” He asked contently. “Because I think I could probably get used to that…”

  “We’ll see,” I grinned, suddenly aware that I needed to get rid of my early morning breath. I pulled away, preparing to jump out of bed, when his hand clutched around my forearm.

  “And where do you think you’re going?”

  “I need to go brush my teeth.”

  “Not right now, you don’t,” he chuckled as he pulled me back into bed, his hands quickly unclasping my bra. Sliding out of the way, he held his breath, pressing his lips against my neck. I purred my delight as he peppered kisses down my chest, exhaling as he wrapped his lips around my nipple. I squealed with pleasure, and he brought his hands up to grasp my breasts firmly, gently kneading them as he subtly rocked his head with the motion. At the same time, his wet, strong tongue flicked my small peak into an erect, puckering peak, and he shifted his attention to its sister while squeezing the first between his fingers.

  “Oh, you are good at this,” I mumbled lovingly. My arms wrapped around the back of his head and held him in place, locking his lips around the nipple. His tongue worked its magic, and I basked in my sultry enjoyment.

  Soon, he pulled himself free, kissing back down to my panties again. With his thumbs hooking into the waistband, he whipped them out of the way, dropping his lips to wrap around my awakening pussy. His wet tongue lapped away, stirring the flicker of my mounting arousal into a burning blaze.

  My thighs squeezed around his head as I clenched my fingers into the tufts of his hair, riding his pink tongue inside me. I could feel myself growing wet as he continued to match my enthusiasm, his hot breath wafting over my lower lips and only turning me on more.

  Gasping and groaning, I clutched at my breasts and fondled the peaks with my fingers. With a change in tactics between my thighs, and the pressure of his digit against the bead of my pleasure, I gave out a passionate, low moan. His love and attention was driving me absolutely wild.

  I could feel the building sensation escalate, my pulsing need for climax rising up inside. My breasts heaved; I was consciously aware of my heavy breathing and how my words flitted from my lips, drenched with lust and need:

  “Oh fuck…don’t stop, Cole, please don’t stop…”

  He audibly grinned, exhaling between his lips. The billionaire ramped up the pleasure, his thumb rubbing circles around my clit, and I arched my back with pleasure.

  “Cole…I’m so close…”

  “That’s right, baby, let me take of you…”

  His tongue lapped up my juices as I came, my mouth bursting open with exhilaration. My fingers grasped at the bedding on either side, clutching into the sheets as I rode out a couple of incredible orgasms in a row.

  “What did you say earlier?” I asked breathlessly as he extracted his face from between my legs. My body welcomed him as he lay down beside me, my arms wrapping around him.

  “That I could get used to this?” He asked, wondering himself.

  “Yeah…that goes double for me.”

  * * *

  This time, I finally got that breakfast in bed.

  Although I couldn’t hear the sizzle from the kitchen, I could sure smell the slight waft of the delicious food from around the corner and down the hall. When Cole slipped into the room, holding up a tray containing a stack of buttery, chocolate chip pancakes, grilled gourmet sausages, a few strips of spiced French toast, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, I squealed with delight and graciously took the gift.

  “How is it?” He asked after a few bites.

  “Oh God, dear, this is pretty great,” I grinned, swallowing a chunk of food. “Now I see exactly what I was missing.”

  “Glad to hear it,” he smiled, before his joy began to recede away, forming a gradually darkening face. “I’m going to have to go into work today. It’s time that I check on an old friend of ours…”

  I gulped down my mouthful of juice. “Coppersmith?”

  “Yes,” he muttered angrily, his features firm and furious. “I also need to check in with Kylie, too. Alphonse Megami will be here soon, and I need to make the proper arrangements for his arrival.”

  While I thoughtfully ate, he stood up straight, stepping towards the closet. This time while he changed, not an ounce of indignation or concern crossed my mind. I simply enjoyed my breakfast while he donned his battle armor for the coming hours. His naked, sturdy muscles disappeared beneath layers of pressed and starched clothing as he wrapped his handsome body in a custom tailored, three-piece suit.

  As he slipped into his socks and shoes, I rose from t
he bed, just as naked as he had been just several minutes before. He glanced up from his shoelaces, admiring my curves and my supple skin as I perused his ties. He needed something tasteful, something strong and commanding.

  “This will do…” I murmured to myself, running my fingers along a softly folded tie, plucking it from its rack.

  “And what are you up to in here?” He asked warmly, coming up behind me. His hands slip up my abdomen from behind, grasping at my supple breasts. Involuntarily, I sucked in a sharp, automatic gasp of pleasure, feeling his fingers caress my nipples. His lips found my neck, and I lifted my arms up to loosely hug him with my back against his chest, offering him a better hold on my ample bosom.

  “Now, now, Cole…” I murmured, feeling the bulge of his large cock twitching against my bare ass. “Better settle down, you’ve got a job to do…”

  I pulled myself free, turning around to pop the collar of his long-sleeved shirt, tightly slipping the tie around the back of his neck. Immediately, I pulled him in for a deep kiss, my hands grasping either end of the tie to leverage his head forward.

  “You’re something else, aren’t you, Key?” He murmured as I tied his tie for him.

  “Maybe just a little,” I grinned. Glancing down as I worked, I could see his erection against the front of his slacks, and tsk-tsk’ed mock disappointment.

  “Well…can’t send you off like that, can I?” I smiled, gazing up into his eyes. “You’re ready to go again already? Maybe it’d be better to let you step into your company with a clear head…and I have just the idea of how to do that…”

  Unzipping his slacks, I unbuckled his belt and withdrew his thick, fully erect cock before dropping to my knees. As the businessman’s fingers plunged into my hair and held it back, he stood proudly in front, dressed from head to toe in the sharpest suit I’d ever seen. I wrapped my round lips down his cock, happy to worship the rock-hard tool as my mouth descended for the second time this morning. We might not have much time left together, but I wasn’t going to waste a single second.

  (Back to Table of Contents)

  Chapter 26


  As the doors opened, I temporarily set aside the mental picture of Kiona on her knees, bobbing away on my cock before the explosive and knee-weakening finish. Stepping off the elevator, everything focused on the here and now; it was time for business. Strangely, as I glanced around I could sense an immediate tension in the air. People seemed stiffer, bothered somehow as I walked from department to department, checking in with the various supervisors and directors.

  Even the middlemen and leaders within my company seemed to have fallen under the tension that had begun gripping my employees. This troubled me. I wasn’t used to my team exhibiting blatant shaken confidence, and I wondered if my temporary absence had anything to do with it.

  I began asking, but responses were tight-lipped and canned. The most I could get out of anyone was “quotas” and “rough season,” but I would have been a fairly incompetent leader to not immediately recognize that something was very, very wrong.

  The only person who seemed absolutely cheerful was Coppersmith, whom I crossed in the halls. He passed by without noticing me, whistling optimistically as he wandered onward without a care in the world.

  I should have immediately recognized the alarm bells, but I was too preoccupied with my impending death, as well as the concerning level of pressure on my staff.

  Most of the executives were either at a pair of conventions, on international travel under my orders, or otherwise tied up. This, too, should have struck me as odd, but the aforementioned factors were too near the forefront, and they blinded me.

  However, I did have a way of reconciling my concerns independent of them all.

  Kylie looked surprised as I entered her office. My executive assistant sprung into action at my approach, brushing her ginger curls out of her way as she snatched up a clipboard.

  “Mr. Andrews, I didn’t expect you to be back! Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine,” I briskly told her, gazing around her office. “Update me. What precisely you been up to in my temporary absence?”

  “Well, I’ve been forwarding calls, forestalling any pressing appointments, and…honestly, there hasn’t been too much to do. Your executive staff has been overseeing their own departments and mitigating small fires, here and there…of course, they won’t listen to much direct instruction from me, but it looks like everyone’s generally behaving. Andrews Enterprises seems to be running on autopilot, independently of your direct oversight. Seems like your dream’s finally come to fruition, sir.”

  “As excellent to hear, there’s something clearly wrong.”


  “The employees…something has them all tense. Explain to me why everyone is on edge.”

  “Mr. Andrews, I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary…well, now that I think of it, there’s the annual employee review coming up soon. That’s the only thing that crosses my mind.”

  “No, that’s not it. The annual reviews have never bothered the staff this much. Something else is going on, and I intend on getting to the bottom of it…and I rely on you to be my eyes and ears while I’m away. If you haven’t noticed anything, then you are less qualified for that role than I’d thought.”

  Kylie swelled with irritation for a moment, but quietly bit her tongue. The gesture was enough to give something away though – my assistant had never once displayed any visible sign of bother concerning orders, observations, or even brutally honest remarks I had made. This meant that she, too, was stressed about whatever was happening, and therefore not only knew what it was, but was also lying to me about it.

  My concern rose to a new height.

  “It’s Coppersmith,” I remarked. “Whatever is happening, it’s revolving around him.”

  “Coppersmith?” She asked, cleverly masking recognition. Or so she thought.

  “Yes, he’s the only person here who doesn’t appear to be burdened by crippling fear and tension,” I observed. “If anything, he looked positively delighted when I encountered him earlier.”

  “I didn’t realize that he was here today,” Kylie replied.

  “Regardless…I need to see some of the recent reports. I have to review some of the latest projections.”

  “Sir,” Kylie asked with sincere compassion, her hand resting against mine, “how is your condition?”

  I pulled my hand free from hers, somewhat bemused by her overly fond gesture. “I am presently stable.”

  “No updates? Nothing at all?”

  “…None,” I lied.

  Kylie frowned, gazing into my eyes for a moment.

  “Those reports, please,” I reminded her.

  “…Right. Right away, Sir.”

  As she rummaged through a nearby shelf of folders and binders, I dwelled on the oddness of my staff and how bizarre she was acting. I quickly concluded that I should review and revoke any access to my personal files that she might have.

  * * *

  The projections looked reasonable; nothing presented itself that might raise a red flag with Alphonse Megami. I also independently checked on the arrangements that I had Kylie schedule – they all looked to be in order, although I wondered privately what might have changed if she knew how important this meeting was going to be.

  It wasn’t like me to doubt my executive assistant, but I did not tolerate distrust from those who occupied the position, and I wondered when I would need to remove her from the spot.

  Or perhaps, I thought to myself, I would need to deal with the problem head-on.

  Which meant Coppersmith.

  “Contact him,” I commanded her as I walked back into her small office. “It’s time that I get to the bottom of things.”

  “Who, sir?”

  I raised my eyebrows in irritation – I didn’t appreciate being patronized. “You know damned well who I mean.”

  “…Yes, Sir.”

ie lifted the phone and dialed a number. “Yes, you are being summoned to – that’s right. Yes. I…of course.” She hung up and turned to me with an impartial glance. “He will be in your office in approximately ten minutes.”

  “Good,” I answered, contemplating the impending confrontation. “It is time that he and I had ourselves a little chat…”


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