The Cocky Cage Fighter Six Book Box Set

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The Cocky Cage Fighter Six Book Box Set Page 121

by Lane Hart

  "So, um, tomorrow night Grayson's staying at his aunt's if you want to come over?" Alyssa asks, biting her bottom lip either because she's not sure I want to, which is ridiculous, or she's nervous about what might happen if I do stay over.

  "Just let me know what time and I'll be here. You want me to bring dinner?"

  "Sure," she says with a smile, and then she glances at the alarm clock.

  "You want me to go?" I ask, already knowing what she'll say.

  "Yeah, it's getting late."

  I kiss her one quick time before she stands up, and I get to my feet. She grabs a robe from the closet and slips it on before leading me to the front door.

  “See you tomorrow,” I say, starting for my truck.

  “Hey, Nathan?” she calls out, stopping me in my tracks on the sidewalk.


  “You might want to bring some, um, condoms too.”

  “Oh really?” I ask in surprise. I barely refrain from turning fucking cartwheels at her insinuation. She’d said condoms plural, as in one won’t be enough. Fuck yeah. My cock might explode just at the thought of finally getting inside her.

  “Goodnight,” she says with a smile before shutting the door.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I'm so nervous my hands are sweating on the steering wheel after dropping Grayson off at Candice's house. She had asked if she could have him sleep over and he'd agreed, so I don't feel too guilty for being happy that Nathan and I will have the house all to ourselves tonight.

  Oh my God. Can I really do this? I want to; that I'm certain of. I'm just afraid that in the middle of everything I might think of Austin and ruin the moment with Nathan. Last night I didn't have that problem. Not at all. The only thing I could think about was what he was doing with his tongue and fingers while blowing my mind. I've never had so many orgasms at one time, not even with...Stop doing that Alyssa!

  Inside the house I take a shower, blow-dry my hair and then try to decide what to put on. Lingerie or a dress? I don't want to look too anxious, so I go with a classic --- a little black dress. I put on my makeup, lotion up my legs and spritz myself.

  My hands are shaking so bad I can barely curl my hair. I didn't get this worked up the night I lost my virginity. Maybe because I was so young and I didn't know what I was really getting myself into. I trusted Austin the night he told me he'd be gentle and that it would make us even closer. He was right, and you can't get much closer than when we conceived a child together.

  This apprehension I have could be due to the fact that I'm certain Nathan has probably been with...well, lots of other women. Young, beautiful, very experienced women compared to me and my one sexual partner, who I barely saw during six years. When Austin was home on leave, it took the first few days to get comfortable with each other again after all the time apart. It seemed to take longer and longer the more time he spent in the Marines. The experience, of course, changed him. Not having him around changed me. The space between us kept growing. And even if he'd come home with Patrick uninjured and healthy, I'm not sure if we'd ever have gotten back to where we started. Which makes me sad and feel ashamed for feeling that way while he probably still loved me with all of his heart on the day he died.

  When the doorbell rings, I try to shake the thoughts of the past from my mind. Tonight is about me and Nathan; no one else.

  After checking through the peephole to make sure it's really him, I open the door and admire the way his white polo shirt hugs his muscular chest and how his dark jeans make him look so tall and sexy. When my eyes finally get to his, they're holding steady on mine.

  "Hey," I say, and just that one word comes out shaky.

  "Hey, gorgeous," he replies, flashing me a breathtaking smile. It actually takes a few seconds for me to remember how to breathe. "Alyssa, relax. I'm not gonna attack you, even if I really want to."

  "I know." If embarrassment could cause second-degree burns, my nose would be in trouble.

  "We're gonna sit down and eat dinner," he says, holding up the brown bag. "And you're gonna talk to me about what's going on inside that beautiful head of yours before I lay a finger on you, okay?"

  "Okay," I say on an exhale, stepping aside to let him in.

  We settle in at the small table next to the kitchen, and I take two bites of pasta primavera before he gets right down to business.

  "So you don't want me in your bed?" Nathan’s expression is serious and...sympathetic. He really wants to talk about this, so I answer honestly.

  "No, I don’t."

  "Why not?" he asks. "I’m not trying to be defensive. I just want to understand where you're coming from so that we're on the same page."

  Nodding, I try to explain. "It was his bed, our bed, for eight years," I say without looking at him, focusing on a noodle instead. "I know it's stupid, but I still can't help feeling like one day he's gonna come back home. I didn’t have the closure of saying goodbye, so to me, it’s like we're still married, so I shouldn't want to be with another man. Doing so in our bed just seems so...disrespectful."

  "Okay. I can understand that," Nathan replies softly. "What else are you worried about?"

  I hesitate for several seconds, but figure I might as well ask what's on my mind. "How many women have you been with?"

  "You want to know how many women I've slept with?" he repeats.

  "Uh-huh," I say before taking a sip of wine. "Ballpark if you don't know for sure."

  "I’ve only been with three people."

  "Three?" I repeat. "Like the number between two and four, with no zeros on the end?"

  That makes him chuckle, and his cheeks turn pink. "Yes, three."

  "But I figured...well...I mean you're young and attractive."

  "So that means I should be having casual sex with lots of women?" he asks. And when I look up, he's grinning at me in amusement. "I don't do one-night stands. If a woman wants to fuck me before she knows anything about me, then she's not my type. I don't want easy, and I don’t want to share."

  "So the three were all women you dated?"

  His eyes lower, and he swallows so hard I can hear it across the table.

  "All three were serious relationships, two of them for a few months each in high school and one…one in college. What about you? Was your husband your only one?"

  I nod. "Yeah. I lost my virginity to Austin, so I've never been with anyone else."

  "And now you feel guilty for wanting to be with me?" he asks directly.


  "Don’t you think he would want you to move on, to be happy?"

  "I don't know," I tell him with a laugh. "Austin was so possessive and protective that even in the afterlife he probably doesn’t want me with anyone else."

  "That's not fair to you."

  "I feel like it was my fault he joined the Marines and my fault he died in combat," I blurt out. Words I've never actually spoken to another soul.

  "Why would you think that?" Nathan asks with a crease between his strawberry blond eyebrows. "He was the one who enlisted."

  "He didn't really have a choice," I answer without thinking.

  "What does that mean? It's not like he was drafted."

  "Nothing, sorry. I think that's enough rehashing the past, don't you?" I ask, hoping he'll drop it.

  "Yes. I think we should start looking forward to the future, as in the next couple of hours. It's gonna be really fucking good, Alyssa."

  All it takes is a few cocky words from him to ignite that warm ache between my thighs. "You think so?" I ask.

  "Hell yes,” he replies, making me laugh. It chokes off when he stands up from the table and jerks his shirt over his head, right there in the middle of the kitchen.

  Oh my God.

  Just seeing the pelvic indentions dipping underneath his jeans makes me wet. Don't even get me started on the washboard abs. I nearly swooned when I saw him sweaty and shirtless at Havoc the night before. But now, knowing I can touch and kiss every sculpted in
ch of him, well, there are no words.

  Still watching me, Nathan’s hands start undoing his belt. I lick my lips before he pops the button and slowly drags the zipper down.

  "Can we finish dinner later?" he asks, and I nod enthusiastically.

  Grinning, he offers me a hand up. And as soon as I take it, I'm in his arms, my palms on his bare chest while he kisses me hungrily. I feel the zipper on the back of my dress lower, and then it falls into a puddle around my bare feet on the floor. Reaching around, I push Nathan’s jeans and boxer briefs over his tight, perfect ass. Since he's still wearing shoes, I kneel down in front of him in nothing but my red thong to remove the rest of his clothing. There's no avoiding the thick cock protruding from his body so temptingly. While looking up into his lust-filled deep green eyes, I wrap my hand around his length and cover the tip with my mouth.

  "Ah God," he groans when I start to suck on him, taking him deeper with each down stroke. "That's too good, Alyssa...can't take much more right now."

  Running his finger through the back of my hair, he tugs gently to pull me away. He lifts me off the ground underneath my arms and throws me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold before I can protest. Grabbing a bag from the table, he carries me into the living room. It's probably best since I'm not sure if my legs are capable of working any more thanks to my nerves and excitement.

  Lowering me down so that my head's on the armrest of the couch, Nathan follows, kissing me as he stretches his hard body out on top of mine. I spread my thighs, allowing his hips to wedge between them, his shaft pressing against my entrance only covered by a thin piece of lace. Nathan only breaks our kiss long enough to drag the panties down my legs, watching me the entire time with a need so intense in his eyes that there are no longer nerves or doubts. I just want him more than anything.

  He leans back down and slips his tongue against mine again while his fingertips glide up my inner thigh. His thumb teases circles around my clit before he slips two long digits inside of me.

  "First, I'm gonna take my time and make love to you, slow and gentle, nice and easy," he whispers against my lips, the heat in his green eyes scorching me from the inside out. "But then I need to fuck you. Hard and deep so I can hear you scream my name at least once when I make you come."

  "Yes," I moan my agreement as his fingers keep stroking me, making my hips rock all on their own. Nathan eventually removes his hand and sits back on his knees to grab a foil package and cover himself. I watch and wait impatiently until he finally lowers his body over mine again.

  Out of nowhere, Nathan’s handsome face falls, his grassy green eyes avoiding mine in what looks like possible hesitation before he says, “Alyssa, there’s something you should know…”

  No, no, no. Now is not the time for him to remind me of the secret I’ve been keeping from him. If he has one too, however, that makes me feel better. We can clear the air later after we’ve exhausted each other’s body and when the happy endorphins make them more bearable.

  “I want you. That’s all I need to know,” I interrupt him. Grabbing the sides of his face, I pull his lips to mine while wrapping my legs around his waist. I moan in approval when the head of his cock brushes against my entrance. And with one rock of his hips, he’s fully sheathed, thanks to my eager slickness.

  Nate removes my hands from his face to intertwine our fingers sweetly before pressing them down above my head, connecting us in three very intimate places. As he starts to move gently, my heels dig into his ass, wanting him deeper, faster as that aching pressure quickly builds, but he keeps up his slow, torturous pace.

  “Fuck, Alyssa, it’s been so long," Nate groans as if in agony, resting his forehead against mine. Our panting breaths mix for several wonderful moments while our bodies get acquainted before he asks, “Are you still with me?”

  “God, yes,” I assure him, lifting my hips to meet each of his hard thrusts, my body trembling with every pleasurable stroke of his flesh filling me so completely. How could he even think my mind’s anywhere else?

  “Look at me,” he commands, and my glassy gaze locks with his determined one while he keeps rocking into me, taking me higher and higher. We find the perfect rhythm together, and as the seconds tick by, I feel myself getting pulled into the green depths of those beautiful eyes. If I could just let go, I’d tumble into a blissful oblivion with this man. And I want to so badly, but there are too many worries swirling around my mind, holding me back…

  “Stop thinking,” Nate orders. “It’s just you and me.” His tongue invades my mouth, mimicking the rhythm of our lower bodies, the perfect distraction, because all I can do is focus on the wet slides of our bodies. The way Nate’s much bigger body surrounds me, possesses me is a natural aphrodisiac. He makes me feel so small and feminine, and I like relinquishing not just my control to him, but my entire body. With each erotic roll of his hips, he begins to own me from the inside out. And I want to surrender it all to him so I remember what it’s like to freefall into pleasure, but I need…I need…

  “I’m so close,” I moan, the words nearly a sob. My back arches off the cushions, desperately chasing what only he can give me.

  “Fuck, yes, kitten,” he groans, jaw clenched tight. “You need me to help you get there?”

  “Please, Nate,” I pant, squeezing his hands in mine.

  Dipping his head down, Nate’s tongue flicks rapidly over one of my nipples before he takes it into his mouth. Looking up at me to make sure I’m watching him, he sucks on it, hard. The sharp suction tugs on the invisible rope of tension that travels down my lower belly and causes my pussy to clench around Nate’s hard shaft that’s buried inside me.

  Nearly in unison, we cry out as our bodies take pleasure from each other, both of us giving our climaxes freely. With my arms still pinned down by Nate’s above my head, I feel every tremble of his body against mine while it shudders, the ecstasy so overwhelming it’s almost painful. But I don’t want it to stop. I want to feel that incredible sensation wracking through me over and over again.

  After Nate lets my hands go, we lay pressed against each other in silence afterward, the sounds of our heavy breathing and his softening cock twitching inside me the only tangible things left of our first time.

  My fingers stroke up and down his sweaty back while his weave through the sides of my hair and his lips press kisses against my neck and collarbone. Nate's heart pounds comfortingly against my chest, wildly at first before it begins to slow.

  "I think I could get used to this, kitten," Nate says with a nip to my earlobe that sends cold chills up my arms and makes me giggle and squirm underneath him.

  "Me too," I agree. “I want more.”

  Nate chuckles, and the rumbling vibration nearly sends another round of orgasmic shockwaves through me.

  “There will definitely be more,” he promises, brushing his damp lips over my neck and making me shiver with need. “That was just a taste of Nice Nate. But I think you might like Naughty Nate, too.”

  “Naughty Nate?” I ask, my pulse racing with anticipation.

  “Uh-huh. But he can be a dick.” Nate’s tongue dips into my ear canal, and it feels hot, wet and scandalous. “He likes it rough and dirty, and he gets off on some demeaning shit.”

  My breath hitches with excitement. Why does the idea of having this normally sweet guy do vulgar things to me sound so arousing? Austin and I rarely strayed from very tame missionary, maybe because I was so young and inexperienced. He treated me like I was breakable, which was nice at the time, but I want more than anything to try something a little kinkier and out of my comfort zone with Nate. I guess that means that I trust him not to hurt me or do anything I can’t handle.

  “Show me,” I tell him, reaching down to squeeze his ass cheek.

  “You sure about that?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I answer without hesitation.

  “Okay,” he agrees, climbing off of me. “Let’s go,” he says, offering me a hand up. I take it. And once I’m on my feet
, legs still wobbly, he points me in the direction of the kitchen. When I turn around, Nate swats my ass with his palm. I’ve never been spanked before, and he didn’t do it hard enough to hurt. I can’t deny that my lower belly tightens wanting to bend over and feel his palm forcefully hit my bottom again.

  Once I’m back to the dining table, he pushes on my shoulders, so I go down on my knees, having no idea what he plans to do.

  “You’re gonna stay here while I shower,” he tells me, coming around to stand in front of me, his proud, semi-hard shaft still covered with a condom in my face. “When I get back, I’m gonna feed you my cock, because I can’t stop thinking about how fucking good your mouth felt on it,” he says, reaching out to grip my neck, rubbing his thumb up and down it. “Until then, I want your fingers in your pussy, on your clit, keeping yourself wet and ready for me.”

  Oh my God. He wants me to masturbate naked on my kitchen floor.

  “Alyssa?” he asks, fingers stabbing into my hair and tugging so I have to look up at him. I feel the tug between my legs, causing my lips to part on a gasp. Why do I get excited when he manhandles me? I swear it’s like my body lights up like a blast of colorful fireworks in the dark sky after too many pitch-black nights. We’ve only had sex once, and I crave more of these bright, little explosions.

  When I purposefully don’t answer him because I want more of his rough handling, Nate tightens his grip on my hair, just like I anticipated, making me tremble with need.

  “Touch yourself for me,” he orders. “Now.”

  My heart gallops off the charts as I slip my right hand down my belly and let my fingertips glide over my damp opening.

  “Ah, fuck,” Nate groans before he sinks down to his knees. My hair still held tightly in his grip, his other hand reaches down to cup my hand that’s on my pussy. A moan escapes my lips when he applies that forceful pressure to my sensitive flesh.


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