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Begging for Hale

Page 6

by Marie James

  She has a look of expectation on her face and when I don’t elaborate, it shifts to curiosity. I’ve never had an issue with telling the gory details of a hook-up and even Josie can tell the difference.

  “So.” I slap the table with both hands. Trying to pull both of us out of the moment. “We need to go out tonight.”

  “Can’t,” she says, shaking her head. “I’d love to but I promised Mom I’d come for a visit.” She smiles

  Lorali and Josie have great parents, and I can tell she’s looking forward to spending time with them.

  “You can come with me,” she offers. “I know Mom and Dad would love to see you.” She looks at me expectantly.

  “Nah. I seriously need a night out to clear my head.” The best way to get over Garrett is to get under someone else, right? Even as I think the thought, my heart isn’t in it.

  Josie nods and opens her laptop, connecting it to her phone. “When do you head out?”

  “Car is already loaded. I was just getting a new playlist together.” She hits a few keys on the keyboard and stands from the table. My eyes follow her as she rinses her cup and places it in the dishwasher.

  “You going back to Ampere tonight?” She asks as she snakes her arms into her coat.

  I let out a huff. “Not a chance!”

  She looks at me quizzically. “Don’t want to see Garrett again?”

  She disconnects her phone from her computer and starts gathering her things, preparing them to go into her bag. “I’m not avoiding him, but we both agreed it was a onetime hook-up. I don’t want him to think I want something more or that I’m stalking him or something.” Wanting to get away from this conversation, I rise from the table and make my way to the sink. My actions mimicking Josie’s as I rinse the coffee cup and leave it in the dishwasher.

  “Well,” She says zipping her bag. “Have a good time. I’ll be back on Sunday.” She gives me a quick hug, grabs her keys, and heads to the door.

  “Drive safe. See you Sunday. Tell your parents I said hi.” I tell her as she leaves the apartment. She raises her hand above her head, giving a quick wave as she walks away.

  I roll my shoulders as I close the doors, noticing the tension is back. I’m going to need a long soak in an extremely hot bath to loosen my muscles if I have any hopes of getting loose enough to hit the dance floor tonight.

  Chapter 10


  I’ve been thrown completely off my game. My inability to concentrate at my club is what sent me across town to Club Ice. I have too many things going on in my life to let a one night stand derail me. This club is not as upscale as mine, but that just increases the chances of finding another woman who won’t question my need for a quick fuck. I don’t really need the release more than I just need to replace the feeling of Alexa on my skin with someone else’s.

  I sit back on the black leather couch, raise my tumbler of scotch to my lips, and take in the abundance of scantily clad women. The lush brunette a few tables down does not escape my attention. Her body type is just what I’m looking for. She’s petite with small breasts and an ass that goes on for days. My mind takes this opportunity to acknowledge that she’s the opposite of Alexa who’s tall, athletically slender with tits that make a man want to sin. I shake my head to clear my thoughts of Alexa.

  I cut my eyes back to the brunette; she’s staring at me, a strong hunger in her eyes. Yep. She’s the one.

  I throw back the rest of my scotch, enjoying the burn as it slides down my throat. I stand, maintaining eye contact with her and shift my head towards the dark corner of the club. In seconds she registers my intention and licks her lips as she moves away from her friends and towards me.

  We meet in the middle; her hand reaches out to take mine. Avoiding that level of intimacy, I clasp her wrist and pull her beside me. I catch a flash of red hair in my periphery, but by the time my mind can register it, it’s gone. I jerk my head around looking for those green eyes that haunt my dreams. Nothing.

  The brunette beside me strokes my stomach with her hand, effectively drawing my attention back to her. I need to work fast and seal this deal. I’m losing my mind in this club, seeing shit that isn’t there.

  I push the brunette against the wall, pinning both her arms at her side; my grip on her wrists preventing her movement.

  “Hi.” I whisper in her ear, pulling my head back to look in her eyes.

  She doesn’t look up; her eyes remain on my chest, completely submissive. An act that normally would cause my dick to try to punch through my zipper. I nudge her with my nose, causing her to lift her chin up and I force my lips against hers. I hear a whimper escape her lips telling me she’s into what we’re doing but her body is motionless. When I grind against her, she doesn’t respond. She’s kissing me back but her body’s needs have been taken out of the equation. I release one of her wrists, reach behind her back and pull her body hard against mine.

  Her released hand strokes my back; the rest of her body remains under my power and control. I pull my mouth from hers. I can’t help but notice my pulse isn’t elevated and my cock is less than half erect. I don’t have the time or the inclination to look for someone else that would get me rock hard in a second; this brunette will have to do.

  “Wanna get out of here?” I peer down at her. She doesn’t raise her eyes and her only confirmation is a slight nod of her head and a coy smile on her lips.

  I pull my body from hers, maintaining my grip on her wrists, and begin walking towards the door. Usually I would have a singular focus on the woman in my grip but something draws my attention towards the dance floor.

  My step stumbles. Alexa. She’s on the dance floor, grinding her amazing body against a blond woman. She’s hot, reeking of sex and staring right at me. My cock hardens instantly.

  Chapter 11


  The soak in the tub after Josie left was just what my body needed to get back to normal. I hated to get rid of the ache between my thighs but the reminder of Garrett was doing more harm than good.

  Standing in front of my mirror I appraise myself. Tonight I’m opting for a slinky red dress that moves seductively with every sway of my hips. It has a princess neckline but that doesn’t keep this racy piece of clothing from screaming “I need to get laid!” It’s a little ostentatious but I’ve no desire to spend an inordinate amount of time tonight on trying to seduce someone, so I’ll let the dress do that for me. The few times I’ve worn it to a club before have been rewarded with accelerated attention, and I hope it has the same effect tonight.

  I pile my hair on my head in a messy up-do, and leave my neck bare. I’ve had numerous compliments on my slender neck¸ and plan to use this in my arsenal tonight as well. I put in some silver and diamond hoop earrings, knowing that they’ll sparkle like crazy under the lights on the dance floor, drawing even more attention to me.

  After sliding my perfectly manicured feet into a pair of silver Jimmy Choo’s, I’m ready to hit the club. I’m thinking Club Ice will best suit my needs tonight. The guys who troll there are pretty good looking and Fridays are always super crazy at the less expensive clubs with people saving their money for Saturday nights at the more upscale ones.

  I opt for taking a cab to the club because my get drunk, get fucked, get home plan doesn’t work very well if I have to be responsible for my car. The line outside of Club Ice isn’t very long, but since I know the bouncer I don’t have to wait to get in. I can’t wait for spring and summer; nothing kills the mojo like having to wait in line at the coat check before leaving a club. I give my coat to the guy manning the coat check room and slide my ticket stub into my small silver clutch.

  I make my way to the bar first; the complete soberness needs to be the first thing to go.

  “Hey Joe!” I smile at the bartender and he slides in front of me almost immediately; being a good tipper always helps with fast service.

  “Hey Ally. What can I get for you tonight?” I hate that he calls me that but he makes th
e drinks strong and fast, so I always let it slide.

  “Let me get started with a shot a Patron and a Cosmo.” He nods and sets to making my drinks.

  “Haven’t seen you here in a while. You been laying low?” He says as he grabs the bottle of cranberry juice.

  I can’t tell him that I’ve been hanging out at Ampere the past couple of weeks so I lie. “Yeah, just keeping it close to home these past few weeks.” He completes my drinks and drops them off on the bar in front of me. I hand over a twenty; he winks at me and moves down to help the next customer.

  I throw the shot back and leave the empty glass on the bar. Scooping up the martini glass, I turn around and lean my back against the bar. I waited longer than I usually would to come to the club, but I was on a mission not out to just have a good time. I needed to make sure the club was full and the options were plentiful to make my selection from.

  I walk further into the club and stand at the waist high steel railing that separates the dance floor from the rest of the club. I can’t help but think Ampere’s dance floor is so much more inviting because the mingling area just flows into the dance floor. Having to walk around to enter the dance floor at three different, less than strategic locations is rather off putting.

  My eyes wander over the clubbers and nothing seems to be catching my eye. I realize rather quickly that I’m unconsciously comparing each guy in here to Garrett, and if I maintain that level of standard I’d never get laid again. I make a mental note of that and attempt to lower my standards just a bit.

  “Damn girl! You’re rocking that dress tonight!” A feminine voice purrs beside me.

  I look down and take in the appearance of the blonde who spoke appreciatively. She’s beautiful and although the form fitting, turquoise dress she’s wearing screams Kelly from Saved by the Bell, she’s surprisingly pulling it off. Her long blond hair is straight down her back and her dress is pushing in just the right way to put her ample breasts on display. “You look great too!” I compliment.

  I turn my attention back to the hordes of people on the dance floor. Not a minute goes by before I feel a finger graze down my arm. I look over into the eyes of the blond woman who commented on my dress. Oh! She’s hitting on me! It’s not the first time a woman has tried to put the moves on me; girls really aren’t my thing, which I discovered at a party in college. I had only ever kissed another female on a dare at a frat party. I felt no tingling sexual appeal so I just left it alone; chalked it up to not being my thing.

  “You want to dance?” She asks as she continues to slide her finger up and down my arm.

  Before I can turn her down a very interesting site catches my attention over her shoulder. My gaze lands on Garrett as he stands up from a leather couch and begins to walk across the bar. The focused look of determination on his face makes me shift my eyes, hoping to find what has caught his attention. A cute little brunette is walking towards him with a satisfied look on her face. She knows what she has just caught. Bitch!

  Before I can even allow my mind to evaluate the situation I’m slamming the remainder of my Cosmo, placing the empty glass on a nearby table and grabbing the blonds’ hand, tugging her to the entrance to the dance floor. “Sure, Sexy. Let’s do it!”

  She giggles behind me as I practically drag her towards the grouping of people grinding on each other. I’m taking a chance here, and have no idea what I’ll do if Garrett doesn’t notice me. I certainly will not be attempting to get my rocks off with this girl, no matter how hot she looks. I come within a few feet of him as he meets up with the stacked little brunette. My mood shifts marginally when he doesn’t notice me.

  He still has to pass by the dance floor to leave. Keeping that in mind I continue to make my way to the dance floor, making sure I keep right on the edge, which increases his chance of seeing me on his way out. I feel bad to some degree for using this unnamed woman in my ploy to get Garrett to notice me, but I know two hot women practically dry humping on a dance floor is more likely to draw his attention this direction.

  Blondie maneuvers herself behind me and places her hands on my hips. I move my hips with hers but all of my attention is on the spot I saw Garrett’s back disappear at. It doesn’t take long for her right hand to snake its way around my side, her thumb grazing the bottom of my breast. I chalk the mild tingle I feel at her actions to the way my body reacts when I get around Garrett. I don’t have time to consider the possibility that this woman is turning me on.

  She’s slightly taller than I am, and apparently quiet accustomed to how a woman’s body responds on the dance floor. The first song ends and the second song that begins to play is slower and more sensual. Her hand is in a full on grip of my breast when Garrett reappears from the dark. There’s no way anyone who was watching him could mistake the near stumble he made when his eyes landed on me.

  After a second of brief eye contact, I’m sure I have his undivided attention. I roll my head to the side, sending a message to Blondie that she understands immediately. I can feel her hot tongue glide up my exposed neck, licking me from my shoulder to my ear lobe. A moan slips from my lips at the combined sensation of her mouth and Garrett’s eyes on me. I reach my hand up and place it over hers at my breast and squeeze forcing her to grip me tighter.

  “Mmm.” I hear in my ear as she presses her breasts harder in to my back.

  I spend the remainder of the song gyrating on this sexy woman, allowing her hands to roam all over my body. It only took Garrett’s appraisal to get me out of my own head enough to allow me to enjoy her sensual touches.

  When the song is over and replaced with a fast tempo song I open my eyes. Garrett is gone. What the fuck! I’m all hot and bothered and his ass just took off with that fucking brunette! This is so not how I saw my night going.

  I drop my hand from Blondie’s and shift my weight away from her. What do I do now? “Want to grab a drink?” I ask as I turn around to face her. I can’t help but grin at the lust in her eyes. Regardless of gender, if you turn someone on that much it’s bound to bring a feeling of elation.

  “Sure,” she says as she reaches down and takes my hand again.

  We make our way back to the bar. It has gotten even busier than when I got here less than an hour ago. The delay in drink service reflects that. I pull my phone out of my purse to kill some time while I wait for Joe to make his way down the bar to us.

  I nearly drop my phone when I read the text.

  Garrett: Brown Palace Hotel, Royale Suite: Bring your friend.

  “Hey,” I slide my hand down Blondie’s back to get her attention. “You want to get out of here?”

  She licks her red lips and without a word begins to pull me towards the door.

  Chapter 12


  On the drive over I discovered that Blondie’s name is in fact Lacey, she’s actually bisexual, and she’d set her sights on me tonight because she has a thing for redheads; gender didn’t matter to her.

  I explained that a hot ass friend of mine saw our performance on the dance floor and has invited us back to a hotel room for a little fun. She was all for it and was able to calm my nerves a bit by maintaining contact with me, her palm resting high on my thigh, drawing circles on my skin. I’m actually surprised at the reaction my body is having to her, but decide to go with it. Might as well get used to the idea of us touching each other, because I know there’ll be a lot more of it once we get into the room.

  The taxi pulls up in front of the hotel and the valet opens the door for us. After swiping my credit card to pay for the fare, we step out into the cold Denver night. A mention of my name to the concierge and we’re hand delivered to the Royale Suite.

  At least the escape tonight will once again include quick taxi service.

  Lacey has her hand on my ass as we step across the threshold into the room. She can’t hold back her gasp as she evaluates the room. This is possibly the nicest room she has ever been to after picking someone up in a bar. The spacious suite is way more room t
han we’ll ever need for tonight, but I’m quickly coming to realize Garrett may use these expensive rooms as an attempt to seem less like a philanderer. I think it’s working because I feel less like a whore in a room like this than the local Motel 6.

  Movement out of the corner of my eye draws my attention. The fact that Garrett is shirtless and the top button of his slacks is already undone is what pulls the gasp from my lips. I can’t help the moment of disappointment when I noticed his belt was already gone. I bite my lip at the memory from last night.

  “Ladies. Please, come in.” We walk further into the room; Lacey still has her hand on my ass. “I’d offer you a drink but I’m sure you’ve had a few at the club and I know Alexa likes to fuck sober.” And that immediately clears the air. We all know what we’re here for and there’s no doubt to how this evening is going to play out.

  Let the party begin.

  Lacey’s grip on my ass tightened and she gave me a gentle nudge in Garrett’s direction. My body accepted the insistency and I walked across the room towards him. I move to open his pants further but he steps out of my reach.

  “Why don’t we take this closer to the bed?” He says as he trails his finger down my cheek. My body instantly shivers under his gentle touch and I dip my head in agreement. He makes no attempt to move as his hand lingers on my face.

  His forefinger hooks under my chin and he uses it to tilt my head up. His mouth lowers to mine, his lips soft and accepting. I moan when his tongue slips in my mouth with gentle grace. This Garrett is not the same man from last night and although last night was amazing, this personality has potential also.

  It isn’t until I feel a small hand slip around my waist and another hand grip my hair that I remember Garrett and I are not alone. Lacey’s hold on my head increases my lust tenfold causing me to deepen the kiss I’m sharing with Garrett. By the time he ends the kiss and pulls his face from mine, I’m breathless. If it wasn’t for Lacey’s arm around my stomach I would collapse.


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