The Gossip Web
Page 6
For a split second I thought he was going to do back flips because of the silly look on his face, but he promptly regained his composure. Flashing me a relaxed grin, he muttered, “Awesome.”
I tried my best to hide my happiness as we both stared awkwardly at each other, neither of us saying a word. A few seconds passed by and we still said nothing, just locked eyes as if they were saying everything our mouths couldn’t. I was the first to look away, glancing in the direction of my classroom door, hoping to be distracted by something. I didn’t want to seem like a foolish girl with a crush. This was Trace, not just any guy. I had to be careful, cool, and confident…but when I gazed back at his charming face, I realized it was hopeless. I would never be able to act chill around him.
“I should get back to class, Trace,” I told him softly, glancing at the time on my watch. We’d been talking for almost half an hour!
“Right, me too,” he replied, sending me another grin. “Well, I’ll call you later…okay?”
I sent him a smile back. Before thinking over what he said I walked towards my classroom door, but I froze when I realized I hadn’t given him my number. He had already started moving down the hall when I called out, “Trace, wait! You don’t have my number.”
Trace stopped walking and twisted his head. “What do you mean? I never forgot it,” he informed me with a smile.
It was my turn to blush. Smiling wide as I watched him walk away from me in reverse, I rolled my eyes when he was halfway down the hall still facing me. He waved at me and I waved back before hurrying towards Mr. Langer’s classroom door.
When I returned to class everyone was reading, and a few of my nosy classmates glanced up curiously from their books when the door squeaked open and I walked in. Taking my seat quickly, I pulled out the assigned book and buried my head behind it, ignoring the heavy stare from my teacher. Maybe Mr. Langer hadn’t bought my lie about visiting a counselor to talk about colleges after all.
As I pretended to read, the dance took control of my thoughts and I started getting excited. I couldn’t wait! It was like a dream come true…and I still couldn’t believe that Trace had asked me! I knew it was going to be the best night of my life. Things were finally starting to look up for me…
BY THE TIME SCHOOL WAS OVER I was bursting with plans. I knew exactly what dress I wanted to wear and what color, how I was going to get my hair done, and what shoes and accessories I needed to buy. I don’t think I’d ever been so happy in a long time…I even ran all the way home, eager to tell my dad that I had a date for the dance. When I got there, I saw Erika’s car parked in the driveway, but I was in such a good mood that it didn’t even bother me. I wanted her to know too, just to prove I wasn’t the loser I seemed to be.
Racing up the porch, I pushed open the front door with a huge smile on my face. I didn’t have to search the house to find my father; I knew where to find him. The aroma drifting out of the kitchen gave his location away. I sniffed the air and smiled; it would be shrimp linguini for dinner tonight.
“Dad!” I called out happily as I wandered into the lit kitchen, where I found him twirling a ladle around in a large metal pot. He looked over his shoulder at me when I walked in, a surprised expression etched on his face.
“Why do you sound so happy?” He asked me with raised brows.
His question irritated me. It’s not like I wasn’t upbeat often---but nothing decent usually happened to me. I lived a crappy life.
“Forget it.” I stuck my tongue out at him and folded my arms. “I’m not going to tell you now.”
“Oh come on,” he pleaded, setting the ladle down onto the counter. “Out with it already!”
“Well, if you insist.” I grinned happily as I said, “Guess who has a date for the winter formal?”
“No! Not my daughter!” My father replied enthusiastically, wiping his hands on a white dishcloth. “Who’s the lucky boy?”
“Trace Gibson. Do you remember him?” I secretly hoped that he didn’t.
He looked furious for a second, but the expression passed. “Jade, I don’t think this is such a good idea---” My father began, but I wouldn’t let him finish.
“Dad, wait. I know what you’re going to say, but just hear me out first,” I interrupted hastily. “I know Trace and I have had some trouble in the past, but he’s changed. He wants to make it up to me.”
My father didn’t seem too convinced. “Are you sure about that?”
“Yes, Dad.” I told him what he needed to hear, but honestly, I was still a little suspicious of Trace myself.
He sighed at my response, and I knew he wasn’t okay with the idea of Trace and I being friends again. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him about Trace ignoring me in ninth grade…
“It’ll be okay, Dad,” I told him eagerly. “I won’t let anybody hurt me again.” Thankfully, he took the bait.
“Alright, if you think he’ll treat you right this time...” he replied faintly.
Smiling as the tension ceased, I rushed across the kitchen to give him a hug. “Thanks for understanding, Daddy. This dance is really important to me.”
“Okay, but I need to trust that you’ll behave yourself. You haven‘t been around boys much, Jade. Maybe it‘s time you and I have that special chat…”
Wrinkling my nose at the thought of discussing “that” with him, I slugged his arm lightly. “Yuck, Dad. Don’t gross me out now. I’m in a phenomenal mood.”
“I couldn’t help but overhear you two,” Erika interrupted as she sauntered into the room. Today she was wearing a very expensive-looking nautical ensemble, complete with all the accessories. I frowned at how luxurious she looked and wondered where she got the money to pay for such clothes. I’d never heard her speak of working---or even having a job for that matter. I glanced over at my dad and prayed that he wasn’t paying for the all her shopping escapades.
“You’re going to a dance, Jade? That’s great! I’m so happy for you.” She had a cheery smile on her face but I didn’t let it get to me. Erika could go on pretending like she cared what I did or what happened to me. I didn’t mind it at the moment because I had Trace.
“Thanks,” I said, forcing a smile.
“Did you decide what dress you want to buy?” Erika asked me.
“Yeah, I think so. But the winter formal is a few weeks away…so I still have some time to buy a dress,” I assured her.
“That doesn’t matter! You should start looking for one right away,” she replied with a sparkling grin. “That’s the most important thing to buy for a dance, I think. I used to love dress shopping for my formal dances.”
“I have a great idea!” My father exclaimed, and I instantly freaked. His opinion of a “great idea” meant a terrible experience for me.
“Why doesn’t Erika take you shopping for a dress this weekend? I’m sure she would love to help you, Jade,” he said merrily, looking between me and his prissy girlfriend. Erika smiled back at him, but I knew she couldn’t be happy with the arrangement. I was put off by her fake expression of interest.
“Dad, I don’t---” I began to say, hoping to derail this disaster. Besides, I wanted to go dress shopping with Heidi. She was my best friend, the perfect person to share the moment with.
Erika, however, interrupted me before I had a chance to turn down the idea. “That sounds wonderful, Lucas!” She told my father happily. “Would that be alright with you, Jade?”
It was amazing how she could turn everything around and make it about her. I could feel my temper turn icy, but I ignored it. Glancing at my father’s ecstatic expression, I realized I couldn’t turn her down now. Damn her.
I gritted my teeth but I kept my cool. “Sure, Erika. That sounds fun…”
And it was settled. I had to go shopping with that…two-faced monster. How could my day go from fabulous to horrific just like that? I wasn’t sure, but I was positive that I would hate every minute I had to spend with Erika. Trace asking me to the dance was one of th
e greatest moments of my life, and of course, Erika had to go and ruin it.
Why couldn’t I catch a freaking break?
“YOU’RE LYING!” HEIDI SAID, twirling a piece of her honey hair between her fingers as she stared widely at me. “Trace Gibson did not ask you to winter formal!” She whispered excitedly. We were standing next to our locker when I told her. She had basically screamed at the news.
“Yeah, he did!” I grinned happily. “I swear, Heidi.”
“Man, girl. You are so lucky. He is like so totally hot, you know?”
I nodded. He was. Even Heidi thought so, and it didn’t bother me at all because I knew she had a crush on Jason. Trace was just one of those guys who caught your attention no matter if you had a ring on your finger. He would be hot till the day he died. Seriously.
“So, what are you going to wear? Huh? Can I please go with you to pick out the dress?”
I was about to say yes when Erika’s face popped up in my mind. Scowling, I replied, “No. My Dad’s lame girlfriend has to go with me.”
“Oh, Erika?” Heidi looked disappointed. “Really? I thought you didn’t like her?”
“I don‘t!” I replied hastily. “It’s my Dad’s dumb idea! Trust me, I wish I could take you shopping instead. She’s going to spoil the whole experience.”
“Bummer,” Heidi muttered sadly, thrusting her algebra book inside the locker. “Since I’m not going, I wanted to at least be able to try on some dresses just for fun. But I’m not about to go by myself to the mall. That would be too weird.”
Sure that I heard her wrong, I held up my hand and asked, “Wait. You’re not going?” I saw her shake her head, compelling me to inquire, “Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?”
“Very funny,” she told me with her tongue pointed out. “No, I want to go…but the drama club is boycotting the dance because it’s based on the turnout of a football game. I don’t know why, and I think it’s stupid, but Jason won’t take me so I can’t go.”
“Really?” I asked incredulously.
“Yes. It really bites!” She groaned.
“Go by yourself then, Heidi,” I told her.
She looked at me as if I were crazy. “You’ve got to be kidding, Jade. I cannot show up to a dance by myself! How embarrassing! Besides, Jason would be so pissed at me if I did/”
I shrugged and rolled my eyes. “Sorry. Don’t come then.”
“This blows. I really wanted to go too. But, I have to stand by the club’s decisions.” Heidi shut the locker door before turning to face me. I almost laughed at her remark. The fact that she was so loyal to her drama club was amusing. It was just a club for heaven’s sake.
“I don’t see why you can’t go, Heidi,” I said.
She sighed and shook her head. “Just forget about it, Jade. Anyways, I want to talk some more about you and Trace!”
“Are you sure? I‘m not boring you?” I asked curiously.
Heidi shook her head and laughed. “Of course not! I love seeing you so happy, Jade. You deserve this, you know?”
“Thanks.” I smiled at her. “Okay, what do you want to know?”
“The details, girl! What else did Mr. Handsome say?” She asked eagerly.
“Well…” I tried to recall what happened yesterday, and just the thought of Trace brought a rush of butterflies to my stomach. It wasn’t uncommon for me to get goose bumps from merely thinking about him though, and I should’ve been used to them by now. I do think about him night and day. Refocusing my thoughts when I noticed Heidi was beginning to lose interest, I replied, “He told me he was going to call me later.”
Heidi grinned slyly at me. “Did he? What’d you two talk about?”
As I was about to answer her, I remembered that he hadn’t call me. I had been so overjoyed with him asking me to the dance that I completely forgot that he had said he was going to call me, so I wasn’t upset when he didn’t. But I sort of was now. Why would he say he was going to call if he wasn’t? Oh no. Maybe he thought the whole thing over and didn’t want to go with me to the winter formal anymore. I felt lightheaded as a dozen conclusions raced through my mind, each one escalating extremely and ending with me in tears. I really had an overactive imagination.
“Jade? Are you okay?” Heidi asked me, but I barely heard her question as I saw Trace walking towards us. He had a grim expression on his face and he looked upset. Oh my god. It was true. He was coming over here to tell me that he’d been drunk the other day when asking me to the dance, and he had no idea why he did it because he was actually in love with someone else and wanted to ask them instead. I knew it was too good to be true! As he drew closer, I couldn’t breath; I thought I was going to faint right on the spot.
“How are you two doing today?” Trace asked us, flashing a short grin. He still looked upset, which was freaking my nerves out.
Heidi shrugged and I managed to mumble, “Fine.”
We all stood there quietly, just looking around at each other and not saying a word. I didn’t know what to say to him; all I could concentrate on was my pounding heart. I couldn’t bear it if he backed out on the dance. Thankfully, Heidi spoke up first. She also noticed Trace’s tense face.
“Is something wrong, Trace?” Heidi asked him curiously. “You seem kinda pissed.”
He grumbled and nodded. “Yeah. I just got a D on a report I turned in for Mrs. Eckeridge. She thinks my summary on the vast technology of Japan wasn’t strong enough. I swear that woman will give any excuse so long as she can hand out D’s. Everyone in that class got terrible marks on their papers.”
“Ouch. That bites,” Heidi replied and glanced over at me knowingly. “Well, I guess I’m going to go head over to gym now. I’ll see you there, Jade.” She winked, blowing kisses at me when out of Trace’s view. I just rolled my eyes at her.
“So, Jade…” Trace began, taking a step closer towards me. This was it. He was going to say that he made a mistake and he didn’t want to go with me. But I wouldn’t let him. I couldn’t just let him dump me like that.
“Trace, I know what you’re going to say,” I interrupted him quickly.
His blue eyes widened at my remark, and he asked, “You do?”
“Yes,” I said weakly.
“Okay?” He seemed confused. “You know why I didn’t call you last night?”
I tried not to sound too gloomy as I mumbled, “Uh-huh.”
“What? How do you know that my mom’s car broke down?”
“Huh?” I was sure I had heard him wrong. That’s the reason why he didn’t call me? It wasn’t because he didn’t want to take me to the dance?
“Yeah, it broke down and I had to go pick her up when it got towed. It was a huge disaster.” Trace paused, watching me carefully. “What did you think happened?”
“I don’t know,” I lied casually. “Homework or something…” I couldn’t let him know that I had doubted him. “So, is your mom okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fine. The car isn’t, and I guess she‘s going to have to use mine for a while until she can afford to pay for a new engine. That means I‘ll have to either take the bus or catch a ride with Freddie every day.”
“Oh, wow…that sucks.”
Trace nodded. “It does.”
His blue eyes studied me closely and I blushed. I evaded his stare by glancing down at a loose string I had started to unravel from the hem of my shirt. Shoot. This was one of my favorite shirts too. The string was now a good four inches long, and if I kept tugging at it, I’d be walking topless around campus. I had to calm down. He wasn’t going to just dump me out of the blue. Trace wouldn’t do that to me…would he?
“Well, that’s good---that‘s she‘s okay, I mean. Not about the car. That isn’t good, ” I babbled, feeling my face burn. What the hell was my problem?
“Is there something you want to tell me, Jade?” Trace asked me suddenly, taking another step in my direction. He was so close to me that I could smell his delicious colo
gne. I ignored the sinful fantasies that passed through my head and quickly met his gaze.
“What do you mean?” I asked him nervously.
He gave me a once over and frowned. “I don’t know…you just seem kind of on-edge.”
I sighed, unsure of how to say what I was feeling. There was no way I was just going to blurt out my insecurities. What a turn off that would be. “I…well…it’s just---” Oh, how eloquent I sounded.
Trace held up his right hand and wouldn’t let me continue. “Don’t tell me you’re rethinking going to the dance with me, Jade,” he told me softly. “Because I won’t let you change your mind.”
This whole thing was so confusing. First, I think he doesn’t want to go with me, and then he believes that I don’t want to go with him either? Could it be that he likes me just as much as I like him? And all this time I thought I was the paranoid one. Trace seemed paler than he did yesterday as I searched his face. He was so cute standing there looking completely vulnerable, and the way he was acting…it was like I was his kryptonite or something.
“If you don’t want to go with me…I guess I can’t make you,” Trace said faintly, his voice a bit shaky. “But I wish you would, Jade.”
I didn’t respond, only gazed blankly at him as I secretly glowed on the inside. Was it wrong of me to be delighted at the sight of him in complete disarray? Maybe that was a little strange. While he fumbled with his words, his white face quickly turning red, I tried to come up with something clever to say. However, this was Trace Gibson, and I always acted like a freak around him.
“We would have a fun time, Jade. At least, I think so…” He shuffled a hand through his hair, and I realized that my silence was actually making him nervous. After another uncomfortable pause, Trace asked me breathlessly, “Don’t you?”
I grinned at him. “Trace, if you would just shut up for five seconds, you would know that I still want to go with you.”
“You do?” Trace bit his lip and shuffled a hand through his dark hair again, trying to hide the smile that I saw was beginning to form. “Jeeze! Well, why didn’t you say so before?”