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The Gossip Web

Page 12

by Charters, Chelsea Lynn

  “Yes, Sir,” Trace blurted out quickly, his voice tearing me out of my insignificant thoughts. He elbowed me lightly and sent me a wink. I grinned up at him and winked back.

  Mr. Reid nodded. “Good.” He turned and walked in the direction of his classroom, not giving us another thought.

  As Trace watched Mr. Reid leave us, I studied his profile. It was only because Trace was so handsome that I let him get away with everything he had done. I knew if he were just some ordinary, boring guy, my infatuation wouldn’t have lasted this long. But he wasn’t ordinary. Trace was the man of my dreams---well, boy of my dreams.

  “I know you didn’t set me up,” I said suddenly, catching Trace off guard. “I’m sorry for ever considering it. I was just so upset Saturday night…but that’s no excuse. I know what kind of person you are, Trace. You could never do something like that to me, or to anybody else.”

  “It’s alright, Jade. I‘m just glad you‘re not angry at me anymore,” he replied.

  Trace smiled, and I noticed that his eyes began to sparkle again. I had a feeling that if I didn’t leave now, I never would, and I did not want to get caught by Mr. Reid twice. The penalty would be detention for sure.

  “Me too, but we’d better get to class before Mr. Reid comes back to check on us,” I told Trace, edging away.

  “Okay,” he sounded disappointed, and I gleamed on the inside; I didn’t want to leave him either. Truth be told, I always wanted to be around him---but I didn’t tell him that though. I was afraid it would sound too creepy.

  “See you around?” I offered with a smile.

  “You bet. Bye, Jade,” Trace told me, returning the smile.

  He smiled at me once more before taking off down the hall. I watched him go with a fluttering stomach. Instead of tearing us apart like I thought it would, that stunt Gloria pulled only made our connection stronger. Trace and I could make things work, I was sure of that. We both cared about each other enough to put all the bad stuff behind us. Maybe, this time, everything would finally be alright…

  But Gloria had it in for us---and she wouldn’t stop until Trace was wrapped around her evil little finger. Unfortunately, I had no way of finding out what she planned to do next, but I knew Gloria all too well. She definitely had an agenda, and whatever her next evil scheme was, I was not looking forward to it.


  I WAS SITTING IN HOMEROOM, listening to Heidi gush about her crush on her new substitute drama teacher, when Camille walked into the classroom looking distressed. She paused by Jodie Munson’s desk (a semi-popular girl who sat near the back), and I heard her whisper Gloria’s name. All of a sudden, the entire room grew very quiet and all heads turned in Camille’s direction. When the words passed by her lips, it seemed like the room shook from the aftershock. Some people gasped while other dropped their jaws from surprise. I simply raised my eyebrows at the news, and when I glanced at Heidi, she seemed shocked.

  After strolling over to her desk, Camille settled herself down with a smile. It sickened me to see her so satisfied with herself for doing a nasty deed. There she was, Gloria’s supposed best friend, and she was openly spreading gossip about her! Glancing over at Heidi’s stunned expression, I felt appreciative that I didn’t have to deal with that kind of backstabbing from her.

  “Can you believe that?” Heidi asked suddenly, once the classroom chatter had returned to its usual rowdy buzz. “Gloria really broke up with Freddie?”

  I shrugged, replying, “Who knows? Maybe Camille is just trying to start something…”

  “I don’t know, Jade.” Heidi said. “She seemed really confident about it.”

  “That’s true.” I glanced back at the back row of desks, and watched Camille while she flipped through a magazine on her desk, twirling a lock of her chestnut hair as she read. Noticing that Freddie and Trace’s desks were still empty, I added, “It’s a good thing Freddie wasn’t here to catch her performance.”

  “Yeah,” Heidi agreed. “I wonder if he has a rule against wailing on girls?”

  I laughed and grinned at her comment, imagining Freddie striking Camille in the face. “I would pay good money to see that happen.”

  “I think everyone would,” she giggled along with me.

  Then, the warning bell rang, and the remainder of the class started pouring in…but Trace and Freddie were nowhere to be seen. I’d been anxious to see Trace all morning, but after fifteen minutes passed by, I realized he probably wasn’t coming to class today. I tried to keep my eyes off of the door for the rest of the period, but it struck me as odd that they both weren’t showing up. It really wasn’t unusual for Trace and Freddie to ditch, because they did on occasion. But today? The day Gloria broke up with him? It seemed a little strange. Plus, why did Trace have to ditch with him? Freddie didn’t seem the emotional type to need a shoulder to cry on…and he probably had his eyes set on somebody else already. The boy moved fast.

  As I thought about it some more, I realized that there was something very odd going on, and of course it had Gloria written all over it. I started to wonder if Gloria had planned the whole thing. Maybe she instructed Camille to spread the word in homeroom so I would hear about it… but why would Gloria do that? Why would I care if she broke up with Freddie? I wondered and pondered as the time ticked by, and when I got my bag ready for first period I decided to casually glance in Camille’s direction. That’s when my suspicions were proven true.

  Camille was staring at me from across the room, her blue cell phone flipped open to the keypad. I noticed that her fingers were poised over the letters, as if she was texting my reaction to Gloria that very second. I glared at her, and I enjoyed seeing the expression of confusion etched across her pretty face. The bell rang suddenly and I grabbed my things and stood up, heading towards to the door with Heidi, but my eyes were locked with Camille’s the entire time.

  As soon as we walked out of the classroom, Heidi asked me, “Okay…what was with that long ugly stare?”

  I sighed, giving her a stern look. “I don’t know what game Gloria is trying to play now, but she’s not going to get to me this time.”

  Heidi seemed confused. “What are you talking about? How do you even know she’s up to something?”

  “Camille,” I replied simply. “She gave it away.”

  “Uh…okay?” Heidi frowned, then muttered, “Jade, I don’t understand---”

  “Just trust me,” I told her sharply. “This whole breakup with Freddie…it’s only the beginning.”

  “I hope you’re wrong about that. Gloria seriously needs to back off.”

  I shook my head. “She won’t, Heidi. She’s obsessed with ruining my life. Now that things between Trace and I are better than ever, she’s not going to quit until she’s defeated me.”

  “But why?” Heidi asked incredulously. “What does she want from you?”

  Frowning, I replied irritably, “I have no clue! I’ve been trying to figure that out since the day I met her.”

  “Well, if she even tries to embarrass you again, I’ll whoop her ass,” Heidi mumbled hotly. “There’s no way I’m going to let her get away with torturing you.”

  I smiled, thankful for having such a great friend. Heidi was always true to her word, and I knew I could count on her to take care of Gloria if the situation ever rose.

  “Thanks, but I’m hoping she gets bored soon and backs off.”

  “Maybe she will, Jade. She can’t torment you forever, right?” Heidi offered, but I knew the real answer to that question. Gloria could and she probably would harass me until graduation. She needed no instigation, no probable cause. Gloria Malone got a kick out of destroying me…that was all the incentive she needed.

  When the three minute warning bell rang, Heidi and I broke off in separate directions. I walked the hallway alone, pondering my current predicament as I headed to my next class. I wished that Gloria and I could come to an understanding, not just for my sake, but for Trace’s as well. She was his friend after all, wasn�
�t she? After looking back on all of the horrible things she had done to me, I realized that that would never happen. Even if she walked up to me today and apologized for everything she had done, I would never forgive her. Gloria didn’t deserve forgiveness. She was an awful person, and honestly, I hated her guts. Then again, I wanted to be accepted by her. Popularity was so confusing.

  It was painfully obvious as to why we didn‘t get along…I didn’t need someone to point it out to me. She and I were too different, as if we were from two different worlds. She was a conniving, popular bitch and I was a hypersensitive, intellectual nobody. It’s simply impossible to mix the two of us together. There was no use in trying. We would never be friends, let alone civil, and nothing could change that. Not even Trace.

  No, Gloria would forever be my enemy, and I was fine with that reality, so long as she kept her distance from my relationship with Trace. Embarrassing me was one thing, but destroying what I’d always wanted was a different story. I may be a wimp, but she wasn’t going to get away with tearing Trace and I apart. Back me into a corner and I can turn vicious---even if I’m up against the queen of West Havenbrook High.

  News of Gloria’s breakup traveled fast around the campus. Everywhere I went, every class period, it was the main topic. It was the only thing anyone wanted to talk about, and it was like a disease that everyone had. They needed---no had to gossip about their queen. But not me. I wasn’t sure who broke up with whom or why, and honestly I didn’t give a damn. I wasn’t one for gossip given my history, so I tried to ignore each and every new detail that someone thought up. It was difficult though, seeing how much I hated Gloria’s guts…but no matter what dirt the student body imagined, I just couldn’t buy into it.

  Some were saying that Freddie dumped Gloria for a younger model, which I highly doubted. Gloria was the hottest girl in our high school, and Freddie wasn’t a complete moron. He knew she was a catch. Others claimed that Freddie was seeing some senior behind her back, and when she found out about it, she dumped him. It was possible, but not likely.

  Then, the most believable story passed by my ears while I was doing a lab in Chemistry. My partner Becky Anderson was busy texting on her cell phone, (big surprise) and I was forced to do the experiment all by myself. Anyways, the classroom was pretty quiet, with the exception of Lana Mills chit-chatting with her lab partner, Katie Wilcox. When I heard Lana whisper Gloria’s name, my ears subconsciously perked up, and I couldn’t help but feel pathetic as I listened in on the girl’s conversation .

  “Well, don’t tell anyone, Katie…but I heard from Gloria herself that she was bored with him,” Lana whispered.

  “Really? Of Freddie? Why?” Katie squeaked.

  “Yes, I know! It’s strange, right? Plus, she told me there’s someone else she’s interested in, but she wouldn’t tell me who it is!”

  It suddenly dawned on me. I didn’t need to hear his name being said---I knew who Gloria was after. My blood boiled as I finally realized what she was doing. The breakup with Freddie, Camille’s heavy surveillance, and now Lana Mill’s gossip. Gloria was after Trace and she’d made that crystal clear. She’d wanted me to find out all along!

  “Wow, I just can’t believe it.” Katie cooed, watching me as she adjusted the goggles on her face.

  I observed the two girls from the corner of my eye, and they giggled and glared in my direction. So, they too were playing the game? I couldn’t believe it. Lana and Katie weren’t like Gloria. I wouldn’t go as far as saying they were nice and friendly people, but they’d never gone out of their way to attack me before…but I guess if Gloria asked them to play a role, they would’ve jumped at the chance. Such loyal populars. They would do just about anything for her.

  I felt my face burn from embarrassment. How dense was I? Twisting back around to finish my experiment, I frowned at Lana and Katie’s immaturity. I was disgusted with them, but more so with myself. Gloria had set the trap, and of course I fell for it! I sighed and reprimanded myself for eavesdropping.

  Disregarding Mr. Perkins when he explained the importance of today’s lab, I tried my hardest to forget about Gloria’s latest scheme…but it just wasn’t possible. I couldn’t think about anything else but her. It was already in motion---this cruel competition between us. Typical Gloria…she always gets what she wants, and this time she wanted Trace. She planned to take him away from me, and given our history I knew she would stop at nothing till he was hers. Like I’d said before…this was not going to be a cakewalk.


  ON THE JOURNEY TO SIXTH PERIOD, my fears were undeniably confirmed. I was walking to class alone because Heidi had ditched me for Jason, but I didn’t mind though. I used the few minutes I had to myself to hatch up a plan to keep Gloria away from Trace. My mind was working on a specific route I would ask him to walk---a route that would cleverly avoid each and every class Gloria had for the day. It was ingenious, but it would fail…because I caught sight of them walking in my direction, seemingly engrossed in a conversation, and I knew that Gloria would find a way to see him. As I watched the two close in on me, I hoped that they wouldn’t be able to notice how misty my eyes had become. I didn’t want to give Gloria the satisfaction of seeing my tears.

  Trace grinned and stepped directly in my path, and Gloria joined his side hastily. I ignored her and focused my attention solely on him, noticing that he was wearing a dark blue t-shirt. I mentally approved; he always looked so handsome in blue.

  “Hey, Jade,” Trace said, greeting me with an animated wave.

  I avoided Gloria’s heavy stare and softly mumbled, “Hi, Trace.”

  “So, what’s going on?” He asked me with a smile.

  “Not much…” I replied uncomfortably. After taking a chunk out of my tongue, I decided to acknowledge Gloria’s presence and slowly met her cold eyes. Bad idea. After receiving one of her usual bitchy glares, I looked off and tried to suppress my temper---but I couldn’t. Not when she was standing so close to him.

  With a sigh, I glanced back at Trace and frowned. “I have to get to class,” I told him icily.

  I didn’t wait for him to reply. Without another word, I sidestepped the both of them rudely and headed towards my last class, refusing to pay him (or her) any more of my attention. I pretended like seeing the two of the together didn’t bother me, but as I walked away I wondered how he could he be talking to Gloria, let alone hanging around her after what she did to me at the dance. Who’s side was he on anyways?

  As I neared my classroom door, I heard Trace call out to me, “Jade, wait up!”

  I froze in my tracks, but I didn’t dare turn around for fear that Gloria was still with him. Then, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and heard Trace whisper in my ear, “That was not cool, Jade Cannon.”

  “I’m sorry,” I replied softly, tilting my head to face him. I couldn’t help but blush when he gave me a wide smile, but then I remembered why I was at mad at him in the first place and I scowled. It amazed me how I forgot so easily. I guess his charm gave me memory loss.

  Ignoring his good looks for once, I searched curiously for Gloria. When I found that she wasn’t nearby, I asked him nosily, “Why were you hanging around her, Trace? I thought you two weren’t close?”

  Trace shrugged and mumbled, “We’re not, really. Gloria just wanted to talk to me about a party.”

  I smirked at his reply. “Yeah, right. I’m sure that’s all she wanted from you.”

  “It’s true, Jade. She just asked me if I was going to Lana’s party tomorrow night. Lana’s parents are going on vacation to Aruba, so she’s throwing this huge bash...”

  “And you’re going to go?” My nerves twitched at thought. Of course he would. He was popular, wasn’t he?

  “I don’t know, I might go…why not? It sounds like fun.” Trace ran a hand through his hair and added hastily, “Hey, you should come too! We could go together…”

  “Totally! I’m sure it’ll be great fun!” I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

  Trace frowned at me before saying, “Damn, Jade. You don’t have to sound so enthused about the idea. If you don’t want to go with me, then don’t.”

  “Yeah, because you’ll have Gloria as a backup date, right?” I retorted hotly.

  “No, Jade,” he replied angrily, narrowing his eyes at me. “That’s not what I meant.”

  I moved away from him swiftly and hurried towards my classroom door. “Whatever, Trace. Just leave me alone.”

  “No,” he told me firmly, planting his body in front of the door.

  I glared up at him and spat, “Get out of my way!”

  Trace wouldn’t let me pass though, and I was forced to stare into his beautiful blue eyes. As I gazed into them, I wondered if Gloria thought his eyes were as enchanting as I did. After remembering how vain she was, I highly doubted it. Gloria didn’t care about Trace the way I cared about him. When I looked at Trace, I saw an amazing guy; Gloria saw a conquest. I bit my lip as I frowned up at him, feeling aggravated; I just couldn’t stand to be around Trace after seeing him with that bitch.

  “Trace, just let me go,” I pleaded eagerly.

  “Jade, come on…” he replied gently, his eyes full of anguish. “Don’t be like this.”

  “Like what?” I snapped.

  “Well---” Trace frowned, and I could see that he knew what he was about to say next would offend me---but he said it anyway. “You’re acting jealous,” he stated.

  “Oh really?” That sentence cut into me like a knife, and I couldn’t resist the flurry of words that poured out of my mouth. “You are such a delusional jerk! I am not jealous, Trace!”

  “Woah, calm down…” Trace replied hastily, lifting his hands up to calm me down. “I only meant---”

  He could try and justify his comment until he was blue in the face, but no explanation would be able to stop me now. “No, Trace. I know what you meant! You think that when you hang around Gloria it automatically makes me jealous. Sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn’t!”


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