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Gods From the Machine

Page 18

by Andrew Ly

“I know all about you, Bergice. I’ve known all about your kind my entire life. They kill the defenseless. Oppress the weak. Force them to live in constant fear. I know injustice when I see it,” Nick said.

  Bergice laughed. “Even when these mortals castrated you, you still managed to keep that silver tongue of yours. But there is a reason why I am called the Lord of Fear. My sole purpose in this world is to plunge mortals into absolute terror.”

  “So what happens now, are you going to try to take me to Ozarael? Or do we finish it right here?” Nick said.

  “Don’t be in such a hurry to die. I’m more curious to see if living in that host body dampened your fighting ability. What do you say to a small exhibition? I want to see how far you’ve come along training underneath the Garrison. Surely you must have learned some new tricks.”

  “Maybe you could ask one of your other demon lackeys that tried bringing me in like Astaroth? Wait, no, he’s dead,” Nick said.

  “True, his endeavor to kill you was comical at best. But I’m a whole different game from him. Death dealt by my hand requires more precision and calculation, all of which will happen in due time. For instance, the first step to punishing you requires that I kill your two friends over there.” Bergice pointed at Alyssa and Matt. “I know you inside and out, and I know that bringing out your rage is the only way to put you in your natural state.”

  “This guy’s insane! We got to get out of here!” Matt said.

  “Nick—the walls!” Alyssa said.

  Nick spun around and hurled a fireball at the icy barrier. An explosion of white gas filled the air at the spot he struck, but there was no other discernible effect once the smoke cleared. The walls remained unfazed; they were still trapped.

  “Your attempts are futile. Truly, are you the Inferno Bearer?” Bergice said.

  “How did you find us?” Nick said.

  “Ah yes.” Bergice stepped forward. “I suppose my presence has caused great confusion. I’m here to finish my business with Doctor Numerous. I helped him stage a full scale war in Fyria in order to distract everyone from our real plan.”

  “Then there’s no war,” Alyssa said.

  “The war your companions are fighting is real, but neither Doctor Numerous or I are involved at the moment. In fact, I was on my way to visit him during the final stages of his project before I stumbled upon you.” Bergice sprang forward suddenly. However, he leapt past them and knelt down to gather snow into his hands. “I wish the whole world could be this beautiful,” he said, lost in his own world. “A scene devoid of all life. Just endless black and white. Perfection.”

  “Quite the act Bergice,” Matt said. “We know Nick’s the only reason you’re back. But you’re not taking him!”

  “Stop calling him that. That is a terrible name for the Inferno Bearer,” Bergice said. “Agrian fits you much better, brother. It’s the true reflection of your demon heritage.”

  “I’m nothing like you!” Nick yelled back, much to the surprise of the others.

  Bergice shot Nick a curious look, and Nick found himself fuming with unrepressed anger. The Crowned Princes were responsible for killing hundreds of thousands for their own pleasure, like some sick sport. Nick didn’t want to be categorized into something like that. He didn’t want to be known for something so despicable.

  “You reject us again?” Bergice growled. “What makes you believe the humans will ever truly accept demons like us? One day they’ll turn their backs on you.”

  Nick shook his head. “No, I’m not going to pretend I wasn’t born a monster. But make no mistake, I’m nothing like you. I’m fighting for something different, so don’t call me brother.”

  “Then tell me how you felt when you killed Astaroth in cold blood.” Bergice paced around them casually.

  How he felt? Nick stiffened, and the memories of that day filled his head. He could flashback to that day now, the regret he felt now that all was said and done.

  “You parade around like you’ve achieved humanity by siding with the humans, living alongside them, and adopting their practices when deep down you know that we are one and the same. Don’t bother answering. I know exactly how you felt that day. No matter how much you try to deny it, Astaroth’s bloodstains are on your hands and you enjoyed every second of it, beating the life out of that demon. Admit it—you yourself are the epitome of evil. Denying otherwise would just be another lie. Even now you try to hold yourself back, but refuting your baser instincts won’t do you good because Agrian will find a way to escape.”

  A splitting headache forced Nick to grip his face with both his hands. Bergice was pushing his buttons, and it was working. Agrian was trying to break free. The throbbing shots of pain in his head caused him to double over. The demon inside was desperately trying to take control. Nick couldn’t let that happen—not around Alyssa.

  “Of course you can try to fight it, but it will not work. You must unleash the demon in you that’s been dying to escape from that vessel. Bring your fury upon me! You have no other choice!” Bergice said.

  “Leave him alone! You’re messing with his head!” Matt shouted. “Don’t listen to him, Nick. I don’t know why he wants to get you riled up, but it’s obvious he has something up his sleeve.”

  “Matt’s right, he’s just trying to manipulate you,” Alyssa said.

  Agrian’s urging pulsated through every inch of Nick’s body. It got worse until he found himself on his knees, burying his face in the snow to numb the pain. He needed to transform, to find that air of relief before he went insane.

  At that moment, the angel feather pendant jumped out from under his shirt and landed on the snow with a light thud. He looked down at the white stone and the detailed carving took his mind off the agony, away from Bergice’s mind games. Just like that, Agrian’s voice became softer and softer until it faded away. He was himself again. He could think clearly, the rhythmic throbbing dissipated. Nick brushed the snow off and got back to his feet.

  “You’re right. Thanks guys, I almost lost it for a second.”

  Bergice’s face dropped. “What? What are you doing?”

  “I’m choosing another option. I’m choosing not to fight you. I won’t be a puppet to your game, Bergice,” Nick said.

  Bergice merely shook his head in amusement. “Clever tactic, but ultimately useless. Going against your nature is a coward’s solution.” A cruel smile broke across his face. “If you won’t fight me, who will stop me from killing your friends?”

  Nick’s heart sank as he realized that this was true. Little did they know they were welcoming their deaths with open arms, with only their unwavering loyalty towards him. But it was pointless. They were no match for a Crowned Prince. As Nick turned to face Bergice, the ice demon’s blue eyes were gleaming with an insatiable hunger. Nothing would stop his bloodlust until he satisfied his appetite for killing in a bloodbath.

  “I will bring out the true Agrian even if it is against your will.” Bergice drew his katana. The blade was blue tinted and had been sharpened very thinly, to only the width of a piece of paper. He held it out in a stance, ready to kill. “Let’s see how well you can keep your human facade when you watch your friends slain before you. How many heads must I lay before you until you decide to fight back?”

  “Don’t you dare.” Nick’s body heated up as he got into his battle stance. The flames on his arms intensified reflexively.

  Nick was shaking uncontrollably now. The words that came from his mouth were binding, as if they were law itself. Because every scenario and every story he had heard involving Bergice the Blizzard, had him always come out the victor. The Prince of Fear would not let his victory come without a trophy because it was his nature.

  Alyssa and Matt stood at his defense, but Nick felt far from relieved. In fact, he was absolutely terrified. He hadn’t experienced a fear like this in such a long time, but the dread had seeped into his body and he was trembling. With his girlfriend and best friend in the presence of Bergice, how would they
come out alive?

  Matt had his Wolfsbane at the ready. “You forget that us weak humans still have the ability to fight.”

  “So confident,” Bergice said. “But I feel the fear that dwells within your heart. Even so, you still face me with unwavering determination. What is your name young knight?”

  “Matthew Cunningham, and in the name of the Heralds and all that is true, I will not let you leave here alive!”

  Bergice chuckled lightly. “You can’t even begin to fathom the number of times someone has threatened me. It’s always the same: light banter, insults, and then a battle to the death. In every instance I always let them believe they have a chance…” His cold eyes became daggers. “It makes it much more satisfying seeing them die with that self-righteous look on their faces.”

  “You don’t scare us,” Alyssa said. “As long as there are people who believe in our cause, then demons will never win.”

  “You have an invincible spirit. But unlike your spirit, your mortal bodies are flesh and blood. You can be broken!” Bergice said.

  “Leave them out of this, Bergice,” Nick said. “Your fight is with me. I’m the one you want.”

  “I’m afraid there isn’t much you can do to persuade me, Agrian. I had given them the chance to leave with their lives but instead your companions have challenged me to do battle and my honor dictates that I comply.

  “And you,” Bergice glowered at Alyssa. “Agrian’s one true love. The prophecy rang true just like Lord Ozarael said. It pains me to see what a pitiful state you’ve been reduced to, brother. This role you’ve been placed in, acting as a puppet following the orders of these pathetic crusaders, all in the name of love. It sickens me.”

  Bergice turned his gaze upon Matt next. “I’ve grown tired of all this talking. Your friends want to protect you, let them try.” His eyes darted back to Nick. “Let them try to their hardest. Victory can’t settle for anything less.”

  As one, Matt and Alyssa jumped in front of Nick. Nick wanted to argue but he didn’t have anything to say to that. He was the key to the salvation of their world. Putting himself into danger wouldn’t help their cause, but letting them pay the ultimate sacrifice with their lives wasn’t the answer either. There had to be another way. But what else could he do?

  Alyssa grabbed Nick’s arm and pulled him behind her, to the sidelines. “Go! Get out of here!”

  “Our orders are to protect you at all costs,” Matt said.

  However, Nick would not budge. He couldn’t bring himself to leave them, not like this.

  Bergice’s blue eyes turned crimson. “None of you are leaving until I say so.”

  With a wave of his hand the walls of ice moved outwards, opening their constricted box to a much larger space. Now they were among trees and Griffon River, but still trapped with nowhere to run. Nick looked on with uncertainty.

  “This arena will serve as the perfect backdrop for your demise. Come forward, brave knights. Come meet your greatest fears.”

  13. Rage versus Fear

  Things escalated quickly. Two of his friends were ready to welcome death with open arms. If he was to save them both, he had to act fast. But even if there wasn’t a wall of solid ice blocking their path, how far could they hope to run? How could anyone escape from the Prince of Fear? From his reputation alone Nick knew he was in a league of his own. Over the years he had slaughtered some of the most fearsome knights and always emerged as the victor.

  Bergice had complete mastery over his ice elemental powers. They were like two sides of the coin: he was cool and collected, while the burning sensation of rage intensified in Nick’s head. Nick looked to Alyssa and Matt for some direction, but from their expressions it seemed that they were also exhausted of ideas. In the face of fear itself, they weren’t searching for a way out of this situation. They remained at his side as true knights, ever vigilant and unwavering against the impossible odds.

  Bergice chuckled. “How you knights do enjoy doing that don’t you? You enjoy preaching about equality and righteousness, yet always work in numbers like flies picking the remains of dead a carcass. There’s no honor in that.” He paused, his face serious this time. “But then, two bothersome insects can be easily crushed with one strike.”

  A troubled thought struck Nick as he realized that Alyssa was unarmed. Even after she had revealed her true identity, she had never once mentioned proficiency in combat. She had training from the Fyria Garrison, but Peter was very protective of her. Why would he allow them to mold the last person in his bloodline to become a warrior? If anything she would have been put through medical training instead, which worried Nick more than anything else now. Without a third weapon in their arsenal, they were at an extreme disadvantage.

  Matt echoed his sentiments as he held his sword steadily in position. “Somehow I don’t think you can take him with your bare hands, Alyssa. But I guess we’re not in any position to be picky.”

  “Don’t be so sure,” she said.

  Bergice looked on curiously.

  “Do you know what Enochian is?” Alyssa said. “It is the ancient language spoken and written by Heralds. For centuries, people have tried to translate their tomes in order to access the secrets to their mysteries, but not one person has been successful. Even the most revered Garrison historians and scientists had their ambitions fail them. However, where they failed, I succeeded. Because the truth behind Enochian is that it cannot be mastered or studied by conventional means, but only inherited by a Herald!”

  Bergice looked on silently, anticipating what was to come next.

  “Alyssa?” Nick said.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve done this. I just hope it’s enough. Yuriel, please lend me strength.” Alyssa put her hands flatly together in a prayer and raised them to her lips, whispering in a different language. Nick couldn’t understand a word she was saying, but it was unmistakably Enochian, the lost language of the angels! A glowing circle of light in the shape of star seal appeared beneath her. She reached her right arm into the air and the light shot into the sky, engulfing her. For a brief moment it looked as if she had disappeared in the brightness. As the light dissipated, she stood carrying a large silver flail, attached by a chain link to a golden ball of crescent spikes.

  For the first time, Bergice looked genuinely surprised. “The Morning Star. The angelic weapon that belonged to the Herald of Justice. I have not seen it in well over a century. I wonder…why would Yuriel choose to bestow this power upon a mortal such as you?”

  “He didn’t. He gave it to Quinn Masters and to all females related by blood to inherit. Since I’m the last one, I thought I’d put it to some use,” Alyssa said.

  Simply astonishing. The lost angelic language of Enochian was never fully recovered after the Great War, yet she spoke it fluently enough to summon the weapons of angels. Not even the archangels were given the knowledge to access weapons crafted from Sanctuary. Nick had to give some credit to Peter; he kept her away from people for so long that old scriptures were her only friends, but at the same time he had given her greater powers beyond any knight in history. Perhaps not all was lost.

  Bergice’s eyes gleamed with delight. “I thought with the death of the Heralds, so died all of those with the knowledge of Enochian. Perhaps, if I took your life, then that accursed language will finally die.”

  “Why don’t you just try!” Matt sprang forward, Alyssa followed quickly behind. As they approached him, they were synced with each other’s steps in a flawless combat technique Nick had witnessed several times in close quarters training. However, it was the first time Nick got to see them use it in a life or death situation. Matt may have been intimidated before, but it didn’t seem to faze his abilities. They dashed forward, with Alyssa lined up behind Matt until they were within striking distance. They exploded outwards, delivering their respective strikes from both Bergice’s sides. However, their swift blows were easily evaded.

  “Too slow. The reputable holy knights are sadly performi
ng much less impressively than one would have presumed.” Bergice grabbed them each by an arm and swung them in a circle, hurling them both in opposite directions. Alyssa rebounded hard off the ground and into one of the icy walls, while Matt was sent through a group of tall trees, catching every branch before crashing into a wall and hitting the snow headfirst.

  Alyssa leapt back to her feet, shaking off the flakes of snow while watching for some sign of life from Matt. Sure enough he was back to his feet. His clothes were covered in leaves and a bit dirty, but he seemed fine. At once they moved to engage him, almost as if teleporting back to Bergice, who stood perfectly still. They were on his front and rear this time, trying to divide his attention, effectively cutting his reaction time in half. It was a standard combat technique when trying to gain an upper hand on a single opponent.

  “Your recovery time is remarkable,” Bergice, said amused. “Perhaps there’s hope for you after all.”

  “It’s going to take a lot more than that to stop two knights,” Matt said.

  “Then show me.” Bergice motioned them over with his hand, goading them to attack.

  They crisscrossed each other, flanking him on the left and right. Matt was able to latch onto to the ice demon and put him in a body hold. Alyssa appeared in close range, and with a quick couple of hand motions, she created a big ball of light in her palms. The Luxilight technique. It was strange however, that Bergice was completely at ease the entire time. It was almost as if he was expecting it. That was when Nick realized it, of course he knew—he was expecting it! But before Nick could warn his friends, it was too late.

  “Take this!” Alyssa sent a large Luxilight blast into the ice demon. An immense explosion of light shone and for a few seconds, drenched the snow in another layer of white. It was so intensely bright, it forced Nick to close his eyes and shield his face with his hands to avoid being blinded. When it cleared, Alyssa stood staring into the sky at Bergice’s lifeless body falling back down. They did it! A direct hit to an average demon would obliterate it from the face of the planet. Even if the ice demon did survive, there’s no way he’d still be in one piece. But before Nick could cheer, he realized there was something wrong. It was too easy.


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