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Gods From the Machine

Page 27

by Andrew Ly


  Doctor Numerous clutched the stub of his leg, blood gushing all over the carpet. He looked up at Bergice resentfully. “But…why?”

  Bergice walked by Nick, pulled his katana from floor and sheathed it. “I was listening to your story throughout this entire operation, and I was rather shocked to learn of your motives.”

  “I-I was only after Agrian!” Doctor Numerous cried now on his back, his hands applying pressure to his wound. “Just as you had commanded!”

  “I don’t remember giving that order,” Bergice said coolly.

  “But you did!” Doctor Numerous yelled. “You told me I could become a Crowned Prince if I followed your orders!”

  “We never really expected you to succeed,” Bergice said. “When you went with my order without question I knew I’d made the right decision. I told you to assassinate one of my brethren and you obliged so willingly. Lord Ozarael and I were right to doubt your loyalty. We knew you never had any real allegiance towards us. Since the very beginning you were just a puppet.”

  Doctor Numerous’s eye widened, like he had a sudden epiphany. “Y-you planned this from the very beginning!”

  Bergice clapped his hands. “Impressive Doctor, I was beginning to think you would never figure it out. From the invasion of Fyria to the production of Soul Eater, those were just parts of a master plan by Lord Ozarael to divide the Garrisons enough so we had a chance to restart our uprising.

  “We let you believe you could fool us by spurning your pathetic dreams. It allowed your own overconfidence and delusions of grandeur to be your undoing. To think, with just with one false promise planted in your greedy little head, we saw to it the Soul Eater was finished right on schedule so Agrian could stop it.”

  “I am your savior! I helped you all! Without me, this whole project would have been an utter failure!” Doctor Numerous screamed.

  “No, if you had succeeded, this project would have been a failure. The Soul Eater Project was never about destruction of the shield or unleashing a plague. It was the catalyst to bringing Agrian back to life,” Bergice said.

  “What?” Doctor Numerous yelled.

  “Now your usefulness has long outrun its course. You shall be terminated,” Bergice said.

  “Bergice. You snake! You traitor!” Doctor Numerous snarled.

  “You’re one to talk. I’d known for a long time of your hunger and lust for power. You humans are all the same, it’s become so boringly predictable,” Bergice said. “You should thank me for giving you a few extra years to live. Instead of outright killing you, I suggested to Lord Ozarael that you play the villainous role we needed in this operation in order to test Agrian’s resolve and nurture his growth. And I must say you performed just like we hoped. For that, I’ve decided you still deserve some type of reward.” Bergice touched his index finger to Doctor Numerous’ forehead. “Savor your last breath, doctor. This will be painful.”

  From head to toe the alchemist was slowly being frozen solid. Nick had to watch as his worn out legs forbade him to move. Once finished, Doctor Numerous looked statuesque enveloped in ice, with only the look of terror remaining on his face.

  “I’ve made it my own personal objective to uncover and exterminate the vermin that seem to linger within our ranks.” Bergice took a step by to admire his work. Then he laid his hand on the handle of his katana, got into an offensive stance and very quietly uttered a single word.


  Nick hit the floor.

  With one swift strike, Bergice drew his katana and with a spinning slash he tore off the top half of the building while simultaneously, blowing out every remaining window and shattering the frozen body into a million tiny pieces.

  As Nick got back to his feet, they were now standing out in the open. They were free from the confines of the tower. The sun was rising, partially illuminating the city and he could see that the demons from the forests and caves were now running rampant around the streets of Hyperion. Everything the shield had once separated was now integrated. Evil and good were blended seamlessly together.

  “Breathtaking, isn’t it?” Bergice watched the Hellbeasts roam across the streets. “The wave of revolution is upon us. Now with the Holy Shield gone, we can finally reclaim what was stolen from us. Our birthright.”

  “So that was your plan all along. Doctor Numerous and the Soul Eater were just a test in order to make sure my growth was on schedule. I played right into your hands. You wanted me to destroy the Holy Shield,” Nick said.

  “Precisely. You can inform your superiors of what transpired here. Let them know this is Lord Ozarael’s declaration of war.”

  “Is that it?”

  Bergice said nothing, merely looked on with cold eyes.

  “Answer me! Why did you help me? Agrian became exiled because I helped humanity the first time. Now he’s come back because destiny foretold I was to bring the end to you all, yet you to let me live! What possible reason could you have to spare me?”

  “It would be easy to kill you, since you’ve obviously exhausted your strength. However, I don’t find taking advantage of your weakness a challenge worth undertaking. I am a warrior, Agrian. I thirst for a worthy battle.”

  “Won’t Ozarael be disappointed when he realizes you failed to capture me?”

  Bergice turned around, his face composed. “I see no failure. Lord Ozarael wanted the Holy Shield destroyed and I completed that task. He wanted the legendary sword Vigilance belonging to Zelios, the Herald of Bravery. I have already delivered it to him. He has also instructed me to eliminate Numerous, which I have done. I have no other obligations that need immediate attendance.”

  “You’re not like the others, are you?” Nick said.

  “We both fight for different things. You fight to stop us and I fight to save our kind. I do not resent you, Agrian, though the same can’t be said for Lord Ozarael. You are the bane of his existence, and a traitor that must be killed.

  “We had an agreement Agrian, and I always keep my word, especially in matters that puts one’s honor at stake.” Bergice’s face showed no sign of emotions, but Nick had no doubt he was telling the truth. “Before I go, consider this to be the second and final time I grant you mercy, brother. The next time we meet it will be in very different circumstances. For that I expect you to be prepared. We all expect great things from you when the time comes.”

  As Bergice turned to leave, Nick was attempted to chase after him, to find out the truth behind his eerie message. However, as he tried to move, his knees buckled and shook. Below him an icicle of gargantuan proportions shot through the floor and sent him sailing off the top of the building. He tumbled fifty levels, his body too weak to grasp for anything except the air in front of him. The last thing he felt was a cold chill run down his spine.

  19. A Change in Plans

  Nick woke in a bed in the Glenhaven Garrison infirmary, hooked to medical cords. He looked down and realized his clothes were gone and he was dressed in a thin, blue medical gown. Was this a dream? The last thing he remembered was plummeting off of the tower, which should have instantly killed him. But somehow he made it back in one piece. He turned to find Alyssa sleeping soundly in a chair next to him. She was dressed in fresh new clothing and had his black jacket draped over her like a blanket. He must have been here for some time. Nick sat up and was assaulted by pain in every cell, particularly his back.

  He remembered fighting Doctor Numerous. He remembered Bergice’s appearance. He remembered stopping the Soul Eater Project, but at the cost of their national security. With the destruction of the tower, the people no longer had a Holy Shield to protect them from the evils of the outside world. Now they would require the constant protection that could only be provided by the Garrisons. Even though he prevented genocide of epic proportions, Nick couldn’t help but believe that maybe this was just the beginning of things to come. How long could the Garrisons maintain peace when chaos loomed over them, waiting to strike?

nbsp; At this time, Alyssa let out a loud yawn and stretched her arms in the air. She blinked a few times and turned to him, her bright green eyes made even brighter as she smiled.

  “Well look at you, you’re finally awake.”

  “How did I end up in here?” Nick said.

  “We found you in a puddle of water outside the entrance of the tower the morning the Holy Shield disappeared,” Alyssa said.

  Puddle? He must have landed on a soft patch of snow around the tower. That would have explained the chills he got before passing out.

  “What about everyone else? How long have I been here?” Nick said.

  “Everyone’s fine. My grandpa’s back. He’s spent most of the time setting up the usual protocols after an invasion. It’s been three days since we figured out the whole set-up in Fyria turned out to be a major pain in our sides, but thankfully there were zero casualties. Garreth and the others have been up all through the night, making transmissions and trying to keep the peace in neighboring cities.”

  “How did you all manage to escape?”

  “Bergice freed us when you went to stop the Soul Eater. He said it was just a part of a bigger plan.”

  “I see. At least you’re all safe.” Nick felt at ease for the first time in weeks.

  “I know what you mean. It’s like the burden in my chest has been lifted.”

  “What about you?” Nick reached over and took her hand.

  “I’m fine, thanks to you. You saved us all.”

  Just then Gabriel entered, clad in full armor, and holding his helm in his hands. Nick released Alyssa’s hand.

  “I was just coming in to check up on you, kid.” Gabriel turned to Alyssa, “Pete wants to talk to you. He says it’s very important so I suggest you go now.”

  “Right.” Alyssa walked briskly past the archangel, turning to give Nick one last look before leaving.

  “You look like you’ve seen better days,” Gabriel said. “Paul filled us in on the details of what occurred in Hyperion. Doctor Numerous really did a number on you, didn’t he? I have to admit, we were all surprised to hear how well you handled him.”

  “I’m lucky to be alive.” Nick rubbed his sore shoulder.

  Gabriel chuckled. “When you’ve been in this business long enough, you’re always teetering between life and death. Besides, it could have been worse. If the Soul Eater had been launched, we wouldn’t be sitting right here, would we?”

  “Is there any way to bring the Holy Shield back?” Nick said.

  Gabriel’s face became solemn. “The destruction of Graves Towers has ensured that the shield is gone forever. Every Garrison in the world is in a state of frenzy, trying to set up their emergency defense measures. As for us, we’re on lockdown until further notice.”

  “Then everything was my fault. I destroyed the machine. I took out the tower. This wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t so reckless,” Nick said.

  “No one blames you for what happened. It was a no-win situation and you did what you had to do in order to save millions. However, with the shield gone, Ozarael’s put us on the defensive. Perhaps this was his intention all along,” Gabriel said.

  “It was, among other things. Bergice told me so.”

  “There has never been another demon in existence more powerful or cunning than Ozarael. He was able to cripple our strongest defensive measure without so much as even lifting a finger. We stopped him twice before, but that was before you were reborn. Now that you’ve defeated an Infernal, he’ll be even more dangerous because he knows you’re much closer to reaching him.”

  “Then he has to be stopped before an uprising can start!” Nick said.

  “Start? War has already begun. Within hours of the shield’s destruction, the Crowned Princes revealed themselves and brought their legions in an attempt to take over most of the major countries. Once the lockdown lifts, my troops and I will go to the frontlines to help the nearby cities.”

  “What about me?” Nick said.

  “Get dressed and report to the library wing for your next mission,” Gabriel said.

  Nick waited for the archangel to leave before he got up. His legs were sore, as if he had just finished running a marathon. He walked around a bit, restoring feeling back into his feet. He washed his face at the nearby sink with cold water, waking his senses. Then, he grabbed fresh clothes that were neatly folded on the edge of his bed and quickly got dressed. He slipped on his signature jacket and was out the door.

  Nick located an extremely packed library. Knights from the Wisdom Unit were grabbing books and research materials, grouping up and cramming last minute preparations before the lockdown was lifted. The room was so crowded that Nick almost missed Lucius pacing the middle of the room, looking perturbed, like he had received terrible news.

  “Sir Lucius, I expected you to be talking about strategy with your squad,” Nick said.

  “They have their orders when situations like this arise. If years of preparation haven’t given them a clear sense of how to operate efficiently without my guidance, then no amount of training now will be of any use now. You’ve made quite the impression on Ozarael with that victory over Doctor Numerous. I suspect, based on your performance, they’ve started the war earlier than expected. They must fear what is to come and that is good news for us,” Lucius said.

  “That’s what Gabriel said too, but I’m not really sure I deserve all the praise. It’s not like I did it alone.”

  “Don’t worry, the others will receive credit where it is due,” Lucius said. “Now Nick, what I have to tell you is going to contain sensitive information and I prefer we discuss it in a more private setting.”

  Nick obliged and followed him to one of the empty private studying rooms in the corner of the library. He took a seat and Lucius shut the door behind them.

  “What’s going on?”

  It was unlikely that this was good news because Lucius looked forlorn, his charming and easy smile were nowhere to be found. He was worried as if he had seen something in Fyria that made him upset. Could this have to do with their false mission?

  After a few minutes of silence, Nick grew increasingly anxious. Lucius wasn’t even looking at him at this point, but through him, and towards the wall. Finally, he took a deep breath and pulled a manila folder from his coat and placed it on the table. His eyes were sympathetic.

  “During your time in the infirmary we ran some tests and found something troubling. While it’s true that connecting yourself to Agrian is pivotal in our campaign in the war against the demons, the tests have shown that unlocking the anger from Agrian can lead to adverse consequences for your body. The more times you tap into your powers the easier it will become to corrupt you. Your body will become used to the evil that eventually you will crave it—like a drug. Eventually there will be a point when feeding Agrian your rage will give him enough power to completely take over you.”

  “So what you’re saying is that eventually it will turn me into a shell of my former self?”

  “I’m afraid so. It’s eating your soul. Even though Quinn Valentine has given Agrian a soul, having a demon housed within your body is still toxic to any human being. In fact, no human alive has ever been able to resist full corruption. And despite all the good you can do with your powers, it cannot be denied that Agrian has an agenda of his own.”

  “Then he wasn’t lying. The Soul Eater Project really was about bringing me back.”

  “Who told you this?” Lucius said.

  “Bergice. Right before he killed Doctor Numerous.” Nick looked at his hands. “If it really is corrupting to me, how am I supposed to fight them without my powers?”

  “Normally, in a situation like this, we use holy water to ward off demon possession. However, since it’s attached to your soul it has could have an unpredictable response, and might kill both of you if we attempted such a procedure. For the time being we should take a new approach to this situation, perhaps rework your involvement in our plans.”

“I’m already in too deep, Lucius. I’m not turning my back when they depend on me now more than ever!” Nick said.

  “Of course not, but at this time it isn’t wise to constantly throw you into dangerous missions because that will only speed up the inevitable. Instead, you should focus on nurturing your good side and give yourself a chance to remember what it is like to be regular Nick Emberson.”

  “Dammit, I’m a Garrison knight. I’ve proven I can handle it. I deserve to fight on the frontlines just as much as anyone else!” Nick was standing up from his seat now, hands firmly planted in the table.

  “You won’t stop taking on missions, but first you need to learn how to balance yourself mentally. We thought we could provide help, but even with all our research, the best insight we have on your demon situation is still vague! We need you to be fully prepared so you don’t fly off the handle and do something outrageous every time some demon threatens Alyssa!”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I didn’t want to be the one to talk to you about this, but we already know about the two of you,” Lucius said.

  “You guys already knew?” Nick felt slightly nauseous now, and slumped back into his seat. “What about the Supreme Commander?”

  Lucius nodded. “Believe me, you didn’t want to be there when Peter and the others came to the infirmary to find her sleeping next to your bed. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that he feels strongly about separating the both of you, but Nick, this is for your own good. Bergice knows of you relationship. There’s no doubt in my mind she’ll be on the demon’s radar. They’ll be waiting for the opportunity to strike at her again. Is that what you want for her? She’s already lived most of her life behind bars because of Peter’s strict rules. Do you want to be the one responsible for taking her freedom again?”

  Nick shook his head. “Of course not, but I can’t see my life without her.”


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