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Trading in Chaos 1: Star Hawk- The Birth of a Ship

Page 11

by R. M. Miller

  “Holy shi.....” the pirate cut off half way into the transmission but they didn't run like she had hoped they would, instead they turned and fired on her. It was an ingrained response to reply to the incoming rounds by firing back, their rounds tore into the surface layer of her skin barely causing any damage unlike her kinetic rounds that tore the tiny ship to pieces.

  “Thanks Star Hawk thought we were goners” the voice was slow, gravelly and male completely unlike the earlier transmissions the transmission was more broken up as well indicating massive damage.

  “What's your status? Do you require medical assistance?” Tara inquired as she maneuvered into a position that would allow her to temporarily dock with the freighter. The ship was badly damaged at least to her sensors and much to her surprise was actually smaller than her, not by much but still smaller.

  “Captain is unconscious, poor Rosie is dead in the water. Cargo is good, trade cargo for safe passage?” he asked almost painfully slowly.

  Tara considered it for a few seconds, she wasn't sure she could handle having new people walking her halls, but at the same time she couldn't leave them to die on their mangled ship either.

  “Deal, I have managed to dock to your aft cargo hatch. Get your crew on board and I will handle the cargo transfer.” the final seal closed and she opened her hold doors to the other ship, luckily the other ship was in weightless conditions and they wouldn't have to figure out how to transfer from a gravity well ninety degrees off from theirs.

  “Me and Captain only ones. Heading to hatch now.” A man of few words it seemed. Tara set her bugs to transferring cargo and salvage as she watched the two people entering her hold, it seemed she had a new crew and maybe a new reason to keep going...

  Authors Letter

  Hello all,

  I hope you have enjoyed my very first published Novella! This story has been in the making for the last twenty years, I despaired of ever getting it finished a number of times. To those friends who helped me persevere, and are often the inspiration for the creation of a number of my characters my utter and sincere thanks. I could never have done this without them! Also for the artist who created my cover, YOU ROCK! A good cover is, in my opinion, half the battle to get people to want to read my story, without your talent my story wouldn't be as accessible or interesting to a large portion of readers. Because let's face it, we have all heard not to judge a book by it's cover but in the end the cover is what draws us to pick the book up and read the back (or dust cover inside) to decide if we want to read the book or not. Finally I want to thank you the reader, if you are reading this you have reached the end of this novella (but not the story!) and I hope you have enjoyed the journey as much as I have. Please take a few minutes and leave a review, reviews help me fix any problems I might have missed and help others decide to read the novella as well.


  R.M. Miller

  Cover Credit

  Copyright: 123RF Stock Photo




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